Kulan: Knightfall's Crisis in Bluffside Game [IC]

Aust Thale

Falen: (cont. color commentary)
"Tyche does not speak to me the way Tyche speaks, to you, Vitus." Falen chooses his words wisely, lest the young cleric misunderstand him and take away the wrong impression. "I don't require that Tyche speak to me; I simply ask for the occasional nudge."

As to the details of Aulos, Falen elaborates little, "I was not acquainted with him, nor your grandfather, except by reputation. I serve Lord Max, and he apparently knew them both. I think Avitus was vexed, as his son's capture and ransom were private, meant to keep him in line by those who would subvert authority in Ticineum affairs, and evidently Bluffside's as well. I think we should investigate these threads, but candidly, young Cleric, I think they will lead to the Dusk, The Rising Swords, and ultimately to Phelix del Cannitha. "

As to the query about speaking w/ the dead: "I think that is a splendid idea. Proffer it to Commander Oakfirst and Akos. Just remember to ask your full battery of questions; it's impolite to have the dead wait for questions for more than a few minutes." He winks at Vitus, hoping his macabre humor in this regard isn't too over the top.

And along in the story, before midnight, and his falling asleep in the hammock, Falen finds Vinny and requests to look at the enchantress' spellbook. He's looking two add several spells to his repertoire when they have extended downtime, if Vinny is agreeable. He offers to pay Vinny 100 gp for two (2) spells, one that was used on him (Falen) to cause the fog he endures, and any other of the most advanced her spellbook might have to offer.


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Race: Human
HP: 52/52
20; FF:17 T:14

[]Cure Minor; [X] Detect Magic; []
Detect Poison; [] [] Light; [] Mending
Will: +11
Refl: +5
Initiative: +3
Melee: +7/+2 (+1)
1st [6+1](DC16) [ ]Bless; [ ] Command; [ ]Comprehend Languages; [ ]Endure Elements [ ] Sanctuary; [] Lesser Vigor
2nd[5+1](DC17) [x]Consecrate; [ ] Benediction [ ] Gentle Repose [] Remove Paralysis [X] Lesser Restoration
3rd[4+1](DC18) [ ] Mass lesser Vigor []Dispel Magic; [ ]; Invisibility Purge; [X]Status (Extended)
4th: [3+1](DC19) [X] Restoration
DEX: 16+ 3
CON: 14 + 2
INT: 14 +2
WIS: 20 +5
CHA:15 +2
XP: 28,000/36000
->= studied
1: >[]Sanctuary; []Longstrider
2. []Shield Other; >[] Locate Object
3: >[]Protection from Energy; [] Fly
4: []Spell Immunity; >[] Dim Door

"Tyche does not speak to me the way Tyche speaks, to you, Vitus." Falen chooses his words wisely, lest the young cleric misunderstand him and take away the wrong impression. "I don't require that Tyche speak to me; I simply ask for the occasional nudge."
"It's good to ask. She can be unpredictable,

'For you are she by whom swift ships at sea are guided,
and on land both sudden turns of war and policies in council.
So men's hopes and fears,
tossing now up, now down,
cleaving through vain illusions,
ride and roll.'

It's good to give her thanks for good fortune and to ask for it. Many people blame her for their bad luck - but it's, often, undeserved. Many people are responsible for their own misfortune. But Fortune Favours the Bold as I'm sure you know. It just means that she helps those who try to make their own good fortune and ignore those who wallow in their misfortune. But I'm going on a tangent. Sorry."

As to the query about speaking w/ the dead: "I think that is a splendid idea. Proffer it to Commander Oakfirst and Akos. Just remember to ask your full battery of questions; it's impolite to have the dead wait for questions for more than a few minutes." He winks at Vitus, hoping his macabre humor in this regard isn't too over the top.
"I suppose. It's because they're just dying to tell us what they know."

As they leave the room, making their way back, Vitus feels refreshed and better about the events of the night, thanks to their conversation. Despite everything that's happened this night, he is on the right journey. He wonders how the meeting is going in the other room.



World of Kulan DM
Falen also makes it a point to thank Florrie, sharing that he very much enjoys these Dark Lanterns. He might find a home among these folk if he were released from Lord Max's retainer. He enjoyed moving around, however. Missions such as this...well...perhaps less complicated than this one allowed him to do so. "One more request, Florrie. Do you happen to have anyone who could help me shake off this slight fog I find myself in. I would like to very much know what kind of spell hit me while fighting at the Crossed Candles. A rather cheeky enchantress met her end there, but not before she delivered several formidable magical hits. This particular one had him a bit enfeebled. I would request one of the others in my number their help, but I suspect they will need it later this evening or tomorrow. I can pay if I need to."
"Among the Lanterns, no, not anyone I can call on right away," Florrie replies. "I'm sure you can find someone in the Sublime Market who peddles potions that can help you." She thinks for moment. "Your best option for such healing magic is likely to be found in the Temple District, if you can't find a merchant at the market with a potion."

She looks up a Falen. "None of it will be free, of course. If you go to one of your allies temples, the priests might not charge as much. Custodio is a cleric of the Purifier, so you could go to the Castle of Purification and ask Sir Silvon Silas. He's a paladin. If not him, then go see the Mother Superior of the Healer's temple, Johanna Murrish."

The Palace (very late at night):
The politics of the night drags on, as does the city officials' insistence of a division of the spoils of battle. The process takes half the night. Everyone except the officials gets irritated with the division of goods. Even the guards, who are owed more than there is available to them, become tired with the 'paperwork'.

Lord Commander Oakfirst has finally had enough. "This has to end. We are all tired and my patience is done," Oakfirst gets into the face of the head official. "Just open up the city's damn coffers and pay these guard what they are owed!"

The man is taken aback by the lord commander's bluntness. He wavers under the man's gaze, yet he looks towards Lady Pomander for confirmation. She nods. He sighs and nods emphatically at, first, her, then to Oakfirst.

"Well, thank the Purifier that is over," Custodio says. He yawns. "I'm going to back to the temple to sleep until dawn. After I've prayed for my spells, I will sleep more and meet you all later at Stormgrove."

The officials aren't sure what to do with the remaining items. Before they can begin debating about having things put into storage, Oakfirst interrupts them.

"The rest goes to the Exemplars," he orders.

"Sir, that is not how it should wor-"

"Just give the rest to them!" Lady Pomander orders the man. "The city owes them more than we could possibly pay them tonight, so just let them have the rest of these items."

Stubbornly, the man shakes his head. "I should consult with the other members of The Five. Neither of you have the auth-"

"By all means, go and wake up Lord Varian," Oakfirsts says coolly with his arms crossed in annoyance. "I'm sure you'll still have your job by morning."

The man wavers and then nods. "Fine. But I'm filing an official protest at the Tribunal in the morning. you cannot deny the city due process." He orders for the other items to be given to the Exemplars. What remains is packed up to be sent to Stormgrove Manor. The head official hands Akos a receipt for the items with a line at the bottom that says "zero cost." He grumbles as he walks away.

The guards are told to go home. There payments will be sent to them once all the figures have been properly counted. Lady Pomander stays to oversee the process.

Rockhorn looks bewildered as the politics and high level maneuvers are discussed.
"Lord Oakfirst, I was supposed to return to the wild, but I offer my services here instead. My experience with various beasts, normal, magical, or aberrant may be useful. And Spritewing and I can quickly go over the city, but are small enough to go into tunnels as needed. And I'm sure if you talk to the rangers they will see it the same way."
"I was going to send a request to your commander to have you stationed here," Oakfirst replies. "So, I'm glad you are staying on to help. It will make it easier for me to get him to agree."

He turns to the Exemplars. "I hope you take Ranger Mosswood here into your service, he will prove useful should the Renegade send any more beasts into the city. Perhaps he can help you figure out what is lurking in the Gardens." He yawns. "I need to go back to my home in the Military District. Catrin will be annoyed with me."

"It cannot be helped, it seems,"
he sighs. "I suggest you get as much rest as you can before dawn breaks. I will try to meet you at Stormgrove before the lunch hour, but if I cannot make it, you should pick a foe to deal with tomorrow. If you decide, now, to after Phelix in his planar hideout, I will have the crystalline flower sent directly to Stormgrove. If not him, then find where Kelik is hiding, if he's not under the candle shop. I will make sure not one goes near it tonight."

He leans against a wall and yawns again. "I'm getting to old for fights like today. Valentine might have the right idea. It might be time to retire and let a younger man lead the Elites." He stretches his sore muscles. "But, not until I'm sure the corruption has been purged from its ranks."

He nods to them and says goodnight.

The guards head back to their homes to sleep. Lady Pomander remains at the Palace until everything is processed and then goes back to her estate to gather more of her things before heading back to the Military District.

The Exemplars are left to seek solace in whatever form it might take.

The Next Morning:
Regardless of that outcome, during the late hours, Falen finds himself asleep again, wrapped in his cloak in a hammock near one of the larger firepits. He wakes at whatever time the others rouse him (hopefully in early morning before sunrise). He will study his spells again for good measure. And he genuinely hopes for a breakthrough.
The night was a long one and the morning drifts away towards the lunch hour. None of the manor's staff come to wake him until lunch is being prepared in the kitchen. His and Vitus' conversation was a long one. The unseen seer wakes more tired than he's been in a long time. Not even the travel on the ship to Bluffside left him so worn out.

It takes several knocks on his door to rouse Falen.

After he gets up, he finds that only a few of the Exemplars are awake. Akos doesn't seem to need to sleep. The fey man is wide awake. Custodio hasn't arrived yet from the Temple District. Neither has the lord commander.

The manor's dining hall is decked out with everything that can be imagined. The food and drink available is amazing. It seems there are more staff members than the night before. Almost a dozen more. most of them are very young like Puck and the maids. There is no sign of the Dark Lanterns.

Falen's stomach rumbles.
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Race: Human
HP: 52/52
20; FF:17 T:14

[]Cure Minor; [X] Detect Magic; []
Detect Poison; [] [] Light; [] Mending
Will: +11
Refl: +5
Initiative: +3
Melee: +7/+2 (+1)
1st [6+1](DC16) [ ]Bless; [ ] Entropic Shield[ ]Comprehend Languages; [ ]Endure Elements [ ] Divine Favor; [] Lesser Vigor
2nd[5+1](DC17) [][]Delay Poison]; [ ] Benediction; [] Owl's Wisdom [ ] Lesser Restoration
3rd[4+1](DC18) [ ] Mass lesser Vigor; [ ]; Invisibility Purge; [ ][ ]Speak with Dead
4th: [3+1](DC19) [ ] Repel Vermin
DEX: 16+ 3
CON: 14 + 2
INT: 14 +2
WIS: 20 +5
CHA:15 +2
XP: 28,000/36000
->= studied
1: >[]Sanctuary; []Longstrider
2. []Shield Other; >[] Locate Object
3: >[]Protection from Energy; [] Fly
4: []Spell Immunity; >[] Dim Door

Vitus was up, at the table, books and maps scattered among the food that seemed to be left untouched. He was talking excitedly to Akos about his ideas and all they'd discussed the previous evening. At his feet, beside his chair, was his ratty old backpack and leaning on it was a shiny new shield. On his shoulders, over his brown robes(which Falen now knew was an illusion), was a newly washed cloak.

He was happy to be here, especially now that he was, essentially, homeless.

So just establishing all the stuff I talked about OOC and Neurotic also talked about OOC
-Want to Speak with Dead the Bodies
-Go shopping and Buy a new x-bow
-Speak to Oppia Nazaria
-Cure Falen's stat damage

Probably also appropriate that Akos also learns that Vitus doesn't sleep and has a ring of sustenance given to him by his father.

Edit: updated spells for the day
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Aust Thale

Having been assisted by Timerlon for leatherwork the afternoon/evening before, he finds a crafted bandoleer and dagger sheathing to attach to his belt or backpack on a corridor table outside his room. The design is genius and the work sturdy. He had relocated from the firepit outside about 3:30am as it grew dim. The bed's blankets were just the right combination of pleasantly cool and sufficient warm at the same time. As he collects himself, dog tired from the previous day's events, he stretches and realizes that it's mid-morning. Disgusted with himself for not rousing himself earlier, he reaches for his spellbook and thumbs through it, memorizing his daily spells. It takes until nearly midday for him to spend the requisite time to build his magic to fighting weight. Cursing his hungry, growling (how rude!) stomach, he finds plenty for breakfast. A hardboiled egg, more variety of fruit and bread, a flagon of mead and milk, and some oats. Stormgrove was proving more to his liking in variety of culinary options. He still felt off, as if a background noise of voices could be heard, but entirely coherent & clear. He went back to his room and collected his things back into the haversack, noting that the bane dagger hung on the hearth of the small fireplace in his room. It was as clean as it could be, Puck having scraped the dried blood and grime out of the blood groove and pommel ridges. He donned his armor and blue explorer tunic, magic ring and amulet, and his magical hat. He morphed his features into that of a much younger Camburn with stubble. It wasn't an obvious likeness, but enough that it might give passersby a brief "do I know this fellow" look. It was a personal ode to Camburn's sacrifice as well as his good fortune to still remain this side of the grass. Then he sat down again. Before he left Tanger, he'd been working diligently on magic to read thoughts as well as perfecting noticing people while his eyes were shut tight. He'd attempted it while shipboard, but it resulted in his not being to sleep for the "noise". He was feeling it again, only this time, he wasn't intending to work on it at all.

Suddenly, his mind was aflutter with a cacophony of noise, perhaps voices? He suddenly realized that he...what's the word he was looking for...sensed others in the manor and outside the manor. He could sense their location relative to him. He attempted to focus, frustrated, and thought, "I'm going to be sick." Outside his door across and down the corridor he heard, "Did you say something, Mr. Falen?" He replied, "No thank you, m'lady. I'll be fine." He then thought again, "Yep, I'm going to be sick." The door knock and opened at the same time, and one of the house staff that had gone off-shift in early evening but was back again entered with a bowl and wet rags left for Falen outside his room. Setting the bowl down, an elven purser put the bowl on a table opposite his bed and handed him a rag. He snapped at her, "I said that I'll be fine." He didn't speak the words, though. He thought it. She reacted predictably, and he hoped that she hadn't noticed how he had snapped at her. Yeah, she had noticed. "Mr. Falen, pardon the intrusion. You mustn't shout with your magic, Sir. It's magic, but it's not pleasant. I was trying to help." She did not speak either. She simply thought it. He thought back. "Leave me be, young lady. Thank you. I need to collect myself. I appreciate your efforts." He added quickly, "This spell is new to me, and not the least bit disconcerting." She withdrew from his room with some advice, "Try to focus on one person at a time, and if you can't escape the noise, focus on objects until you are able to gather yourself. My aunt was a witch, and she liked to know what we children were up to without us knowing that she knew. Didn't always come naturally. Take your time." With that, she exited and went back to her post.

It took him more time, but he was able to collect himself enough through doing what she suggested that he gathered his strength and went back to the great hall. He passed her and stopped, thinking to her, "
Thank you for the suggestion. My apologies for snapping. Could you do me a favor and see that Timerlon, the leathersmith, received these gems (2x25gp ea and 1x10gp) for the work he did for me, and you may have this (1x10gp gem) for being thoughtful enough to counsel me despite my intemperance. This is for Puck; could you also give him this gem (1x10gp)?" He hands her the gems, collects himself again, and continues to the great hall looking for the others. The noise subsides quickly. However, he is still thrown off his equilibrium as he can sense everyone around him, not unsimilar to his darkvision in a cave. However, it's not their physical shape that he sees; it's their mind. "I think I did it," he says to himself softly.

Falen's experiments with enchantments and divination have resulted in Falen having a supernatural (not psionic) telepathic ability and an ability (feat) to use it to echolocate any intelligent (INT>=1) creature within 100' of him. Neither mundane nor magical darkness hinder this ability. He can communicate telepathically with these same creatures if he speaks their languages and can focus on them. It takes a standard action to communicate in this fashion.

Note: This feat allows one to detect and pinpoint beings that are not mindless (anything with an INT score => 1) within range of its telepathy. This works much like blindsense--the creature knows what square each thinking being is in, but it does not see the being, and the being still has total concealment unless the creature can see it by some other means. The creature also perceives several observable characteristics about each being detected with mindsight, including the being's type and Intelligence score. The creature need not take any additional or special actions to gain this information; it is as obvious to mindsight as the being's race and clothing would be to eyesight.
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Rockhorn salutes and lets his superior go to rest before turning to the group as they went to their various rests.
"What creature in the gardens?!"
Seeing how tired most of them are, he tries to approach Akos, but before he can start, Vitus is already talking to the strange man. He shrugs and goes to stables to rest.

In the morning, he tries again.
"I'm not one to impose, but I would like to know what you lot are up to. I know main thing is to catch that sorcerer. But hydra, now talk about creature in the gardens, passing mention of moster rats...there is a lot going on that includes things that I may help with. Beyond killing stuff, I mean."
Looking at the group
"We didn't have time for introductions. I am Rockhorn Mosswood, ranger, scout and beast trainer. Some people call me monster trainer, but those are just prejudice in most cases. That hydra for example was intelligent enough to be talked down and not just killed. Of course, summoned creatures don't really have much choice. But still. If we meet 'a monster', may I have a chat before we try to kill it? I don't have problems with killing humans though. They made their choice when they could make better ones."

Looking at disparate group
"I'm sure some of you had to deal with prejudice of...of...more common folk. You know it can create a habit of attack or defense rather than understanding. I try to give those misunderstood folk a chance."


World of Kulan DM
Rockhorn salutes and lets his superior go to rest before turning to the group as they went to their various rests.
"What creature in the gardens?!"
Seeing how tired most of them are, he tries to approach Akos, but before he can start, Vitus is already talking to the strange man. He shrugs and goes to stables to rest.
"Tomorrow," Tuck says casually as they head out of the Palace and back to Stromegrove. The kobold urban ranger leads the way back. Sobla rides on Mutt, half asleep.

Having been assisted by Timoleon for leatherwork the afternoon/evening before, he finds a crafted bandoleer and dagger sheathing to attach to his belt or backpack on a corridor table outside his room. The design is genius and the work sturdy. He had relocated from the firepit outside about 3:30am as it grew dim. The bed's blankets were just the right combination of pleasantly cool and sufficient warm at the same time. As he collects himself, dog tired from the previous day's events, he stretches and realizes that it's mid-morning. Disgusted with himself for not rousing himself earlier, he reaches for his spellbook and thumbs through it, memorizing his daily spells. It takes until nearly midday for him to spend the requisite time to build his magic to fighting weight. Cursing his hungry, growling (how rude!) stomach, he finds plenty for breakfast. A hardboiled egg, more variety of fruit and bread, a flagon of mead and milk, and some oats. Stormgrove was proving more to his liking in variety of culinary options. He still felt off, as if a background noise of voices could be heard, but entirely coherent & clear. He went back to his room and collected his things back into the haversack, noting that the bane dagger hung on the hearth of the small fireplace in his room. It was as clean as it could be, Puck having scraped the dried blood and grime out of the blood groove and pommel ridges. He donned his armor and blue explorer tunic, magic ring and amulet, and his magical hat. He morphed his features into that of a much younger Camburn with stubble. It wasn't an obvious likeness, but enough that it might give passersby a brief "do I know this fellow" look. It was a personal ode to Camburn's sacrifice as well as his good fortune to still remain this side of the grass. Then he sat down again. Before he left Tanger, he'd been working diligently on magic to read thoughts as well as perfecting noticing people while his eyes were shut tight. He'd attempted it while shipboard, but it resulted in his not being to sleep for the "noise". He was feeling it again, only this time, he wasn't intending to work on it at all.

Suddenly, his mind was aflutter with a cacophony of noise, perhaps voices? He suddenly realized that he...what's the word he was looking for...sensed others in the manor and outside the manor. He could sense their location relative to him. He attempted to focus, frustrated, and thought, "I'm going to be sick." Outside his door across and down the corridor he heard, "Did you say something, Mr. Falen?" He replied, "No thank you, m'lady. I'll be fine." He then thought again, "Yep, I'm going to be sick." The door knock and opened at the same time, and one of the house staff that had gone off-shift in early evening but was back again entered with a bowl and wet rags left for Falen outside his room. Setting the bowl down, an elven purser put the bowl on a table opposite his bed and handed him a rag. He snapped at her, "I said that I'll be fine." He didn't speak the words, though. He thought it. She reacted predictably, and he hoped that she hadn't noticed how he had snapped at her. Yeah, she had noticed. "Mr. Falen, pardon the intrusion. You mustn't shout with your magic, Sir. It's magic, but it's not pleasant. I was trying to help." She did not speak either. She simply thought it. He thought back. "Leave me be, young lady. Thank you. I need to collect myself. I appreciate your efforts." He added quickly, "This spell is new to me, and not the least bit disconcerting." She withdrew from his room with some advice, "Try to focus on one person at a time, and if you can't escape the noise, focus on objects until you are able to gather yourself. My aunt was a witch, and she liked to know what we children were up to without us knowing that she knew. Didn't always come naturally. Take your time." With that, she exited and went back to her post.

It took him more time, but he was able to collect himself enough through doing what she suggested that he gathered his strength and went back to the great hall. He passed her and stopped, thinking to her, "Thank you for the suggestion. My apologies for snapping. Could you do me a favor and see that Timoleon, the leathersmith, received these gems (2x25gp ea and 1x10gp) for the work he did for me, and you may have this (1x10gp gem) for being thoughtful enough to counsel me despite my intemperance. This is for Puck; could you also give him this gem (1x10gp)?" He hands her the gems, collects himself again, and continues to the great hall looking for the others. The noise subsides quickly. However, he is still thrown off his equilibrium as he can sense everyone around him, not unsimilar to his darkvision in a cave. However, it's not their physical shape that he sees; it's their mind. "I think I did it," he says to himself softly.
She smiles and him and takes the gems without making a fuss. "I will make sure Timoleon and Puck get these, and, thank you for thinking on me as well." She smiles and formally introduces herself. "My name is Eririel." Falen finally focuses enough to notice that she is an elf. "I've worked here at the manor almost as long as Gerey," she adds. "While I might be older than most here in years, I'm still very young for an elf." She walks with him down the halls. "My auntie was a halfblooded. One of the sightless. Born with a magical heritage that left her blind all her life. But, she got around just find using her magic. Most humans would call it a 'sixth sense', whatever that means. Humans can be so funny, sometimes." She bows to Falen before heading back to work. "Take care of yourself, Mr. Falen. Good day."

Vitus was up, at the table, books and maps scattered among the food that seemed to be left untouched. He was talking excitedly to Akos about his ideas and all they'd discussed the previous evening. At his feet, beside his chair, was his ratty old backpack and leaning on it was a shiny new shield. On his shoulders, over his brown robes (which Falen now knew was an illusion), was a newly washed cloak.

He was happy to be here, especially now that he was, essentially, homeless.
Falen and Vitus nod to each other. But, Vitus notices something else. Falen seems lost in thought. As he chats up Akos, it isn't long before the ranger, Rockhorn, enters the hall.

Mutt sits in a corner chewing on a large bone while Tuck eats at the other end of the table. He takes Mutt a few morsels and the servants don't seem to mind the big dog's presence. "Careful, he's fierce," Tuck says to a lad who stops to pet the dog. The dog happily wags his tail at the young man while Tuck grins knowingly.

The boy goes back to work and Mutt goes back to chewing on his breaskfast.

Vitus knows that Sobla has gone back to her job, for the time being. Seen and Mr. Myles were called away to provide transport for a man who needed to head out into the valley. Vitus didn't get the man's name, but he did hear the name Aceron.

MetaVoid said:
In the morning, he tries again.
"I'm not one to impose, but I would like to know what you lot are up to. I know main thing is to catch that sorcerer. But hydra, now talk about creature in the gardens, passing mention of monster rats...there is a lot going on that includes things that I may help with. Beyond killing stuff, I mean."
Looking at the group
"We didn't have time for introductions. I am Rockhorn Mosswood, ranger, scout and beast trainer. Some people call me monster trainer, but those are just prejudice in most cases. That hydra for example was intelligent enough to be talked down and not just killed. Of course, summoned creatures don't really have much choice. But still. If we meet 'a monster', may I have a chat before we try to kill it? I don't have problems with killing humans though. They made their choice when they could make better ones."

Looking at disparate group
"I'm sure some of you had to deal with prejudice of...of...more common folk. You know it can create a habit of attack or defense rather than understanding. I try to give those misunderstood folk a chance."
Just as Rockhorn is asking his question, Custodio walks into the manor's dining hall. "The creature is a mystery," he says to Rockhorn. The man is wearing his typical armour and gear, but everything has been cleaned. He is also wearing a new tunic over his armour with a different symbol on it. "The lord commander's design for the new knights," he notes. Instead of the dark blues and reds of the Elites, the tabard is done in purples and silvers. The symbol is that of a roaring lion's head. "It seems he was planning this for some time."

A servant comes to offer the new knight a plate of food, but he waves her away. "I've already eaten, but thank you."

"I'm Tuck, nice to meet you Ranger Mosswood," Tuck says to Rockhorn. He then motions to the big dog in the corner. "That is Mutt."

Custodio sits at the table half way between Akos and Tuck and looks at Rockhorn. "It was more than a few nights ago now," Custodio says. "Two guards were on patrol in he Gardens when they came upon several Loyalists disguising themselves as guards. A fight ensued and the two guard were overwhelmed. One of them was killed. The other barely survived." Custodio thinks back to what was told to the Exemplars. "The survivor told a large creature that came out of the densest part of the Eastern Gardens, which the Tenders keep wilder with exotic plant from beyond these lands. The creature killed the Loyalists and likely dragged them away. The survivor, Sergeant Raupach, was found later and healed. He described the creature as being animalistic but with plantlike features. Supposedly it walks on two legs and was green and shaggy."

"Probably some sort of troll," Tuck adds.

"Yet, if it is a troll, why hasn't it been seen since?" Custodio replies. He looks at Rockhorn. "Like I said, the creature is a mystery, but it's not the priority right now."

"The rats are a problem at The Rising Dawn, a bakery," Tuck tells Rockhorn. "It's something I have to look into. An old rat catching job that didn't hold up. I'd like to figure that out, but with Waldo's Loyalists on the streets, it will have to wait." The kobold's face turns grim when speaking of the Loyalists. "I've got no problem with killing Loyalists and those Rising Swords mercenaries. They are all twisted and evil. Good riddance to them"

"But, before the Loyalists, and thieves, and the Rising Swords, at The Dusk, we should probably take the ring Commander Oakfirst gave us to that young knight trapped down in the maze below the Gate of Scales. He's probably going to be out of food and water soon. He might already be out. Still, time for him moves a lot slower than for us. He might be okay, unless Phelix tries to kill him."

"We should check on him, at least. Take him some provisions and make sure he's doing okay," Tuck suggests. He looks at Akos who has been listening but seems focused on something in front of him. A book borrowed from the Teacher's Library.

The young Vanquisher cleric finally introduces himself to Rockhorn, "Custodio Vecchi, formerly of the Elites. Now, a lieutenant of Bluffside's new order of knights." He points to the lion's head symbol on his new tunic. "The Lionheads. Well, that's a temporary name. But, it is as good a name as any, for now. Once the new order is made public, it will have an officially recorded name. I am also proud to be accepted here among the Exemplars."

The rest of the Exemplars arrive in Stormgrove's dining hall, one by one.

Race: Human
HP: 52/52
20; FF:17 T:14

[]Cure Minor; [X] Detect Magic; []
Detect Poison; [] [] Light; [] Mending
Will: +11
Refl: +5
Initiative: +3
Melee: +7/+2 (+1)
1st [6+1](DC16) [ ]Bless; [ ] Entropic Shield[ ]Comprehend Languages; [ ]Endure Elements [ ] Divine Favor; [] Lesser Vigor
2nd[5+1](DC17) [][]Delay Poison]; [ ] Benediction; [] Owl's Wisdom [ ] Lesser Restoration
3rd[4+1](DC18) [ ] Mass lesser Vigor; [ ]; Invisibility Purge; [ ][ ]Speak with Dead
4th: [3+1](DC19) [ ] Repel Vermin
DEX: 16+ 3
CON: 14 + 2
INT: 14 +2
WIS: 20 +5
CHA:15 +2
XP: 28,000/36000
->= studied
1: >[]Sanctuary; []Longstrider
2. []Shield Other; >[] Locate Object
3: >[]Protection from Energy; [] Fly
4: []Spell Immunity; >[] Dim Door

"Falen, are you feeling well? You seem a bit groggy? Were you poisoned too?"

Vitus offers to cure him.
Falen and Vitus nod to each other. But, Vitus notices something else. Falen seems lost in thought. As he chats up Akos, it isn't long before the ranger, Rockhorn, enters the hall.

Mutt sits in a corner chewing on a large bone while Tuck eats at the other end of the table. He takes Mutt a few morsels and the servants don't seem to mind the big dog's presence. "Careful, he's fierce," Tuck says to a lad who stops to pet the dog. The dog happily wags his tail at the young man while Tuck grins knowingly.

The boy goes back to work and Mutt goes back to chewing on his breakfast.
"I like your dog, he's huge! Can I pet him?"
Just as Rockhorn is asking his question, Custodio walks into the manor's dining hall. "The creature is a mystery," he says to Rockhorn. The man is wearing his typical armour and gear, but everything has been cleaned. He is also wearing a new tunic over his armour with a different symbol on it. "The lord commander's design for the new knights," he notes. Instead of the dark blues and reds of the Elites, the tabard is done in purples and silvers. The symbol is that of a roaring lion's head. "It seems he was planning this for some time."

A servant comes to offer the new knight a plate of food, but he waves her away. "I've already eaten, but thank you."

"I'm Tuck, nice to meet you Ranger Mosswood," Tuck says to Rockhorn. He then motions to the big dog in the corner. "That is Mutt."

Custodio sits at the table half way between Akos and Tuck and looks at Rockhorn. "It was more than a few nights ago now," Custodio says. "Two guards were on patrol in he Gardens when they came upon several Loyalists disguising themselves as guards. A fight ensued and the two guard were overwhelmed. One of them was killed. The other barely survived." Custodio thinks back to what was told to the Exemplars. "The survivor told a large creature that came out of the densest part of the Eastern Gardens, which the Tenders keep wilder with exotic plant from beyond these lands. The creature killed the Loyalists and likely dragged them away. The survivor, Sergeant Raupach, was found later and healed. He described the creature as being animalistic but with plantlike features. Supposedly it walks on two legs and was green and shaggy."

"Probably some sort of troll," Tuck adds.
"Sounds more like it's some kind of protector. Who doesn't like Loyalists."
"The rats are a problem at The Rising Dawn, a bakery," Tuck tells Rockhorn. "It's something I have to look into. An old rat catching job that didn't hold up. I'd like to figure that out, but with Waldo's Loyalists on the streets, it will have to wait." The kobold's face turns grim when speaking of the Loyalists. "I've got no problem with killing Loyalists and those Rising Swords mercenaries. They are all twisted and evil. Good riddance to them"
"The Rising Dawn....that sounds familiar. Wait, yes! Who are the Rising Swords? They were mentioned last night."
In the morning, he tries again.
"I'm not one to impose, but I would like to know what you lot are up to. I know main thing is to catch that sorcerer. But hydra, now talk about creature in the gardens, passing mention of monster rats...there is a lot going on that includes things that I may help with. Beyond killing stuff, I mean."
Looking at the group
"We didn't have time for introductions. I am Rockhorn Mosswood, ranger, scout and beast trainer. Some people call me monster trainer, but those are just prejudice in most cases. That hydra for example was intelligent enough to be talked down and not just killed. Of course, summoned creatures don't really have much choice. But still. If we meet 'a monster', may I have a chat before we try to kill it? I don't have problems with killing humans though. They made their choice when they could make better ones."

Looking at disparate group
"I'm sure some of you had to deal with prejudice of...of...more common folk. You know it can create a habit of attack or defense rather than understanding. I try to give those misunderstood folk a chance."
"Well...I don't really like rats. That's a prejudice that I might find hard to break. But I have ways to avoid killing them, if you don't want me to kill any. Personally, I'm really interested in talking to the Butcher's body. I mean...not that I really like dealing with dead bodies much...but everyone's life-journey is imprinted on their body - even after their soul leaves. Tyche is a goddess of travel so she might be able to tell us something of the Butcher's journey. And maybe the Enchanter."

Casting Lesser Restoration on @Aust Thale Falen:
restoration: 1D4 = [1] = 1 (boo!)

To Do:
-Want to Speak with Dead the Bodies
-Go shopping and Buy a new x-bow
-Speak to Oppia Nazaria
-Cure Falen's stat damage
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Aust Thale

Falen manages a smile at Vitus’ attempt at helping him. “Thank you, young cleric. Your efforts are appreciated.” He feels modestly better, and he has better control over the noise in his head. He feels if he can be 100%, he’ll quickly be able to explore these newfound abilities. “I think speaking with the Butcher might be useful. And the enchantress. And the Dusk.” His priorities are similar to Vitus’. He is particularly interested in finding the extent of the tunnels.


I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
In the heart of Bluffside lies a hidden gem - a quaint, secluded pond nestled within the Temple District. It is here that Akos, the priest and warlock of Titania, Queen of the Summer Court, intends to perform a ritual of transformation, purifying and destroying the essence of a cursed weapon. Gathering his two initiates who tended to his small shrine, he prepares for the ritual just before dawn.

As the day embraces the gentle warmth of the sun, townsfolk pass by, unaware of the magical endeavour about to unfold. The ritual begins by encircling the pond with delicate wildflowers, forming a symbol of eternal unity and the whimsical dance of life by the cursed blades that hurt him just by holding them.

Whispers of invocations grace the air as Akos beseeches Titania for her guidance and blessings. A tranquil meditation follows, as he connects with the vibrant life around him, both wild and civilized, tapping into his fey legacy, natural energies that define the fey and their ethereal realm.

He calls upon the elements - earth, air, fire, and finally his favorite, water - and beseeches their power and purity to aid in cleansing of the feybane weapon. The sword is stuck hilt-deep into the pure earth around the pond. It is woven through the air during the prayer, burning the hand holding it, heated in fire while calling for the elements power. The ritual slowly, slowly builds up the energies of the fey wilderness in this little corner of the urban center that is Bluffside. The warlock delicately fans the flames, while the priest prays over the blade. The elements embrace the weapon, each making a little mark on it, before a big finale.

A solemn hymn, accompanied by a harmonious chorus of prayers, echoes through the district. The gentle ripple of the pond resonates with song and focused intent, amplifying the transformative power of the ritual.

With his focus complete, loremaster channels these harmonized energies into the weapon plunging the blade into the pond, hissing and spitting water turning black for several seconds as the blade rusts, dissipates, burns, and dissolves at the same time, dark stain slowly disappearing in the water. The once-feared feybane sword succumbs to this power. It glows, then fades, stripped of its malevolent essence, purging the malevolence from its core at the same timeas the metal itself breaks apart.

Akos lifts the hilt away from the pond, the blade destroyed completely by the ritual. Golden glow surrounds him for few heartbeats and he uses the power to blast at the collected pieces of cold iron, elemental cascade running across the symbol of Titania created by those loathsome tools, leaving only rust and dust in their place.

As the last chord of fey hymn graces the air, the pond returns back to stillness. "May this sacrifice be used for creation of the eternal blade of the Summer." he speaks in sylvan as the dark stain dissapears in the pool.

As he lowers his heads in gratitude, giving thanks to Titania and the elemental forces for their support, the ritual is complete, the fey priest forever changed, and the unity between the fey and the forces of good reaffirmed within the heart of the lore master and his bustling town.

Slowly, he comes around to see not only his two initiates who sang accompanied chorus for the ritual, but small throng of early-risers attracted by the echoing song.

He looks at them for few moments and remembers the words of Rigantona. This will be their city. Raising both hands in the air, one holding hilt without blade he calls out
"This was a blade made specifically to kill me. Not any other exemplar. Me! But I am not alone as most of you know. And I'm not talking just about my goddess Titania nor her ally Rigantona that some of you may remember being a patron of old for Bluffside. I' talking about friends, companions, seekers of valor, a disparate group come together in this time of need. Look upon our assembly, a mosaic of strength born from diversity. In our differences, we find unity; in our unique abilities, we find a formidable force. Each of us is a brushstroke on a canvas, and together, we create a masterpiece of resilience and courage.

We are not solitary stars in the vast night sky, but a constellation, shining brighter when we stand united. Shoulder to shoulder, we rise above the trials that seek to shatter us, for our strength lies in our togetherness. This is why Bluffside cannot fall to some upstart sorcerer and his beasts.

Remember this: you are never alone. In this fellowship, in this gathering of hearts and souls, you will find solace, aid, and unwavering support. In times of darkness, reach out your hand, and you shall find another's waiting, ready to guide you toward the light. Bluffside is not just a place, it is alive. You are Bluffside, living full life, good life.

For together, we are a beacon that can never be extinguished! United, we are invincible!"

Lowering his arms his looks at the people. "Go! Go on! Live not in fear, but in unity. Live in joy. Spread the word and help when someone needs help. Go!"

He should feel exhausted he knows. But instead, he feels energized. Powerful. Even his hand, burned by cold-iron weapon is unblemished. He shakes his head in disbelief. "Bluffside is at the center of powerful forces playing. Keep your faith, and prepare the shrine for more visitors." he tells the young pair. "I have to return to the group."
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Voidrunner's Codex

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