Earlier in the Day at Stormgrove:
Aust Thale said:
He informed the Dark Lantern commander of the watch as well as the estate manager what Oakfirst had asked of him to tell the others, that he would see them after dinner. Falen asked that they inform others as they found them, especially Sobla and Mutt, and to remain close to the manor. Falen asked the estate manager whether the estate maintained a leathersmith. Wise choice, as they kept one on retainer, and as fate would have it, he was finishing his day at the manor working on a saddle. Falen asked him if he could provide a potion / vial bandoleer as well as leather straps to anchor sheaths to his backpack or his belt. The magical properties of either presented a challenge, but the leathersmith said he would return shortly with the bandoleer and several leather straps that would tie on to his belt or backpack as well as his arrow quiver to the backpack. He would purchase the leather goods upon the leathersmith’s return, assuming he could come to an agreeable price.
A courier arrived with a partial inventory of the captured items for the Exemplars and their comrades to pick from. He removed the magical “dancing dagger” from his person, and he hailed the courier to remain. Studying the list, he marked items he was interested in, provided it to the courier, and told him to take it to every Exemplar on the grounds, and then back to the palace or armory holding the material.
Falen finds that Lanterns aren't organized like the Regulars or Elites. When asks for a 'commander of the watch', he is told "to go find Florrie."
He finds the wisp of womanhood out in the manor's gardens.
The Whiteshadow, as the other Lanterns call her isn't that imposing but she has their loyalty and respect. She listens to Falen's and promises to tell the others of Oakfirst's message.
When he asks about and estate manager and a leathermaker, she raises an eyebrow.
"With Gerey... occupied. You'll need to talk to me or Puck." She directs him to a small shop near the Black Cat Tavern in the South Ward.
"Terger left the manor running with a minimal staff. Timoleon does all the repairs for the manor. He'll help you."
It is a short walk across the Lilal Ward and through the Green Gateway and then to the leathersmith's shop. Timoleon is cautious at first but once Falen talls him he's staying at Stormgrove, the man is happy to help. He closes up his shop and goes with Falen back to the manor.
"I need to finish work on an old saddle," he says.
Aust Thale said:
He summoned the estate manager again and inquired as to where he might find purveyors of less available magic weapons. He also requested some cleaning rags, some grime-dissolving diluted lye, a wash pot of boiling water, and the use of one of the fire pits outside. He set about cleaning the Bane Dagger thoroughly. The magical poison properties exhausted for the day, he wanted to clean some of the filth from the blade without hurting himself. It was an ugly weapon. Not even the most righteous and thorough cleaning would fix that. It smelled as well of poison, despite its magical origin. Reptiles would often musk a predator; it was not terribly unlike that. Fortunately, once sheathed, it masked the odor. And when properly cleaned, it was bearable in polite company. He thought seriously of putting it back into the treasury; however, he hadn’t fully made up his mind. Perhaps the estate manager would become a valuable contact in finding less common and more interesting things. Nevertheless, he scrubbed it for an hour, thinking of several things going on around him.
When Falen goes to find Florrie again, she tells him the best place in Bluffside to buy magic weapons used to be in New City.
"Kinlay’s Outfitters had anything you could ever think of but after Kinkar was found to have connections to the Rising Swords, the city shut the place down. He fled the city around the same time as the New City Disaster. The city auctioned off all his abandoned stock."
She ponders for a minute.
"In Old City, hmm, the Sublime Market is your best option for high end goods. Very expensive. You might find something useful as Riftdelve Supplies. But, if you're looking for a deal on something truly exotic then you should go to Velvet Square by the Traders' Gate. She looks at Falen with serious eyes.
"But, try not to go there late at night. There are things a lot worse than The Dusk and the Loyalists creeping around those streets."
Florrie directs Falen to go see Puck for the cleaning items. The young lad is even younger than Vitus, yet he seems to have become the temporary Warden of the Manor with Gerey a guest of a fey goddess.
Past Midnight at The Palace:
Rockhorn is, was, used to shamans doing a performance, and in later years, the crowds loved a good show, but this level of power was something else.
He stands quietly on the side of the room.
When the offer is made, he remains silent, this is not something he feels invited in, given his recent arrival. While his ideas of the rangers and guardians may have some merrit in the ruins, the chasm or the wild, within the city monstruous guardians might be too troublesome.
But other ideas, aerial patrols, intelligent mounts, and similar should work. And maybe he would be finally left alone to train beasts and people, and not having to traumatize poor Spritewing again and again.
As Rockhorn watches, Tim is the first to respond to the offer...
Tim bows before Commander Oakfirst, going to one knee, drawing his sword as he does so. With the blade pointed down, and his hand around the crossguard, he bows his head, touching the top of his head to the flat of the blade.
Tim vows, "You have my blade, no reservations. I live to serve."
The commander smiles and nods to Tim, but Oakfirst can see the hesitancy in the others eyes.
"Thank you, Sir Tymbeck," Oakfirst replies.
Akos listens to the offer, shaking his head even before she finished. When she is, he answers in a short speech.
OOC: this assumes no 'normal' guards or even elites are around, just management, otherwise he waits until he can speak only to the commanders
The offer actually was asked by Oakfirst. I used the wrong colour for Oakfirst's question to the PCs. Or was Akos shaking his head at what Lady Pomander said?
The lord commander's offer and Tim's quick acceptance is follows by several moments of silence.
Ela senses Akos hesitancy and shakes her head too. Then, she glances at Vincenzo to see what he will say.
Vinny is torn between the prestige of being a knight exemplar and his already swore duty with the wizard guild. His previous commitment wins.
"Commander Oakfirst, it is truly an honor to be asked this of me. Having said that, I already hold a position in the Sectarian Guard and that would potentially be a conflict of interest. I will have to regretfully turn down this most gracious and noble opportunity."
He is visibly saddened by this decision, but has no intention to change his mind.
Ela nods satisfied. The young Sectarian understands his loyalties to the Wizard Council. Yet, the Sectarian Captain understands that the 'Exemplars', this group, if not the knights, will need his help.
"I have a suggestion," she says to Vincenzo.
"The Wizard Council will need a liaison to these new knights. That could fall to you, if your willing. It would be what you already have been doing, but you'll just have to file more reports."
"That would be acceptable," Oakfirst says.
“Commander, my regards to Captain Camburn.
As to your query, my first oath is already spoken for. As you shall recall, I’m here by errand of Max Thale, Earl of Ravenhill to provide message to the late Legatus Avitus. I serve at the behest of my mentor, and I remain eternally loyal. It appears that Bluffside’s enemies are responsible for Avitus’ demise, and it is part of a larger plot afoot that we find ourselves entangled. To that end, I am your humble servant, and I can offer my experience and counsel in assistance. If you can accept that allegiance, I indeed offer it. I must tell you, though, it is not righteousness that guides our fight, and I need to make sure that you are not under that illusion, or we’ll endanger many more people.
If the people of Bluffside, both aristocrat and commoner, are inclined in the slightest to regard this as rebellion, then something must have provided the soil in which that grew, with or without Waldo. That must be voiced. However, in this particular situation, I’m inclined to ask several things of this Rebellion: How much of all this is righteous? Where is the money? And how much of this is magical thrall? What I saw at Crossed Candles may have started as a payroll, but when we encountered it, it was much more.
Did you see this?”
“While on the subject, who the hell is this candlemaker, and is he even real? Tuck and I captured papers, ledgers, and the like that are too perfect.”
"I told you this would happen," Lady Pomander says to the lord commander.
"Yes, it seems I have misjudged the situation." He looks at each of the Exemplars.
"I felt you all were ready for this step. I apologize for putting you all in such a difficult position."
Several of the Elites and Regulars present appear disappointed. They had hoped for the Exemplars to become their new captains, although it is a bit presumptuous for them to automatically assume they'd all become members of the Knights Exemplar.
"As for your questions, Mr. Falen, you are probably right there might be magical enchantment at play. If there is a thieves' guild under the candle shop and Barclay Winton, or Kelik, is its master, then maybe he has the answers. Or, maybe it is a ruse to give the Renegade more time to prepare to invade the city with more alien creatures." He sighs.
"Its something that might need to be divined."
Aust Thale said:
Falen allows Commander Oakfirst to digest the disparate parts of the conversation. Assuming a proper response, Falen continues: “Commander, I request that you place Maggard Vonner’s guard unit under watch by your men. Particularly, by those that you know are loyal and as well, outrank and can outfight Vonner definitively. Watch the unit’s movements, both public and private. Don’t interfere. Also, find a reason to pull Romanus Dacus and reassign him. I’d like him assessed as a fighter and leader. Vonner is a thug who works for money. That is a path to figuring out the money. I witnessed Dacus show discretion and good judgment while still following orders. If suitable, I’d like him among us. And I’d like a liaison to the Dark Lanterns. Several hours into their care, and I find myself quite taken with them.”
Falen makes no attempt at explaining the Dacus or Vonner situation. Falen wants to return a favor and reward behavior that is good for Bluffside while slowly and inexorably knee-capping Vonner and his merry band of brigands.
"He is already being watched," the commander replies.
"I looked into him after out first conversation. He was reinstated by one of The Five. I don't know who, however." He glances towards Lady Pomander.
"No," she replies tersely. "There is no way I would ever have let that man back into the Regulars."
"I have my suspicions, but I cannot countermand a directive of The Five. And no votes can be taken on the matter until after a replacement has been decided upon... and announced to the public."
He nods to Falen.
"If this Dacus is worthy of a better assignment, I'll get it for him. Captain Chalsarda might balk at me reassigning him, but she can't overrule me."
Vitus offers to everyone present.
"Ladies and Gentleman, I will be happy to help the Exemplars in any way they need me but this business of the appointment of Knights is an important matter that doesn't need the input of a lowly servant of Tyche. I would ask permission to leave. Perhaps Falen would like to join me since it was I who was to escort him to Lady Nazaria? Perhaps I can answer some of his questions."
"Do you think you can commune with your goddess?" Ela asks the young cleric of Tyche.
"Do you have the power to ask for her aid?"
Aust Thale said:
And finally, to nobody in particular, and everyone in attendance when the most of the Exemplars et al are present, “Would anybody be able to provide me with more information about Lady Nazaria? She is related, evidently, to Legatus Avitus. However, something about this doesn’t fit. I’m tardy in her receiving me, and I’d like to know what I might expect.”
"I know of her," Ela says.
"But, I didn't know she is related to the legatus."
"Yes, she and the legatus are cousins, I believe, but they rarely spoke to each other. An old argument," Lady Pomander adds. "She's a bit of a loner. She tends to keep to the Temple District. She worships some obscure deity unrelated to Ticinum."
"I don't think she's attended a city function in years," Oakfirst notes.
"I've always found her to be a bit of a wallflower, and eccentric. Quite refreshing for a noble lady. She's not the stuffy sort. She's constantly giving gold to the homeless in the Temple District's streets. She loves having tea with whoever comes to her door. She rarely remembers them, if they visit again."
@Neurotic, I'll reply to the rest of your post tomorrow. It's now past 1 a.m. for me. Time to sleep.