• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Happy Haggert Hurried Hungry Hitch Hiking Hired Henchmen Hivers.... apply within

Concerned about the oncoming pain and worse- Boredom. Nothing quite so dramatic as needing a hotline.

That said- The specialist won't help me any more and my primary care doctor won't give me anymore steroids so its just a matter of time before I can't stand / go from bed to wheelchair to commode and back.

House and its location doesn't help either

Step 75 ft uneven walkway from parking lot to house. And yeah- not much but its mine
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All the GM has to do to induce madness in the PCs is make them assemble IKEA products.

Well, take a look at this Google search..

Just changing those two letters makes A LOT of difference.

The search term would be translated to "Call of Cthulhu: The Investigator's Handbook"
The suggested term from Google translates as "Call of Cthulhu: The Interior Decorator's handbook" ;)

I think using non-Euclidean geometry for your interior decorating will result in bad Feng Shui. You should probably also avoid star-formed pillows, and certain types of vegetation...

As for the large adventures that I did get when I got my copy of the Swedish verison of Call of Cthulhu, They dealt with the followoing critters:
Den Gula filmen (the Yellow Movie) - Hastur and a strange film production
En Seans i Stockholm (A seance in Stockholm) - A shoggoth, and witches.
Tjurmannen från Kungsskär (The Minotaur from Kunsgskär) - An avatar of Nyarlathotep.

I will get the Quickstart-rules later on, and that will include some other adventures. For example one involving Tindalos Hounds, at least two others involving Mi-Go's. Everything has not yet been proofread for that and thus not gone to print. I got the first files in October/November last year. So translation, proofreading and layout does take time. The goal was that everyhting should have been finished and deliverd at the annual gaming convention in Gothenburg during Easter this year.


Staff member
Call of Cthulhu: The Interior Decorator's handbook

”Do you have a curio cabinet that will fit in a corner?”

”Certainly! How many dimensions does your corner have?”



Chapter 7: Coordinating or contrasting with the Colour out of Space


Chapter 666/0: Using transdimensional area rugs to pull a tesseract together


I am the mysterious professor.
There is a YouTube channel I like called darkmatter2525. He does funny animations often of a political and religious bent. In his most recent one God and his angel assistant Jeffrey go to the White House to confront Trump over COVID-19. God and Jeffrey are wearing masks. It's hilarious. I don't like his animation style but his videos are often very funny and worth a view.

Voidrunner's Codex

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