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Deluxe Character Sheet 1

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Well here is my own custom Deluxe Character Sheet which I humbly submit to you EN Worlders. Please rate on a scale of 1-10 and if you didn't like some aspect of this sheet, please bring it up - feedback is very appreciated in any area. Please note that this sheet has Faerun-specific details (namely, languages) which is why is has the Faerun descriptor in it's name.

This sheet is best veiwed with Microsoft Word or Microsoft Word Veiwer - I personally favour Open Office Writer but I've found thatit can have some issues with some of the formatting. Here's a link for Word Veiwer 2003 for those who have Open Office. It won't let you edit it (if you wish to) but you can at least see it properly
Well here is my own custom Deluxe Character Sheet which I humbly submit to you EN Worlders. Please rate on a scale of 1-10 and if you didn't like some aspect of this sheet, please bring it up - feedback is very appreciated in any area. Please note that this sheet has Faerun-specific details (namely, languages) which is why is has the Faerun descriptor in it's name.

This sheet is best veiwed with Microsoft Word or Microsoft Word Veiwer - I personally favour Open Office Writer but I've found thatit can have some issues with some of the formatting. Here's a link for Word Veiwer 2003 for those who have Open Office. It won't let you edit it (if you wish to) but you can at least see it properly
Well here is my own custom Deluxe Character Sheet which I humbly submit to you EN Worlders. Please rate on a scale of 1-10 and if you didn't like some aspect of this sheet, please bring it up - feedback is very appreciated in any area. Please note that this sheet has Faerun-specific details (namely, languages) which is why is has the Faerun descriptor in it's name.

This sheet is best veiwed with Microsoft Word or Microsoft Word Veiwer - I personally favour Open Office Writer but I've found thatit can have some issues with some of the formatting. Here's a link for Word Veiwer 2003 for those who have Open Office. It won't let you edit it (if you wish to) but you can at least see it properly
Well here is my own custom Deluxe Character Sheet which I humbly submit to you EN Worlders. Please rate on a scale of 1-10 and if you didn't like some aspect of this sheet, please bring it up - feedback is very appreciated in any area. Please note that this sheet has Faerun-specific details (namely, languages) which is why is has the Faerun descriptor in it's name.

This sheet is best veiwed with Microsoft Word or Microsoft Word Veiwer - I personally favour Open Office Writer but I've found thatit can have some issues with some of the formatting. Here's a link for Word Veiwer 2003 for those who have Open Office. It won't let you edit it (if you wish to) but you can at least see it properly
Well here is my own custom Deluxe Character Sheet which I humbly submit to you EN Worlders. Please rate on a scale of 1-10 and if you didn't like some aspect of this sheet, please bring it up - feedback is very appreciated in any area. Please note that this sheet has Faerun-specific details (namely, languages) which is why is has the Faerun descriptor in it's name.

This sheet is best veiwed with Microsoft Word or Microsoft Word Veiwer - I personally favour Open Office Writer but I've found thatit can have some issues with some of the formatting. Here's a link for Word Veiwer 2003 for those who have Open Office. It won't let you edit it (if you wish to) but you can at least see it properly
Well here is my own custom Deluxe Character Sheet which I humbly submit to you EN Worlders. Please rate on a scale of 1-10 and if you didn't like some aspect of this sheet, please bring it up - feedback is very appreciated in any area. Please note that this sheet has Faerun-specific details (namely, languages) which is why is has the Faerun descriptor in it's name.

This sheet is best veiwed with Microsoft Word or Microsoft Word Veiwer - I personally favour Open Office Writer but I've found thatit can have some issues with some of the formatting. Here's a link for Word Veiwer 2003 for those who have Open Office. It won't let you edit it (if you wish to) but you can at least see it properly