Kulan: Knightfall's Crisis in Bluffside Game [IC]


World of Kulan DM
OOC: Cut and paste for SDWjr from Discord.

Vincenzo graciously accepts the gift of defending bracers with a wide smile. However some of the smile evaporates as the strain between elites and regulars. He sets his jaw with hope at the words of captain Breedon.

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Aust Thale


During Falen’s search of the Dwarf Merc, the Dusk Assassin and the candle shop, he dons his cloak. The poison lingers and makes him cold. After finishing the post-battle searches, healing, introductions (Rockhorn & Vitus, with whom Falen is mildly tickled), he settles on his course of action.

Vitus, hello again.” Falen removes his hood and speaks to the young healer. His visage is that if the Falen that the young man so eagerly wished to assist…and follow.

I’d ask that you please not mention me to the Delegacy. I prefer my mundane comings and goings to be without mention. Should anyone inquire, you may share that I am grateful for their hospitality, and I am carrying out my duties. Of course I shall return if summoned. And I shall join you this evening, perhaps at Stormgrove?

Falen hands both of his sacks of “loot” to the Palace Guard for inventory. “Oh, wait!” He removes the magical gloves of luck. “Add these to the inventory. However, you might refrain from mingling the contents of these with the rest of the items taken from the other combatants. The Dusk’s tools warrant care; they are particular in their poison. We’ll be along in due course to assist in sorting out what’s useful.

Falen finds himself wanting of carthasis after using the humanbane dagger. Effective as it appears to be, he feels emotionally fatigued. It might be the poison; its primary effects having waned, he felt the nausea of the residual. He collects himself and sets about quietly accompanying the Elites as they collect their deceased and move them to the temple district or to their final resting place. Oakfirst isn’t keen on the help; however he remains silent. Falen nods at Tym and the others as they begin to walk to Stormgrove. Falen will join them when this grim business is sorted. He follows Capt. Camburn’s attendants closely enough to avoid trouble from other Elites or city guards, but far enough away that the Captain’s brethren, including Oakfirst, shouldn’t feel intruder upon.

Upon delivery of Camburn and the other Elites, Falen takes a moment alone where others can’t see him near a planter-tree and retches. His mouth tasting of bile, he reaches into his pack and takes his magical cup and gulps deeply. He says an appreciative prayer to Tyche, and he pulls his hood down over his hat and changes his visage to the Aceron turdnugget…er…young man.

He walks back to Stormgrove, trying to make himself as inconspicuous as possible.

Upon arriving at Stormgrove, he finds an unoccupied bedroom or room with a wash-basin, cleans himself up, and washes his tunic and clothes, setting them to dry for a few hours. He dons his spare set, studies his spell research, and quietly meditated until he falls asleep.

He is deeply troubled after the battle and the apparent deep distrust among Bluffside’s various factions, including its defenders.

These people are rapidly losing their perspective. This Phelix won’t need many monsters if the good folks do nothing. What an incredible shame.

He sleeps a sleep of a spy. One who isn’t sure what happens next.

Race: Human
HP: 52/52
20; FF:17 T:14

[]Cure Minor; [X] Detect Magic; []
Detect Poison; [] [] Light; [] Mending
Will: +11
Refl: +5
Initiative: +3
Melee: +7/+2 (+1)
1st [6+1](DC16) [ ]Bless; [ ] Command; [ ]Comprehend Languages; [ ]Endure Elements [ ] Sanctuary; [] Lesser Vigor
2nd[5+1](DC17) []Consecrate; [ ] Benediction [ ] Gentle Repose [] Remove Paralysis [X] Lesser Restoration
3rd[4+1](DC18) [ ] Mass lesser Vigor [ ]Dispel Magic; [ ]; Invisibility Purge; [X]Status (Extended)
4th: [3+1](DC19) [X] Restoration
DEX: 16+ 3
CON: 14 + 2
INT: 14 +2
WIS: 20 +5
CHA:15 +2
XP: 28,000/36000
->= studied
1: >[]Sanctuary; []Longstrider
2. []Shield Other; >[] Locate Object
3: >[]Protection from Energy; [] Fly
4: []Spell Immunity; >[] Dim Door

As they walked through the devastation of the district, Vitus' conversation was muted and subdued. He watched the interactions of the Exemplars and guards with a keen interest and took in every interaction.

Upon meeting Falen, he smiles,
Vitus, hello again.” Falen removes his hood and speaks to the young healer. His visage is that if the Falen that the young man so eagerly wished to assist…and follow.

I’d ask that you please not mention me to the Delegacy. I prefer my mundane comings and goings to be without mention. Should anyone inquire, you may share that I am grateful for their hospitality, and I am carrying out my duties. Of course I shall return if summoned. And I shall join you this evening, perhaps at Stormgrove?

"Good to meet you again, Sir." Vitus stirred uncomfortably, "Very well, I'd just assumed that the Praefectus wanted to ensure you were comfortable in the city. I did go to see Lady Oppia Nazaria to let her know you'd be coming to see her. She'd sent word to the Praefectus Casca(sp?) know that you needn't hurry but I'm not sure if you got the word?....."

With the destruction behind them, their brief conversation seemed to spark Vitus' need to talk once again. He shared much of his childhood, including that his parents were a priestess of Tyche - who'd inducted him into the priesthood at a very young age and a seemingly neglectful adventuring father who'd float in and out of his life had mysteriously left him at the age of eleven. They'd left him, "wondrous gifts"** which allowed him to start his 'Travelling lifestyle'. He'd defeated goblins at the age of 13, saving a noble's life, which landed him as a Page in Bluffside. Besides being a Page, the "almost sixteen year old" was an acolyte at the Temple of Tyche where he would be fully inducted as a Priest when he turns 17. Once he turned the conversation to Tyche, it was obvious that his love and devotion for Tyche was near fanatical - especially concerning the Goddess' doctric involving travel and adventuring.

Despite his constant flow of conversation, the young man had a fun sense of humour and was incredibly insightful. He was always keen to hear people's views and opinions and never let his chatter be overbearing or control the flow of the conversation, asking deep and pointed questions and showing interest in everything his new comrades had to say.

As they sifted through item after item of treasure, Vitus showed a sense of wonder but his knowledge in Spellcraft was especially helpful as they discussed the various magical properties of the items. Whether it was the excitement of the day, the teenager never seemed to tire. Given the opportunity, it seemed he would be willing to work into the wee hours of the night.

Finally, though, when he'd but down the final item, a bejeweled amulet, he said,

"I should probably go back to the delegacy. They'll be worried, wondering where I am."

Just ICing some of the stuff we spoke about OOC

**whoever is identifying magic items using detect magic would note that Vitus has:
2 magical rings
1 magical amulet/parapht
Magical Clothing
A magic backpack
Magic boots
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Aust Thale

Falen (post for color & passing the time):

Falen awakes with a start. His brain continues to contemplate the encounter with the Dusk, the mercs, and the monster.
How could Oakfirst not be concerned with the tunnels and their links among buildings, and undoubtedly the sewer, which might grant access to anywhere in this section of the city, if not the entire city?
He lifts himself up, sore despite the healing potions and spells. The nap is more restful than nothing, but not as rejuvenating as a hammock at home. He stretches and looks out of the window at late afternoon (3:30pm). Marine layer is creeping into the edges of the city closest to the water.
And why do our opponents display such an unnatural morale?
He dresses his armored shirt and tunic, and sits for an hour studying his spellbook. It’s difficult to muster his full attention, again after-effects of the enchantress’ spell attack.
Falen notes to himself that he’d like a look at the enchantress’ spellbook. Perhaps the spell she used on him would come in use, or some utility spells. He also meditates for a bit, carefully making headway on a new skill or two.
He then collects his things, repacks his haversack, and sets about searching for his compatriots and perhaps some food and drink at Stormgrove, and if not there, perhaps at a nearby tavern if open.
He also intends on delivering the leather belts to a craftsman to craft a proper expanded bandoleer for potions & weapons, particularly daggers. He has a belt and scabbard for his short sword, as well as a makeshift clip to secure his bow to his haversack and keep within reach. But with the addition, even temporary, of additional daggers, he wants to wear them properly.
He is careful to leave little to no trace of his nap save the basin and washcloth, and he steps out (4:45pm) to see if he can catch a leathersmith or cordwainer to assist him. Food at Stormgrove on the fly if possible, and if not, after he finds his leathersmith.


World of Kulan DM
During Falen’s search of the Dwarf Merc, the Dusk Assassin and the candle shop, he dons his cloak. The poison lingers and makes him cold. After finishing the post-battle searches, healing, introductions (Rockhorn & Vitus, with whom Falen is mildly tickled), he settles on his course of action.
Falen looks towards the Palace looming in the distance. The commander went that way with the body of Captain Camburn.

TaranTheWanderer said:
Upon meeting Falen, he smiles,
Aust Thale said:
Vitus, hello again.” Falen removes his hood and speaks to the young healer. His visage is that if the Falen that the young man so eagerly wished to assist…and follow.

I’d ask that you please not mention me to the Delegacy. I prefer my mundane comings and goings to be without mention. Should anyone inquire, you may share that I am grateful for their hospitality, and I am carrying out my duties. Of course I shall return if summoned. And I shall join you this evening, perhaps at Stormgrove?
"Good to meet you again, Sir." Vitus stirred uncomfortably, "Very well, I'd just assumed that the Praefectus wanted to ensure you were comfortable in the city. I did go to see Lady Oppia Nazaria to let her know you'd be coming to see her. She'd sent word to the Praefectus Casca know that you needn't hurry but I'm not sure if you got the word?....."
Handshakes are exchanged between the two. One, now a full member of the Exemplars and the other a new friend and ally to Bluffside's hereoes.

Aust Thale said:
Falen hands both of his sacks of “loot” to the Palace Guard for inventory. “Oh, wait!” He removes the magical gloves of luck. “Add these to the inventory. However, you might refrain from mingling the contents of these with the rest of the items taken from the other combatants. The Dusk’s tools warrant care; they are particular in their poison. We’ll be along in due course to assist in sorting out what’s useful.

Falen finds himself wanting of catharsis after using the humanbane dagger. Effective as it appears to be, he feels emotionally fatigued. It might be the poison; its primary effects having waned, he felt the nausea of the residual. He collects himself and sets about quietly accompanying the Elites as they collect their deceased and move them to the temple district or to their final resting place. Oakfirst isn’t keen on the help; however he remains silent. Falen nods at Tym and the others as they begin to walk to Stormgrove. Falen will join them when this grim business is sorted. He follows Capt. Camburn’s attendants closely enough to avoid trouble from other Elites or city guards, but far enough away that the Captain’s brethren, including Oakfirst, shouldn’t feel intruder upon.

Upon delivery of Camburn and the other Elites, Falen takes a moment alone where others can’t see him near a planter-tree and retches. His mouth tasting of bile, he reaches into his pack and takes his magical cup and gulps deeply. He says an appreciative prayer to Tyche, and he pulls his hood down over his hat and changes his visage to the Aceron turdnugget…er…young man.
The guards tell Falen that the items will be stored in the palace for the time being. "A full accounting will be done to make sure nothing is missed. Once everything is sorted and stored, a messenger will send word to... where are you staying?"

"He's probably going to be at Stormgrove with the other Exemplars," Petronille says.

The man nods. He's not one of the guards who fought with the PCs. He seems to be in charge of gathering the dead off the street. "Yes, word will be sent from the palace that everything is in order. The magic will be secured."

"We'll make sure of that," Petronille says to Falen. She looks to the other guards who fought in the street battle. "It is important to us."

The other guards nod.

Zenpher thanks Falen for his help.

Falen heads towards the Palace of the Ancients. He comes up behind the citizens trailing the commander and Custodio just as they are about to reach a side entrance leading into the palace from the north. Falen had heard rumours of an entrance being located around here, but he is surprised when a secret door opens up in the wall. The commander takes Captain Camburn's body inside. Burchard and Emelia attend him and the two Elites are carrying the only parts of Unglar that could be recovered.

The crowd is forced to stay outside the palace. As Falen approaches, candles are lit and place in an alcove near the open doorway. It seems the entrance isn't a true secret, just not left open for people to come and go. Once he is closer, he finds that the door is more obvious up close. Custodio sees him while saying goodbye to Sir Breva. Custodio waves Falen forward to come inside the palace. The guards with the dead are close behind the unseen seer.

The crowd parts and, luckily for Falen, the people are more focused on the dead Loyalists and mercenaries. The crowd begins to murmur. "So many." "The Exemplars truly are heroes." "Old City is lucky to have them as its protectors." "What is that?" "A fiend." Absolutely horrible."

Falen notes that the people step back even more when they see the dead body of The Butcher. Once inside, the large door is sealed shut behind them. There is a strange device on the wall just inside. Falen has never seen anything like it. This is magic or technology that is beyond his studies. Lord Max will be very interested in learning about it and more about the palace.

Falen looks around. The room he is in is huge and opens up into another room that is even more mid boggling. The construction is well beyond the normal, even if was constructed with magic. The rumours about the skills of the Ancients is true, it seems. Could this be what Ph-... Waldo is after?

Custodio clears his throat and them smiles at Falen. "It is an impressive building. And, it hasn't given up all its secrets yet."

"Custodio," Commander Oakfirst says firmly.

The Vanquisher cleric and Elite turns towards his commander. The man is shaking his head. Custodio sighs and motions for Falen to follow. "I can't say more," he whispers. "Stay close and don't... touch... anything."

Oakfirst leads the way to a central room that looks like it has been converted into a large shrine. Falen notices that there are statues for the Twelve Gods of Bluffside arrayed in a circle around the room's perimeter. A dais sit in the centre of the room. The commander places Captain Camburn on the dais. The few remains of Unglar are placed in a wooden box near the statue of the Purifier.

The dead Loyalists and mercenaries are taken elsewhere to have any remaining items stripped from them. The captured 'loot' goes with them into a special storage room.

The commander turns to look at his Elites and at Falen. "The captain will be returning to us. His life is to important to lose right now. I don't know if Unglar's soul can come back. There is so little of him left and doubt The Five will pay for a true resurrection for him." The commander looks at Falen. "I thank you for what you and the other Exemplars have done this day. The city owes you a debt of gratitude. Now, I ask you to give your friends a message. I need you all to come here just after supper. No later than a hour, at most. There are things we must discuss."

He looks at Custodio. "I'll need you here too."

"Then, I should go right away. I must rest and pray for my spells," the cleric says. "I hope that the Purifier will hear my prayers at such an odd time of day." He nods to Falen. "I'll see you later."

Custodio leaves Falen alone with the lord commander. Oakfirst stares at Falen for what feels like an eternity. "I haven't been able to find out anything else about Casca's plans or the death of Avitus. If I do, I will let you know. Now, if you don't mind, I'll a moment with my old friend. I must pray for his forgiveness in what I must do next. He will not be happy that I must bring him back, but he is too popular with the people to lose right now."

The commander kneels in front of the dais and begins to pray. He says nothing more to Falen. His personal Elites escort the unseen seer from the palace's chapel.

"You should probably get some rest," Burchard suggests. He yawns. "We're all going to need it."

As they walked through the devastation of the district, Vitus' conversation was muted and subdued. He watched the interactions of the Exemplars and guards with a keen interest and took in every interaction.
The Lantern Ward is a wreck. It will likely take months to rebuild everything The Beast destroyed... even with magical aid. Vitus helps the wounded as much as he can, especially among the people. If anyone notices his sash, they don't say anything. They are just glad for the help.

TaranTheWanderer said:
With the destruction behind them, their brief conversation seemed to spark Vitus' need to talk once again. He shared much of his childhood, including that his parents were a priestess of Tyche - who'd inducted him into the priesthood at a very young age and a seemingly neglectful adventuring father who'd float in and out of his life had mysteriously left him at the age of eleven. They'd left him, "wondrous gifts"** which allowed him to start his 'Travelling lifestyle'. He'd defeated goblins at the age of 13, saving a noble's life, which landed him as a Page in Bluffside. Besides being a Page, the "almost sixteen year old" was an acolyte at the Temple of Tyche where he would be fully inducted as a Priest when he turns 17. Once he turned the conversation to Tyche, it was obvious that his love and devotion for Tyche was near fanatical - especially concerning the Goddess' doctric involving travel and adventuring.

Despite his constant flow of conversation, the young man had a fun sense of humour and was incredibly insightful. He was always keen to hear people's views and opinions and never let his chatter be overbearing or control the flow of the conversation, asking deep and pointed questions and showing interest in everything his new comrades had to say.
Vitus gets caught up in Sobla's revelation to the Exemplars. It all seems so fantastical. The Exemplars are soon on the move again through Old City's streets. Akos and Tuck are asking Sobla many questions about her and Mutt's experience. The big dog walks next to Tuck but gets distracted by the people in the streets.

The cleric of Tyche walks alongside Sir Tymbeck and the Sectarian. Vitus and Vincenzo swap stories. Rockhorn rides alongside on Spritewing.

Once Akos has asked everything he can about the fey goddess, the well, and the Shadowstar Sea, Sobla comes over to listen to Vitus' stories about his past. She listen intently. Like him, she is very young for one of her people, but she is taller than Tuck already.

The group walks through Moons' Arch and Beacon Arch to arrive in the Lilal Ward, which is named for the rarely used Lilal Gate. Most heading east out of Old City leave through the East Gate. Stormgrove Manor, the home of Terger Alela (in absentia), soon comes into sight, and all of you are glad to see it. Tim leads the ways, as Terger left Stormgrove to him to attend to and protect. Not that Tim has to worry about protecting the place. Several Dark Lanterns appear out of the manor's garden hedges to greet the Exemplars. The manor's estate is being better tended to but still needs work.

Normally, Gerey would be present to greet them but, it seems, he's the guest of a fey goddess. The dragori druid too. In the warden's absence, young Puck is taking up the mantle it seems, as are the manor's maids. Huverel, Sylemis' young druidic protégé, greets them at the door.

"I'm glad your back, and with Miss Sobla," the half-elf says to Tim. "She told us that Gerey and Sylemis are safe, but didn't have time to tell us more."

Sobla begins to tell her tale once more and the staff of Stormgrove listen in rapt silence.

Falen Returns to Stormgrove:
Aust Thale said:
He walks back to Stormgrove, trying to make himself as inconspicuous as possible.

Upon arriving at Stormgrove, he finds an unoccupied bedroom or room with a wash-basin, cleans himself up, and washes his tunic and clothes, setting them to dry for a few hours. He dons his spare set, studies his spell research, and quietly meditated until he falls asleep.

He is deeply troubled after the battle and the apparent deep distrust among Bluffside’s various factions, including its defenders.

These people are rapidly losing their perspective. This Phelix won’t need many monsters if the good folks do nothing. What an incredible shame.

He sleeps a sleep of a spy. One who isn’t sure what happens next.
By the time Falen has returned to Stormgrove, the others have either gone to bed already or have gone to see someone named Spindle. He finds that a room has been set aside and cleaned for him. It is cozy.

Later in the Early Evening:
TaranTheWanderer said:
As they sifted through item after item of treasure, Vitus showed a sense of wonder but his knowledge in Spellcraft was especially helpful as they discussed the various magical properties of the items. Whether it was the excitement of the day, the teenager never seemed to tire. Given the opportunity, it seemed he would be willing to work into the wee hours of the night.

Finally, though, when he'd but down the final item, a bejeweled amulet, he said,

"I should probably go back to the delegacy. They'll be worried, wondering where I am."
Vitus has lost all sense of time. Many of the Exemplars have already slept or gone to seek advice elsewhere and come back again. Day has turned into early evening.

No one objects to him heading back to his embassy. It is the closest thing he has to a home, after all. He makes his way there through two of Old City's inner gates. He arrives at the delegacy just in time for the changing of the guard shift. The guards make him show his Ticinum papers and let him inside without another word.

He finds Vel Faunus Amphion hard at work at his desk just beyond the foyer. The half-satyr scribe is lost in thought, as usual. It takes near five minutes for him to look up at Vitus.

"I see you're finally back," Amphion says. "We hear you've been busy... making interesting friends." The scribe smiles at him. It is a bit unnerving. "Well, when I say we, I mean 'me'," he adds. "I haven't told the praefectus about your little adventurers. I leave that up to you."

Amphion waves Vitus away. "Now, you better get some sleep. Lord Casca will be back later tonight. He is attending a party at Old City's museum. He'll likely be back just before midnight. You will be ready to greet him and let him know everything you have learned about these Exemplars, especially Mr. Falen."


I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
Akos follows along with the group. He is starting to actually hate The Sorcerer, as opposed to just being annoyed that his enjoyment of the city has been interrupted. He is appalled at the amount of damage a simple beast could do. Destructive, sure, but this one was beyond normal world, both fiery and from beyond. The former could be explained with demonic influences, but the latter. The enemy is more dangerous than anticipated and his time difference is important. If he's binding fiends, the city cannot wait for ideal situation.

He is interrupted from his musings with the tension between law keepers of the city. They are fractured into many different units, different prestige, different leaders, The Five have their own, the nobles too...each keeping the information for themselves to gain advantage or simply out of habit. He resists his natural instinct to posture and make speech to try and turn the lot into one. This must be addressed, but he needs more information both on the beast, on the fey that contacted them and how can he use it to unify the people. When he started preaching for Titania, he never expected to get more than a handful of hedonists and pranksters. This, potentially, is huge. But he would not promote unknown fey even if it professes allegiance.

Loremaster smiles internally as he realizes he too keeps information to himself before acting. Making a quick list of needed research, items to do, he realizes it won't do to go into another fight as-is. He needs to cut down to the basics, heart, sleep and research.

Getting to the alchemist shop, Spindles shop, he does some experiments, but leaves the heart in Spindles hands nodding to Vitus as he consecrated the area.

He makes the apothecary sign a quick form taking temporary ownership of the heart obliging him to make all information discovered about it available to Bluffside and The Exemplars.

"Spindle, this is dangerous stuff. Watch for regeneration, check for parasites, eggs contained within or any other irregularities within the tissue. You can use parts of the heart for your own purposes, but don't do massive damage in a sense the heart is essentially destroyed. I will come later tonight for initial results."

OOC: a reminder that Akos rolled natural 20 for information about the heart and similar events that happened in stories, legends or history

He then sends a messenger with a note to the Temple district, Teachers Library, specifying what he needs readied in the library
  • fey thicket within the city
  • the well
  • Rigantona
  • gates / shifts to Shadowstar sea

To the group, what little remained at the alchemist he offers
"I need to rest and refresh my powers, clean up some and do some research on the events Sobla described. After Stormgrove manor, I'll go directly to Temple district. Oh, Sir Tymbek, I too can help with the shirt, but you need some of the same material to replace the burned off areas."

Akos goes to prepare for rest, ritually cleaning himself before resting. As he awakes, he feels incredibly well rested and refreshed, the fight and fear and exhilaration of the epic fight combined to unlock something within, new insights into the powers of the universe.

Thus refreshed, he takes time with Falen and Vincenco to identify items when opportunity presents itself.
Greeting everyone he meets in the manor, he happily goes to the library to do some research.

OOC: Knightfall: what do I need to roll? And how much to pay for research assistance? :)
Also, is there a place to buy warlock scepter and/or chasuble of fell power?

Everyone: Akos isn't for destroying cold-iron weapons per se, for example, the artful weapon is deadly, but is still work of art - he would prefer it somewhere far away from himself, but it can be sold. Minor stuff, he would ask to be destroyed, and is willing to 'sacrifice' part of his loot value for that.

We also need a ring of sustenance or some spells/scrolls/wands that do the same for that boy in the catacombs
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Race: Human
HP: 52/52
20; FF:17 T:14

[]Cure Minor; [X] Detect Magic; []
Detect Poison; [] [] Light; [] Mending
Will: +11
Refl: +5
Initiative: +3
Melee: +7/+2 (+1)
1st [6+1](DC16) [ ]Bless; [ ] Command; [ ]Comprehend Languages; [ ]Endure Elements [ ] Sanctuary; [] Lesser Vigor
2nd[5+1](DC17) [x]Consecrate; [ ] Benediction [ ] Gentle Repose [] Remove Paralysis [X] Lesser Restoration
3rd[4+1](DC18) [ ] Mass lesser Vigor [ ]Dispel Magic; [ ]; Invisibility Purge; []Status (Extended)
4th: [3+1](DC19) [X] Restoration
DEX: 16+ 3
CON: 14 + 2
INT: 14 +2
WIS: 20 +5
CHA:15 +2
XP: 28,000/36000
->= studied
1: >[]Sanctuary; []Longstrider
2. []Shield Other; >[] Locate Object
3: >[]Protection from Energy; [] Fly
4: []Spell Immunity; >[] Dim Door

Getting to the alchemist shop, Spindles shop, he does some experiments, but leaves the heart in Spindles hands nodding to Vitus as he consecrated the area.
Vitus felt very proud of himself as he donned a Priestly garb. His mother was a Priestess of Tyche and had ordained Vitus. It was frustrating since Amira, the High Priestess at the Temple of Tyche wouldn't recognize his position - treating him as an acolyte and making him scrub floors instead of lead worship. The Praefectus had also ordered him not to invoke Tyche's powers.

The consecration of the alchemists lab was a vindication that he deserved to be recognized for what he was. And while the Restoration and the Consecration spells were expensive for his measly income and cut deeply into his small inheritance, he felt it was worth the cost to show Akos that he was more than just a teenage Page.

Later in the Early Evening:

He arrives at the delegacy just in time for the changing of the guard shift. The guards make him show his Ticinum papers and let him inside without another word.

He finds Vel Faunus Amphion hard at work at his desk just beyond the foyer. The half-satyr scribe is lost in thought, as usual. It takes near five minutes for him to look up at Vitus.

"I see you're finally back," Amphion says. "We hear you've been busy... making interesting friends." The scribe smiles at him. It is a bit unnerving. "Well, when I say we, I mean 'me'," he adds. "I haven't told the praefectus about your little adventurers. I leave that up to you."
Vitus wondered at the Satyr. He always seemed deeply distracted in his work but always seemed perfectly informed of what was going on in the city. He wondered exactly what Amphion knew.

"I was just helping people. I couldn't just stand and do nothing. I'm sure Lord Casca will understand.
Amphion waves Vitus away. "Now, you better get some sleep. Lord Casca will be back later tonight. He is attending a party at Old City's museum. He'll likely be back just before midnight. You will be ready to greet him and let him know everything you have learned about these Exemplars, especially Mr. Falen."
Getting sleep. Vitus didn't really need sleep - a fact that he kept secret - but he wondered if the Satyr knew that as well. Ever since Vitus had inherited his father's ring, after that first week of being alone on the road, starving, he found that he didn't need to sleep. Just a couple hours in a day was enough. He also found that he no longer needed to eat - although, he always tried to indulge in whatever meal was presented to him, both for the sake of politeness and to enjoy "all the gifts of life", as his had father called it.

"I mean, you seem to know what's going on, maybe you should tell him..." he was trying to gauge the Satyr's response, "I don't see what's so important about the Exemplars, anyways. How do they affect Ticinum's interests in Bluffside? They're just trying to catch that rogue sorcerer - Surely they wouldn't affect trade or security..."

Once they were done their conversation and Vitus was dismissed, the teenager went about cleaning his armour - a gift from his mother, yet another secret as it allowed him to make it look like any type of clothing. He, then, waited impatiently for Lord Casca to return home from the party. A party. Partying while all this was happening in the city seemed incongruent.

He thought of the Kobold and the story of the well and the Shadowstar Sea. So many places to explore and to visit while he'd been trapped here. Maybe his parents were there, travelling among a million stars. He imagined meeting them there, finally reunited, and embracing them as they smiled and invited him to join their adventures.

The thought struck him like a slap in the face.

That sole image cemented his decision: He was going to leave the Ticinum Delegation. Tonight, when he spoke with Casca, he'd give him the news.

He wondered if the Exemplars would take him with them.

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World of Kulan DM
Akos follows along with the group. He is starting to actually hate The Sorcerer, as opposed to just being annoyed that his enjoyment of the city has been interrupted. He is appalled at the amount of damage a simple beast could do. Destructive, sure, but this one was beyond normal world, both fiery and from beyond. The former could be explained with demonic influences, but the latter. The enemy is more dangerous than anticipated and his time difference is important. If he's binding fiends, the city cannot wait for ideal situation.

He is interrupted from his musings with the tension between law keepers of the city. They are fractured into many different units, different prestige, different leaders, The Five have their own, the nobles too...each keeping the information for themselves to gain advantage or simply out of habit. He resists his natural instinct to posture and make speech to try and turn the lot into one. This must be addressed, but he needs more information both on the beast, on the fey that contacted them and how can he use it to unify the people. When he started preaching for Titania, he never expected to get more than a handful of hedonists and pranksters. This, potentially, is huge. But he would not promote unknown fey even if it professes allegiance.
When the Exemplars reach Stormgrove, several of them choose to find a room and sleep. Tim is the first to go back to the room provided for him. Vincenzo is next to find a room; he falls asleep half on the bed before he can get his clothes off. The manor's maids do the rest of the work and fuss over his healing wounds.

Sobla decides to sleep as well. Both she and Mutt feel like they haven't slept in days. They curl up together by the fire in the manor's main hall. The girl snores loudly. Mutt sleeps soundly next to her. He seems to be used to her snoring.

The manor's staff finds a room for Rockhorn and place in the stables for Spritewing. While neither of them were wounded during the fight with The Beast, the long journey from Westcairn will catch up with them, eventually. Until then, the wild dwarf is free to explore the manor house under the watchful gaze of the Dark Lanterns.

Both Tuck and Vitus both agree to go with Akos to see the apothecary, Spindle.

Neurotic said:
Loremaster smiles internally as he realizes he too keeps information to himself before acting. Making a quick list of needed research, items to do, he realizes it won't do to go into another fight as-is. He needs to cut down to the basics, heart, sleep and research.

Getting to the alchemist shop, Spindles shop, he does some experiments, but leaves the heart in Spindles hands nodding to Vitus as he consecrated the area.
TaranTheWanderer said:
Vitus felt very proud of himself as he donned a Priestly garb. His mother was a Priestess of Tyche and had ordained Vitus. It was frustrating since Amira, the High Priestess at the Temple of Tyche wouldn't recognize his position - treating him as an acolyte and making him scrub floors instead of lead worship. The Praefectus had also ordered him not to invoke Tyche's powers.

The consecration of the alchemists lab was a vindication that he deserved to be recognized for what he was. And while the Restoration and the Consecration spells were expensive for his measly income and cut deeply into his small inheritance, he felt it was worth the cost to show Akos that he was more than just a teenage Page.
It is short walk through the Lilal Ward to the Green Gateway and then right to Spindle's shop just west of the inner gate. The Elites are getting used to the Exemplar's presence in Old City and many of them seem eager to impress both Akos and Tuck. They seem to wonder who Vitus is alongside such important heroes.

Vitus is a bit surprised to see the shop. It doesn't look like much. In fact, the young priest has passed by it a dozen times delivering letters. The outside seems a bit disjointed and the inside is wildly chaotic. Spindle greets both Tuck and Akos warmly. He hugs Tuck and shakes Akos hand.

"I hear you've been quite busy," the gangly old fellow says. "News of your latest deeds are spreading like wildfire. I wouldn't be surprised if its reached ears out on Sordadon." He chuckles.

Tuck nods while trying not to yawn.

"You look tired, my friend," Spindle says.

"I'll be alright," Tuck says. The kobold manages to stay on his feet for another five minutes, but he is soon napping in one of Spindle's more comfortable chairs. The apothecary covers Tuck with a blanket and moves the conversation into the back room after he locks up the front of the store.

"So, what can I do for you?"

Neurotic said:
He makes the apothecary sign a quick form taking temporary ownership of the heart obliging him to make all information discovered about it available to Bluffside and The Exemplars.

"Spindle, this is dangerous stuff. Watch for regeneration, check for parasites, eggs contained within or any other irregularities within the tissue. You can use parts of the heart for your own purposes, but don't do massive damage in a sense the heart is essentially destroyed. I will come later tonight for initial results."

OOC: a reminder that Akos rolled natural 20 for information about the heart and similar events that happened in stories, legends or history
Spindle listens intently to what Akos needs and isn't too surprised when the Loremaster and Vitus unpack the heart form its makeshift container. He could smell the heart even with Vitus' preserving magic.

"So it was still beating when the ranger pulled it from the creature," he asks rhetorically. "If it was some sort of hydra, then that wouldn't be too surprising. However, I doubt it can regenerate from just this leftover flesh." He looks at Akos. "Did the guards say what they were going to do with the rest of the carcass?"

"Acidify it, probably," Tuck says as he enters the back. His nap was a short one. He yawns and stretches and comes up to get a closer look at the heart. "Fire didn't hurt it."

"That will probably do it," Spindle replies. He takes Akos contract and signs it. "If there is anything left after they dispose of the rest of it, have them bring it to me."

Neurotic said:
He then sends a messenger with a note to the Temple district, Teachers Library, specifying what he needs readied in the library
  • fey thicket within the city
  • the well
  • Rigantona
  • gates / shifts to Shadowstar sea
Spindle suggests a local girl who used to be a runner in New City under the tutelage of Scribner Thriftmore. "Lil' Red's fast and light on her feet. She's be there in no time."

The apothecary unlocks the back door of his shop and rings a bell several times. A few minutes later, a young wisp of girl who loosk to be no more than twelve years old appears in the alleyway. "Sorry it took so long, Mr. Spindle," she says excitedly and out of breath. "I was talking to Mr. Cheeves in Square Lane. What do you need?"

"The Loremaster needs to deliver a message for him to the Teacher's Library in the Temple District. Do you think you can handle that?"

"Absolutely!" She says excitedly. "I'll be there faster than a winged mouse!"

"I would hope so," Spindle laughs.

"Winged mice are fast, you know that Mr. Spindle," Lil' Red says with her arms crossed.

"Yes, yes... how's your sister?" He asks in a more serious voice. "How are her legs feeling?"

"She okay... no, honest," the girl says. "She's trying to find work in the Undercity. The Regulars in New City made Mr. Thriftmore close up his business permanently. Too much debt they said. Everyone there has to find something new. Cadi should be able to find something. She's the best cook in the city."

Neurotic said:
To the group, what little remained at the alchemist he offers

"I need to rest and refresh my powers, clean up some and do some research on the events Sobla described. After Stormgrove manor, I'll go directly to Temple district. Oh, Sir Tymbeck, I too can help with the shirt, but you need some of the same material to replace the burned off areas."

Akos goes to prepare for rest, ritually cleaning himself before resting. As he awakes, he feels incredibly well rested and refreshed, the fight and fear and exhilaration of the epic fight combined to unlock something within, new insights into the powers of the universe.
Tuck and Vitus follows Akos back to Stormgrove. The kobold urban ranger finds a comfortable chair in the hall near Sobla and Mutt and is soon asleep again.

Vitus spends a bit of time exploring the manor with Rockhorn until the wild dwarf goes to sleep in the stables with Spritewing instead of in the room prepared for him. Then, the cleric of Tyche heads back to his embassy.

OOC: Note that the captured 'loot' is being stored at the Palace. The PCs have to go there to help identify the captured items. It is the safest place for them, plus the items must be properly processed by the city.

Neurotic said:
OOC: Knightfall: what do I need to roll? And how much to pay for research assistance? :)
Also, is there a place to buy warlock scepter and/or chasuble of fell power?
OOC: A quick search online found that there are specific rules in the Stronghold Builders Guide regarding research and libraries, but I don't have that book. However, the rules are also in the Eberron Campaign Setting book, so I'll have to dig out my copy and see what it says. I'll post my answer in the OOC thread later. Time for a break.

Voidrunner's Codex

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