Kulan: Knightfall's Crisis in Bluffside Game [IC]

After a good night rest, Rockhorn checked his new weapon, finally something worthy of a champion of the jungle!
He looked around the city for good craftsmen to shorten it to better fit his size and to decorate it properly.

He visited Spritewing, visited the ranger stables, helped with troublesome blink dog who wouldn't stay put, and returned to the group.
He thought about the dog, wounded in the wild, brought in into unknown territory and then closed in a small pen. It took some time to talk to it.

It would be great if he could learn the language, but yips and growls, yaps and rumbles aren't really humanoid strong suit. He will need to buy another pearl like he got for Spritewing. He liked little rascal, she didn't really run away, she just hated being cooped up in an unknown place.

It would be great if she could join them, but it could be deadly. He will talk to her some more when he gets time. In the meantime, he rejoins The Exemplars "Who thought of the name?!" he thinks as he greets them.

"So, what's the plan? That strange well? Tunnels? Rats? Knight? I'm new, so maybe non-sense. But I'd clear out the tunnels and block them to prevent free traffic under the city. Then the rats - I'm interested. Knight, if I got it correctly, needs only short visit time. We can do that on the way?"

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Race: Human
HP: 52/52
20; FF:17 T:14

[]Cure Minor; [X] Detect Magic; []
Detect Poison; [] [] Light; [] Mending
Will: +11
Refl: +5
Initiative: +3
Melee: +7/+2 (+1)
1st [6+1](DC16) [ ]Bless; [ ] Entropic Shield[ ]Comprehend Languages; [ ]Endure Elements [ ] Divine Favor; [] Lesser Vigor
2nd[5+1](DC17) [][]Delay Poison]; [ ] Benediction; [] Owl's Wisdom [ ] Lesser Restoration
3rd[4+1](DC18) [ ] Mass lesser Vigor; [ ]; Invisibility Purge; [ ][ ]Speak with Dead
4th: [3+1](DC19) [ ] Repel Vermin
DEX: 16+ 3
CON: 14 + 2
INT: 14 +2
WIS: 20 +5
CHA:15 +2
XP: 28,000/36000
->= studied
1: >[]Sanctuary; []Longstrider
2. []Shield Other; >[] Locate Object
3: >[]Protection from Energy; [] Fly
4: []Spell Immunity; >[] Dim Door

"So, what's the plan? That strange well? Tunnels? Rats? Knight? I'm new, so maybe nonsense. But I'd clear out the tunnels and block them to prevent free traffic under the city. Then the rats - I'm interested. Knight, if I got it correctly, needs only short visit time. We can do that on the way?"
Vitus thinks for a moment,

"There's a way to change the form of stone to block the passageways. But blocking of passageways might go against the freedom of travel and might anger Tyche. On the other hand, it makes it more of an adventure for those who want to pass through. Let me think about it. In any case, that kind of thing isn't within my power until tomorrow. And I'd only be able to do a couple of passages in a day anyways. There's probably more mundane ways to block passages too."

Would Tyche approve of blocking a passageway??? should I roll religion?

To Do:
-Want to Speak with Dead the Bodies
-Go shopping and Buy a new x-bow
-Speak to Oppia Nazaria
-Cure Falen's stat damage


World of Kulan DM
Dawn in the Temple District:
In the heart of Bluffside lies a hidden gem - a quaint, secluded pond nestled within the Temple District. It is here that Akos, the priest and warlock of Titania, Queen of the Summer Court, intends to perform a ritual of transformation, purifying and destroying the essence of a cursed weapon. Gathering his two initiates who tended to his small shrine, he prepares for the ritual just before dawn.

As the day embraces the gentle warmth of the sun, townsfolk pass by, unaware of the magical endeavour about to unfold. The ritual begins by encircling the pond with delicate wildflowers, forming a symbol of eternal unity and the whimsical dance of life by the cursed blades that hurt him just by holding them.

Whispers of invocations grace the air as Akos beseeches Titania for her guidance and blessings. A tranquil meditation follows, as he connects with the vibrant life around him, both wild and civilized, tapping into his fey legacy, natural energies that define the fey and their ethereal realm.

He calls upon the elements - earth, air, fire, and finally his favorite, water - and beseeches their power and purity to aid in cleansing of the feybane weapon. The sword is stuck hilt-deep into the pure earth around the pond. It is woven through the air during the prayer, burning the hand holding it, heated in fire while calling for the elements power. The ritual slowly, slowly builds up the energies of the fey wilderness in this little corner of the urban center that is Bluffside. The warlock delicately fans the flames, while the priest prays over the blade. The elements embrace the weapon, each making a little mark on it, before a big finale.

A solemn hymn, accompanied by a harmonious chorus of prayers, echoes through the district. The gentle ripple of the pond resonates with song and focused intent, amplifying the transformative power of the ritual.

With his focus complete, loremaster channels these harmonized energies into the weapon plunging the blade into the pond, hissing and spitting water turning black for several seconds as the blade rusts, dissipates, burns, and dissolves at the same time, dark stain slowly disappearing in the water. The once-feared feybane sword succumbs to this power. It glows, then fades, stripped of its malevolent essence, purging the malevolence from its core at the same timeas the metal itself breaks apart.

Akos lifts the hilt away from the pond, the blade destroyed completely by the ritual. Golden glow surrounds him for few heartbeats and he uses the power to blast at the collected pieces of cold iron, elemental cascade running across the symbol of Titania created by those loathsome tools, leaving only rust and dust in their place.

As the last chord of fey hymn graces the air, the pond returns back to stillness. "May this sacrifice be used for creation of the eternal blade of the Summer." he speaks in sylvan as the dark stain dissapears in the pool.

As he lowers his heads in gratitude, giving thanks to Titania and the elemental forces for their support, the ritual is complete, the fey priest forever changed, and the unity between the fey and the forces of good reaffirmed within the heart of the lore master and his bustling town.

Slowly, he comes around to see not only his two initiates who sang accompanied chorus for the ritual, but small throng of early-risers attracted by the echoing song.

He looks at them for few moments and remembers the words of Rigantona. This will be their city. Raising both hands in the air, one holding hilt without blade he calls out
"This was a blade made specifically to kill me. Not any other exemplar. Me! But I am not alone as most of you know. And I'm not talking just about my goddess Titania nor her ally Rigantona that some of you may remember being a patron of old for Bluffside. I' talking about friends, companions, seekers of valor, a disparate group come together in this time of need. Look upon our assembly, a mosaic of strength born from diversity. In our differences, we find unity; in our unique abilities, we find a formidable force. Each of us is a brushstroke on a canvas, and together, we create a masterpiece of resilience and courage.

We are not solitary stars in the vast night sky, but a constellation, shining brighter when we stand united. Shoulder to shoulder, we rise above the trials that seek to shatter us, for our strength lies in our togetherness. This is why Bluffside cannot fall to some upstart sorcerer and his beasts.

Remember this: you are never alone. In this fellowship, in this gathering of hearts and souls, you will find solace, aid, and unwavering support. In times of darkness, reach out your hand, and you shall find another's waiting, ready to guide you toward the light. Bluffside is not just a place, it is alive. You are Bluffside, living full life, good life.

For together, we are a beacon that can never be extinguished! United, we are invincible!"

Lowering his arms his looks at the people. "Go! Go on! Live not in fear, but in unity. Live in joy. Spread the word and help when someone needs help. Go!"
Many of the morning's onlookers stand solemnly during the Loremaster's ritual while others simply watch with curiosity. Akos notes several priests from other faiths who have taken an interest in his work, especially a cleric of Sky and Air, also known as the Ethereal One. Akos doesn't recognize the man. He is both bemused and taken aback by Akos' ritual to destroy the cold iron weapons. It's hard to sense whether or not the man approves or disapproves. Regardless, he says nothing and leaves before the Loremaster speaks to those gathered.

The other citizens listen to Akos with wonderment, and they all seem impressed by his devotion to his goddess, but the people in this district aren't as easily swayed as those in Old City. There are some cheers, however. The people do like his words of unity. None gathered seem to know who this goddess, Rigantona, is supposed to be. It seems most have forgotten her.

Neurotic said:
He should feel exhausted he knows. But instead, he feels energized. Powerful. Even his hand, burned by cold-iron weapon is unblemished. He shakes his head in disbelief. "Bluffside is at the center of powerful forces playing. Keep your faith, and prepare the shrine for more visitors." he tells the young pair. "I have to return to the group."
His two initiates bow to Akos and do as the Loremaster asks. They answer any questions directed towards them and work to spread the vision of Titania.

Stormgrove Manor:
Akso returns to Stormgrove to find that most of the others are still sleeping. The manor's main hall has been prepared with food and drink and the manor's staff has blossomed be more vigorous. There are less gaps in what needs to be done. The Dark Lanterns have disappeared back into the shadows. Akos finds the young cleric of Tyche, Vitus, already awake and sitting at the table. Once Akos finds a spot to relax at the table, Vitus, moves to sit near him and begins asking a lot of questions.

The morning seems to drag on while the others continue to rest. Tuck is the next to arrive. Mutt is with him, but Sobla has gone back to her day job, it seems. Just before noon, both Falen and Rockhorn enter the hall and find a place to sit. Custodio comes in soon afterwards. He is wearing the new uniform of the knights. What Lord Commander Oakfirst is temporarily calling the 'Lionhead Knights' instead of Exemplar Knights.
"Falen, are you feeling well? You seem a bit groggy? Were you poisoned too?"

Vitus offers to cure him.
Falen manages a smile at Vitus’ attempt at helping him. “Thank you, young cleric. Your efforts are appreciated.” He feels modestly better, and he has better control over the noise in his head. He feels if he can be 100%, he’ll quickly be able to explore these newfound abilities.
Akos watches silently as Vitus tries to help the unseen seer.

TaranTheWanderer said:
"I like your dog, he's huge! Can I pet him?"
Tuck nods to the young cleric. Mutt is happy for the attention.

TaranTheWanderer said:
"Sounds more like it's some kind of protector. Who doesn't like Loyalists."
"If it is protecting the Gardens, it is doing so secretly without the knowledge of the Tenders. Sylemis had no idea it was in there. If a druid didn't know, then it might too reclusive to be of help to us," Custodio replies. "For now, the lord commander prefers to keep the Gardens closed and only have Elites he has personally picked to do patrols there."

"Sylemis is the Head Tender of the Gardens," Tuck adds. "He's a dragori." The kobold looks at Akos. "He's a guest of a fey goddess right now."

TaranTheWanderer said:
"The Rising Dawn....that sounds familiar. Wait, yes! Who are the Rising Swords? They were mentioned last night."
"The Rising Swords are mercenaries of the worst sort," Tuck answers. "Vicious and untrustworthy."

"They once worked in Bluffside, but the entire organization was exiled from the city after they committed several atrocities," Custodio adds. "Betrayal. Mass murder. And even worst crimes."

"They only live for coin and power," Tuck says angrily. "And, now, they have thrown in with Waldo."

TaranTheWanderer said:
"Well...I don't really like rats. That's a prejudice that I might find hard to break. But I have ways to avoid killing them, if you don't want me to kill any. Personally, I'm really interested in talking to the Butcher's body. I mean...not that I really like dealing with dead bodies much...but everyone's life-journey is imprinted on their body - even after their soul leaves. Tyche is a goddess of travel so she might be able to tell us something of the Butcher's journey. And maybe the Enchanter."
Aust Thale said:
I think speaking with the Butcher might be useful. And the enchantress. And the Dusk.” His priorities are similar to Vitus’. He is particularly interested in finding the extent of the tunnels.
"The Sewer Rat guild usually deals with such things, but the rats around Walther Kappel's bakery were more problematic. I talked to them and convinced them to leave the bakery alone," Tuck says. "Or so I thought. It seems the rats have returned. I checked it out and what I saw, before they retreated underground, were dire rats. Several of them had glowing red eyes. They could be monstrous. It could be a pack of wererats."

"Perhaps young Vitus' goddess can tell us what they are?" Custodio suggests. "I'm not powerful enough to commune with the Purifier."

Tim and Vincenzo are the last of the Exemplars to enter the hall.

In the meantime, he rejoins The Exemplars "Who thought of the name?!" he thinks as he greets them.

"So, what's the plan? That strange well? Tunnels? Rats? Knight? I'm new, so maybe non-sense. But I'd clear out the tunnels and block them to prevent free traffic under the city. Then the rats - I'm interested. Knight, if I got it correctly, needs only short visit time. We can do that on the way?"
"The knight is not the only concern down in that place, Ranger Mosswood," Lord Commander Oakfirst enters the hall of Stormgrove Manor. He looks like he's been up all night. "There are two others trapped down there who will need your help, although they might be in less danger than the young man." He looks at Custodio. "Your report mentioned a genie trapped in a magic circle and a petrified man. Both victims of Phelix, correct?"

"If we can truly trust what Wearne told us," Custodio answers. "The genie has been down there a long time and so has the deaf knight. She's trapped in a magic circle and a time spell that keeps her immobile. Her life force is connected to the portal that the Renegade had been using. Wearne made it clear that Phelix won't give it up without a fight."

"I forgot about her," Tuck says. "The knight, he's emotionally connected to her." He looks at Akos. "He won't leave without her, right?"

"And, he won't survive leaving that place without the ring you found for him," Custodio says to Oakfirst. "And, he's going to need food and water."

"That, I have taken care of," the lord commander says. "There are provisions for him near the entryway into that maze ready to be taken inside to ensure he has enough to keep surviving until he becomes attuned to the ring." he sighs. "I am not willing to send any Elite in there. He already knows you," he motions to Akos. "You need to make sure he's still alive down there. No one has gone through the doors into the that place. I've had the rooms outside of this labyrinth cleaned and secured by the Elites, as best as possible."

"The Renegade would be able to get at him through the portal," Custodio adds. "He may have already. He has the advantage of time over us."

"That, I can't help you with," Oakfirst replies.

OOC: I've changed the colour for Oakfirst to be a bit more distinct. If it's too hard to read, let me know.

Vitus thinks for a moment,

"There's a way to change the form of stone to block the passageways. But blocking of passageways might go against the freedom of travel and might anger Tyche. On the other hand, it makes it more of an adventure for those who want to pass through. Let me think about it. In any case, that kind of thing isn't within my power until tomorrow. And I'd only be able to do a couple of passages in a day anyways. There's probably more mundane ways to block passages too."
"I have had access to the warehouse and the candle shop sealed. The Elites found no other passageways in any of the other nearby buildings, although they did find an old tunnel that passes under the wall by the Golden Gateway. It might just be old construction, but it is being watched." Oakfirst says to Vitus. "If those thieves are still down there, they're going to have trouble getting out without magical aid."

"Hopefully there isn't a portal down there too," Custodio says.

They likely have more than one escape tunnel," Tuck notes.

TaranTheWanderer said:
Would Tyche approve of blocking a passageway??? should I roll religion?
OOC: Sure, roll a Knowledge (religion) check.

Race: Human
HP: 52/52
20; FF:17 T:14

[]Cure Minor; [] Detect Magic; []Detect Poison; [] Amanuensis []Create Water ; [] Mending
Will: +11
Refl: +5
Initiative: +3
Melee: +7/+2 (+1)
1st [6+1](DC16) [ ]Bless; [ ] Entropic Shield[ ]Comprehend Languages; [ ]Endure Elements [ ] Divine Favor; []Lesser Vigor
2nd[4+1](DC17) []Avoid Planar effects; [ ] Benediction; [] Owl's Wisdom [X] Lesser Restoration
3rd[4+1](DC18) [ ] Stone Shape [ ]; Invisibility Purge; [ ] [ ]Speak with Dead
4th: [3+1](DC19) [ ] Attune Form(extended) [] Sustain; [] Mass, Lesser Vigor (extended)
DEX: 16+ 3
CON: 14 + 2
INT: 14 +2
WIS: 20 +5
CHA:15 +2
XP: 28,000/36000
2XLocate Object
Shield Other
3xProtection from Energy
4Spell Immunity
XDim Door

"The Sewer Rat guild usually deals with such things, but the rats around Walther Kappel's bakery were more problematic. I talked to them and convinced them to leave the bakery alone," Tuck says. "Or so I thought. It seems the rats have returned. I checked it out and what I saw, before they retreated underground, were dire rats. Several of them had glowing red eyes. They could be monstrous. It could be a pack of wererats."

"Perhaps young Vitus' goddess can tell us what they are?" Custodio suggests. "I'm not powerful enough to commune with the Purifier."
Vitus was now on the floor, beside the dog, scratching it behind its ears,

"I don't know....I never tried to ask those kinds of questions. But, maybe one of the rats' allies know? As I said, I can try to Speak with Dead. It has to be humanoid though. I can't ask a rat."
"I have had access to the warehouse and the candle shop sealed. The Elites found no other passageways in any of the other nearby buildings, although they did find an old tunnel that passes under the wall by the Golden Gateway. It might just be old construction, but it is being watched." Oakfirst says to Vitus. "If those thieves are still down there, they're going to have trouble getting out without magical aid."

"Hopefully there isn't a portal down there too," Custodio says.

They likely have more than one escape tunnel," Tuck notes.
"Falen has a theory about the tunnels."

Vitus didn't want to say anything about his theory that the tunnels may have been used to access the Ticinum Delegacy because he was unsure how much Falen wanted others to know. The half-hobgoblin seemed very secretive.

Religion: I rolled a 1 for a total of -2

Also, I think Commune is 5th level? I'm not sure Divination can get specific names...so not sure how Vitus could help figure out what the rats are.

To Do:
-Want to Speak with Dead the Bodies
-Go shopping and Buy a new x-bow
-Speak to Oppia Nazaria
-Cure Falen's stat damage
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World of Kulan DM
Custodio had watched as Vitus tried to heal whatever is ailing Falen. The enchantress did something to him to warrant such a prayer to Tyche. It is a prayer the Vanquisher cleric also prepared earlier in the morning.

He goes up to Falen and does a quick visual assessment of the unseen seer. He doesn't see nay sign of lingering poison. He shakes his head. "We need everyone to be at their best today, Mr. Falen." He looks towards Vitus who is scratching Mutt's ears. "Did young Vitus purge you of all your maladies from the fight? If not, I might be able to help you before we go to the Gate of Scale to help the knight."

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World of Kulan DM
Vitus was now on the floor, beside the dog, scratching it behind its ears,

"I don't know....I never tried to ask those kinds of questions. But, maybe one of the rats' allies know? As I said, I can try to Speak with Dead. It has to be humanoid though. I can't ask a rat."
"I didn't plan on speaking with rats today," Tuck says as he watches Vitus give Mutt some attention. The big dog is happy and nearly knocks Vitus over. "It can wait... or I might be able to find someone else to deal with the rats." Tuck ponders for a moment then he stops Puck and the lad helps to bring food for Tim and Vincenzo. "I need a message sent to the Undercity. I'm assuming the Lanterns are still nearby."

"That Whiteshadow woman was called away, but she told me that some of them would stay close to the manor. They told me if we needed them, to place a lit lantern they left here in one of the windows."

Tuck nods. He asks for some parchment and an inkpen and writes a short note. "This is to be taken to a kobold named Ghril. He shouldn't be hard to find. He likes to hang out at the Swinging Wench. If they can't find him there, then they should ask for him at The Bard's Tale. Jam will be able to find him."

Tuck goes through his pouches and sets aside 10 silver pieces. "This should be enough to get his attention."

Puck nods. He takes the note and gathers up the coins.

"Well, that take care of the rats, I hope," the kobold urban ranger says. He eats the last of the food on his plate. "So, the knight."

"Yes, the sooner you get to him the better, I think," Oakfirst adds. "I've had a ladder added to the entry point. It should hold your weights." He looks at Tim. "Well, be careful regardless."

The lord commander has remained standing. As an afterthought, he says, "I'm having those hidden rooms below the gatehouse converted into a basement, of sorts. It's already being used for storage. A few of the attached rooms might have been for eating. There is a small hall down there and a long room with two statues. The figures, a man and a woman, weren't familiar to me. There was also an poorly constructed privy at the end of a long corridor. The ratsmiths went in and rebuilt it for the Elites now stationed at the gatehouse to use."
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Aust Thale

With those attending him, he says,”Thank you for helping me. I’m better but not 100%. I think if I have the time, I can go to the Temple district and purchase a potion or two to help.
I need to purchase some things as well. Point me to where I can acquire potions, scrolls, and magical whatnot, and I shan’t tarry long. I can join you before we go to assist the knight.
“. Falen will move with purpose to the temple district and then to one of the retail magical ware stores nearby. After studying his spellbook, he made a list of what he was looking to purchase, first for use, and then for copying to his spellbook.
He did not think of himself as a “wizard” in the traditional sense. Though he certainly possessed the intelligence and talent for it, his study of it was much akin to the way he approached alchemy: magic, much like alchemy, was and is an effective tool. To that end, he found himself accompanied by spellbooks filled with a patchwork quilt of spells that he had researched from the work of his late wizard mentor, Aust Quillion, the high minister of Tanger. The only consistent theme were divinations. What could he say? He enjoyed asking questions, both superficial and sublime. With his mentor gone, and his mentor’s spellbooks and laboratory hidden under several tons of collapsed tower, he was left to gather spells along the way. This was the first time he’d seen so many options to purchase scrolls of a certain sort. He found himself, despite having a splitting headache, excited. And he would find his newfound abilities exciting too once able to properly focus.


World of Kulan DM
With those attending him, he says,”Thank you for helping me. I’m better but not 100%. I think if I have the time, I can go to the Temple district and purchase a potion or two to help.
I need to purchase some things as well. Point me to where I can acquire potions, scrolls, and magical whatnot, and I shan’t tarry long. I can join you before we go to assist the knight.
“. Falen will move with purpose to one of the retail magical ware stores nearby. After studying his spellbook, he made a list of what he was looking to purchase, first for use, and then for copying to his spellbook.
Custodio listens intently to Falen and then nods. He quietly says a prayer to the Purifier and then reaches out and touches the half-hobgoblin on the shoulder. The cleric magic flows into the Falen and undoes some of the damage done by the enchantress.

"I hope that helps," the Vanquisher cleric says.

Aust Thale said:
He did not think of himself as a “wizard” in the traditional sense. Though he certainly possessed the intelligence and talent for it, his study of it was much akin to the way he approached alchemy: magic, much like alchemy, was and is an effective tool. To that end, he found himself accompanied by spellbooks filled with a patchwork quilt of spells that he had researched from the work of his late wizard mentor, Aust Quillion, the high minister of Tanger. The only consistent theme were divinations. What could he say? He enjoyed asking questions, both superficial and sublime. With his mentor gone, and his mentor’s spellbooks and laboratory hidden under several tons of collapsed tower, he was left to gather spells along the way. This was the first time he’d seen so many options to purchase scrolls of a certain sort. He found himself, despite having a splitting headache, excited. And he would find his newfound abilities exciting too once able to properly focus.
Falen goes ahead of the others to check out a small magic shop he heard about near the Theatre on the Bluff during the previous day's activities. It's a simple shop known for its good magical gear without being overpriced like much of the rest of magic shops in Old City. It is called The Equinox and is run by a tall, picturesque black woman named Amba.

"She is quite the lady. Many a bard from the theatre has fallen in love with her," Oakfirst tells Falen before the half-hobgoblin leaves Stormgrove. "She's enchanting but not an enchanter. I think her specialty is abjuration."
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World of Kulan DM
To The Palace:
You are careful not to tarry at Stormgrove for too long. It is a long walk to The Palace, and time is of the essence. Tuck and Vincenzo lead the way through the bustling streets of Old City. The district's people have been emboldened by your victory over the Loyalists, Rising Swords, and The Beast. Since that victory, the streets have become safer during the day. It is almost as if the district is back to normal, but as you travel through the streets, you can see that many of the people go about their day with some sense of nervousness.

During the night, the people are still reluctant to be outside unless gathered in large numbers. This means the district's taverns and inn's are doing a brisk business. Those who stay out drinking would rather stay the night at an inn than risk walking home through the dark. There have been very few rumours of The Dusk prowling the streets at night. They seem to have retreated into the Undercity. They have been sighted down there a few times, but no one sees them for long.

There haven't been any clashes between them and the Regulars since The Beast fell.

After passing through Beacon Arch and Moon's Arch on your way to the Quill Gate, you hear that The Five have opened up the Iron Gate once again. No fanfare with the Great Gate Construct, however. They had it opened the old fashion way, which took almost all night. It seems The Five want better access from the Mayor's Ward to the Sword Ward. The minor revolt of the Regulars has shown a need a more direct route into the northern wards.

It is good new for you, as it provides a shortcut through the Mayor's Ward to the Palace Gate. The Iron Gate being open, again, brings out the curious and the gawkers. The gate seems less impressive with the construct looming over the Old City Rift. You can see that the Elites of Riftwatch are taking any chances that the gate might come crashing down. Its great chains have been reinforced with smaller chains and heavy ropes to keep the gate in place.

Large cut ironwood timbers have been wedged into place under the doors, just in case. There seems to be specially designed grooves on either side of the gate to hold the timbers in place. Where the timbers are kept when the gate is shut or it has been opened by the construct is a mystery.

The gateway through is 50 feet high. The Iron Gates tall towers rise higher than the other inner gates' tower. Well, all except for the the towers of the Palace Gate, which are, in turn, dwarfed by the four Towers of the Palace. Those towers rise well over 100 feet into the sky and the central spire rises up another 50 feet above that as well. The entire building is made up of a pure white marble and there are mysterious golden domes that defy logic.

You know that the Palace of Bluffside was built by the Ancients. It's main floor, the only floor anyone has been able to access, is now the centre of government for the city. Even though the rest of the structure is still sealed by Ancients' magic, the first floor of the Palace is massive enough to have room for the city's full bureaucracy, the Chapel of The Twelve and its adjacent mortuary, as well as dozens of rooms used for storage.

The chapel, mortuary, and many of the rooms were added to the first floor when the first floor's magic seal was first breeched hundreds of years ago. The Wizard Council has been trying to get into the higher floors of the Palace ever since. The structure is immune to teleportation magic and to planar travel. No matter what the Wizard Council has tried, the Palaces other floors remain a complete mystery.

You head to the mortuary. There, you find that the head mortician, a woman named Edith Felbrigg, is busy preparing one of the Loyalist soldiers for a proper burial. She is speaking to a young man, her assistant most likely. "Yes, these were bad men. We've been over that but that doesn't mean they don't deserve a proper burial. After all, we don't want them rising as undead, now do we?"

"No, ma'am," he replies.

"Now, did you find what deities any of-" She notices you enter the room. "Never mind that now," she turns and bows. "Welcome, Exemplars, I was not expecting you."

Voidrunner's Codex

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