Pickled, pfft! How about the fermented one?Well did it involve the consumption of lots of alcohol and eating of pickled herring? I have heard about the movie being sort of Wicker man-esque, but haven't seen it.
What do you think the alcohol is made from?Pickled, pfft! How about the fermented one?
And I was trying to make a joke.We’re talking about swedes, they make theirs the same way as finns. With potatoes. I was talking about herrings
No, we do not joke about alcohol in the Frozen Wastelands of the Far North! It is blasphemy!And I was trying to make a joke.
I argue that the fermented herring is a wmd. Not sure if it is biological or chemical though. It taste marginally better than it smells.We’re talking about swedes, they make theirs the same way as we finns do. With potatoes. I was talking about herrings
Fermented herring is a swedish ”delicacy”. And the air-quotes are quite insufficient here. It is as delicate as getting high-fived on the nose, by a truck full of ammonia...