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Kulan: Knightfall's Crisis in Bluffside Game [IC]


World of Kulan DM
Temple District:
Rockhorn looks over bustling humanity, essentially everyone bigger than himself and talks calmly to the guard.
"That is all very well, but the man might be dead before I get there and back. I apologize, good sir, this may cause some trouble. But it needs to be done."
He jumps up on Spritewing, looks around and says to Spritewing in dwarven
"Flare up!"
The pegasus whinnies loudly and extends his wings upward, fully opened. Rockhorn bellows out full strength.
"Listen up everyone! One of the Exemplars is dying of poison after we killed a monster in the city. I need someone who has restoration prepared right now. I'll take potion if I must or a scroll and you'll be paid in full, but I need it. RIGHT. NOW!"
The noise of the market isn't quite loud enough to drown out Spritewing. Dozens of heads turn towards Rockhorn. While all the eyes are completely focused on the strange duo, only a few seem to take what the wild dwarf is saying seriously. An older man walks up to Rockhorn and puts a potion in his hands. "Lesser restoration," he says. "It's all I've got."

Those paying attention begin to murmur about the idea of a monster running loose in Old City. The news quickly spreads.

The old man says to Rockhorn. "Anything for the Exemplars. Let them know that Thamir of Caean wishes them well. They can find me at the Temple of the Sky Travellers. if they wish to find me later."

"Well, I could probably help you."

The voice comes from behind Rockthorn and as the dwarf turns around he sees an older, human teenager, who is wearing a simple brown tunic with a simple sash representing the Ticinum Delegacy across his shoulders. He has a ratty old backpack slung to his back. He's tanned with dark hair and brown piercing eyes that seem to glint with the wonder that comes with youth. Despite that, his mannerism is serious.

"Restoration is a powerful spell. I don't have a potion but..." he shifts awkwardly, pausing for a brief second before deciding haste is more important than evasiveness, "I can cast it."
The crowd parts around Vitus. Most of those paying attention are willing to step aside and let the old man and this youngster give their services to the wild dwarf.

OOC: So, is his name going to be Vitus (as on the PC sheet) or Vito? If Vito is what you prefer, no worries. As I already told you, I didn't have any real plan for the character.

MetaVoid said:
Rockhorn didn't expect this, especially not immediately. "Erm...Ummm...." the kid doesn't look nearly powerful enough to cast mighty spells, but who knows what kind of disguises wizards can do. No, clerics.

"He's dying from the effect of the poison, currently only a spell or two are keeping his vitality. We must hurry. Hop on."
Thinking for a moment he adds
"And if you're a charlatan that hopes to gain something and we lose a companion because of lost time, you will be charged with murder. Just so we're clear."

He makes a room for the youth before realizing that young or not, he is almost as big as Spritewing.
"Forget that I said that. Follow me. Spritewing, on foot this time."
TaranTheWanderer said:
As the dwarf makes room on the pegasus, the youth replies,

"You ask for help and now you're threatening the person who offers it? Sounds a tad ungrateful to me."

There's a moment of disappointment when Vito realizes the pegasus is too small but then he has a flash of inspiration,

"Wait! I can help!"

He unslings his bag and opens the back pocket and a potion practically appears in his hand. He shows it to the dwarf and then swigs it down. He instantly becomes smaller.

In a tiny voice he says,

"Let's GO! "
The onlookers are surprised by the lad's quick thinking with the potion. Most who have encountered him in the district before haven't given him a second look. Most in the market usually ignore the passing of pages. Plus, the boy's attire and heritage marks him as servant of Ticinum. While many look favourable on the old empire, there are many who do not.

MetaVoid said:
Rockhorn salutes the guard.
"We will need more of this later, please inform the temple that we're buying scrolls and potions of restoration as soon as we can get there. Thank you for your help."
"I will let Sir Silvon know of your need," the guards says. He steps back to give Spritewing room to take off. He takes out his crossbow and puts a strange looking bolt in it. He fires it directly up into the air and once it is higher than the district's wall, it explodes with sparkling multicoloured dust that is visible to all. "I'm going to have to explain myself to my captain for using that bolt. Go quickly," he shouts to Rockhorn. "Now!"

MetaVoid said:
"That was no threat, that was a fact. People occasionally try to do stuff that benefits them without considering consequences. In this case, it might be a death of man."
As the boy shrinks down, Rockhorn makes needed space.
"Hold on! Spritewing, gently, steady."
The crowd in the market moves away from Rockhorn, Vitus, and Spritewing. The trio are soon in the air above the district. The guards on several nearby towers note the dust in the air and then see Spritewing ascend into the air. Rockhorn watches as crossbows are raised and then lowered as Spritewing wings away from the Temple District.

The guard on the street follows them back to the district's main gate and fires another flaring bolt into the air so that the ballistas on the gate's towers don't shoot at the trio as Spritewing flies away back towards Old City.

MetaVoid said:
OOC: Knightfall: Feel free to roll something (Riding?) if you think there is a possibility of losing the passanger :)
OOC: Let's not worry about that. Heh. :)

TaranTheWanderer said:
Vito doesn't agree with the dwarf's logic. While he's trained in the finer art of diplomacy, Vito can't help but gently posit that the risk of jail time or punishment will dissuade people from helping those in need and will, generally, make the world a worse place.

His argument is cut off, though, as the pegasus leaps into the air.

"Whoa." Vito looks down over the city rushing past, "Amazing."
Vitus notes that their flight out of the Temple District becomes a spectacle. The trio wing over the ruins of Sem La Vah before flying over the walls of Old City. Vitus has lived at the delegacy for some time, but he's never seen Bluffside's six separate districts from this point of view before. To the southwest is Mining District. To the north are the Military District, the Wizard District, and New City. And, at the edge of the cliffs is Bluffside's oldest district, Old City. In the centre of it all, divided by The Rift, are the ruins of the city of the Ancients.

Rockhorn makes sure to follow the same path over the gate he originally arrived at. The guards on the gate's towers wave him onward. Normally, he'd have a lot of explaining to do to watch captains but Commander Oakfirst's name gives him more freedom. He will likely need to get more freedoms put down in writing by The Five to be able to fly over the Temple District again. And he knows better than to fly over the Mining District and Wizard District. Those two districts have very strict rules as to who can fly above it. If he was to try it now, he, Spritewing, and the young cleric would get shot from the sky by hundreds of magic missiles, or maybe a few dozen fireballs.

And, no one, absolutely no one is allowed to fly over the Mining District. If he even tried he and Spritewing would slam into a magical barrier that protects Bluffside source of adamantine trade. Not even the wizards of the city would dare mess with the Mining District.

TaranTheWanderer said:
Suddenly, his awe is tempered as they fly over the destruction in the plaza,

"What happened here?"
Rockhorn and Vitus can see the extent of the damage caused by The Beast. It ripped through the entire Lantern Ward from the Elite guard house known as Wyndlasmere, Gold Park, near the Blade Gate, and then west through the Golden Lantern and then all the way to the Golden Gateway where the alien creature lies dead. Hundreds of buildings are either trampled or on fire. The Fire Brigadiers are out in force in the ward.

The Golden Lantern is in ruins. The creature turned its fire on the structure after crush most of supporting framework. The Old City landmark will have to rebuilt. The brigadiers are concentrating on keeping the worst of the flames from spreading to more of the ward's buildings.

As Spritewing wings towards the Golden Gateway, he looks for the Sectarian Captain and Vincenzo, but all he can see is a large crowd of people gathered around the inner gate. They are chanting "Bluffside" and "Exemplars." The guards on the towered gate wave to Rockhorn and then point towards the Sublime Market in the adjacent ward. It isn't hard for the wild dwarf to understand their reasoning. Spritewing flies towards the market and lands just outside of it.

Rockhorn and Vitus can see that the young Sectarian is still being held up by the Sectarian Captain and one of the Elites. Vito notes that the man looks to be true peril, as the bear's endurance potion he drank has worn off.

The captain lies Vinny down on the cobblestones and motions to Rockhorn. "Quickly!" She looks at Vitus. "I said to bring a cleric, not a child!"
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To the man with the potion
"Thank you, I will see that you're paid in full. And I will tell them."

To the captain
"Spritewing and me are still smaller than Sir Tymbek. Yet we brought the beast down. Don't judge a tree by its bark alone."

To the boy he whispers "Don't disappoint!"

"Uhhh, erm, I mean, yes, sir! I brought a boy with restoration."

Ooc: typing from the phone, I would like to write about the horror of flying over the city, but it will have to wait some
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Race: Human
HP: 52/52
20; FF:17 T:14

Will: +11
Refl: +5
Initiative: +3
Melee: +7/+2 (+1)
1st [6+1](DC16) TBD
2nd[5+1](DC17) TBD
3rd[4+1](DC18) TBD
4th: [3+1](DC19) [] Restoration
DEX: 16+ 3
CON: 14 + 2
INT: 14 +2
WIS: 20 +5
CHA:15 +2
XP: 28,000/36000
->= studied
1: >[]Sanctuary; []Longstrider
2. []Shield Other; >[] Locate Object
3: >[]Protection from Energy; [] Fly
4: []Spell Immunity; >[] Dim Door

Vitus looked around at the crowd feeling somewhat in the spotlight. Much more than he was used to - or advised to be.

"You see, Captain, I just look like a child because I drank a potion of shrinking in order to fit on the pegasus." he said, a bit nervously. His voice came out sounding like a, literal, four year old. "I guarantee that this Ranger has made a wise choice in bringing me here."

Maybe they wouldn't recognize him in his current state. He cringed when he saw Falen who would probably - definitely - recognize him.

He regretted wearing his sash which identified him as a member of the Ticinum delegacy and wondered what kind of political repercussions would result from healing this Sectarian. It would definitely favour Ticinum but he wondered if they'd leverage that.

Vitus had always been favoured by Tyche ever since he was ten. To say he was devout was an understatement. His appointment as Praefectus Casca's Puer was supposed to be a reward for his 'heroics' - services he'd done for his country. At first it truly was rewarding: Travelling to a foreign country, meeting dignitaries and getting a formal education had been amazing. Recently, though, it felt like a prison sentence. He could not travel outside the city and had been ordered to not to cast spells since, "A Puer delivers letters, he doesn't cast Sending! You must follow protocol if you are to learn! " He knew, too, that being so young, his power would make him a target for political enemies. Which was, probably, the real reason for his prohibition. So he continued his devotions but didn't often call on Tyche. He thought he'd lose his connection to the Goddess but, instead, almost as if Tyche wished to spite the rules that bound him, she filled him up until he was practically brimming with power.

Power he could have used to prevent the murder of Lord Avitus, if he'd been there or had the opportunity. Well, he had the opportunity now and to dare not act, would only bring more misfortune.

"Let me see him."

As Vitus looks him over he looks up to the Captain, "He was unlucky but now his fortune has changed."

He removes his bag and reaches in. Without looking in, he pulls out a pinch of diamond dust.

"Fata Domina, hanc oblationem sanare bellatorem ut audeat iterum Victoriae."

Vitus sprinkled the diamonds and, as the dust touched the man's body, it dissolved.

Sorry for the long post. Intro post, after all.
In case needed: Medicine:
Medicine check: 1D20+10 = [7]+10 = 17

Casting the spell: "Narratively Dramatically Appropriate 4th Level Spell"

Also known as Restoration
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World of Kulan DM
Candle Street:
Akos heals the wizard with a superior version of the basic healing spell and uses his healing belt to add some vitality to her after that. He's still a bit in a daze after the event on the wall.

Still, there is work to be done and he snaps out of it while checking the wizardess (in more ways than one).

"Alright, people, there are traitors to be brought in. And probably few new recruits to equip and train. I think the motivation went well, even if I say so. Let's go! The day is not over yet!"
He takes Leadda under arm and escorts her down on the street level. He takes his leaves there, kissing her hand and nodding to all the guards before departing toward Tuck and his group.
He graciously accepts any greetings, gratefulness or even insults or dissatisfaction, but doesn't stop for anyone in particular.
the guards snap to attention and go to help make sure the traitors are all in custody. In the tower, there are four traitors still left alive and three others that lie dead. The dead guard on the northerly wall and those who fell in the tower are gathered up to be sent to the Palace.

Akos think about Titania and her connection to Rigantona. He's read that name in a book while studying about the various other fey powers that exist outside of the Titania's court in the Mystic Glades. While Rigantona isn't one of the seelie, she isn't unseelie either. She is more often found in the company of the fey ones named Rhode and Saint Hubert than the High Fey. She is more often called Rhiannon in modern times. The Loremaster tries to remember more about her but cannot. He'll have to consult a library, as the details elude him. He doubts there will be anything in the library of Stormgrove Manor, but there will definitely be something about her at the Teacher's Library in the Temple District.

Still, he has time. He didn't feel like she was giving him a dire warning. It was like a warm summer breeze across his skin. His dazed feeling was more the shock of being connected to the fey goddess.

Once back and ground level, Akos finds there are more cheers for him than looks of dissatisfaction. There are some who look weary but that's to be expected. The people gather around him and Tim while Tuck and Sobla look on from a short distance away. Tuck is give Mutt some attention. The big dog did not like being apart from him.

Neurotic said:
Reaching Tuck and Sobla he looks around
"We should probably wait for Rockhorn to return and stay together in the meantime. Do you know where they went with Vinny?"
Dropping his voice to a whisper he also adds
"Something happened during that speech. Sobla and Mutt it seems have a task for us. Can you talk here or should we wait for some privacy?"
"They went to to the Sublime Market," Sobla says before Tuck can answer. "That old human lady and one of the Elites took him there to look for a potion that might help."

The kobold girl notes the look on Akos' face. "What?"

Neurotic said:
1. Does Akos know anything about Rigantona?
2. Any sense of urgency from that communication?
3. He's willing to remain near the battle, both to see if any traitors are still around and try to do something and to make people feel better
4. Spent level 2 cure wounds (last 2nd level slot), keeping dispel magic just in case; Akos is almost out of magic
OOC: 1. Akos - Knowledge (religion) check: 1D20+13 = [5]+13 = 18
2. It didn't feel like it.
3. As in my post.
4. Time to rest. :)


World of Kulan DM
Sublime Market:
To the captain
"Spritewing and me are still smaller than Sir Tymbek. Yet we brought the beast down. Don't judge a tree by its bark alone."
Ela holds her tongue but the look on her face says that she remains skeptical.

MetaVoid said:
To the boy he whispers "Don't disappoint!"

"Uhhh, erm, I mean, yes, sir! I brought a boy with restoration."
Vitus looked around at the crowd feeling somewhat in the spotlight. Much more than he was used to - or advised to be.

"You see, Captain, I just look like a child because I drank a potion of shrinking in order to fit on the pegasus." he said, a bit nervously. His voice came out sounding like a, literal, four year old. "I guarantee that this Ranger has made a wise choice in bringing me here."
Ela again says nothing but waves Vitus towards her and Vincenzo.

Breva nods to Vitus. He seems to sense the boy's potential as a healer.

TaranTheWanderer said:
Maybe they wouldn't recognize him in his current state. He cringed when he saw Falen who would probably - definitely - recognize him.

He regretted wearing his sash which identified him as a member of the Ticinum delegacy and wondered what kind of political repercussions would result from healing this Sectarian. It would definitely favour Ticinum but he wondered if they'd leverage that.

Vitus had always been favoured by Tyche ever since he was ten. To say he was devout was an understatement. His appointment as Praefectus Casca's Puer was supposed to be a reward for his 'heroics' - services he'd done for his country. At first it truly was rewarding: Travelling to a foreign country, meeting dignitaries and getting a formal education had been amazing. Recently, though, it felt like a prison sentence. He could not travel outside the city and had been ordered to not to cast spells since, "A Puer delivers letters, he doesn't cast Sending! You must follow protocol if you are to learn! " He knew, too, that being so young, his power would make him a target for political enemies. Which was, probably, the real reason for his prohibition. So he continued his devotions but didn't often call on Tyche. He thought he'd lose his connection to the Goddess but, instead, almost as if Tyche wished to spite the rules that bound him, she filled him up until he was practically brimming with power.
Vitus doesn't see Falen right away. The unseen seer makes his way to the market only after he is satisfied that he's found all of the Loyalists and mercenaries' secrets. None of the Exemplars seem concerned about Vitus' sash. He quickly comes to realize they are a very diverse bunch once all of them are gathered together again.

TaranTheWanderer said:
Power he could have used to prevent the murder of Lord Avitus, if he'd been there or had the opportunity. Well, he had the opportunity now and to dare not act, would only bring more misfortune.

"Let me see him."

As Vitus looks him over he looks up to the Captain, "He was unlucky but now his fortune has changed."

He removes his bag and reaches in. Without looking in, he pulls out a pinch of diamond dust.

"Lady Fate, take this offering and grant this warrior yet another day to Dare All and, through you, See Victory once more."

Vitus sprinkled the diamonds and, as the dust touched the man's body, it dissolved.
Lord Avitus had always been kind to him. When Vitus learned the ambassador had been murdered from the praefectus, it had made him very sad. Still, he'd been doing delivers out in the valley when it happened. He didn't find out until he came back the night that Falen had arrived at the embassy.

Praefectus Casca had ordered him to keep an eye on Falen while he was in Old City, yet the man had easily convinced him to go ahead to see Lady Oppia Nazaria and to let her know that Falen would be late in coming to see her. She had been very pleasant to Vitus and had insisted he stay and have dinner at her home. She even let the praefectus know that Vitus arrival and good company had been most welcome and to let Mr. Falen know that he need not rush to come see her. Initially, Vitus has no idea whether or not Falen got that message, but when he does see Falen, Vitus becomes fairly certain the praefectus did not send word.

Vitus finds that Vincenco was very unlucky indeed. The Sectarian was close to unconsciousness when Vitus and Rockhorn arrived at the market on Spritewing. His prayer is answered by Tyche and the divine magic has an immediate impact on Vinny's health. The effects of the posion are purged from the man's body and Vinny's natural colour returns. his skill had been chalky white.

Ela looks on, both surprised and impressed. She looks at Rockhorn and nods. "I see I owe you and the boy an apology."

"Well done, young man," Breva says. "It seems I'm leaving my friends in capable hands."

"Leaving?" Vincenzo asks. "Why?"

"War has broken out in my homeland," Breva replies. "I have been called back to Northnon Castle. Sir Silvon gave me the news when I saw him earlier this morning."

"Bluffside's loss is the Maroon Knightholds gain, it seems," Ela says to the young knight. "I wish you well, Breva Sciarra."

"Thank you, dear lady," Breva replies. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I must says my goodbyes to the other Exemplars and to the commander." The knight goes to find Akos, Tim, and Tuck. He keeps it short. He even manages to find Falen and thank him for helping them... and becoming one of them. Once he has made the rounds, he heads off to the Palace to speak to Commander Oakfirst and say goodbye to Custodio.

The "meat" wagon arrives shortly after Breva leaves to find the Commander and gathers up the dead scattered across Candle Street. There has been no sign of the Brelish thieves or any other Loyalists. It is doubtful there are any more Rising Swords mercenaries out on the streets. They are hiding, probably underground.

The morning lengthens and is it soon time for the daily afternoon meal.

Race: Human
HP: 52/52
20; FF:17 T:14

Will: +11
Refl: +5
Initiative: +3
Melee: +7/+2 (+1)
1st [6+1](DC16) TBD
2nd[5+1](DC17) TBD
3rd[4+1](DC18) TBD
4th: [3+1](DC19) [] Restoration
DEX: 16+ 3
CON: 14 + 2
INT: 14 +2
WIS: 20 +5
CHA:15 +2
XP: 28,000/36000
->= studied
1: >[]Sanctuary; []Longstrider
2. []Shield Other; >[] Locate Object
3: >[]Protection from Energy; [] Fly
4: []Spell Immunity; >[] Dim Door

Sublime Market:

Ela looks on, both surprised and impressed. She looks at Rockhorn and nods. "I see I owe you and the boy an apology."

"Well done, young man," Breva says. "It seems I'm leaving my friends in capable hands."
"No apology necessary, Captain,"

he nodded and bowed. It was comical, really, as he still sounded like a small child. He wondered how powerful the caster was that brewed this potion and when the enchantment might finish. Fortunately, the spell chose that moment to end and he grew to his full height.

Almost relieved, in his usual, high tenor, he continued, "I'm happy to help those who keep Bluffside safe." and then, as an aside to Rockhorn, with the kind of look that only a teenager can give "and happy to not be charged criminally."

I found a portrait for my character!

Rockhorn shows embarassed smile, but winks.
"That's the spirit, boy! What's your name anyway? We hurried over, I didn't ask. I'm Rockhorn Mosswood and this is Spritewing."

To Ela and the captain.
"Bluffside also owns to Thamir of Caean at the Temple of the Sky Travellers for this potion of lesser restoration."

To Breva
"Sorry to see you go, paladin. We didn't get to know each other, but I saw you fight those bandits and the monster. It would be an honor to fight by your side. Good luck!"

Race: Human
HP: 52/52
20; FF:17 T:14

[]Cure Minor; [] Detect Magic; []
Detect Poison; [] [] Light; [] Mending
Will: +11
Refl: +5
Initiative: +3
Melee: +7/+2 (+1)
1st [6+1](DC16) [ ]Bless; [ ] Command; [ ]Comprehend Languages; [ ]Endure Elements [ ] Sanctuary; [] Lesser Vigor
2nd[5+1](DC17) []Consecrate; [ ] Benediction [ ] Gentle Repose [] Remove Paralysis [] Lesser Restoration
3rd[4+1](DC18) [ ] Mass lesser Vigor [ ]Dispel Magic; [ ]; Invisibility Purge; [ ]Status (Extended)
4th: [3+1](DC19) [X] Restoration
DEX: 16+ 3
CON: 14 + 2
INT: 14 +2
WIS: 20 +5
CHA:15 +2
XP: 28,000/36000
->= studied
1: >[]Sanctuary; []Longstrider
2. []Shield Other; >[] Locate Object
3: >[]Protection from Energy; [] Fly
4: []Spell Immunity; >[] Dim Door

"Pleased to meet you , Master Mosswood, I'm Vitus Paccione. I'm a Puer for Lord Casca. Your steed, Spritewing is beautiful and it was an honour to ride with you. Would you mind if I accompany you? I'd like to know what happened here..."

he paused again, as Rockhorn had seen him do earlier, as if contemplating an important decision. He seemed to settle on something and, with a renewed confidence added,

"...and my skills may still be useful."

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"Pleased to meet , Master Mosswood, I'm Vitus Paccione. I'm a Puer for Lord Casca. Your steed, Spritewing is beautiful and it was an honour to ride with you. Would you mind if I accompany you? I'd like to know what happened here..."

he paused again, as Rockhorn had seen him do earlier, as if contemplating an important decision. He seemed to settle on something and, with a renewed confidence added,

"...and my skills may still be useful."
"Don't master me, Vitus. I'm no ones master!"
Spritewing pushes him and says something forcefully and then again something shorter nodding toward Vitus.
"Easy on the boy, brute! He doesn't know!"

"And say thank you for the compliment for me."

"Sorry about that, I know it is just a custom to assign the title." Rockhorn shakes his head strongly, beard and hair flying all around.
"Sorry. I'm a ranger of Bluffside, if you have to have a title, I am ranger Mosswood. Call me Rockhorn.

And Spritewing says Thank you for the compliment."


I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
Akos comandeers a cart and its owner with couple of guards to load the heart of the beast and transport it to...
"Hmmmm, where would be a good place for vivisection?" he thinks "Safe, and yet we don't want to destroy a home."
Aloud, once the heart is loaded
"Lets go to The Alchemist. He might have supplies needed and probably a space for gross things. I'd prefer a mortuary, but I don't trust the heart from the renegade. And hospitals, temples and unfortunately, mortuary, will be swamped right now."

"Tuck, Sobla, will you escort us? Tuck, you know the alchemist where we got that boy."

On the way he discusses his plan and the plan of the companions for the following day.
"I need to hit the library, there is something I'd like to check. Sobla, can you tell us what you saw in the thicket?"

Voidrunner's Codex

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