Kulan: Knightfall's Crisis in Bluffside Game [IC]


I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
Akos watched the proceedings, discussed the correct form of asking questions and in general trying to find out about The Butcher now that he is refreshed and not in the fight.

While he doesn't recall any specific name through his studies, the stories mention unkillable warriors and there are sometimes obscure rhymes where such name can be discovered.

From discord:
  • religion to know about Sanctuary of Souls (and how to prevent someone from going there?) 35 (base roll 16)
  • arcana or planes for true name 21 or 23 respectively (whichever applies) - base roll 8
  • bardic knowledge looking for The Butchers true name in the weird and wonderful world of random facts: 44 (base roll natural 20)

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Race: Human
HP: 52/52
20; FF:17 T:14

[]Cure Minor; [] Detect Magic; []Detect Poison; [] Amanuensis []Create Water ; [] Mending
Will: +11
Refl: +5
Initiative: +3
Melee: +7/+2 (+1)
1st [6+1](DC16) [ ]Bless; [ ] Entropic Shield[ ]Comprehend Languages; [ ]Endure Elements [ ] Divine Favor; []Lesser Vigor
2nd[4+1](DC17) []Avoid Planar effects; [ ] Benediction; [X] Owl's Wisdom [X] Lesser Restoration
3rd[4+1](DC18) [ ] Stone Shape [ ]; Invisibility Purge; [ ] [X]Speak with Dead
4th: [3+1](DC19) [ ] Attune Form(extended) [] Sustain; [] Mass, Lesser Vigor (extended)
DEX: 16+ 3
CON: 14 + 2
INT: 14 +2
WIS: 20 +5
CHA:15 +2
XP: 28,000/36000
2XLocate Object
Shield Other
3xProtection from Energy
4Spell Immunity
XDim Door

Typically, many of the spells granted to Vitus were prayed for in the morning. As he did his devotions, he could feel Tyche's inspiration - feel her approval and, sometimes, even suggestions. Grace. Then, invoking her power was just a matter of asking for it when he needed it. There was very little pomp and circumstance. Vitus was the hands and feet of the Goddess and she acted through him. There was no need to pray a second time. And that's how it was when Vitus asked Tyche for the Wisdom.

"Tyche, thank you for having faith in me. Grant me the wisdom I need."1

Speaking with the dead was different. Tyche was the goddess of Travel and she knew the Butcher's journey. A more powerful spell would allow Vitus to ask her directly but he did not have that kind of power. Instead, he needed to convince the Butcher's body to reveal the story. It was a lengthy ritual that was not guaranteed. The Butcher would not feel predisposed to helping Vitus.

There were no candles or incense or expensive materials. Just Vitus presenting his holy symbol and chanting to Tyche as a way to coerce the half-fiend to speak.

"You of many colours, many shapes, with winged sandals,
almighty Fortune, co-resident of human beings,
how best to show your strength and power?
The exalted and proud, unwilling, in the course of time,
you dash down to earth, enveloping it in murky cloud.
The paltry and the humble you often raise
on wings to soaring flight, O great goddess.

"Each life a map upon which we follow
Fortune walks each path alongside you
Speak it. Speak loud your journey
Answer what we desire..."

And like that, it went on for the next ten minutes. First quietly asking, then begging then demanding and, sometimes yelling at the corpse as the ritual came to a crescendo and, suddenly, stopped.

"Where in Bluffside is the main headquarters of the Loyalists?"2

For a moment, all was quiet as everyone watched and waited.

1. Casting Owl's Wisdom
Huh...I just realized that Owl's wisdom only lasts 8 minutes and the casting time for Speak with Dead is 10 minutes. I'm not sure the spell will benefit from the boosted Wisdom. If not, ignore owl's wisdom. I'll save it for something else.

2. So, DC 19 Will save for the Butcher. (or 18 without Owl's Wisdom)
I'll post the other questions after.

To Do:
-Speak to Oppia Nazaria


World of Kulan DM
Rockhorn was interested in the city. But he also needed some stuff, so he left with the part of the group that went looking to shop. He needed a craftsman that could turn the ring into an earing or some kind of mane-braid ring. He talked to Spritewing of his preference, if he doesn't want a piercing, they may look for other ways of protection.

OOC: can the ring become series of smaller rings that would serve as a hair tie for mane braid? Multiple CONNECTED rings (kind of knuckle boxer, but with much smaller openings for the hair). And how much would that cost?
OOC: We can do it that way, if you want. I'm not sure about the cost. Maybe twice as much. What was the cost I gave you for the earring again?

The Palace:
Vitus was surprised when the mortician invited had to Vitus call on his god instead of Loremaster Akos'. Vitus had always used his power inconspicuously and, in one night, the word had spread that he'd helped one of the Exemplars. He always felt it better to be underestimated - people don't expect much from young people. On the bright side, High Priestess Elestrada would be pleased to know that he'd been spreading the renown of Tyche. She always thought Tyche should play a bigger role in the events of the city.

Vitus tentatively moved towards the infamous Butcher. He looked the man over and touched the cold body experimentally. Vitus half expecting the red-skinned murderer to jump up and grab him.

Nothing happened.

Instead, the Half-fiend just lay there, almost peaceful.

Vitus wondered if the Butcher's predilection to violence was due to his bloodline. Did his infernal heritage cause him to be the way he was? Was murder and death an instinct? An uncontrollable impulse? If so, did the man ever try to resist it or did he always revel in it?

Or, maybe, he'd been raised to violence. Brainwashed to believe that he was bred to kill and maim. Vitus wondered what the Butcher was like as a child and, suddenly, felt very sorry for him. What was his real name?

This thought gave the boy an idea. He looked up to the others, realizing he'd been pondering over the body for several minutes.

"You know, names have power - especially those of Outsiders. If he's a half-fiend and he might be able to, somehow, return, we may want to ask him his Truename."
Vinny's left eyebrow raises at the wise suggestion, "Instead of asking which question, though?"
Mortician Felbrigg sees Vitus' surprise and she smiles. "I wasn't expecting you," she says again. "But, I should have said that I wasn't expecting you so soon. Lord Commander Oakfirst did mention that you might come to see these dead souls, but he told me last night you wouldn't arrive until later. And he gave me a accounting of who was coming." She steps up to Vitus. "You are one of Tyche's faithful, are you not?"

Cutstodio stands next to Vincenzo. He gives his own thoughts on Vitus' question. "That might be a good idea. I doubt any of us know it."

The half-hobgoblin watches the holy people work. Falen is uncomfortable with tinkering with the dead. He certainly felt the gods and their chosens could tend to their own gardens, including pruning them, so to speak. His own devotion to Tyche is earnest, but he is wholly respectful of the pantheons of other deities and demigods. Nevertheless, he avoided the dead, and as much as possible he avoided undead. The telepathic encounter earlier left him mildly shaken. Perhaps that was the source of his anxiousness. It didn’t help that this place was sporting this red body laid out before them with boogeyman references of returning to life. He’d encountered animated skeletons, a zombie, and a particularly disagreeable wight during a harrowing mission several years before. He’d prefer to avoid any version of that exercise. And whatever creature had admonished him earlier, he was sufficiently spooked that he found himself pacing. Tuck noticed. Falen waved him off in favor of what was in front of them. He whispered in kobold, “I’ll tell you later. This place is not as interesting to me as it is to Vitus or Akos. It is an exercise in necessary.
Tuck nods. He stands near Sir Tymbeck and orders Mutt to 'sit' and stay quiet so that Vitus can work undisturbed.

MetaVoid said:
The craft deal done, Rockhorn follows {the} others. Again, the grandiose doesn't affect him much, he lived among huge trees in the jungle and colosseum as a slave. This palace was impressive, but nothing he hadn't felt before. The dead though...he was used to burning enemies or just leaving them to the jungle. And definitely not talking to them. Without Spritewing he also felt slow, earth-bound. Without his lance, weakened. He endured the feelings stoically, but sooner this work is done, the better.
Rockhorn notices that there are strange carvings on some of the Palace's interior walls. Nothing he recognizes at first glance but he does note that there is a wondrously painted mural of a natural landscape on one of the interior's ceiling domes. It reminds him of the high hills and low mounts of the Athwood.

Akos watched the proceedings, discussed the correct form of asking questions and in general trying to find out about The Butcher now that he is refreshed and not in the fight.

While he doesn't recall any specific name through his studies, the stories mention unkillable warriors and there are sometimes obscure rhymes where such name can be discovered.

From discord:
  • religion to know about Sanctuary of Souls (and how to prevent someone from going there?) 35 (base roll 16)
  • arcana or planes for true name 21 or 23 respectively (whichever applies) - base roll 8
  • bardic knowledge looking for The Butchers true name in the weird and wonderful world of random facts: 44 (base roll natural 20)
Akos remembers that during the battle The Butcher mentioned the Sanctuary of Souls and bragged that he was one of the Endless. At the time, the Loremaster didn't know what that meant. But, his time in the Teacher's Library was quite informative, even though much of the planar information had been destroyed by Phelix, or someone he hired to go in and destroy anything about the Ancients and the two demiplanes that seem to be directly tied to Bluffside.

The Sanctuary of Souls is a dark temple dedicated to numerous deities in the planar city known as Spireguard. (That planar city is famous, or infamous. It depends on who you ask. †) The temple is very well protected and is considered a sacred place to many archdevils and evil gods of the Dark Hellions. (It also allows the worship of LN and NE deities.) Very few people are aware of the Sanctuary's true purpose, however. It is a refuge for the souls of evil outsiders, mainly devils and half-blooded creatures with devilblood.

Akos read about the Sanctuary in one of the Teacher's Library's few planar books that partially survived Phelix's purge of planar books. There are, supposedly, dark vats that hold the disembodied souls of many powerful devils and devil-kin. These souls are tied to an keyed object that is given over to the creature. While the object doesn't have to be kept on the creature's person, it has to be on the same plane as the creature for the magic to work. The object can take many forms.

If the creature is killed, the keyed object is automatically consumed. The object's power is transferred from any plane of existence to the Sanctuary in Spireguard's Lower City. The power enters the creature's dedicated Soul Vat and clones the outsider, although what emerges from the vat won't be an exact copy of the devil/devil-kin that was killed. The vats often warp the creature into a new form that can be more deadly, or even twisted into an alien-like creature. The creature doesn't remember how its 'sire' died but it does have all it memories up to the point the creature last visited the Sanctuary.

Akos has heard of an old legend that refers to the beings that call themselves the Endless. In ancient times, before the beginning of Ragnarök, planar wars between the demons of Abyssal Depths and devils of the Dark Hellions were a constant threat to the stability of the outer planes. There were many names from these constant wars that often spilled over into the other Lower Planes (especially Krivax, The Endless Barrows [‡]). One of these names was the Endless War. Many of the devils and devil-kin that fought in this ancient war had their souls protected in various Soul Vats that were spread around the outer planes.

As Ragnarök erupted, the planes of existence were thrown into chaos and the demons of the Abyssal Depths gained an advantage over their devil foes. All of the Sanctuaries outside of Spireguard were destroyed. The demons were beaten back by the powerful Armies of Agony, as well as forces of the upper planes that feared that in Spireguard fell, all of creation would be destroyed.

The devil/devil-kin's truename is etched on the devil/devil-kin's Soul Vat. Akos knows that the powerful beings known as Truenamers have the power to speak a creature's truename out loud.

The legend of the Endless War spoke of a powerful group of devil-kin know as The Butcher's Legion. Who or what the original Butcher was during the ancient times is unknown. But, it was likely a Pit Fiend of extraordinary power. That creature was destroyed and so was its Soul Vat. The legend talks of a series of devil-kin Butcher's that have arose over the millennias. The last one of note was believed to be called Umma. Akos dare not speak it out loud, as long as the creature lives in some form. This Butcher's Soul Vat is in the Sanctuary of Souls. What will crawl from its vat will likely be even more dark and twisted.

OOC: † Spireguard is my new homebrewed replacement for Sigil. It does not have a Lady of Pain. It has a Lord of Agony, although I'm going to come up with a different title for the ruler of Spireguard. The Lord of Spireguard is a tangible being that is extremely powerful but not undefeatable.

‡ Krivax is my replacement plane for the Gray Waste. It will be very different but still strongly NE.

Typically, many of the spells granted to Vitus were prayed for in the morning. As he did his devotions, he could feel Tyche's inspiration - feel her approval and, sometimes, even suggestions. Grace. Then, invoking her power was just a matter of asking for it when he needed it. There was very little pomp and circumstance. Vitus was the hands and feet of the Goddess and she acted through him. There was no need to pray a second time. And that's how it was when Vitus asked Tyche for the Wisdom.

"Tyche, thank you for having faith in me. Grant me the wisdom I need."1

Speaking with the dead was different. Tyche was the goddess of Travel and she knew the Butcher's journey. A more powerful spell would allow Vitus to ask her directly but he did not have that kind of power. Instead, he needed to convince the Butcher's body to reveal the story. It was a lengthy ritual that was not guaranteed. The Butcher would not feel predisposed to helping Vitus.

There were no candles or incense or expensive materials. Just Vitus presenting his holy symbol and chanting to Tyche as a way to coerce the half-fiend to speak.

"You of many colours, many shapes, with winged sandals,
almighty Fortune, co-resident of human beings,
how best to show your strength and power?
The exalted and proud, unwilling, in the course of time,
you dash down to earth, enveloping it in murky cloud.
The paltry and the humble you often raise
on wings to soaring flight, O great goddess.

"Each life a map upon which we follow
Fortune walks each path alongside you
Speak it. Speak loud your journey
Answer what we desire..."

And like that, it went on for the next ten minutes. First quietly asking, then begging then demanding and, sometimes yelling at the corpse as the ritual came to a crescendo and, suddenly, stopped.

"Where in Bluffside is the main headquarters of the Loyalists?"

For a moment, all was quiet as everyone watched and waited.
The Butcher's eyes open slowly. There is no sudden jerk of movement. No false gasp for air. The creature just lays still on the slab and stares up at the domed ceiling above it.

"The Loyalists are stationed in every district of the city, but their hearts are built into the master's Brelish Guild located under Candle Street. It is a place of thieves and soldiers," the dead man chuckles. "And deadly traps." Its eyes turn towards Vitus. "Death awaits you there."

"Ask your second question,"
it says passively.

Race: Human
HP: 52/52
20; FF:17 T:14

[]Cure Minor; [] Detect Magic; []Detect Poison; [] Amanuensis []Create Water ; [] Mending
Will: +11
Refl: +5
Initiative: +3
Melee: +7/+2 (+1)
1st [6+1](DC16) [ ]Bless; [ ] Entropic Shield[ ]Comprehend Languages; [ ]Endure Elements [ ] Divine Favor; []Lesser Vigor
2nd[4+1](DC17) []Avoid Planar effects; [ ] Benediction; [] Owl's Wisdom [X] Lesser Restoration
3rd[4+1](DC18) [ ] Stone Shape [ ]; Invisibility Purge; [X ] [X]Speak with Dead
4th: [3+1](DC19) [ ] Attune Form(extended) [] Sustain; [] Mass, Lesser Vigor (extended)
DEX: 16+ 3
CON: 14 + 2
INT: 14 +2
WIS: 20 +5
CHA:15 +2
XP: 28,000/36000
2XLocate Object
Shield Other
3xProtection from Energy
4Spell Immunity
XDim Door

The Butcher's eyes open slowly. There is no sudden jerk of movement. No false gasp for air. The creature just lays still on the slab and stares up at the domed ceiling above it.

"The Loyalists are stationed in every district of the city, but their hearts are built into the master's Brelish Guild located under Candle Street. It is a place of thieves and soldiers," the dead man chuckles. "And deadly traps." Its eyes turn towards Vitus. "Death awaits you there."

"Ask your second question,"
it says passively.
"Where in Bluffside is the main headquarters of the The Dusk?"

"If the attack on Bluffside did not succeed, what was yours and Phelix del Cannitha backup plan or next steps?"

"If you die, in what location will you re-enter the material plane for the first time after you are brought back to life?"

The spellcasting and speaking with the Butcher was more unpleasant than Vitus had expected. Despite that, he was pleased with the results, even if they weren't perfect. He, grimly, looked forward to questioning the Enchantress.

Once again, he started the ritual and, while her will was stronger, her resolve was less fixed. She gave the information up, almost resigned to the fact that it would happen eventually. But only, thankfully, because of the help of the scrolls they'd bought on the way here.

"1. what is the magical weakness of Phelix del Cannitha?
2. what is the way into his demiplane without using the crystal flower?
3. what is used to make loyalists so fanatical?
4. what is Phelix's favorite spell for combat?"

I will need 2 scrolls - one for each spell and will buy them myself - we don't have enough money in the party coffers anyways.

I might reword number 3 if we can, instead, try to gain more information for trying to gain access into Phelix's demi-plane.

To Do:
-Speak to Oppia Nazaria
Last edited:


World of Kulan DM
"Where in Bluffside is the main headquarters of the The Dusk?"
"The Dusk have entrenched themselves in the city's Undercity in two places. They have taken over an old hideout of the Rising Swords, which was abandoned after it was raided by the Elites. The guards collapsed the previous entrance but there are secret ways into the hideout that The Dusk learned of from the mercenaries still in the city."

The Butcher looks back towards the ceiling. "They have also taken over an old abandoned warehouse on the edge of the Cavern Harbour, which they use as secret gathering point in their fight against the Hammers and the Golden Sabres of Sordadon."

"That is your second question, cleric."

TaranTheWanderer said:
"If the attack on Bluffside did not succeed, what was yours and Phelix del Cannitha's backup plan or next steps?"
"But it did succeed. Chaos was sowed in the streets and many of the city's guards died. Yes, you saved those fighting alongside you, but you could not save everyone. For my master, that was a success. He knew you would kill The Beast, eventually, but it was a good distraction so that he could prepare several strike teams to secure the portal room of the Labyrinth of Lost Souls from the knight, Sin Voz, and to expand his reach into both the Military District and Mining District."

The Butcher's dead form chuckles. Air wheezes from the gash in its chest. "The master will learn all of the secrets of the Ancients and use them against you. Once all of the Ancient structures are secured, Bluffside will be his to rule... to use... to conquer... all will fall down and worship him as a living god."

TaranTheWanderer said:
"If you die, in what location will you re-enter the material plane for the first time after you are brought back to life?"
"I am dead. But, I am also Endless. I will be reborn in the Sanctuary and my progeny will seek revenge against those that killed this body. He will decide on his own plan. He will not be me, but he will be me. He will not remember my death, but the Keepers of the Sanctuary will teach him as much about my final moments on this plane. He will create his own Soul Beacon. He will decide his own revenge in his own time. He is not beholden to my wishes or my past." The dead form of The Butcher pauses. "But, he will come for those who killed me. He will bring them pain and death. He is Endless. Nothing will stand in his way."

"I cannot tell you where he will come from in order to seek our revenge. He may seek the aid of Phelix Del Cannitha, my master. The one who freed me. But, the alienist is not his master. That pact died with me. Those who have wronged us will face his wrath. None shall be spared. We are Endless."

TaranTheWanderer said:
The spellcasting and speaking with the Butcher was more unpleasant than Vitus had expected. Despite that, he was pleased with the results, even if they weren't perfect. He, grimly, looked forward to questioning the Enchantress.

Once again, he started the ritual and, while her will was stronger, her resolve was less fixed. She gave the information up, almost resigned to the fact that it would happen eventually. But only, thankfully, because of the help of the scrolls they'd bought on the way here.

What is the magical weakness of Phelix del Cannitha?
The enchantress's body is not in as good shape as The Butcher's. Sir Breva's blade cut a deep wound from her right shoulder to her left hip. Her jaw is cracked, so when the body speaks, it does so with a grinding lisp.

"My liege has power you cannot imagine, welp," she hisses at Vitus. "He is the strongest sorcerer I have ever known. Perhaps that is the weakness you seek, hmm? He is not a wizard, so he does not have the magical range of wizard or the respect that comes from being a wizard in Bluffside. This makes him willful and angry. And sometimes reckless. His will is strong, even with what he was forced to surrender to become an alienist, so magic meant to control the mind are useless against him. His body isn't as strong or quick, but he makes up for that with his keen mind and force of personality."

She hisses again. "He knows magic up to nearly the highest order of spells. He can summon alien beings and dispel, dismiss, and banish nearly at will. Yes, he is sorcerer, not a wizard. So, his range of magicks are more limited."

TaranTheWanderer said:
What is the way into his demiplane without using the crystal flower?
"Plane shift will work," she hisses. "If you wish to seek a quick death or imprisonment in one of the enclave's many teleportation circles, which can trap intruders. The enclave was created by the Ancients. It is protected from intrusion without the proper key."

The corpses jaw gets stuck for half a minute. She gurgles and hisses. "If you do not wish to risk such magicks, then seek out one of the planar keys that Phelix has constructed from the essence of those flowers. He has several hidden in the enclave and those he trusts have such keys on them or stashed away."

TaranTheWanderer said:
What is used to make loyalists so fanatical?
"Why would we not want to follow a living god?" she hisses. "Such a silly question."

TaranTheWanderer said:
What is Phelix's favorite spell for combat?"
"FIRE!" She hisses loudly. "Phelix will burn you with fire!"

Her voice rises up into the air and echoes throughout the mortuary. "He will burn you to the ground with a fireball spell. That is his favourite spell to use against those who do not share his vision. Loyalists gladly die by fire when fighting alongside him. It is our gateway to the alien paradise of the Unseen Abyss."

Aust Thale

Falen seethes at the mention of the Dusk, before calming his thoughts. He paces behind the others standing around the butcher and enchantress’ corpse, his hands behind his back. “We need to go to the knight NOW. We kill anything that so much as whispers Cannitha’s name.” He speaks deadpan, “while we are at it, on general principle, we should burn the Dusk from their nest and make them dead.” He takes a moment to reflect on the deadspeak. “I wonder if Lady Nazaria could be able to shed any more light on the subject. No reason to think she’d be a person with more of the portal flower, but no reason not to either. Tyche inspired hunches could often be that way. Curse my laziness; we should move quickly.” Falen felt frustrated at himself for tarrying longer than needed at Amba’s Equinox. He readied himself for what came next.


I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
Akos motions Falen for quiet and leads the group outside thanking the mortician as they go out.
"We should be careful speaking of any plans in the earshot of anyone. The rogue has days to prepare if we so much as whisper of our plans. The Lanterns could clear our the warehouse. There will probably be few guards unless a specific meeting is being prepared. Which could be another strike against The Dusk if they can wait for more of them to come, but risk better protections of higher ups. We have to consider the possibility of them being local nobles or wizards or hidden sorcerers."

He looks around
"I agree we should go to the knight, but time difference is important and I'd rather prepare to storm the plane immediately from there. Once we're on the same time speed, the sorcerer will not be able to plan efficiently. My vote would be to go to the knight too...but with short stops along the way. First, I want to set in motion research about magic of the ancients. Second, similar to that, research about The Endless. Another stop is to inform someone of what we found out, without details on what we're gonna do. Or there may be a way to ferret out any informants, but that is really not my area. We have to prepare to lose even more time while down there."

He sighs
"Selfish as that may be, freeing the genie might get us wishes granted, assuming she is able. Ancient knowledge too. And if we use it smartly and without strictly personal gain it might not be twisted negatively, knowledge about ancient magics, ways to bypass or deactivate wards, lots of ways to help against the enemy. Resistance to fire or fireball too. She needs saving regardless if we get something out of it. And we might get something useful if we visit Shadowstar Sea first. Ancient fey know things. If we can understand what they are saying."

OOC: give partial information slightly different to different people and see what comes out of it. But Akos wouldn't think of this, Falen or Vitus might.

Race: Human
HP: 52/52
20; FF:17 T:14

[]Cure Minor; [] Detect Magic; []Detect Poison; [] Amanuensis []Create Water ; [] Mending
Will: +11
Refl: +5
Initiative: +3
Melee: +7/+2 (+1)
1st [6+1](DC16) [ ]Bless; [ ] Entropic Shield[ ]Comprehend Languages; [ ]Endure Elements [ ] Divine Favor; []Lesser Vigor
2nd[4+1](DC17) []Avoid Planar effects; [ ] Benediction; [] Owl's Wisdom [X] Lesser Restoration
3rd[4+1](DC18) [ ] Stone Shape [ ]; Invisibility Purge; [X ] [X]Speak with Dead
4th: [3+1](DC19) [ ] Attune Form(extended) [] Sustain; [] Mass, Lesser Vigor (extended)
DEX: 16+ 3
CON: 14 + 2
INT: 14 +2
WIS: 20 +5
CHA:15 +2
XP: 28,000/36000
2XLocate Object
Shield Other
3xProtection from Energy
4Spell Immunity
XDim Door

Falen seethes at the mention of the Dusk, before calming his thoughts. He paces behind the others standing around the butcher and enchantress’ corpse, his hands behind his back. “We need to go to the knight NOW. We kill anything that so much as whispers Cannitha’s name.” He speaks deadpan, “while we are at it, on general principle, we should burn the Dusk from their nest and make them dead.” He takes a moment to reflect on the deadspeak. “I wonder if Lady Nazaria could be able to shed any more light on the subject. No reason to think she’d be a person with more of the portal flower, but no reason not to either. Tyche inspired hunches could often be that way. Curse my laziness; we should move quickly.” Falen felt frustrated at himself for tarrying longer than needed at Amba’s Equinox. He readied himself for what came next.

"This is bad. If he attacked last night during the attack on the city, he's already had a half an hour to secure the portal room! There's no time to see Lady Nazaria. We should go! There still might be time to stop them!"

Akos motions Falen for quiet and leads the group outside thanking the mortician as they go out.
"We should be careful speaking of any plans in the earshot of anyone. The rogue has days to prepare if we so much as whisper of our plans. The Lanterns could clear out the warehouse. There will probably be few guards unless a specific meeting is being prepared. Which could be another strike against The Dusk if they can wait for more of them to come, but risk better protections of higher ups. We have to consider the possibility of them being local nobles or wizards or hidden sorcerers."
"There's only us here. And isn't this building protected from magic?"
"Maybe send them to start ferreting out the Loyalists. Put them on the defensive so they don't attack again while we're gone. Clear the traps and find out how to bypass them. There are fallen loyalists. Maybe there is another cleric that can question one and find out about the traps? Maybe the traps are geared to the Loyalists signate. We have those symbols from some of the fallen that people can wear to trick any magical traps!"

He looks around
"I agree we should go to the knight, but time difference is important and I'd rather prepare to storm the plane immediately from there. Once we're on the same time speed, the sorcerer will not be able to plan efficiently. My vote would be to go to the knight too...but with short stops along the way. First, I want to set in motion research about magic of the ancients. Second, similar to that, research about The Endless. Another stop is to inform someone of what we found out, without details on what we're gonna do. Or there may be a way to ferret out any informants, but that is really not my area. We have to prepare to lose even more time while down there."
It was true. As soon as they entered the Labyrinth, anything could happen in Bluffside. They could be gone for days. It seemed strange to do something other than help the Knight when time was of the essence but it was a wise move to make sure they set plans in motion first. If only there was a way to shut down the portal Phelix used.

"There's a way to shut down the Labyrinth. In fact, we could trap someone there, if we wanted. There's a spell called Forbiddance. It prevents planar travel in an area. The materials are very expensive 3000gp at the least - and it's too powerful for us to cast. But, if we could get a scroll and successfully cast it, we could attach it to a glyph so that the next person who activates the portal, activates the glyph. The glyph casts Forbiddance and prevents anyone from leaving. Only a powerful caster can dispel it. Then no-one will ever be able to get into or out of the Labyrinth. Or, if we know where the sorcerer is accessing the material plane, we can cut off that entrance. Trap him in his own demi-plane where he will grow old and die faster than us."
He sighs
"Selfish as that may be, freeing the genie might get us wishes granted, assuming she is able. Ancient knowledge too. And if we use it smartly and without strictly personal gain it might not be twisted negatively, knowledge about ancient magics, ways to bypass or deactivate wards, lots of ways to help against the enemy. Resistance to fire or fireball too. She needs saving regardless if we get something out of it. And we might get something useful if we visit Shadowstar Sea first. Ancient fey know things. If we can understand what they are saying."
"I have Elemental Resistance and Spell Immunity. But I hadn't prepared for that. But in the future, I'll have it prepared. I also took Stone Shape to ruin the magic circle holding the Genie."

It felt like things were out of control. The Sorcerer had so many advantages. But Akos was right: they couldn't just go rushing in. But they should hurry.

"In any case, we should hurry!"

To Do:
-Speak to Oppia Nazaria

Race: Human
HP: 52/52
20; FF:17 T:14

[]Cure Minor; [] Detect Magic; []Detect Poison; [] Amanuensis []Create Water ; [] Mending
Will: +11
Refl: +5
Initiative: +3
Melee: +7/+2 (+1)
1st [6+1](DC16) [ ]Bless; [ ] Entropic Shield[ ]Comprehend Languages; [ ]Endure Elements [ ] Divine Favor; []Lesser Vigor
2nd[4+1](DC17) []Avoid Planar effects; [ ] Benediction; [] Owl's Wisdom [X] Lesser Restoration
3rd[4+1](DC18) [ ] Stone Shape [ ]; Invisibility Purge; [X ] [X]Speak with Dead
4th: [3+1](DC19) [ ] Attune Form(extended) [] Sustain; [] Mass, Lesser Vigor (extended)
DEX: 16+ 3
CON: 14 + 2
INT: 14 +2
WIS: 20 +5
CHA:15 +2
XP: 28,000/36000
2XLocate Object
Shield Other
3xProtection from Energy
4Spell Immunity
XDim Door

"There's a petrified wizard?"

There was so much Vitus needed to find out.

"Well, now we can do both"

To Do:
-Speak to Oppia Nazaria

Voidrunner's Codex

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