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Binder Fred

3 rings to bind them all!
So what's the relationship between Blackpearl and Rana? Any thoughts, Neurotic?

If that helps, she probably thinks 'saving' a swamp from sea water is "A right silly idea, son". :D

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I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
So what's the relationship between Blackpearl and Rana? Any thoughts, Neurotic?

If that helps, she probably thinks 'saving' a swamp from sea water is "A right silly idea, son". :D

I would say salt-water idea goes out of window if there is no sea bordering the marsh. Relationship is easy. Old hermit knight needed help in healing poor sod that washed into the swamp, wounded, hungry and probably full of leeches and parasites. He may even think his mentor and you an old couple for some time :)


*clang* *clang* *thump*

"Good block," Zanword said smiling as he lowered his weapon and took a step back. The handsome half-elf wiped the sweat from his brow and took a deep breath. "This place is so wet and humid that I believe I'll be able to breathe water before to long," he joked about the surrounding swamp land, and the mud on his boots.

His sparring partner gave a hint of a smile. "Great place to visit you just wouldn't want to live here, right?" Aridha said still poised to fight. She was determined to learn how to use the blade in her hand, and once she put her mind on something it was hard to distract her. Wait was he trying...

Zanword lunged and his sword contected with the shield once more.

*thump* *thump*

"Good, good. Never let your guard down until you are positive the battle is over."


Their swords met and he gave a smile at the concentration on the young human's face. "I have a home girlly," he said still trying to get a rise out of Aridha. "She may be in dry dock at the moment, but soon the Sea Glimmer will skim the waves and brave the storms once more."

*clang* *clang* *thump*

"Good, but the key is to use all as a weapon. To do all you can to finish your opponent before he finishes you." Zanword said pressing his attacks.

*clang* *clang* *KICK*

An unexspected boot contected with Aridha's shield and she wasn't braced for it.


Aridha fell into the mud, her sword flying from her hand.

"You see, y..."


Flames leaped out from Aridha causing Zanword to dodge quickly out of the way. Slipping in the mud he ended up losing his sword and, falling to his rump as well. After catching his breath, he noticed the fire wasn't even aimed close to where he had been standing. Reflex had gotten the better of him.

"And never let your guard down until you are positive the battle is over." Aridha said blowing a lock of hair out of her face, her sword hand still aflame.

Zanword raised both his hands before him in mock surrender, and started to laugh and laugh.

"Ah hem," a throat cleared gruffly. Both combanants turned to look up at an old crone standing well out of the mire on a raised knoll. "Are you children finally done playing in the mud?" she asked in her quiet yet serious tone.

"Yes Mother." Aridha said reaching out to take Zanword's hand and then getting to her feet.

"Excellent. It is time." Her tone was one of great concern, marked with a hint of pleasure at finally getting started. "We have people to save and a group to gather."

"Though why I care is quite beyond me," she grumbled at the end, having already turned and started heading away, leaning heavily on her absurdly gnarled cane.

Watching the old human walk back down the hard packed dirt towards camp, Aridha sighed. She wasn't sure what was going on, but Mother Rana had always done right by her so she would follow her lead. Wait.

"We could have practiced right there," Aridha said pointing to the hard earth. "But you insisted on..." she paused a moment, "..you were planning on kicking me the whole time!" she accused the half-elf, before punching him in the arm.

"Oww! Hey at least I thought of making it a soft fall. Don't I get any points for that?"


Meanwhile miles away Lady Rebekah de Salignac sat at a small oval table enjoying the light cool breeze more than what passed for wine in Enstad. Keeping her eyes on the people that came and went, she was always on the look out for Rodok (that half-orc simpleton), if he caught up with her... Rebekah shuddered.

"A bit cold for you my Lady?" her female companion at the table asked. Although a half-elf like herself the two woman couldn't be more different (and not just in looks). Gwylla had spent all morning lost in a book, reading while she ate, reading while they walked, and reading now at the table her wine glass empty. When had she drank that? How could she drink that? Probably didn't even notice what it was or what it tasted like... Rebekah shuddered again this time for a different reason.

"Here you can borrow my shawl, if you like," Gwylla said starting to remove the garment.

"Allow me," a handsome Enstader said laying his coat over Rebekah's shoulders. Gwylla jumped in her seat startled, her eyes going wide. She looked about as if she wanted to find a place to hide. Instead she put her nose back in her book, but didn't see any of the words.

"A poor garment for one of such beauty I admit. But if you allow me the pleasure of your company this evening I'm sure I can find you somehing in silk and pearls that would befit your queenly elegance."

Rebekah doubted that. She had marked the Enstader earlier and could tell he was either a courtier seeking to move up the social ladder, or a merchant that was barely staying afloat and thought himself successful. Neither prospect was appealing

Putting on a charming smile and batting her eyes Rebekah manage to force some color into her cheeks. The combination caused Gwylla to gasp, but a quick look (Rebekah only moving her eyes) had the wizard's nose pushed back firmly into her book. The effect had the man on his knees as he noticed none of the exchange for he could not take his eyes off Rebekah. He took her hand, "Please, please do me the honor of dinner this night. I will ask nothing more just your company."

Rebekah paused as she saw Emmyr over the man's head. The dwarf had something in his large hand,(a bottle?). Not wanting a scene Rebekah cupped the man's face with a small warm hand. She could feel the shudder that ran through his body as she spoke, "Tonight then. Please give your address to my ahodok* Mister Emmyr there and I will arrive an hour before dusk."

Turning the human saw the dwarf (who had set the wine bottle down on a table) putting his hands behind his back. Rising he bowed low and kissed the Lady Rebekah's hand. "Tonight then."

Rebekah watch as the human and the dwarf conversed, Emmyr writing something down on a provided slip of paper. "How do you do that? Is it magic? Can it be taught? And how do you get the courage to talk to men so boldly? Don't they make you feel...?" It was Gwylla's turn to shudder. Rebekah smiled for she knew all to well what Gwylla was feeling, but it was only natural after all. But so serious a scholar was the young half-elf that she probably found those natural feelings quiet distracting and probably bothersome as well.

Before she could answer though, the dwarf jingled up to the table. His armor making him sound as if he were a large coin purse being dumped on the chair he plopped down on. "We changing plans?" he asked, pointing a thumb over his shoulder.

Rebekah felt the worn garment on her shoulders. "No. If everything is ready we are still heading north." she said removing the coat and letting it fall.

Crumpling the paper the dwarf added it to the coat on the ground. "Good I am tired of what passes for beer round here, and there's no work to make moeny to buy it, even if I did like it. The merchant said he will take us as far as Hommlet with what we paid him. If we want to go on from there we just need to pay for the next leg of his journey. But I tell you now we haven't the money to do that as it stands."

Rebekah gave a small shrug, "I'm sure we can find a way to earn a few more coins. We'll eventually reach Verbobonc."

Emmyr nodded, "Good, we'll take ourselves north and see what destiny has in store for us then."

The three companions left for their meeting with the traveling merchant, not knowing what large plans destiny did indeed have in store for them.


"I ain't ridin' wit 'em! No way! No how!" the cart drived yelled as Hexiros lashed down his gear to the side of a cart. Looking to see who the man was yelling at, the dragonborn's height allowed for him to see over the cart at what was transpiring.

Three humans were standing by the only other cart in this "merchant train", one was a noticeably apart from the other two. And those two were in the midst of an arguement. "Why not?" the merchant asked, although he new the answer.

"He stinks worse than a four day old piss pot! That's why not and that's enough!" the driver said crossing his arms.

Templeton wasn't new to this a shrugged, he had been paid, and if the merchant didn't want to have him along that was fine too. "Good luck though getting your money back from that tavern keep," the lanky human thought to himself, a low chuckle escaped his lips nonetheless.

The laughter brought the two men's heads around and Templeton just gave a slight nod to the both of them, before stepping up towards his latest employer. The cart driver step back almost immediately.

"Oi' which one be mine to pilot Governor?" he asked doffing his hat an holding it in both hands. The aroma from inside the cap did nothing to improve the air. "That one, that one there." the merchant said pointing and moving away.

Templeton bowed his head once more and climbed up into the drivers seat. Hexiros watched all this with a mild disgust for the actions of the two men. And then looked at the thin human covered in mismatched clothes, armor, and rat skins?. He had a small mischievous smile on his face, as though he were plotting to get back at the cart driver in some way. The dragonman saw no cause for judging a humaniod on his smell (although it was rather odd, and slightly pungent). If that stupid cart drive were hanging from a cliff would he refuse the hand of this man if he held it out. So ridiculous the judgement of some people.

Pulling himself up onto the cart he sat down next to Templeton without a word. The two humans looked up at him their jaws going slightly slack. He stared back at them, and must have had murder on his face for they both started and fell over each other getting to the seat of their own cart.

He looked over at his driver to see a slight look of puzzlement. "Well you don't smell like a troglodyte. So I'm sure after you encounter one it will give you a new goal to aim for."

Templeton just grinned at the comment as the two women passengers loading up onto the merchant's cart caught his eye. With the assistance of a dwarf the two managed to board along with a rather large traveling chest. Then the dwarf moved over to hop into the back of the cart Templeton and Hexrios sat upon. As he walked by he gave a sniff.

"Oh, beggin' pardon please, if that was me. I just have been keeping it in so long around her." he said quietly. Templeton and Hexrios both gave way to gails of laughter, as Emmyr climbed into the back of the cart wondering what the joke was.

* ahodok = friend in orc (Rebekah figured the guy didn't speak orc)
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First Post
Thinking about character picktures...


It's a little...recognizable, but I kind of like the menace it conveys, and the sense of feralness with the giant wolf lurking behind the person...


Wow that is quite longer than I thought. Sorry it got away from me.

Just wanted to get it posted get some ideals - I will be adding it to the RG and as we play I think I will change the speaking styles and maybe add in better descriptions.

Character review - last one:
- missing one more skill choice lookslike from human so it coul be anything you wish
- starting package doesn't allow for two weapons and shield - I don't see Aridha as someone starting out with alot of money so an ideal would be to purchase the dagger you have listed, and a healer's kit, and start the game with 3gp
- musical instrument choice: here again it could be anything (except maybe bagpipes - although you do speak dwarven could one of them have taught you?) I think those double pipe things (picture posted) may work.



First Post
Ahh, I misread it. I thought it said a wooden shield AND a simple weapon. My bad.

Yeah, I'll spend some gold on those items. Skill will probably be Stealth, but I will review mah options and choose before I post final sheet.

Thanks for the feedback!


I don't mind having useful Rite of Passage replacement - good rep and skill in persuasion go a long way :)
Note that he may be lewd and lecherous - he may not be old salt, but he was a sailor :)

The ship: leave the wreck in the swamp - it will give me something to spend my money on - restoration, digging into the swamp for deeper water, thinking on how to get it to the main flow - maybe even enchanting it to fly. Quicker version is - we get to it along with some research, casters and rituals and turn it into foldable boat magic item :) He is here to guard the river - no sea necessary - besides, going underground will protect the surroundings.

So go ahead with the "Bad" Reputation feature and we will finds to roleplay it in a positive way.

And there is a den of pirates/smugglers and other sorts to be found in this game. The village of Nulb. If you wish your ship could have been dragged there and is now being repaired. Based on what money you put into it. I say we keep track of that money and when it reaches enough to "buy" a ship we say she is ready to sail.

I figured she learned to use a scimitar from other druids, but a cutlass works too. I think Aridha is rather taken by the idea of seafaring...but obviously that'll never work until she gets a handle on the curse. A ship is the WORST place for her until then.

Nice another RP possibility could arise if Aridha becomes torn between joining her friends at sea or "protecting" them by staying at home.

As I learned about the world of Greyhawk and its calendar I found out something interesting. There are two moons, Celene and Luna. Which gave me some interesting thoughts. The first was when your curse really showed up in full force. Midsummer's night (the 4th of Richfest) is the day when both moons are full and thus lycanthropes and the like have trouble avoiding their change. And at midnight Celene eclipses Luna. It could have been the one time Aridha ever changed.

Then there is the 11th of Goodmonth (always a Godsday) that both the moons are new. This would have been the best time for the druids to preform their ritual on Aridha. The lack of any of the two moon's powers.

And finally there is the 11th of Readying the night the druid's call Great Moon's Glory. Luna is full but Celene is new, this is a time of great power in the world of shape changers. But I'll need to develop the whys and what fores as we play.

Her rapier and armour are in the chest for sale, most of the gear came from the Diplomats pack she got from being a Bard, I thought the chest as a cool thing for her as it show a Lady down on her luck, stepping of carriage with just a chest of things. Of note, it also doesn't come with food and other "sensible" options.

I noticed this as well, so I thought that part of the travel cost would be sharing the meals with the merchant. Gwyllla has no food or water either. But she probably doesn't give much thought to eating.


I don't mind having useful Rite of Passage replacement - good rep and skill in persuasion go a long way :)
Note that he may be lewd and lecherous - he may not be old salt, but he was a sailor :)

The ship: leave the wreck in the swamp - it will give me something to spend my money on - restoration, digging into the swamp for deeper water, thinking on how to get it to the main flow - maybe even enchanting it to fly. Quicker version is - we get to it along with some research, casters and rituals and turn it into foldable boat magic item :) He is here to guard the river - no sea necessary - besides, going underground will protect the surroundings.


I figured she learned to use a scimitar from other druids, but a cutlass works too. I think Aridha is rather taken by the idea of seafaring...but obviously that'll never work until she gets a handle on the curse. A ship is the WORST place for her until then.

So what's the relationship between Blackpearl and Rana? Any thoughts, Neurotic?

If that helps, she probably thinks 'saving' a swamp from sea water is "A right silly idea, son". :D

I would say salt-water idea goes out of window if there is no sea bordering the marsh. Relationship is easy. Old hermit knight needed help in healing poor sod that washed into the swamp, wounded, hungry and probably full of leeches and parasites. He may even think his mentor and you an old couple for some time :)

I think the connection may come through the paladin mentor, who may have been a Green Knight for the Lady of Thorns. When Rana first met Zanword it may be as he was squiring. Zanword could also have ran messages for his mentor to the old witch in the marsh.


I left the meeting of the character groups in my story open to you as players to flesh out as we move along. I may have inadvertently made relationships between some characters you don't want to play (please let me know, nothing in stone till you start rolling dice), I was just going on the discussions on here so far and trying to incorporate traits, flaws, and bonds into the story.

Speaking of dice rolling... I need 10 separate d20 rolls from everyone. I will post this in the RG (2nd post) and be using them for those secret DM rolls behind the screen and mostly for initiative. I read on here it could take two days to get everyone to post init - and with all the possible combats (those you can't sneak or talk your way past). That would be crazy. Instead I can take your next roll in the set and add it to your init modifier. So when a combat starts instead of saying roll initiative, I can post the combat order and say (blank) your up first.


Super sweet on the pic you found. How feral is Aridha going to look. It may come in handy during some encounters about town.

And that means we need only one more pic for a character - here is my recommendation:


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