It was true. As soon as they entered the Labyrinth, anything could happen in Bluffside. They could be gone for days. It seemed strange to do something other than help the Knight when time was of the essence but it was a wise move to make sure they set plans in motion first. If only there was a way to shut down the portal Phelix used.
"There's a way to shut down the Labyrinth. In fact, we could trap someone there, if we wanted. There's a spell called Forbiddance. It prevents planar travel in an area. The materials are very expensive 3000gp at the least - and it's too powerful for us to cast. But, if we could get a scroll and successfully cast it, we could attach it to a glyph so that the next person who activates the portal, activates the glyph. The glyph casts Forbiddance and prevents anyone from leaving. Only a powerful caster can dispel it. Then no-one will ever be able to get into or out of the Labyrinth. Or, if we know where the sorcerer is accessing the material plane, we can cut off that entrance. Trap him in his own demi-plane where he will grow old and die faster than us."