Kulan: Knightfall's Crisis in Bluffside Game [IC]

Race: Human
HP: 52/52
20; FF:17 T:14

[]Cure Minor; [] Detect Magic; []Detect Poison; [] Amanuensis []Create Water ; [] Mending
Will: +11
Refl: +5
Initiative: +3
Melee: +7/+2 (+1)
1st [6+1](DC16) [ ]Bless; [ ] Entropic Shield[ ]Comprehend Languages; [ ]Endure Elements [ ] Divine Favor; []Lesser Vigor
2nd[4+1](DC17) []Avoid Planar effects; [ ] Benediction; [] Status [X] Lesser Restoration
3rd[4+1](DC18) [ ] Stone Shape [ ]; Invisibility Purge; [X ] [X]Speak with Dead
4th: [3+1](DC19) [ ] Attune Form(extended) [] Sustain; [] Mass, Lesser Vigor (extended)
DEX: 16+ 3
CON: 14 + 2
INT: 14 +2
WIS: 20 +5
CHA:15 +2
XP: 28,000/36000
2XLocate Object
Shield Other
3xProtection from Energy
4Spell Immunity
XDim Door

Vitus couldn't really tell much about the magic down below and decided it was best to wait up top with the others. Going back up the ladder, he tried to act natural.

As time passed, he could see Custodio getting nervous about the others' whereabouts.

"Maybe it's not my place, Sir, but I'm sure it's ok. Maybe Loremaster Akos got caught up at the Library?"

While Vitus was just guessing at where the Loremaster might be, he had a pretty good idea: he could feel the Loremaster's direction and distance which seemed to coincide with the location of the Library and, as Custodio became more anxious, Vitus could feel Rockhorn making his way closer.

"In fact, I feel like someone will come with an update. Care to wager on who it will be?"

Failed my Spellcraft check and got an 18

I'd hoped to pay for a messenger to be waiting at the homebase(I forget what the manor is called). Not sure if that was possible to pay a messenger with a horse to be waiting. Maybe we could have done that on our way down here.

To Do:
-Speak to Oppia Nazaria

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"Rockhorn, go over to the Gate of Scales, tell them we're coming."
"Right! That's what I said you'd need me for." he mounts Spritewing and spurs him on. The pegasus flaps his wings once-twice...and then returns to the ground saying something in dwarven
"Forgot! No flying."
"Loremaster, please would be nice."


World of Kulan DM
OOC: Sorry about that... I did misunderstand.

BTW, I have physio today, so no more posts for this game (or HoC) again from me until at least tomorrow. Heading back to sleep soon... :sleep:


World of Kulan DM
Temple District:
Akos thanks the researcher and pays for further deep dive into all details of the ancients, well opening, Rigantona, and The Endless. He specifically requests preparation for contact other plane and other divinations - in form of payment required, time for preparation and similar details.

At Tim's prompting, he hurries his writing of notes and rushes into the temple of Sky and Air, hoping against hope to get everything he needs. Going into wizards district is no longer an option with time already taken.
Akos soon finds himself running through the district with his sandals flapping against the ground as he hurries to the other temple. The brisk pace reminds him of his rush to save the boy who'd been poisoned by Mani. His pace isn't as gangly as that rush through Old City's streets, as there is no chilling fog to block his vision.

He arrives at the temple and quickly makes his way inside without worrying about looking at the exterior of the temple. He's seen it before, well, at least from a distance. Once inside, he quickly finds himself taken directly to the temple's leader, Ariel Swiftwillow, a sixam cleric and wizard who is well thought of in the Temple District. She listens to Akos request and nods.

"We are happy to help you, Loremaster," she says to him. "I should warn you, however, that there are worshipers of Sky and Air who are not so enamoured with your recent actions. Many consider the destruction of magic of any kind to be a crime against the Ethereal One. But, you are one of Bluffside's Exemplars and Lady Émilienne speaks very highly of you."

She has the items that Akos needs brought to them. "Now, I suggest you hurry along beyond these walls before one of my less agreeable peers learns you are here and comes to seek retribution -- not that I would ever allow such a thing. Still, you might want to be more... subtle in the future when it comes to the idea of destroying magic items. I know there are those among the Wizard Council who are very unhappy with you."

Neurotic said:
"Rockhorn, go over to the Gate of Scales, tell them we're coming."
"Right! That's what I said you'd need me for." he mounts Spritewing and spurs him on. The pegasus flaps his wings once-twice...and then returns to the ground saying something in dwarven
"Forgot! No flying."
"Loremaster, please would be nice."
The Loremaster is off down the street without a reply. Tim has already gone, but Rockhorn knows the large knight isn't too far ahead of him. Spritewing rushes through the throng of the Temple District to its main gate and then out beyond the walls where there isn't a restriction on flying. The miniature pegasus flaps his wings and takes to air. The duo are soon soaring above the land heading towards Old City. Rockhorn spots Tim running down below. The knight is making good time, but Spritewing is faster. Spritewing wings down towards the gate and circles once. The Elites at the gate wave for them to continue on into the district.

The two of them are still getting special permission to fly above Old City, it seems.

By the time Rockhorn and Spritewing reach the Gate of Scales, Big Tim arrives at Old City's South Gate. The Elites quickly come to attention and salute the large knight. "Sir!" They say in unison.

"Sir Tymbeck, Ranger Mosswood flew overhead moments ago," the gate's captain adds. He notes that Akos isn't with Tim. "Did the Loremaster get called away?"

"He will be coming through here soon, captain," Tim replies. "Have one of your guards escort him to the Gate of Scales."

"Another foray down into that place," the captain says with a salute. "I'll have Winnifred here escort him once he arrives."

The guards let Tim pass without another word. He rushes towards the Gate of Scales.

Akos doesn't linger in the temple or the Temple District. At the temple's gate, the Elites have a horse ready for him with a rider to escort the Loremaster back to Old City. Tim's doing, it seems. The guards help Akos up behind the rider who tells him to hang on tightly before spurring the horse forward. The horse is soon in full gallop, which saves Akos some time. When the horse and rider reaches South Gate, Akos head is swimming. The guards help him down and a matronly Elite named Winnifred walks with him the rest of the way to the Gate of Scales.

The Gate of Scales:
Vitus couldn't really tell much about the magic down below and decided it was best to wait up top with the others. Going back up the ladder, he tried to act natural.

As time passed, he could see Custodio getting nervous about the others' whereabouts.

"Maybe it's not my place, Sir, but I'm sure it's ok. Maybe Loremaster Akos got caught up at the Library?"
"Oh, I'm sure he did," Custodio says. He sighs and shakes his head.

TaranTheWanderer said:
While Vitus was just guessing at where the Loremaster might be, he had a pretty good idea: he could feel the Loremaster's direction and distance which seemed to coincide with the location of the Library and, as Custodio became more anxious, Vitus could feel Rockhorn making his way closer.

"In fact, I feel like someone will come with an update. Care to wager on who it will be?"
"I'm going down," Custodio insists. "I will wait no longer."

The Vanquisher cleric begins to climb down the ladder. When his boots land on the stone floor of the room below, Rockhorn and Spritewing land outside the Gate of Scales. Custodio checks on the supplies and notes the mundane doors leading out of the entryway. Unlike Vitus, he doesn't hear the whispering coming from the double doors that lead into the Labyrinth of Lost Ghosts. He opens the door leading to the other area of the cleaned and revamped rooms. There is another wooden chest sitting in the zigzag hallway that leads to another wooden door.

He goes back to the ladder and shouts. "Captain Rodove, what this other chest in this side room!?"

The captain shouts back just as Rockhorn enters the guardhouse. "That's filled with weapons! A few backup blades in case of need!"

Custodio nods. A reasonable caution. He looks back towards the open doorway. He hears the other door beyond open. He quickly looks up and shouts again. "Is there supposed to be someone else down here!?"

"That's Alban," the captain replies just loud enough for Custodio to hear him. "He's in the old dining hall we found and renovated. Betella, as well. She's resting in the room beyond, so we should stop shouting."

Custodio waits for the Elite to appear in the doorway leading into the entryway. The guard is just a lad. He's likely a new recruit. He steps into the doorway with his blade drawn but when he hears his captain's voice from above, he relaxes and sheathes his blade. then he realizes that the man in front of him is Custodio Vecchi. He quickly salutes. "Sir!"

"At ease, Alban, right?"

"Y-yes sir," he replies. "I hadn't expected you... um, the Exemplars would arrive in such a, uh,..."

"Loud, boisterous manner," Custodio chuckles. "Think nothing of it. What is the situation down here? I'm assuming all has been quiet up until now."

"Yes sir," Alban replies. "It's been eerily quiet. No, no, nothing that seems out of the ordinary. It's always a bit eerie down here." The young Elite looks towards the wooden screen blocking the view of the double doors. "Those doors... very creepy. When I first came down here, I heard... them... whispering to me. For several moments, all I wanted to do was open the doors. The captain had to hold me back until my mind cleared. I haven't heard any whispering since that first time. It seems that once a person shrugs off the magic, it won't affect them again."

"Psionics, actually," Custodio says. He steadies his mind and concentrates but he hears nothing.

As Custodio converses with Alban, Big Tim arrives at the Gate of Scales. the half-ogre knight finds the Exemplars and several of the Elites gathered around the open trapdoor that leads down into the rooms below. Rockhorn is standing off by himself. He seems to be lost in thought. Vitus seems eager to begin climbing down the ladder bolted in place to allow easier access to what lies below.

Tim's senses are not assailed by any psionic whispering.

Akos arrives at the Gate of Scales 20 minutes after Big Tim.

OOC: That's a total of 2 hours and 20 minutes.

TaranTheWanderer said:
PS: I'd hoped to pay for a messenger to be waiting at the homebase (I forget what the manor is called). Not sure if that was possible to pay a messenger with a horse to be waiting. Maybe we could have done that on our way down here.
Vitus tries his best to block out the whispering in his mind, but it becomes louder and more... insistent. His ears are soon buzzing. He hears a voice call his name. "Vitus... come... open the doors... seek the blessings of the Ancients..."

Captain Rodove looks at Vitus. "Are you all right?"

A whispering voice creeps into Rockhorn's mind as well.

OOC: Stormgrove Manor. Tuck did go to Stormgrove to have the staff signal the Dark Lanterns to have them look into the warehouse taken over by The Dusk. If you wanted a messenger to be at the ready there, then that's fine.

Roll a DC 20 Will saving throw again. If Vitus fails, he comes under the effects of a Psionic Dominate power. The whispering voice compels him to climb down into the entryway and open the doors leading in the labyrinth. Vitus gets a +2 bonus to the saving throw. If he succeeds, the whispering fades away from his mind.

@MetaVoid, roll a DC 20 Spellcraft check. If you fail the check, then Rockhorn must also make a DC 20 Will saving throw with a +2 bonus as noted above.

Race: Human
HP: 52/52
20; FF:17 T:14

[]Cure Minor; [] Detect Magic; []Detect Poison; [] Amanuensis []Create Water ; [] Mending
Will: +11
Refl: +5
Initiative: +3
Melee: +7/+2 (+1)
1st [6+1](DC16) [ ]Bless; [ ] Entropic Shield[ ]Comprehend Languages; [ ]Endure Elements [ ] Divine Favor; []Lesser Vigor
2nd[4+1](DC17) []Avoid Planar effects; [ ] Benediction; [X] Status [X] Lesser Restoration
3rd[4+1](DC18) [ ] Stone Shape [ ]; Invisibility Purge; [X ] [X]Speak with Dead
4th: [3+1](DC19) [ ] Attune Form(extended) [] Sustain; [] Mass, Lesser Vigor (extended)
DEX: 16+ 3
CON: 14 + 2
INT: 14 +2
WIS: 20 +5
CHA:15 +2
XP: 28,000/36000
2XLocate Object
Shield Other
3xProtection from Energy
4Spell Immunity
XDim Door

Captain Rodove looks at Vitus. "Are you all right?"
Vitus shakes his head1,

"Uh, yes. That's strange...there's a whispering telling me to enter the place. Once you resist it, it doesn't affect you anymore?"

Vitus thought for a moment as he felt the presence of Rockthorn drawing closer. Presumably, the other Exemplars had onnoculated themselves against the powerful suggestion already but this would be Rockthorn's first exposure.

"Sir, I would like to meet the Exemplar's at the door to escort them in when they arrive. Rockthorn will be here momentarily."

Without really waiting for permission, Vitus scrambled up the ladder and made his way to the entrance of the gate to meet Rockthorn.

"Hey, Rockthorn. Please accept this ward. There is magic below, Blessings of Tymora upon you."2

1. Will save with +2 bonus: 1D20+12+2 = [14]+12+2 = 28

2. Vitus will sense @MetaVoid Rockthorn's arrival and is going to head the dwarf off and cast Benediction
Rockthorn gets a+2 luck bonus on all saving throws. If the subject is also under another effect that grants saving throw bonuses, the effects stack.

In addition, at any point before the duration expires, the subject can choose to reroll a single attack roll, saving throw, skill check, or ability check after seeing the result of the initial roll, but before finding out whether it succeeds or fails. The higher of the two rolls applies. Once this option is exercised, the spell ends immediately.

Active Spells:
Status: 5hrs, 40mins
Benediction (Rockthorn): 80 minutes

To Do:
-Speak to Oppia Nazaria
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Rockhorn dismounts and looks down, his jungle home making him impervious to height diziness. He scampers down the ladder noting the space. He calls up
"Spritewing, I think you you could glide down; might not be the softest landing, but it should be fine."
He turns toward the door and shakes his head, magic of the door bouncing off the dwarven thick headedness.
"It is trying to tell me something."

Will save Rockhorn; Spritewing]1d20+9 = [19]+9 = [28]; 1d20+5+2 = [12]+5+2 = 19
OOC: add two more to Rockhorn if his resistance to spells and spell-like abilities applies; I rolled for Spritewing too since he is intelligent creature/person - assuming he can get down safely. In "large" space he cannot really spread or flap his wings, but might be able to slow his fall enough to land safely.

EDIT: I have extra +2 to saves - Spritewing would use the help better :) but total is 30 even if dwarven resistance doesn't apply
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I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
Akos rides in after all others arrived.
Leaving the horse to the guard in front, he nods in thanks to the one that brought him here. After being led to the ladder, he nods again
"Thank you, Winnifred. May Titania bless you and yours."
He climbs carefully down into the catacombs.
"Apologies for tardiness, the library had way more material than I anticipated. I gave the tasks for research, I hope tomorrow or the day after there will be some results."


World of Kulan DM
Beneath the Guardhouse of the Gate of Scales:
Akos notes that the trapdoor leading into the old catacombs has been widened. He finds that both Rockhorn and Tim (as well as Spritewing) are waiting in the small entryway where the new ladder has been added. The ladder is made of adamantine, which is both surprising and, yet, not. Bluffside's adamantine mines are a key to the city's economy. There is more than enough to spare for the creation of such a ladder... still it seems a bit extravagant. The ladder is bolted to the rock both at the top and at the bootom.

Akos can tell that the room's walls and floor have been thoroughly cleaned. The musty smell once in the room is no longer noticeable, although the scent of old stonework lingers. There is also the smell of his companions. While the trip to the Temple District wasn't taxing, it did take more time than he'd realized and he, Tim, and Rockhorn had done a lot of rushing. Spritewing gives off a smell akin to a horse merged with a bird. Rockhorn is busy tending to his mount. Tim is kneeling down to examine the supplies set aside for the knight. Akos notes the wooden screen beyond him and faint glow of the psionic phrase that must be spoken for the doors into the labyrinth to open once more.

The eastward wooden door stands open and he can see both Vincenzo and Vitus standing in the zigzag passageway beyond. The door has been cleaned, as has the passageway beyond. The doors behind the Loremaster and Spritewing have also been well cleaned. The young cleric of Tyche and the Sectarian are conversing casually, but when Akos speaks, Vinny turns towards him.

"He's here," he says loud enough to be heard without shouting.

"It's about time," Akos hears Custodio say. There is more than a little annoyance in the man's voice.

"Give him some credit," Akos hears Tuck say. "He wouldn't kept us waiting if what he was doing wasn't going to helpful in the labyrinth or against Waldo. Falen, you ready?"

Akos hears the sound of wood scraping against stone and feet shuffling. It's as if someone is standing up out of a chair.

"So, you're heading back in there?" Akos hears a male voice he doesn't know.

"It has to be done. We need to help that young man trapped in there or recover his body if the Loyalists have killed him already," Custodio replies. "Plus, there is the genie to free and the other man, the wizard, who has been turned to stone. We can't leave them to the Renegade's whims."

"And, you still don't know who the wizard is?" the male voice asks.

"No idea," Tuck replies. "Although his clothes might place him south of Bluffside. Banbridge, or maybe Orra. It was hard to tell from his damaged stone form."

Race: Human
HP: 52/52
20; FF:17 T:14

[]Cure Minor; [] Detect Magic; []Detect Poison; [] Amanuensis []Create Water ; [] Mending
Will: +11
Refl: +5
Initiative: +3
Melee: +7/+2 (+1)
1st [6+1](DC16) [ ]Bless; [ ] Entropic Shield[ ]Comprehend Languages; [ ]Endure Elements [ ] Divine Favor; []Lesser Vigor
2nd[4+1](DC17) []Avoid Planar effects; [ X] Benediction; [X] Status [X] Lesser Restoration
3rd[4+1](DC18) [ ] Stone Shape [ ]; Invisibility Purge; [X ] [X]Speak with Dead
4th: [3+1](DC19) [ ] Attune Form(extended) [] Sustain; [] Mass, Lesser Vigor (extended)
DEX: 16+ 3
CON: 14 + 2
INT: 14 +2
WIS: 20 +5
CHA:15 +2
XP: 28,000/36000
2XLocate Object
Shield Other
3xProtection from Energy
4Spell Immunity
XDim Door

Vitus waits until everyone is within earshot but outside the earshot of the guards. He wanted everyone organized so that he could cast an Invisibility Purge and sweep the basement before he protected the group and went through the portal. He didn't want the guards to know he was able to cast spells.

"I think whoever goes through the gate first should be protected from fire - just in case they have a trap planned. Waldo likes fire. Rockhorn is already protected with Tykes Blessing which should make him resistant to any magical attack.
"Once we're in, I can protect everyone from the time displacement effect. But it only lasts minutes. Which should be fine since we don't want to be in there long.
Who is going in first?"

@MetaVoid Remember you're affected by Benediction which gives you a stacking +2 luck bonus to saves and allows you to re-roll any d20 roll and choose the higher result.

1. Will cast Invisibility Purge BEFORE we go through the portal. Vitus wants to do a quick sweep of the downstairs before we step through the portal but will only cast it when we are 100% ready to go in - just before he casts all his other buffs.
2. Will cast Protection from Energy on the first to go through the portal.
3. Will cast Avoid Planar Effects on everyone in the party when we go through (it can affect 8 targets)

Active Spells:
Status: 5hrs
Benediction (Rockthorn): 60 minutes

To Do:
-Speak to Oppia Nazaria
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Voidrunner's Codex

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