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Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
In a little more than 20 seconds, Tam searches the first 10 x 10 section of the hallway... and finds nothing.

-4 rounds to all buff durations.

Val, the talking axe, speaks up: "What are you idiots afraid of? A 10-ft. pit of spikes? A pool of acid? I thought this group was comprised of heroes and risk-takers! You're acting like a bunch of young paiges! Let's get on with it, shall we?"


Looking to the others, I watch Xao rush down the hallway for a moment and a grin spreads across my face. "They say fortune favors the bold, but I've seen misfortune occur in equal measure... ah well!" I conclude as I fly after Xao.

The twins exchange a glance and a shrug before flying down the hall too.

Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
This bold move on Dewydd and The Twins' part begins an avalanche of "follow the leader." In only a short while, the whole party traverses the long hallway, coming to a stop when they see an open door, made of a clear, unknown material, and the well lit room beyond.
GM: It took 6 rounds for everyone to get here.

ROOM DESCRIPTION: This chamber is 40 feet by 40 feet with a sandy floor. The walls are slanted, and as they reach the ceiling 30 feet overhead, they form an apex like a pyramid. Sitting in the sand is a pride of crudely shaped stone lion-like creatures. Five of the creatures appear as large lions with stony spikes along their backs. The last creature towers over the others and sports a mane, stone-like scales, and a pair of rigid wings. Embedded in the chest of the large specimen is a gold-inlaid triangle with an eye set in its middle.

Player's Handout G.png

EVERYONE: The "lions" have yet to make any hostile actions. They simply stare at the party, blankly, and without interest. What do you do?
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Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION: Despite being marked on the map as closed, the door is about halfway ajar. But it is a moot point; being made of a clear material, the occupants of the room will (and already have) notice the approach of the party, regardless of which position the door is in.

Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth

You have never seen, or heard tell of a creature like this before. The best that you can figure is that these lion-like creatures are the Queen's creation, part construct, part elemental. You have the bad feeling that there is more to them than is readily apparent, and that facing 6 of these things is tantamount to suicide. The room is tiny, and the creatures are BIG, and you don't like the thought of that door slamming shut, and trapping all of you in there with them, in close-quarters. Everything about this situation seems wrong. But there it is, you goal, the last key, embedded in the big one's chest. The "solution" to this puzzle is obvious, but you doubt the survival rate of some of the weaker party members, including yourself.
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Sylvar B.

Sylvar addresses the group "Gentlemen it would appear to me that these are partly elemental and partly of the queen's making as I have never heard of, or seen, anything like them before. This queen has quite the imagination.

I am no tactical genius, but I believe that engaging the beasts in combat in such a confined space would be suicidal. Might I suggest other than violent means to deal with this particular challenge?"

Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
Val perks up, and says, "This whole tomb is a suicide mission. Since the key is embedded in the creature's chest, I doubt there's a non-violent way to remove it. But perhaps we should look for a way to keep the door open? It's open right now, and they haven't made a move to leave their room or to attack us. I would imagine that if we start fiddling with the door, that may change, but if the object of the test is to trap us inside the room, then the creatures attacking us while we're in the hallway doesn't make much sense. So maybe fiddling with the door WON'T provoke them... it's hard to tell."

Voidrunner's Codex

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