Kulan: Knightfall's Crisis in Bluffside Game [IC]

"Well, I can't return him to flesh, only fix th damages due to the ravages of time." Nodding sagely he continues, " But, yes. There is a wizard who is petrified. I do not know who he is, but he deserves the chance to be returned to life."

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Akos slaps his forehead
"I need to be more focused. While expensive, stone salve or stone to flesh scroll would help the man and we could glimpse a lot from him. But I don't have any more money. We'll need to deal with it later. Good thinking, Vincenco."

Race: Human
HP: 52/52
20; FF:17 T:14

[]Cure Minor; [] Detect Magic; []Detect Poison; [] Amanuensis []Create Water ; [] Mending
Will: +11
Refl: +5
Initiative: +3
Melee: +7/+2 (+1)
1st [6+1](DC16) [ ]Bless; [ ] Entropic Shield[ ]Comprehend Languages; [ ]Endure Elements [ ] Divine Favor; []Lesser Vigor
2nd[4+1](DC17) []Avoid Planar effects; [ ] Benediction; [] Owl's Wisdom [X] Lesser Restoration
3rd[4+1](DC18) [ ] Stone Shape [ ]; Invisibility Purge; [X ] [X]Speak with Dead
4th: [3+1](DC19) [ ] Attune Form(extended) [] Sustain; [] Mass, Lesser Vigor (extended)
DEX: 16+ 3
CON: 14 + 2
INT: 14 +2
WIS: 20 +5
CHA:15 +2
XP: 28,000/36000
2XLocate Object
Shield Other
3xProtection from Energy
4Spell Immunity
XDim Door

Akos slaps his forehead
"I need to be more focused. While expensive, stone salve or stone to flesh scroll would help the man and we could glimpse a lot from him. But I don't have any more money. We'll need to deal with it later. Good thinking, Vincenco."
"I have money from my inheritance to buy a scroll or salve - around 1500gp. Forbiddence is a minimum of 3000gp and it is a 6th level spell so that plan can probably wait for later and we can help the wizard instead.

How do you know it's a wizard? Maybe they're the janitor wearing a robe."

To Do:
-Speak to Oppia Nazaria
Last edited:

Falen seethes at the mention of the Dusk, before calming his thoughts. He paces behind the others standing around the butcher and enchantress’ corpse, his hands behind his back. “We need to go to the knight NOW. We kill anything that so much as whispers Cannitha’s name.” He speaks deadpan, “while we are at it, on general principle, we should burn the Dusk from their nest and make them dead.
"I agree, we need to go help him if we can," Custodio says. "But, he could already be dead. Waldo's had more than enough time overwhelm him."

Akos motions Falen for quiet and leads the group outside thanking the mortician as they go out.
"We should be careful speaking of any plans in the earshot of anyone. The rogue has days to prepare if we so much as whisper of our plans. The Lanterns could clear our the warehouse. There will probably be few guards unless a specific meeting is being prepared. Which could be another strike against The Dusk if they can wait for more of them to come, but risk better protections of higher ups. We have to consider the possibility of them being local nobles or wizards or hidden sorcerers."
TaranTheWanderer said:
"There's only us here. And isn't this building protected from magic?"
"Maybe send them to start ferreting out the Loyalists. Put them on the defensive so they don't attack again while we're gone. Clear the traps and find out how to bypass them. There are fallen loyalists. Maybe there is another cleric that can question one and find out about the traps? Maybe the traps are geared to the Loyalists signate. We have those symbols from some of the fallen that people can wear to trick any magical traps!"
"Protected from magic, yes," Custodio adds. "But not from mundane spies."

"I say we have the Lanterns check on The Dusk's hideouts," Tuck says. "They would probably be able to take the warehouse in the Cavern Harbour. But, we don't even know which old warehouse and there are several that could be the one the corpse mentioned. One obvious one. It's been abandoned for a long time. It's been used in the past as a shelter by the Undercity's poorest people."

He shakes his head. "My kin stayed clear of it. It's not the safest place to try to rest."

Aust Thale said:
He takes a moment to reflect on the deadspeak. “I wonder if Lady Nazaria could be able to shed any more light on the subject. No reason to think she’d be a person with more of the portal flower, but no reason not to either. Tyche inspired hunches could often be that way. Curse my laziness; we should move quickly.” Falen felt frustrated at himself for tarrying longer than needed at Amba’s Equinox. He readied himself for what came next.
"This is bad. If he attacked last night during the attack on the city, he's already had a half an hour to secure the portal room! There's no time to see Lady Nazaria. We should go! There still might be time to stop them!"
"Hopefully the guards stationed at the gatehouse haven't been overrun from down below," Custodio adds. "But, Vitus, we need to stay calm."

Neurotic said:
He looks around
"I agree we should go to the knight, but time difference is important and I'd rather prepare to storm the plane immediately from there. Once we're on the same time speed, the sorcerer will not be able to plan efficiently. My vote would be to go to the knight too...but with short stops along the way. First, I want to set in motion research about magic of the ancients. Second, similar to that, research about The Endless. Another stop is to inform someone of what we found out, without details on what we're gonna do. Or there may be a way to ferret out any informants, but that is really not my area. We have to prepare to lose even more time while down there."
TaranTheWanderer said:
It was true. As soon as they entered the Labyrinth, anything could happen in Bluffside. They could be gone for days. It seemed strange to do something other than help the Knight when time was of the essence but it was a wise move to make sure they set plans in motion first. If only there was a way to shut down the portal Phelix used.

"There's a way to shut down the Labyrinth. In fact, we could trap someone there, if we wanted. There's a spell called Forbiddance. It prevents planar travel in an area. The materials are very expensive 3000gp at the least - and it's too powerful for us to cast. But, if we could get a scroll and successfully cast it, we could attach it to a glyph so that the next person who activates the portal, activates the glyph. The glyph casts Forbiddance and prevents anyone from leaving. Only a powerful caster can dispel it. Then no-one will ever be able to get into or out of the Labyrinth. Or, if we know where the sorcerer is accessing the material plane, we can cut off that entrance. Trap him in his own demi-plane where he will grow old and die faster than us."
Tuck nods to the Loremaster. "Akos is right. We need to be smart... and prepared. If we can get there in time to save the knight and the genie, then we will. But, if one or both of them are already dead or captured, then there is little we can do for them if we rush in and get ambushed."

"Yes, while I vote we go help the knight, we will probably be walking into a fight, or a trap." Custodio looks at Akos. "I can go ahead and check on the Elites stationed at the gate. Find out if they've heard anything or have seen anyone lurking around the gatehouse who seemed suspicious. It wouldn't be unusual for me to go and check on them. The lord commander does want a report from them."

He nods to Tim. "I will go right now with your permission. I won't go in labyrinth. I will wait until you arrive and get the Elites prepared to help if it turns out we need them."

Neurotic said:
He sighs
"Selfish as that may be, freeing the genie might get us wishes granted, assuming she is able. Ancient knowledge too. And if we use it smartly and without strictly personal gain it might not be twisted negatively, knowledge about ancient magics, ways to bypass or deactivate wards, lots of ways to help against the enemy. Resistance to fire or fireball too. She needs saving regardless if we get something out of it. And we might get something useful if we visit Shadowstar Sea first. Ancient fey know things. If we can understand what they are saying."
"Let's hope we can get her to help the knight," Tuck adds. "If she can grant him some sort of protection, he'll be able to leave. Regardless, he cannot stay down there forever."

TaranTheWanderer said:
"I have Elemental Resistance and Spell Immunity. But I hadn't prepared for that. But in the future, I'll have it prepared. I also took Stone Shape to ruin the magic circle holding the Genie."

It felt like things were out of control. The Sorcerer had so many advantages. But Akos was right: they couldn't just go rushing in. But they should hurry.

"In any case, we should hurry!"
"Vitus, I too took stone shape, but actually to repair the petrified wizard. Ruining the circle would be a better choice though. "
"Let's hope that will work," Custodio says. "That circle is Ancients' magic. Well, that's what Wearne told us. It could have been a lie."

"There's a petrified wizard?"

There was so much Vitus needed to find out.

"Well, now we can do both"
"Well, I can't return him to flesh, only fix the damages due to the ravages of time." Nodding sagely he continues, "But, yes. There is a wizard who is petrified. I do not know who he is, but he deserves the chance to be returned to life."
"Again, that assumes Wearne wasn't lying to us," Custodio adds. "We only have his word."

"If he's not a wizard, then he might know something about Waldo's plans," Tuck notes. "But Vincenzo is right, the man deserves a chance to live again."

Akos slaps his forehead
"I need to be more focused. While expensive, stone salve or stone to flesh scroll would help the man and we could glimpse a lot from him. But I don't have any more money. We'll need to deal with it later. Good thinking, Vincenco."
"We do have the extra gold coming to us from the sale of the rest of the enemies' gear, and the salvage," Custodio reminds Akos. "It might not all be processed yet, but I'm sure Lady Pomander will have an estimate for us. We may be able to borrow against what we, as the Exemplars, are owed."

"I have money from my inheritance. It's around 1500gp. Forbiddance is a minimum of 3000gp and it is a 6th level spell so probably left for later.

How do you know it's a wizard? Maybe they're the janitor wearing a robe."
Tuck can't help but chuckle.

"Weren't we told by the opposition he is a wizard?" Vinny asks quizzically "I can't remember.
"If he is a wizard, then he could be a good ally against the Renegade," Tuck considers. "We should take the time to find out, and we have to go help the knight and genie anyway."

Custodio nods. "I'll go ahead to the gatehouse. Vitus, do you want to come with me? You're already prepared, right?" The Vanquisher cleric turns to Falen. "You could adopt the disguise of an Elite and come with us. That might shield our plans from Waldo and his spies."

"If we're going to split up, even temporarily, we'll need to be very careful," Tuck insists. He looks at Tim whose been quietly listening this whole time. "What do you think?"

Race: Human
HP: 52/52
20; FF:17 T:14

[]Cure Minor; [] Detect Magic; []Detect Poison; [] Amanuensis []Create Water ; [] Mending
Will: +11
Refl: +5
Initiative: +3
Melee: +7/+2 (+1)
1st [6+1](DC16) [ ]Bless; [ ] Entropic Shield[ ]Comprehend Languages; [ ]Endure Elements [ ] Divine Favor; []Lesser Vigor
2nd[4+1](DC17) []Avoid Planar effects; [ ] Benediction; [] Status [X] Lesser Restoration
3rd[4+1](DC18) [ ] Stone Shape [ ]; Invisibility Purge; [X ] [X]Speak with Dead
4th: [3+1](DC19) [ ] Attune Form(extended) [] Sustain; [] Mass, Lesser Vigor (extended)
DEX: 16+ 3
CON: 14 + 2
INT: 14 +2
WIS: 20 +5
CHA:15 +2
XP: 28,000/36000
2XLocate Object
Shield Other
3xProtection from Energy
4Spell Immunity
XDim Door

“If we are splitting up, here is some money, Akos.”

Vitus opens his backpack, reaches in and pulls out a pouch,

“There’s 200 platinum in there. If you can find a scroll or whatever, go for it.”

To Custodio, he says,

“I wasn’t at the battle but is there something I could wear that would make me fit in better instead of these brown robes? What about a squire’s outfit?”

Instantly, his clothing changed, becoming practical uniform of a squire, with the crest and colours of the Elites.

“Or maybe something else?”

To Do:
-Speak to Oppia Nazaria
Last edited:

"I say we have the Lanterns check on The Dusk's hideouts," Tuck says. "They would probably be able to take the warehouse in the Cavern Harbour. But, we don't even know which old warehouse and there are several that could be the one the corpse mentioned. One obvious one. It's been abandoned for a long time. It's been used in the past as a shelter by the Undercity's poorest people."
"That's for the Lanterns to find out. You might be able to help them maybe?"

"Yes, while I vote we go help the knight, we will probably be walking into a fight, or a trap." Custodio looks at Akos. "I can go ahead and check on the Elites stationed at the gate. Find out if they've heard anything or have seen anyone lurking around the gatehouse who seemed suspicious. It wouldn't be unusual for me to go and check on them. The lord commander does want a report from them."
"That may be good idea, but don't get ambushed on the way."

"Let's hope we can get her to help the knight," Tuck adds. "If she can grant him some sort of protection, he'll be able to leave. Regardless, he cannot stay down there forever."

"Let's hope that will work," Custodio says. "That circle is Ancients' magic. Well, that's what Wearne told us. It could have been a lie."

"It is always a risk, but one of the questions before we go downthere is whether anyone tried to supress ancient magics with antimagic. If it is somehow separate from our magic, we don't have a chance doing that with a scroll."
Looking at Custodio
"I believe the commander is an honorable man, and besides, he was betrayed. I don't think he lied. But he could have been lied to."

Custodio nods. "I'll go ahead to the gatehouse. Vitus, do you want to come with me? You're already prepared, right?" The Vanquisher cleric turns to Falen. "You could adopt the disguise of an Elite and come with us. That might shield our plans from Waldo and his spies."

"If we're going to split up, even temporarily, we'll need to be very careful," Tuck insists. He looks at Tim whose been quietly listening this whole time. "What do you think?"

"Last time we split we were attacked separately and in coordinated fashion. Going alone is still more dangerous. So if you're willing to go with Custodio, I'll take Sir Tymbek and our new ranger friend and go get the scroll and run by library. Tuck, would you then inform the lanterns, you seem well informed about that part of the city, given your expertise that is not surprising, you might give them an edge."

Clapping his hands
"Right! Let's get to it. We meet at the labyrinth gate in an hour, if we don't meet in two, start looking for the other group."

Rockhorn was creeped out by the corpses raging on his new companions and raving about their master. He couldn't leave the room soon enough.

Once outside and discussing the options, he nods as Akos suggests the split with more than one person in each.
"Risky it may be, but we have to move faster than single unit can do it. I will not fly so I don't run afoul some rule or the other, it seems there is lots of those around. But I can join you on foot. We follow Akos to the...eh...maybe not spell it out if we're being listened to. Let's just go."

Race: Human
HP: 52/52
20; FF:17 T:14

[]Cure Minor; [] Detect Magic; []Detect Poison; [] Amanuensis []Create Water ; [] Mending
Will: +11
Refl: +5
Initiative: +3
Melee: +7/+2 (+1)
1st [6+1](DC16) [ ]Bless; [ ] Entropic Shield[ ]Comprehend Languages; [ ]Endure Elements [ ] Divine Favor; []Lesser Vigor
2nd[4+1](DC17) []Avoid Planar effects; [ ] Benediction; [] Status [X] Lesser Restoration
3rd[4+1](DC18) [ ] Stone Shape [ ]; Invisibility Purge; [X ] [X]Speak with Dead
4th: [3+1](DC19) [ ] Attune Form(extended) [] Sustain; [] Mass, Lesser Vigor (extended)
DEX: 16+ 3
CON: 14 + 2
INT: 14 +2
WIS: 20 +5
CHA:15 +2
XP: 28,000/36000
2XLocate Object
Shield Other
3xProtection from Energy
4Spell Immunity
XDim Door

"It is always a risk, but one of the questions before we go downthere is whether anyone tried to supress ancient magics with antimagic. If it is somehow separate from our magic, we don't have a chance doing that with a scroll."
Looking at Custodio
"I believe the commander is an honorable man, and besides, he was betrayed. I don't think he lied. But he could have been lied to."
"I'm hoping the magic is focused on the actual Genie and not the stone. Do we have a way to communicate with the Knight? He's mute, right?"
"Last time we split we were attacked separately and in coordinated fashion. Going alone is still more dangerous. So if you're willing to go with Custodio, I'll take Sir Tymbek and our new ranger friend and go get the scroll and run by library. Tuck, would you then inform the lanterns, you seem well informed about that part of the city, given your expertise that is not surprising, you might give them an edge."

Clapping his hands
"Right! Let's get to it. We meet at the labyrinth gate in an hour, if we don't meet in two, start looking for the other group."
"If we're ambushed at the labyrinth, we'll go straight back to the headquarters. Let's arrange to have a messenger on horseback at the ready. Like, if something happens at the Labyrinth, we can send a messenger from the headquarters to find you at the Temple district. Or someone who can cast Animal Messenger. Also, I can use the same spell as last night to keep track of your wellbeing. It also gives me a sense of your whereabouts - which will help us to rendez-vous. If you'll permit me to cast the blessing...."
"There is one more thing that is important, in my opinion." Vincenzo stands and looks at Akos, "Loremaster, there is a magical means of looking specifically for you. A spell I have been made aware of to detect fey. Use great caution wherever you go."
"Really? I wonder if there's a way to obscure those kinds of divinations. I know there's a way to obscure objects...."
Rockhorn was creeped out by the corpses raging on his new companions and raving about their master. He couldn't leave the room soon enough.

Once outside and discussing the options, he nods as Akos suggests the split with more than one person in each.
"Risky it may be, but we have to move faster than single unit can do it. I will not fly so I don't run afoul some rule or the other, it seems there is lots of those around. But I can join you on foot. We follow Akos to the...eh...maybe not spell it out if we're being listened to. Let's just go."
"It might be worth having Spritewing with you - in case there's an emergency and we need to quickly send a message. I wish I'd studied Sending. Maybe, if we have money left over from the scrolls, we should look into getting Sending Stones....at least, at some point."

Just confirming that I was able to take Status. If not, I'll edit. Generally, I study it every day but I'd dropped it for Owl's wisdom - which we didn't need because we bought scrolls. It affects 3 targets: Rockhorn @MetaVoid, Akos @Neurotic and Tymbek @ScottDeWar_jr . The spell will go away as soon as we go into the Labyrinth, unfortunately, unless we can cross into the plane simultaneously.

To Do:
-Speak to Oppia Nazaria
Last edited:

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