Kulan: Knightfall's Crisis in Bluffside Game [IC]

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"I can communicate with him using gestures. Not exact way of communication, but we managed to get by last time." Akos answers about the knight first
"Sending stones would be great, but we would need multiple stones, I'll do some research on that too. Mind link of some kind. For the ambush, if it happens each group is on their own, we cannot teleport yet to each others location. Soon...I think...we'll be able to. Cast your spell."

Akos focuses and drops his resistance to magic temporarily refocusing immediately after.

Race: Human
HP: 52/52
20; FF:17 T:14

[]Cure Minor; [] Detect Magic; []Detect Poison; [] Amanuensis []Create Water ; [] Mending
Will: +11
Refl: +5
Initiative: +3
Melee: +7/+2 (+1)
1st [6+1](DC16) [ ]Bless; [ ] Entropic Shield[ ]Comprehend Languages; [ ]Endure Elements [ ] Divine Favor; []Lesser Vigor
2nd[4+1](DC17) []Avoid Planar effects; [ ] Benediction; [] Status [X] Lesser Restoration
3rd[4+1](DC18) [ ] Stone Shape [ ]; Invisibility Purge; [X ] [X]Speak with Dead
4th: [3+1](DC19) [ ] Attune Form(extended) [] Sustain; [] Mass, Lesser Vigor (extended)
DEX: 16+ 3
CON: 14 + 2
INT: 14 +2
WIS: 20 +5
CHA:15 +2
XP: 28,000/36000
2XLocate Object
Shield Other
3xProtection from Energy
4Spell Immunity
XDim Door

"Teleport? HAH! Yeah, who would want to teleport? Certainly not me! Tyche knows, I would prefer to walk because it's about the journey, right? Why skip the good stuff, amiright?"

Vitus laughed awkwardly,

"Yup, no teleporting here... But if, for example, I could travel instantly from one place to another, I would probably keep it really short...like...pretty short. Like, maybe the length of a single city Ward and that's it. And only if it was an emergency. Not just willy nilly. Like, for instance, I would never do it just to sneak into or out of the Delegacy when I wasn't supposed to."

"...Hypothetically speaking..."

"But it might be good to have a runner at the Headquarters in case we end up there quickly and need to get you information in the Temple ward. I'll know exactly where you're at."

He unveiled his holy symbol from under his shirt and waived it haphazardly over each of the three compatriotes,

"May Tyche watch over you."
"May Tyche watch over you."
"May Tyche watch over you."

To Do:
-Speak to Oppia Nazaria
Last edited:

Race: Human
HP: 52/52
20; FF:17 T:14

[]Cure Minor; [] Detect Magic; []Detect Poison; [] Amanuensis []Create Water ; [] Mending
Will: +11
Refl: +5
Initiative: +3
Melee: +7/+2 (+1)
1st [6+1](DC16) [ ]Bless; [ ] Entropic Shield[ ]Comprehend Languages; [ ]Endure Elements [ ] Divine Favor; []Lesser Vigor
2nd[4+1](DC17) []Avoid Planar effects; [ ] Benediction; [] Status [X] Lesser Restoration
3rd[4+1](DC18) [ ] Stone Shape [ ]; Invisibility Purge; [X ] [X]Speak with Dead
4th: [3+1](DC19) [ ] Attune Form(extended) [] Sustain; [] Mass, Lesser Vigor (extended)
DEX: 16+ 3
CON: 14 + 2
INT: 14 +2
WIS: 20 +5
CHA:15 +2
XP: 28,000/36000
2XLocate Object
Shield Other
3xProtection from Energy
4Spell Immunity
XDim Door

"Teleport? HAH! Yeah, who would want to teleport? Certainly not me! Tyche knows, I would prefer to walk because it's about the journey, right? Why skip the good stuff, amiright?"

Vitus laughed awkwardly,

"Yup, no teleporting here... But if, for example, I could travel instantly from one place to another, I would probably keep it really short...like...pretty short. Like, maybe the length of a single city Ward and that's it. And only if it was an emergency. Not just willy nilly. Like, for instance, I would never do it just to sneak into or out of the Delegacy when I wasn't supposed to."

"...Hypothetically speaking..."

"But it might be good to have a runner at the Headquarters in case we end up there quickly and need to get you information in the Temple ward. I'll know exactly where you're at."

He unveiled his holy symbol from under his shirt and waived it haphazardly over each of the three compatriotes,

"May Tyche watch over you."
"May Tyche watch over you."
"May Tyche watch over you."

To Do:
-Speak to Oppia Nazaria
Sense motive

"That's for the Lanterns to find out. You might be able to help them maybe?"
"We can get a message to the Lanterns through the staff at Stormgrove," Tuck replies. "A lantern in one of the windows, remember? I'll go with Custodio and Vitus," the kobold urban ranger glances towards Falen. "And, the seer." He pats Mutt on the head. "It's not far to reach Stormgrove from there, so we can take that boy Puck a message for Florrie and be back to the gatehouse as fast as Mutt can run."

Neurotic said:
"That may be good idea, but don't get ambushed on the way."
Custodio nods.

To Custodio, he says,

“I wasn’t at the battle but is there something I could wear that would make me fit in better instead of these brown robes? What about a squire’s outfit?”

Instantly, his clothing changed, becoming practical uniform of a squire, with the crest and colours of the Elites.

“Or maybe something else?”
"That's a good choice," Custodio replies with an approving nod.

Neurotic said:
Looking at Custodio
"I believe the commander is an honorable man, and besides, he was betrayed. I don't think he lied. But he could have been lied to."
"One man's honour, is a another man's betrayal," Custodio replies. The Vanquisher cleric seems to want to say more, but there isn't time for a debate. "I'm sure the Renegade lied to Wearne. But, that doesn't mean he didn't lie to us, or shaded the truth."

"I'm hoping the magic is focused on the actual Genie and not the stone. Do we have a way to communicate with the Knight? He's mute, right?"
"I can communicate with him using gestures. Not exact way of communication, but we managed to get by last time."
"The knight seems to only understand Novarese," Custodio adds. "He's deaf, as well, so speaking to him in that language won't work, unless he can read lips. We didn't have time to ask him."

Neurotic said:
"Last time we split we were attacked separately and in coordinated fashion. Going alone is still more dangerous. So if you're willing to go with Custodio, I'll take Sir Tymbeck and our new ranger friend and go get the scroll and run by library. Tuck, would you then inform the lanterns, you seem well informed about that part of the city, given your expertise that is not surprising, you might give them an edge."

Clapping his hands
"Right! Let's get to it. We meet at the labyrinth gate in an hour, if we don't meet in two, start looking for the other group."
"Right, and everyone stay alert," Custodio says.

Once outside and discussing the options, he nods as Akos suggests the split with more than one person in each.
"Risky it may be, but we have to move faster than single unit can do it. I will not fly so I don't run afoul some rule or the other, it seems there is lots of those around. But I can join you on foot. We follow Akos to the...eh...maybe not spell it out if we're being listened to. Let's just go."
The Loremaster leads the way with Sir Tymbeck, Ranger Mosswood, and Vincenzo. There is protection in numbers.

OOC: Where is Akos and the others going again? The magic shop? The Temple District? I've been distracted by other things, so I lost track of the plan.

The Gate of Scales:
Custodio heads off towards the gatehouse with Falen, Vitus, and Tuck & Mutt. With the Iron Gate open, it doesn't take long for them to reach the Gate of Scales. The Vanquisher cleric checks in with the guards while Tuck rides off towards Stormgrove on Mutt. One of the Elites stationed at the gatehouse, a tall, lanky Surot woman named Ressai, goes with the kobold as backup. She easily keeps up with Mutt as the big dog runs to the manor.

"The knight is in danger," Custodio says to the Elites. "Have you seen and heard anything strange down below?"

The captain in charge, an elf man named Ailas Rodove, replies, "No sir, it's been quiet here and down below in the cellars. Lord Commander Oakfirst did tell us not to linger in the entry room with the magical script on it." The man shudders. "Not that any of us have been tempted. Those doors are unnerving."

Falen notes that the gatehouse has been given quite the makeover since the last time he was here. The area where the cells once stood have been removed. The stone trapdoor that lead down below has been completely removed and a new makeshift railing has been put in its place around the open entryway, which has been widened to allow for easier access to the revamped rooms that now act as a cellar for the gatehouse. The newly installed ladder leading down is made from a metal that looks strange.

"The lord commander didn't want an iron ladder," Captain Rodove says. "He didn't want something that would hurt Loremaster Akos." He looks at Custodio. "He's not with you."

"He and the other Exemplars will be here soon," Custodio replies.

Race: Human
HP: 52/52
20; FF:17 T:14

[]Cure Minor; [] Detect Magic; []Detect Poison; [] Amanuensis []Create Water ; [] Mending
Will: +11
Refl: +5
Initiative: +3
Melee: +7/+2 (+1)
1st [6+1](DC16) [ ]Bless; [ ] Entropic Shield[ ]Comprehend Languages; [ ]Endure Elements [ ] Divine Favor; []Lesser Vigor
2nd[4+1](DC17) []Avoid Planar effects; [ ] Benediction; [] Status [X] Lesser Restoration
3rd[4+1](DC18) [ ] Stone Shape [ ]; Invisibility Purge; [X ] [X]Speak with Dead
4th: [3+1](DC19) [ ] Attune Form(extended) [] Sustain; [] Mass, Lesser Vigor (extended)
DEX: 16+ 3
CON: 14 + 2
INT: 14 +2
WIS: 20 +5
CHA:15 +2
XP: 28,000/36000
2XLocate Object
Shield Other
3xProtection from Energy
4Spell Immunity
XDim Door

"Sir, should we peek down the hole.......? And check out the renovations?"

Vitus edged towards the ladder to listen if there was any signs of movement. He watched the guards. Surely Custodio knew his men better than Vitus did but it never hurt to be suspicious.

Sense Motive: 1D20+6 = [8]+6 = 14

Listen: 1D20+5 = [13]+5 = 18 down the hole

To Do:
-Speak to Oppia Nazaria

Akos leads the group back into the Temple District, to the temple of The Great Teacher.
There he remains for some time, starting several research groups, namely:
  • The Endless (and how to stop them)
  • The ancients and time magic, he gave the runes from the doors to genie dungeon
  • Rigantona and her history with Bluffside
After that, he inquires about scrolls of break enchantment or stone to flesh, whatever is available.

Once he obtains it, he rushes to Purifiers temple and buys a wand of lesser restoration created for paladins. He also buys a bracer to hold it. And immediately adds his own wand into it.

"Can I buy wizards wands here somewhere? Or we have to go to Wizards District?" he asks at the temples.

OOC: depending on the time available, I would like to buy Power word: Pain too :) but this is best-case scenario
Arcane stuff can be maybe bought in that shop where we bought the scrolls?
Wand bracers is 300gp from Dungeonscape (much cheaper than haversack, but specific to wands)
paladin restoration is 1st level 750gp ;)
In the end, I didn't find good ranger 1st level spell.
Other good (arcane) options: Enlarge, Benign transposition

He keeps careful track of time, refocusing if he notices his natural propensity for distraction got better of him.

At the Gate of Scales:
"Sir, should we peek down the hole.......? And check out the renovations?"

Vitus edged towards the ladder to listen if there was any signs of movement. He watched the guards. Surely Custodio knew his men better than Vitus did but it never hurt to be suspicious.[/SPOILER]
"There won't be much to see from up here," Captain Rodove replies to Vitus. "Just the same room you descended down into before. It's been cleaned though."

"Vitus here wasn't with us the first time," Custodio says to the captain. "He is a new addition to our group." The Vanquisher cleric steps up next to the young cleric of Tyche. "There isn't any harm in you taking a look. Go ahead."

Vitus looks down through the widened trapdoor. He sees that the ladder is bolted to the stonework both at the top and at the bottom. It looks quite sturdy. The open trapdoor has been reinforced with iron bands. The ladder is 30 feet long. The initial room below is only 10 feet wide and 15 feet long, although it does continue north for another 30 feet.

Vitus can barely see over the wooden screen that Lord Commander Oakfirst had placed between the renovated cellar and the entrance to the Labyrinth of Lost Souls. In front of the screen are two small barrels and a wooden chest banded with iron. The supplies for the knight. The young cleric of Tyche cannot truly see the closed and sealed double doors leading into the labyrinth, but he can feel and hear it whispering and there is a strange green glow beyond the wooden screen.

The whispering calls out to him and soon Custodio hears it too. "Careful Vitus," he says as he puts a hand on the cleric's shoulder. "We don't want to open those doors yet."

"Focus you mind," Captain Rodove says. "Try to block it out."

OOC: @TaranTheWanderer, roll a Spellcraft check. The DC is 20.

The Temple District:
Akos leads <Sir Tymbeck> into the Temple District, to the temple of The Great Teacher.
OOC: @ScottDeWar_jr noted in the Discord that he wanted Vinny to go to the Gate of Scales and I think @MetaVoid also preferred that Rockhorn go to the gate with the others as well. (I'm not 100% sure about that.) At the very least, Tim goes with Akos to watch the Loremaster's back.

This post assumes that Big Tim (and maybe Rockhorn) is with Akos.

Neurotic said:
There he remains for some time, starting several research groups, namely:
  • The Endless (and how to stop them)
  • The ancients and time magic, he gave the runes from the doors to genie dungeon
  • Rigantona and her history with Bluffside
After that, he inquires about scrolls of break enchantment or stone to flesh, whatever is available.

Once he obtains it, he rushes to Purifiers temple and buys a wand of lesser restoration created for paladins. He also buys a bracer to hold it. And immediately adds his own wand into it.

"Can I buy wizards wands here somewhere? Or we have to go to Wizards District?" he asks at the temples.
The Loremaster works diligently and with as much haste as he can without missing any important details. Akos manages to learn a lot more about Rigatona's history in regard to Bluffside, or more precisely her history in the Sem La Vah Valley prior to Bluffside's founding in 1235 BR. It seems that Rigatona faith once dominated the valley for more than four centuries before the construction of Old City began. The valley was considerably wilder place during those centuries with very few settled communities.

Rigatona and her followers aren't noted in Kanpur's history until around c. 500 BR. Of course, the goddess herself is ancient. She is one of the oldest of the Fey Ones with only Titania, Oberon, and Zodione considered to be older in the cosmos. Yet, she isn't considered Seelie or Unseelie. She stands apart from the conflicts of the High Fey and Low Fey.

While the fey creatures of the valley who worshipped Rigatona claimed to be the original inhabitants of the valley, all evidence points to the Ancients being the original inhabitants of the valley (as well as the entire Northwest region of Kanpur). Sem La Vah is believed to have been found in the valley c. -9000 BR, and it was destroyed c. -7500 BR during a divine conflict between the Elemental Lords of Fire and Elemental Lords of Ice. The people of Bluffside refer to this divine war the Great Sundering; however, in the Ticinum Empire, the conflict is referred to as the Demon Wars.

While there is a lot of conflicting information about the Ancients, Akos is certain that they were a race of primordial giants know as the Barrokks. Most of the texts he finds in the library say that the Barrokks weren't originally from Kulan but came to the world from elsewhere. They were said to masters of arcane and divine magic, as well as having great psionic potential as a people. Yet, only the strongest of them had the discipline to gain psionic powers.

The same was true for the mastery of time magic. Those Barrokks that managed to master magic and psionics were said to be incredibly powerful. However, Akos doesn't find any information that helps him understand how the Ancients managed to master such magic. All he finds are written portents and warnings regarding the mysterious structures of the Ancients, especially the Obsidian Tower of the Unknown in the Wizard District. That tower is considered to be cursed. Time often fluctuates near the tower and if anyone touches it, they disappear into nothingness.

There is almost nothing written about the gods and goddesses of the Barrokks. Instead, many primitive mortals worshipped the Barrokks as gods. The primordial giants often relished such worship, although history says they rarely acted as conquerors. They preferred to let mortals come to them with gifts and offerings.

Due to damage done to the Teacher's Library by Phelix, there isn't much the Loremaster is able to learn about the Endless that the corpse of The Butcher already told him. Several of the texts confirm that the Endless are powerful diabolic foes that have a dual existence. Those that that still reamin from ancient times have a vat where a cloned version of the Endless exists. When an Endless dies, the cloned copy in the vat comes to life. The new Endless won't remember who killed its sire, but the Keepers of the Vats can tell the new Endless how their sire died.

Each Endless has a powerful soul object that has to be on the same plane in order for the process to work correctly. When an Endless dies, the object is consumed as the devil's soul is released. The devil's disembodied soul returns to the Endless's vat nearly instantaneously, even across multiple planes. Mortal scholars suspect that if the soul can be trapped somehow, then the Endless's vat won't activate. However, to permanently kill an Endless, its vat must be found and destroyed.

Neurotic said:
OOC: depending on the time available, I would like to buy Power word: Pain too :) but this is best-case scenario
Arcane stuff can be maybe bought in that shop where we bought the scrolls?
Wand bracers is 300gp from Dungeonscape (much cheaper than haversack, but specific to wands)
paladin restoration is 1st level 750gp ;)
In the end, I didn't find good ranger 1st level spell.
Other good (arcane) options: Enlarge, Benign transposition
OOC: It takes Akos two hours to complete his research. You can buy arcane scrolls at that same shop in Old City, or at a temple dedicated to magic in the Temple District. You could also get such scrolls in the Wizard District, but it will take a lot longer. (The Wizard Council will want to talk to Akos. They have for some time now.)

The commander of the Castle of Purification, Sir Silvon, suggests that Akos visit either the Temple of the Ethereal One or the House of Portals if he wants to buy wands in the Temple District. The Ethereal One is also known as Sky and Air. The House of Portals is the temple dedicated to the magic god known as Rhathos.

Neurotic said:
He keeps careful track of time, refocusing if he notices his natural propensity for distraction got better of him.
The Loremaster finds that time is quickly slipping away. It took him a long time to find the information he needed at the Teacher's Library. Tim left him to his research more than an hour ago, unwilling to wait any longer. The Tall Knight goes ahead of the Loremaster back to Old City. The head archivist of the Teacher's Library, Pennant Hassenforth, assigns several of guards to Akos while he is in the library. They also guard him while he is in the Temple District, but do not escort him back to Old City.

Two Hours Later at the Gate of Scales:
Custodio paces back and forth. He and the others having been waiting for Akos and Big Tim for what feels like forever. The Vanquisher cleric knows they should continue to wait, but the young knight below could be in serious danger.

"We cannot keep waiting," Custodio insists. "Well, I cannot keep waiting." He looks at Falen and Vincenzo. "I will need help from one of you with that damn door."

He looks at Vitus as he moves towards the ladder. "While I would have you wait here for Akos and Tim, we will probably need your help down there."

OOC: A misunderstanding about what I'm in the library for.
What I can find quickly, sure, why not.
But Akos was there to pay in advance for research and return later for the results, not to wait and do research himself.

Let's say it was two hours because Akos is easily distracted, but with Tim there, it shouldn't be too much over that.

Akos thanks the researcher and pays for further deep dive into all details of the ancients, well opening, Rigantona, and The Endless. He specifically requests preparation for contact other plane and other divinations - in form of payment required, time for preparation and similar details.

At Tims prompting, he hurries his writing of notes and rushes into the temple of Sky and Air, hoping against hope to get everything he needs. Going into wizards district is no longer an option with time already taken.

"Rockhorn, go over to the Gate of Scales, tell them we're coming."

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