Kulan: Knightfall's Crisis in Bluffside Game [IC]


World of Kulan DM
"I see you're finally back," Amphion says. "We hear you've been busy... making interesting friends." The scribe smiles at him. It is a bit unnerving. "Well, when I say we, I mean 'me'," he adds. "I haven't told the praefectus about your little adventurers. I leave that up to you."
Vitus wondered at the Satyr. He always seemed deeply distracted in his work but always seemed perfectly informed of what was going on in the city. He wondered exactly what Amphion knew.

"I was just helping people. I couldn't just stand and do nothing. I'm sure Lord Casca will understand.
"You're probably right," Amphion says. "About not being able to just stand by..." the half-satyr adjusts his spectacles and smirks at Vitus. "I'm sure you did the empire proud, but the praefectus may not see it that way. Don't forget that he can be stern when displeased."

TaranTheWanderer said:
Amphion waves Vitus away. "Now, you better get some sleep. Lord Casca will be back later tonight. He is attending a party at Old City's museum. He'll likely be back just before midnight. You will be ready to greet him and let him know everything you have learned about these Exemplars, especially Mr. Falen."
Getting sleep. Vitus didn't really need sleep - a fact that he kept secret - but he wondered if the Satyr knew that as well. Ever since Vitus had inherited his father's ring, after that first week of being alone on the road, starving, he found that he didn't need to sleep. Just a couple hours in a day was enough. He also found that he no longer needed to eat - although, he always tried to indulge in whatever meal was presented to him, both for the sake of politeness and to enjoy "all the gifts of life", as his had father called it.

"I mean, you seem to know what's going on, maybe you should tell him..." he was trying to gauge the Satyr's response, "I don't see what's so important about the Exemplars, anyways. How do they affect Ticinum's interests in Bluffside? They're just trying to catch that rogue sorcerer - Surely they wouldn't affect trade or security..."
"I'm not his puer," Amphion replies without looking up. "He didn't send me to keep an eye on Mr. Falen."

TaranTheWanderer said:
Once they were done their conversation and Vitus was dismissed, the teenager went about cleaning his armour - a gift from his mother, yet another secret as it allowed him to make it look like any type of clothing. He, then, waited impatiently for Lord Casca to return home from the party. A party. Partying while all this was happening in the city seemed incongruent.

He thought of the Kobold and the story of the well and the Shadowstar Sea. So many places to explore and to visit while he'd been trapped here. Maybe his parents were there, travelling among a million stars. He imagined meeting them there, finally reunited, and embracing them as they smiled and invited him to join their adventures.

The thought struck him like a slap in the face.

That sole image cemented his decision: He was going to leave the Ticinum Delegation. Tonight, when he spoke with Casca, he'd give him the news.

He wondered if the Exemplars would take him with them.
Vitus waits for Praefectus Casca for hours. His lord doesn't return until just before Midnight. The young cleric knows he's going to be late getting back to Stormgrove. While he hadn't seen Falen since they greeted each other near Candle Street, he knows the man will likely be back at the manor by now. In fact, one of the servants at the manor had told Vitus that Commander Oakfirst had asked them to come see him earlier in the evening. It was for Exemplars, and he wasn't one of of them... yet.

Is that what he truly wants to be, an adventurer, an Exemplar?

When Lord Casca finally strides through the front doors of the embassy, he sounds tired... weary. Vitus waits for him in an adjacent room, but the door is open and he can hear the man clearly. "Well, that was a waste of time," he says to Amphion. "The nobles of this damn city are so tight lipped."

"Yes, praefectus," the half-satyr replies.

"And they clutch their purse strings more be-lovedly than their children," Casca adds.

"Yes, praefectus, they are so-."

"Don't patronize, Amphion. I know you well enough to know your mind about this city." Casca sighs.

"I'm sorry, sir," the half-satyr says. "You are right. I care little for what goes on beyond these walls. But, it is important to you, to the empire, so I must try to put my own feelings aside." Amphion stands from his desk. "Your young puer has returned. he is waiting for you in there."

"Is he now," Casca says. Vitus can hear the annoyance in his lord's voice. "Well, let's hear what he has to say about Mr. Falen."

"That's the least he has to tell you, I think," Amphion says knowingly.

"Oh... really?" Casca ponders. "Hmm, this should be an interesting conversation."

Casca pushes open the double doors into the sitting room where Vitus is waiting. He is dressed in his finest attire. The man wear's his uniform well and can be an imposing, striking figure when he chooses to impress allies and rivals alike. He looks right at Vitus. He isn't glaring. Just staring. He closes the doors behind him.

He moves to take off his sash and cat and tosses them on a low seat before moving to the fireplace to warm his hands. "This city can get so cold." He waits for Vitus to gather up his garments and hang them properly on a small rack near the doors. Once Vitus finishes, Casca sits down and waits for Vitus to sit down across from him. He continues to stare at the young puer for several minutes.

"So, tell me," he says finally. "Why did you let that Falen fellow give you the slip? Was I not clear you were to remain closer to him than his own shadow?"

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Race: Human
HP: 52/52
20; FF:17 T:14

[]Cure Minor; [X] Detect Magic; []
Detect Poison; [] [] Light; [] Mending
Will: +11
Refl: +5
Initiative: +3
Melee: +7/+2 (+1)
1st [6+1](DC16) [ ]Bless; [ ] Command; [ ]Comprehend Languages; [ ]Endure Elements [ ] Sanctuary; [] Lesser Vigor
2nd[5+1](DC17) [x]Consecrate; [ ] Benediction [ ] Gentle Repose [] Remove Paralysis [X] Lesser Restoration
3rd[4+1](DC18) [ ] Mass lesser Vigor []Dispel Magic; [ ]; Invisibility Purge; [X]Status (Extended)
4th: [3+1](DC19) [X] Restoration
DEX: 16+ 3
CON: 14 + 2
INT: 14 +2
WIS: 20 +5
CHA:15 +2
XP: 28,000/36000
->= studied
1: >[]Sanctuary; []Longstrider
2. []Shield Other; >[] Locate Object
3: >[]Protection from Energy; [] Fly
4: []Spell Immunity; >[] Dim Door

"So, tell me," he says finally. "Why did you let that Falen fellow give you the slip? Was I not clear you were to remain closer to him than his own shadow?"
"Lady Oppia Nazaria was expecting him and he needed to go see Captain Oakfirst and he asked me to let her know he would be late. I thought it would be best not to keep Ladia Nazaria waiting....hadn't she sent you word?" It became obvious to Vitus that Falen had 'ditched' him. He decided to quickly change the subject.

How was the party?

Casca is surprised by Vitus’ question. “Is that what Amphion called it? I guess that is as good a description for it as anything else. This city is constantly trying to raise coin for its Ancients’ museum. I went to see if some of that coin could flow the empire’s way.”

"Will any of that coin be used for Avitus' funeral? As a Chosen of Tyche, I would like to help with the rites."

"There won’t be a funeral in Bluffside. He is being sent home to his family. That is our tradition. I care not if The Five or anyone else in this city questions the decision. His body must be transported there for burial. You should know this...”

Casca shakes his head. “It does not matter that he was murdered. If I hadn’t sent the body, I could lose my place here. The Emperor might make me ambassador in absentia. It would be Honor Meus, but if he chooses someone else, I am happy to serve the Emperor however he chooses. Are you?”

This answer shook Vitus. He was very fond of Avitus as the man had always been kind to him and to not be able to pay respects to Avitus made Vitus very sad. Casca hadn't even asked Vitus to preserve the body. What was more difficult was Casca's last question. There was a conflict within the boy. Of course he was loyal to the Emperor - every morning, with the rest of the delegation, he pledged his allegiance to the Emperor. He could not deny his heritage. But every morning, before he did that, he also pledged his life to Tyche. And Tyche was pushing him in a direction that was making this conversation very uncomfortable. For the moment, he dodged the question,

"My Lord, haven't you heard of the incident in the Lantern Ward? Loyalists, along with a creature destroyed much of the ward. So many people are dead or wounded. I've spent most of the afternoon and evening helping the Exemplars. I've been waiting for you to return to report."

Vitus told Lord Casca everything he'd found out, including the kobold's account of the Well. This, unfortunately, lead the conversation back to the Exemplars and Falen.

"Falen seems very secretive about his comings and goings in the city. He's not exactly forthcoming to me...but he seems very nice...concerned about the well being of the people. My Lord, Why do you want to know so much about the Exemplars?"

“Why would I not want to know about a powerful group of heroes who might raise Bluffside’s prestige on the continent.” Casca shakes his head. Why are you questioning me about protecting the delegacy from those who might become Ticinum’s enemies on the battlefield.”

He looks at Vitus sternly. “Your loyalties should only be to the empire. Do not become enamoured by these foreign heroes. They are nothing in the grand scheme of the world... unless they become a danger to the Emperor. This building and its grounds are Ticinum. I will not protect you outside these walls if you question the empire or the will of the Emperor.”

The warning hung heavy and Vitus felt as if he was standing on the edge of a cliff. But Lady Fortune rewarded the Bold so he stepped off the ledge,

"I just don't see how they might become Ticinum's enemies. And...my Lord...while I appreciate all that you have done for me...it's been such an honour to serve you, I couldn't have asked for a better reward for my deeds so many years ago but...my loyalties can't ONLY be to the Empire. I'm a Priest of Tyche, even if High Priestess Amina Elestrada refuses to acknowledge it. In a month, I will be sixteen. A man. And Tyche is calling me to action. I think it is time for me to go...and I would like to have your blessing."

I'd like an to insight Casca around the murder of Avitas. He certainly has a lot to gain from Avitas' death. Not that Vitus would have suspected him, but sending the body away so quickly was jarring for Vitus.
Sense Motive: 1D20+6 = [16]+6 = 22

Also, as I mentioned in Discord, I've been wanting to cast Status on one or more of the Exemplars so we can meet up again - especially since I didn't know that the Identifying of items was at the castle. I'd mentioned it in one post and backtracked on it because we were all sticking together but then forgot to mention it again in my last post when we separated. I imagine, he'd do it on Big Tim and one other person who was around
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World of Kulan DM
Stormgrove Manor, 4:45 p.m.:
Falen awakes with a start. His brain continues to contemplate the encounter with the Dusk, the mercs, and the monster.
How could Oakfirst not be concerned with the tunnels and their links among buildings, and undoubtedly the sewer, which might grant access to anywhere in this section of the city, if not the entire city?
He lifts himself up, sore despite the healing potions and spells. The nap is more restful than nothing, but not as rejuvenating as a hammock at home. He stretches and looks out of the window at late afternoon (3:30pm). Marine layer is creeping into the edges of the city closest to the water.
And why do our opponents display such an unnatural morale?
He dresses his armored shirt and tunic, and sits for an hour studying his spellbook. It’s difficult to muster his full attention, again after-effects of the enchantress’ spell attack.
Falen notes to himself that he’d like a look at the enchantress’ spellbook. Perhaps the spell she used on him would come in use, or some utility spells. He also meditates for a bit, carefully making headway on a new skill or two.
He then collects his things, repacks his haversack, and sets about searching for his compatriots and perhaps some food and drink at Stormgrove, and if not there, perhaps at a nearby tavern if open.
He also intends on delivering the leather belts to a craftsman to craft a proper expanded bandoleer for potions & weapons, particularly daggers. He has a belt and scabbard for his short sword, as well as a makeshift clip to secure his bow to his haversack and keep within reach. But with the addition, even temporary, of additional daggers, he wants to wear them properly.
He is careful to leave little to no trace of his nap save the basin and washcloth, and he steps out (4:45pm) to see if he can catch a leathersmith or cordwainer to assist him. Food at Stormgrove on the fly if possible, and if not, after he finds his leathersmith.
Stepping out of his room, he finds that several of the other Exemplars are wide awake and relaxing in the manor's great hall. There is food and drink that the manor's staff has laid out for everyone, including the Dark Lanterns. Rockhorn is still going strong while Tuck comes in 15 minutes later.

"Sobla and Mutt are still sleeping," he says. The kobold urban ranger fills a plate for himself while the manor's young footman, Puck, goes to add wood to the fireplace in the sitting room.

Akos enters the hall soon afterward. The food is good fare. Simple and well thought out. He greets the others and tells them he's heading to do research at the Teacher's Library.

Falen remembers that Oakfirst had given him a message for the others. That the lord commander would like to see them just after supper. But, Falen has the sense that each of them has things that they want to get done before then. Hopefully, Oakfirst won't mind waiting.

The Teacher's Library, 6:00 pm.:
Neurotic said:
{After} greeting everyone he meets in the manor, Akos happily goes to the library to do some research.
Akos heads to the Temple District before Tim and Vincenzo get up. Vitus asks to go with the Loremaster to help; he still has time before he has to be back at the embassy. A gate guard at the Lilal Gate offers to go with them, but Akos rebuffs the guard's offer of protection. The guard isn't insulted and instead salutes Akos like he's a Regulars' commander. It seems the news of Oakfirst plans to dismiss some of the Regulars and create a new order of Exemplar Knights has many of the guards on their best behaviour. He and Vitus gets a similar treatment from the Elites at the Temple Gate.

Compared to the streets of Old City, the Temple District is a lively place with lots of colour and sounds. Music plays and there are dancers in the streets. Akos and Vitus avoid the somber Street of Sorrows on their way to the temple and library of the god known as The Great Teacher. The god has many names of course, The Wizened Sage, The Historian. The god has two ancient aspects known as Dylona and Olius. Dylona was an ancient goddess of magic from before the time known in Bluffside as the Great Sundering. Olius was an ancient god of teaching and patience.

Everything is prepared for the Loremaster when he arrives. The entire third floor of the library has been set aside for him and dozens of references have already been prepared. Yet, there are some issues. The archivists tell him that they are having trouble finding some of the book they know he will want to see. They are quite upset about it but promise they will find the books...

"We just need a little more time," a young woman says. "We found everything we could on the goddess you wanted to know about. Please start with those books there." She points to a large stack on one table. She bows and rushes off to continue the search for the 'misplaced' books.

Akos engrosses himself in the texts about the goddess that shifted Sobla and Mutt to the Shadowstar Sea. It seems that she isn't one of the Seelie, nor an Unseelie. Rigantona is one of the Fey Ones but she is her own goddess with her own realm in the Faerie. Most of the texts about her a quite old and very dusty. And, quite informative. Some of the tales say she was once a mortal queen. She also has a strong connect with the large island northwest of Kanpur known as Gwyrdhyn. The books talk of a shining kingdom know as Ealdur and sidhe lands known as Aarithas and Lliacladria.

Soon, an hour has passed. The archivist come to remind him of the time and tell him about other things they've learned about the goddess. But, no matter how hard they search, they cannot find any references to the well.

"It's history doesn't exist," one scribe says. "Are you sure it's real?"

"This cannot be!" A male scribe yells out from the nearby stacks. "Oh, the horror!"

"Roderick! Please do not yell," the woman archivist who had spoken to Akos earlier says harshly. "you will disturb the readers on the second floor."

"But, but, Miss Vera, look at this," he holds up the book for her.

She faints dead away.

The book, no, tome the man is holding up has been vandalized. An entire section of the book has been torn out. The damage to the book is not subtle. Whoever did it, they didn't care about the content of the book at all. Other pages are burnt with acid and a map of the planes of existence has been doused with ink. For the archivists and scribes of the Teacher's Library, it is great tragedy.

Once Miss Vera has been revived, she begins to cry uncontrollably. "who would do such a thing?"

Akos immediately knew that the Renegade was guilty of this crime.

The scribes lead the woman away to rest and recuperate. The rest of the temple's staff goes into a frenzy trying to find any other books and reference that might be damaged. They find dozens. Most jammed into dark corners of the library on the fourth floor or have been gutted and left under loose floorboards or behind old timber walls in some of temple's storage areas.

Worst still, other books and references are just gone. All of damaged and stolen books are references on the planes beyond. The Elemental Planes, the Ethereal, the Outer Planes, Spireguard, and the Shadowstar Sea.

"How are we ever going to tell him?" An elder archivist asks out loud. 'Him' is Pennant Hassenforth, the head archivist. and, it isn't long until the commotion brings the up from the main floor. Akos and the archivists break it to him as gently as possible. He nearly goes into a rage.

"Those damn Loyalists! That damn Renegade! How did they get in here again?"

Akos helps takes stock of everything that is missing and damaged while Vitus goes back to Old City to see Lord Casca.

At the Palace, 10:30 p.m.:
Akos takes time with Falen and Vincenco to identify items when opportunity presents itself.
Four and half hours later, while Vitus is still waiting for his lord, Akos and the other Exemplars have finally all rested and gathered together at Stormgrove. The captured items are still at the Palace and they have learned that Oakfirst wishes for the Exemplars to come to the Palace to help with the identification and to speak with him about what to do next.

Tuck leads the way through Old City. The streets are quiet and calm. It is the first night days that the Dusk and Loyalists have remained hidden in their holes, or just hidden. No one challenges you as you travel through the district. Instead, several of Elite patrols walk with you on parts of their routes, hoping you will protect them long enough for them to relax a bit. The guards tell you that the situation at the barracks has been handled and the Regulars are back on the job, although Oakfirst had to agree to give many of them several nights off.

Instead, it is the Elites and Sectarians taking the lead this night. And, the Dark Lanterns, from the shadows.

Near the Palace, Old City is as still as the sea on a hot, windless summer's day. Both Burchard and Emelia are there to greet you. They look like they haven't slept. They escort you to Palace's storage area where everything has been prepared. The lord commander isn't present, but...

"He couldn't wait for you any longer," Emelia says. "He went to talk to The Five. He should be back in an hour or two."

Burchard introduces you all to the Palace's head barrister, Emrys Kneller. "He'll help us sort through everything, so that noting is missed."

The man is short, barely 5 feet tall and pudgy like a pot-bellied pig. He wears oversized spectacles and carries a ledger. "I'm glad you are here to help," he says in a strangely deep voice but with a hint of foreign accent. "I will make note of everything. There is a fee for my services and for the storage of the items. It's only 2% of the value of these items, but it must be paid."

Several of the guards who fought with the Exemplars are present, as is Ela. They present their items for identification and wait in the wings while you work. The process is time consuming and little tedious. Vitus arrives at the Palace before the process is done. It takes three hours to go through everything. The barrister doesn't miss one coin, gem, or item.

"Quite the haul," he says once he's finished his figured. He hands out copies to everyone. It is a lot, especially for the guards. "Hopefully, you will all come to reasonable agreement, hmm? I shall leave you with my team to help you."

"Later, it seems," Ela says when a woman comes to whisper in her ear. "The lord commander has returned."

She leads the way to the building's chapel. There, you find Oakfirst standing with a man to his right who looks like he's a cleric. The man has been woken up in the middle of the night and isn't happy about it. Standing to Oakfirst's left is Lady Pomander. Her arm is in a sling, but she is standing on her own.

"It seems I will have to give you more time to sort things," Oakfirst says. "But first, The Five have given their permission to have the captain resurrected. Mr. Irnas..."

"Doyen Irnas," the cleric snaps.

"Yes, Doyen Irnas of the Temple of the Ethereal One has agreed to help bring him back," Oakfirst says. There is a touch of irritation in the commander's voice.

"I didn't know I was going to have an audience. I would have charged more," the cleric chuckles.

"Just do it!" Lady Pomander commands. She's not taken her eyes off of Camburn. She moves to the man and kisses him on the forehead. "Please, come back to us, my friend. The city still needs you."

The cleric shrugs and slithers over to the dais and begins praying over the lifeless form of Captain Valentine Camburn. While the process should be nearly instantaneous, the Doyen makes it a spectacle. It is painful to watch. He finishes with a flare and then a quick cantrip for effect.

The captain's wounds are instantly knitted and life flows in his body. He gasps for breath and opens his eyes. The cleric steps away, takes his payment, and leaves.

"Welcome back, old friend," Oakfirst says solemnly.

"Did we win?" Camburn ask.
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World of Kulan DM
OOC: Cut and paste for SDWjr. from the Discord.

Vinny, having been close to death himself, is glad to see Capt Camburn rise. With a smile he steps forward and addresses the Lady, the Captain and the Commander.

He bows and says, "Mi' Lady, Gentlemen. Captain, your victorious deeds of Valor shall be known for many years, as well as many more deeds to come." He pauses in thought for a moment then continues, "There was one whom I am curious about. A young lad who flew on a pegasis with the dwarf. He restored my health after i had been poisoned. Is he one of your troops?"

He bows again and steps back to where he was.


World of Kulan DM
"I just don't see how they might become Ticinum's enemies.
"One man's heroes can be another man's enemy," Casca interrupts. "I'm not saying they will become enemies of the Emperor, but it is something of which we must be cautious." He notes the look on Vitus' face and see the young man has something else to say. He motions for Vitus to continue.

TaranTheWanderer said:
And...my Lord...while I appreciate all that you have done for me...it's been such an honour to serve you, I couldn't have asked for a better reward for my deeds so many years ago but...my loyalties can't ONLY be to the Empire. I'm a Priest of Tyche, even if High Priestess Amina Elestrada refuses to acknowledge it. In a month, I will be sixteen. A man. And Tyche is calling me to action. I think it is time for me to go...and I would like to have your blessing."
Lord Casca listens intently. His eyes display both anger and sorrow. He sits for a minute and just stares at Vitus before he finally speaks. "If you were anyone else, I'd have you taken back to Ticinum in chains and have you put on trial for treason." He quickly holds up his hands. "Easy now, my boy," he says with a sigh. "I knew taking you on would be temporary, at best. It seems old Avitus had been right all along, you are indeed meant for other things."

He shakes his head. "I just didn't think this is the path you would choose." He sits back and pours himself some wine. "I spoke the truth when I said I can't protect you outside these walls. And its not like Amina is going to come to your rescue either. Just the opposite. She might make trouble for you once you've severed this relationship." He pauses to let his words sink in. "Really think about that, Vitus. If she brands you a heretic, I cannot help you. If Avitus was still alive, then maybe he could..."

He stands and holds out his hands to Vitus. Once the boy grasps Casca's hands, he says, "I release you from your obligations, young Vitus Paccione. I hope Tyche will grant you luck in what you are going to face on your own... or with these heroes of yours." Casca roughly grabs a hold of Vitus' hands and looks at his former page sternly but without malice. "You must take all of your possessions with you, my boy, understand? Leave nothing behind. I will not be able to give you back anything that you leave here. You must find somewhere else to live. If you get into trouble, do not come here. You will be turned away. Tell me you understand?

There is great concern in Lord Casca's voice. He is worried for Vitus, but if there is a reason why, Vitus can't sense it. The boy can tell that the man is being genuine with his words and emotions. Vitus senses no malice towards the dead ambassador in his former lord's words.

Casca finally lets go of Vitus' hands. "I- I will have Amphion draw up the necessary documents. It will a take a while. No, objections. And, no tears."

He leaves the room and closes the door behind him. Vitus hears him bark an order to the embassy's scribe. When the half-satyr objects, he screams at the half fey to do what he says. He is gone for what feels like and eternity to Vitus. When he returns, he brings with him one of his favoured possessions, a gladius from his family, and several documents. He insists that Vitus sign the documents where he notes. The documents release him from service and Vitus agrees to not step on Ticinum soil for ten years.

"That includes this embassy," Casca says as he gathers up the papers and takes Vitus out into the foyer. "Amphion will help you gather up your possessions and make sure you do not take anything that does not belong to you." He holds out his hand to Vitus. "That includes your sash."

Once Vitus has handed over his regalia, Casca holds out the blade to Vitus. "This is yours now. Use it wisely, young Vitus. I hope it will protect you as it protected me." Then, he leaves the foyer to heads to bed.

"You are a fool," Amphion says to Vitus as he helps him clear out his possessions from his room. The half-satyr escorts him from the embassy. The night has become cold. "Lord Casca told me to give this to you after you were off the grounds." He hands Vitus a note. The half-satyr's demeanour softens, slightly, "Good luck."

The gladius is a +2 keen short sword of defending. It comes with an ornate sheath worth 500 gp. The weapon was handed down to Casca from his father. The weapon was forged by Casca's grandmother, a renown Ticin smith. It is called The Glorious ("Gloriosus").

The Note

I hope you will not be angry at me for too long. You had to know this was a possibility. If not, then I have been a poor teacher. I wish you the greatest of luck, and I will meet you at the Gates of Athena in ten years time. We can drink and eat and you tell me of your adventures. You have chosen a path that I wish I had taken in my youth.

Do not despair about losing your homeland. Ten years will go by faster than you think.

Know that is has been my greatest honour to be your lord. Also, know that I am sorry for what I'm about to tell you. Cassianus Dovius Avitus was your grandfather. He had wanted to tell you, so many times, but your parents had sworn him to secrecy. Now that he is gone, it is best that you know, and that you know that he was murdered by The Dusk. Guard your birthright carefully.

Speak to Falen. He will tell you all he knows. But, he did not know Avitus was your father's true father. No one else knew. Tell Falen that he cannot come back here. The two of you might find solace and shelter with Lady Oppia Nazaria, your grandfather's cousin. While they weren't the best of friends, she might look out for you. I know Falen has not gone to see her yet.

Why the Renegade had The Dusk kill your grandfather is a secret that I do not know. Oppia might. I do know that this Phelix person had some sort of hold over your grandfather.

Good luck,

Sisenna Romnius Casca

TaranTheWanderer said:
I'd like an to insight Casca around the murder of Avitas. He certainly has a lot to gain from Avitas' death. Not that Vitus would have suspected him, but sending the body away so quickly was jarring for Vitus.
Sense Motive: 1D20+6 = [16]+6 = 22
OOC: So, I treated this as Hunch check (DC 20) using Sense Motive. Vitus doesn't sense that Casca coveted Avitus' position. More likely, he will hate being the ambassador, but he will do as the Emperor wishes. The sending of the body back to Ticinum is within the traditions of this Roman-like empire, even if that wouldn't have been the case in the real Roman Empire.

Casca's note to Vitus is likely even more jarring. ;)

Race: Human
HP: 52/52
20; FF:17 T:14

[]Cure Minor; [X] Detect Magic; []
Detect Poison; [] [] Light; [] Mending
Will: +11
Refl: +5
Initiative: +3
Melee: +7/+2 (+1)
1st [6+1](DC16) [ ]Bless; [ ] Command; [ ]Comprehend Languages; [ ]Endure Elements [ ] Sanctuary; [] Lesser Vigor
2nd[5+1](DC17) [x]Consecrate; [ ] Benediction [ ] Gentle Repose [] Remove Paralysis [X] Lesser Restoration
3rd[4+1](DC18) [ ] Mass lesser Vigor []Dispel Magic; [ ]; Invisibility Purge; [X]Status (Extended)
4th: [3+1](DC19) [X] Restoration
DEX: 16+ 3
CON: 14 + 2
INT: 14 +2
WIS: 20 +5
CHA:15 +2
XP: 28,000/36000
->= studied
1: >[]Sanctuary; []Longstrider
2. []Shield Other; >[] Locate Object
3: >[]Protection from Energy; [] Fly
4: []Spell Immunity; >[] Dim Door

When he returns, he brings with him one of his favoured possessions, a gladius from his family, and several documents. He insists that Vitus sign the documents where he notes. The documents release him from service and Vitus agrees to not step on Ticinum soil for ten years.
The finality of Lord Casca's words was jarring, to say the least and Vitus had several minutes to brood on what exactly they might mean but, when the diplomat brought in the papers to sign, it made sense,

I'm being banished?

Despite being young, Vitas was not, generally, impulsive but the speed that events were moving and the emotional weight of what was happening was making it difficult for Vitus to reconcile.
"That includes this embassy," Casca says as he gathers up the papers and takes Vitus out into the foyer. "Amphion will help you gather up your possessions and make sure you do not take anything that does not belong to you." He holds out his hand to Vitus. "That includes your sash."

Once Vitus has handed over his regalia, Casca holds out the blade to Vitus. "This is yours now. Use it wisely, young Vitus. I hope it will protect you as it protected me." Then, he leaves the foyer to heads to bed.
Vitus handed over the sash and, with it, he felt he was giving away the last remnants of any family he had. He took the sword numbly and bowed.
"You are a fool," Amphion says to Vitus as he helps him clear out his possessions from his room.
The funny thing about cleaning his room, is there wasn't much to clean up. Vitus' devotions every morning involved ritually packing all his belongings and he, therefore, had most of it already in his old backpack.

"I think it will be okay. My parents told me to travel and now I don't have an excuse to sit around. I guess it's just too bad that I can't travel to Ticinum."

They stood in the half-empty room. He looked at an old framed map of Ticinum that hung over the small fireplace. It was one of his favorite pieces of 'art'. "Can I take that as a souvenir? I'll return it when I come back....
The half-satyr escorts him from the embassy. The night has become cold. "Lord Casca told me to give this to you after you were off the grounds." He hands Vitus a note. The half-satyr's demeanour softens, slightly, "Good luck."
Vitus took the letter, a bit confused but nodded in appreciation and then, unexpectedly, wrapped his arms around Amphion in a bear hug. "Maybe I'll see you around at the Market or something." He waived, and half-smiled then turned his back on the embassy.

Vitus wandered the streets for a bit relishing his new freedom until he came to small park. He sat on a bench, next to a monument and began to cry.

He realized that he still hadn't opened the letter Casca and took it from his pocket and read it over. His sadness was replaced with anger and frustration. He now had a clue to his banishment the frustration of never being told such important information was infuriating. He could have gone back with Avitus but now that was impossible. He yelled out a curse and kicked the stone statue, the pain of doing so caused the anger to flow out of him and left an empty and confused sadness. Then the the thought struck him: He had Tyche. That was the reason he'd wanted to leave, after all. This had all been his choice. He had given his life to Her and he wasn't going to wallow in self pity.

His ears perked up: The Exemplars were moving. He could feel the spell he'd cast on Akos alerting him to the fact. They were probably on their way to the castle. He stood up, wiped his eyes and made his way there to meet them.


When Vitus met up with the group, the teenager seemed much more subdued. He was wearing simple brown travelling travelling clothes adorned with a simple crest of Tyche. Swinging awkwardly on his belt, was an incredibly ornate gladius. Before they arrive at the Castle, Vitus tugs on Falen's shirt. "We need to talk in private later."

Vinny, having been close to death himself, is glad to see Capt Camburn rise. With a smile he steps forward and addresses the Lady, the Captain and the Commander.

He bows and says, "Mi' Lady, Gentlemen. Captain, your victorious deeds of Valor shall be known for many years, as well as many more deeds to come." He pauses in thought for a moment then continues, "There was one whom I am curious about. A young lad who flew on a pegasis with the dwarf. He restored my health after i had been poisoned. Is he one of your troops?"

He bows again and steps back to where he was.
"I'm Vitus Paccionne. I am the former Puer of Praefectus Casca of the Ticinum delegacy." Vitus' use of the past tense when mentioning his title is not lost on the Exemplars. Only a few hour earlier, he was inviting them to the Embassy. "I was nearby and I felt it was my duty, as a cleric of Tyche, to help in any way I could."

Last edited:


I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
Stormgrove Manor, 4:45 p.m.:
"Welcome back, old friend," Oakfirst says solemnly.

"Did we win?" Camburn ask.
Akos dislikes the priest almost immediately. You don't behave like your power is yours in any way and while he can understand taking money for powerful spells, that should also come with the understanding that it is the power of gods that flows through the priest and his personal feelings should give way to dignity.

The show only angers the volatile loremaster more. But he cannot (yet, he reminds himself) perform such miracles himself and he isn't about to offend the powerful priest of another faith. He waits impatiently as the man finishes his performance.

Smiling at the first words of the brave captain he nods
"We did, indeed, win. And spectacularly at that. But as always, more work awaits. Welcome back."

Race: Human
HP: 52/52
20; FF:17 T:14

[]Cure Minor; [X] Detect Magic; []
Detect Poison; [] [] Light; [] Mending
Will: +11
Refl: +5
Initiative: +3
Melee: +7/+2 (+1)
1st [6+1](DC16) [ ]Bless; [ ] Command; [ ]Comprehend Languages; [ ]Endure Elements [ ] Sanctuary; [] Lesser Vigor
2nd[5+1](DC17) [x]Consecrate; [ ] Benediction [ ] Gentle Repose [] Remove Paralysis [X] Lesser Restoration
3rd[4+1](DC18) [ ] Mass lesser Vigor []Dispel Magic; [ ]; Invisibility Purge; [X]Status (Extended)
4th: [3+1](DC19) [X] Restoration
DEX: 16+ 3
CON: 14 + 2
INT: 14 +2
WIS: 20 +5
CHA:15 +2
XP: 28,000/36000
->= studied
1: >[]Sanctuary; []Longstrider
2. []Shield Other; >[] Locate Object
3: >[]Protection from Energy; [] Fly
4: []Spell Immunity; >[] Dim Door

Tim's right eyebrow arches upwards in curiosity, "Former? Has something happened, my good lad?"
Vitus didn't want to talk about it but he was a bad liar. Fortunately, he was not a bad diplomat. He spoke loud enough to address all present,

"We felt that, in order to do my duties as a Priest that it would be easier if my duties as a Page did not interfere. Ticinum, is very concerned about the recent attacks and decided that they could better serve the city if people understood that I was not working on their behalf or for some other agenda. I will note that I am, currently, not working on the orders of my Temple either. I haven't had an opportunity to inform them yet. I'm currently acting of my own accord and on my understanding of the will of my Goddess."


Voidrunner's Codex

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