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Happy Haggert Hurried Hungry Hitch Hiking Hired Henchmen Hivers.... apply within


Bought another rpg today that will probably never be played, or will it? Guess I will know once I read it. This is just a wierd thing..

A Swedish zombie-game set in a flooded postapocalyptic Gothenburg. Since I work there I felt it interesting.

The name of the games is "Skjut dom i huvudet" which translates as "Shoot them in the head".

The game is designed to look like an old vhs-cassette, with atattered paper sleeve. It was made by a priest that resembled Lemmy from Motorhead. Guess that is an apropriate occupation dealing with undead. :)


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I am the mysterious professor.
My friend tells me her 15 year old son called her freaking out. He said he saw what he thought was a spider, turns out it was a frog, on the wall. He was hysterical. She suggested getting something to catch it with and take it outside. He wasn't having it. Wasn't going near it.

My reaction was; I'd rather go after a frog than a spider, but I'd squash that spider dead if it even looked at me funny. I've witnessed and heard of epic freak outs over things before. I think this was the first with a teenage boy and a frog. 🐸


I am the mysterious professor.
'Sweet Girl' was not what I was expecting. A quote was taken out of context I think. This is what I read- "Why do you do movies like this?" And Jason answered- "I want to watch movies with me in it with my daughter"

No. Adult movie- not a kid's show.
Still one of the best Netflix movies I've seen. And I could see how a teenage girl would dig the movie. She was badass.


Well, she seems to have her hits kind of ok side-ways, but height-wise was quite a spread. The question is what distance did she shoot at and how much had she practiced.

Speaking of Archery, want to brag a bit. My best shot from last weeks Swedish Championship in 3D-archery. My arrows are the red ones with white thread at the nock and the fins. Distance 24 meters.. Got a 10 and a 8. Perfect sideways, but a bit low.


I am the mysterious professor.
This is weird. I'm wanting to watch the new episode of Titans but HBOMax is streaming the first episode from the first season. It shows information for the latest episode but is playing a different one. 😤


I am the mysterious professor.
Now it's playing right.

Is this bundle worth it? I've heard of Mutant Chronicles but don't know much about it.


I am the mysterious professor.
How does one become a crisis actor? Are there talent agencies that handle crisis? Is there an award ceremony for crisis actors? The Crissys? Do you get paid more for speaking lines? Is it improv or scripted? I do better with a script.

Voidrunner's Codex

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