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ZEITGEIST Just starting Zeitgeist: Need some advice on player's factions

What are the PCs' thoughts so far about the weird stuff on Axis Island? Did they engage with Captain Smith about philosophy at all?
They are very weirded out, and are constantly making sure they have iron and gold on them to avoid more of the 'planar fluctuations' I described.

They haven't met the leaking golem yet, that should be today's session actually.

Oh man, I can't believe I have to admit to the man who wrote this adventure that I completely forgot to have Captain Smith to talk about his philosophy :cry:. I'll have another shot at that when he shows up after the opening the sea gate.

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Thank you, that's very helpful!

My current plans are shifting around a lot, I'm still unsure how to treat my Deva player. I think what I'm going to start settling on is that he was the bethroed of Dala, Kasvarina's daughter, and died in the aftermath of her death in the form of Srasama's avatar, and reappeared. Things that I still need to figure out:

  • what has he been doing for the past 500 years?
  • what was so traumatic about his most recent death that he awoke naked in the snow with none of his memories?

From my understanding, she is dead dead right? She didn't reincarnate? And Kasvarina's other daughter is dead permanently too right? Someone above mentioned that her daughter had reincarnated as a Deva but I couldn't find out where that happens in the book, and was confused...or were they just talking about what I could change in the book?
Launga is definitely permanently dead (unless you pull shenanigans), as she died around 400 years ago.

Dala was (unbeknownst to me), my character (Nevla), and she didn't come back Deva either, she had weird dreams about stuff mostly. However, her powers were tied to the Gyre in a strange way... (the Cleric archetype where you worship a "dead" god...)


This golem art might be handy.

Launga was murdered in 111 AOV by the dragon Rilego, as part of a betrayal of Kasvarina set up by the Eladrin matriarch Latika and the soldier Sor Daeron, which matriarch Athrylla Valanar suspected but did not stop.

Dala died in 0 AOV after she was turned into Srasama by the Clergy and killed by their soldiers, triggering the Great Malice.

In Book 12, the party encounters the ghost of Dala, and is given the opportunity to bring back to life all/most of the Eladrin women killed by the Great Malice.

Too many options for what your deva could have been doing all this time for me to advise much. Though I'd note that chances are Kasvarina would try to recruit them to her Vekeshi/Ob plans. Also, there is a clique of eschatologist deva in Methia led by Lady Emselle d'Grise, maybe your deva fell in with them for a while. The party can encounter them in Book 8.


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hmm... as an idea:

  • The Deva PC doesn't know what killed Dala
  • He never gave up searching for answers
  • Kasvarina kept him at a distance, but then eventually let him join the OBs, but kept Dala's fate a secret
  • He found out some of their plans, maybe even what happened to Dala (via Hand of Miller?), tried to nope out and was killed
  • The OB tried to find his reincarnation, but couldn't due to "someone" or "something" interfering
  • That something caused him to be cut off from his memories
  • Tadaa, nice plot for adventure 8. Just gently push him to use the Arc of Reida ;)

Sessions 6, 7 & 8:

From where they last left off, the players found a Danoran engineer at the encampment, who agreed to accompany them to the fortress to help them infiltrate. During the dawn of the next day, I had the leaking golem encounter (thanks for that art @arkwright!). They were thinking about taking some potshots but decided to leave it, since it was heading away to the west. I described to the resident psychic rogue how they heard multiple voices and minds from the golem and the oil, and they took a sample of it for future study.

At the fortress, there was a ton of amusing chaos, they were quite split on what they wanted to do. They were really worried that if they went straight to open the sea gate, the duchess would kill Nathan Jierre, so they decided to try and rescue him first by deceiving their way into the central keep. They rolled high enough that they really should have been able to get in (they were all disguised as rebel guards), but I knew that the moment the duchess spotted them, she would've recognized them and thrown them in jail/killed them, so I basically just reminded them that this was an inevitablity for their plan. I feel bad about this in retrospect though, I really should have just let them go forward with their plan to talk to the duchess and then get thrown in the makeshift brig till they got freed by Risuri forces or something. Ah well!

They instead went for the sea gate, and this encounter was really fun. The initial sneaking in was very splinter cell, and then I described the waves of enemy forces just crashing in on them (to the tune of Thunderstruck!). Just as they were about to get overwhelmed, I had Squad B (the initial infiltration group that had went missing during the sea cave-in) reappear; and together they managed to hold it long enough for the first ships to appear.

After some rest and the reappearance of Captain Smith, they were interrupted by the appearance of Asrabey who did his anime jumps into the fortress. There was some confusion on what to do next, but at the prompting of an assigned sergeant, they went over to the makeshift brig to talk to the danorans, from whom they got a key to the room of the central keep. This is of course when Asrabey reappears and throws his orb; since the book described iron nails beginning to float, I also included that our resident warforged was slightly beginning to float as well (the others started to grab onto his massive limbs!).

The players all ran through and got past the hedge maze quick enough (Gillie Dhu recognized them as friendly forces from their previous excursion into the inner keep, and just let them pass). They made their way to the roof, where they began to hear the conversation between Asrabey and the Duchess. When the conversation got to the topic of Kasvarina, I described a memory of pain and fire engulfing Snow (the player who is playing a Deva, who I intend to have been the betrothed of Kasvarina's daughter), I also showed the players Kasvarina's portrait as Snow remembered her face but nothing else.

They interrupted the conversation once Asrabey started to threaten Nathan Jierre, and a fight pretty quickly broke out, since they got the sense that there was no chance Asrabey would let Nathan go. Some freaking how, they actually managed to kill Asrabey. Two of them went down, but between some insanely high rolls and the shadow elemental that appeared from the Icon of Nem, they JUST managed to get enough damage to kill him.

The main thing I need to think about after all this is what are the consequences for them killing Asrabey? Here's what immediately comes to mind:
  • it was the shadow's strength drain that dealt the final blow. As per the text of the attack: "If a non-evil Humanoid dies from this Attack, a new shadow rises from the corpse 1d4 hours later." So maybe Asrabey returns as some kind of shadow creature at some point?
  • They will definitely take a loss of reputation from the unseen court because of this. Maybe they will demand a trial in the Dreaming for the constables? could be a possible side mission down the line
Session 8 ended with a nice epilogue, a level-up, and the proud declaration of "End of Book One!" to much applause.

Next session we'll pick back up with some downtime activities, and then the beginning of the murder mystery.


Since your guys are technically FBI/Interpol-alogues, players have the elective to not do lethal damage, if they want a guy for questioning... tis could apply to the summoned/allied NPCs too?

Why not have Asrabey have been faking death, and/or the body disappear in a swirl of leaves, like some sort of mislead/glamour effect? He could still come back and grudgingly respect the party's strength, but not be as initially friendly (basically give him a point more STR and say he was feigning weakness)
Or have his (mostly dead) body briefly fall through to Bleak Gate, then fade back in again "healed a bit", somehow (could be interesting given his Heel Turn later...)


Glad you're enjoying the AP. Asrabey is a pretty significant character, if possible it would be good to go 'ah but he isn't really dead.' That said, raising him as a shadow-creature could work, if it makes him weaker and more evil or perhaps more humble. I might quickly summarize some of the things he does, if you weren't already aware.
  • Gives the PCs an important Unseen Court mission in Book 5
  • Helps the PCs raid the Ob Cauldron Hill facility in Book 5
  • Is revealed to be one of Kasvarina's husbands and spirits her away to Elfaivar at the end of Book 5
  • Turns on the party and betrays an ally to become an archfey and fight them in Book 10
Since Asrabey is far from a straight villain, your party will probably be cool with you finding a way for Asrabey to live. If you want to kill him off, then consequences... mmm.
  • The Unseen Court will be very unhappy with their best minion being killed. Sure, they might make noises demanding extradition or something, but they could also very well cover it up out of embarrassment and a desire to avoid looking weak to their Hedgehog Court rivals.
  • Kasvarina's old Elfaivaran vekeshi radicals will probably be quite annoyed and might send an assassin or a troublemaker.

Since your guys are technically FBI/Interpol-alogues, players have the elective to not do lethal damage, if they want a guy for questioning... tis could apply to the summoned/allied NPCs too?

Why not have Asrabey have been faking death, and/or the body disappear in a swirl of leaves, like some sort of mislead/glamour effect? He could still come back and grudgingly respect the party's strength, but not be as initially friendly (basically give him a point more STR and say he was feigning weakness)
Or have his (mostly dead) body briefly fall through to Bleak Gate, then fade back in again "healed a bit", somehow (could be interesting given his Heel Turn later...)
In the future, I am definitely going to emphasize that. But by the system, ranged attacks aren't possible to elect to do non-lethal damage and I initially wanted to stick by this; but maybe I can hand-wave this?

I do think that I'm going to rule that a shadow-y version of Asrabey falls into the Bleak Gate, and his real body disintegrates basically. I'm hoping that this shadow version will do the job for his remaining role in the adventure (a role that I did not realize was so prominent, my god, or I would've handled this differently!).

Glad you're enjoying the AP. Asrabey is a pretty significant character, if possible it would be good to go 'ah but he isn't really dead.' That said, raising him as a shadow-creature could work, if it makes him weaker and more evil or perhaps more humble. I might quickly summarize some of the things he does, if you weren't already aware.
  • Gives the PCs an important Unseen Court mission in Book 5
  • Helps the PCs raid the Ob Cauldron Hill facility in Book 5
  • Is revealed to be one of Kasvarina's husbands and spirits her away to Elfaivar at the end of Book 5
  • Turns on the party and betrays an ally to become an archfey and fight them in Book 10
Since Asrabey is far from a straight villain, your party will probably be cool with you finding a way for Asrabey to live. If you want to kill him off, then consequences... mmm.
  • The Unseen Court will be very unhappy with their best minion being killed. Sure, they might make noises demanding extradition or something, but they could also very well cover it up out of embarrassment and a desire to avoid looking weak to their Hedgehog Court rivals.
  • Kasvarina's old Elfaivaran vekeshi radicals will probably be quite annoyed and might send an assassin or a troublemaker.
Jeez, he has a way more prominent role throughout the adventure than I thought! I should've dealt with this differently I think, just ruled he was unconscious, but I don't want to retcon too much.

I think I'm going to go with your idea of shadow-Asrabay being a bit more humble/weaker, and hopefully that will serve his role in the future books.

I'm still a little confused on the structure of the Unseen Court/the Dreaming. From what I've gathered, the Dreaming is basically analogus to a nation, and the Unseen Court are analogues to like a parliament within the Dreaming, is that right?

I was thinking that in the next session, King Aodhan or someone would bring it up that there's been a severe diplomatic incident as a result of their actions, and that the Unseen Court have been demanding their extradition (like you said), and then down the line have some other consequences.

Voidrunner's Codex

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