Fifth Age: A Hard(er) Science Fiction conversion for 5e DnD

Fifth Age: A Hard(er) Science Fiction conversion for 5e DnD 1

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It is the dawn of the 24th century, and an interesting point in time for the human race. Fifth Age chronicles the dawn (perhaps more like early mid-morning) of humanity exploring the stars and getting into all manner of trouble, fraught with peril, excitement and drama. The science in this sci-fi is a little on the harder side than some might be used to and the adventure is a little pulpy, a perfect mix for the 5e DnD system.

This release contains:
  • New Races
  • New Classes
  • New and expanded backgrounds (with mechanical relevance!)
  • New Skills
  • New Feats (along with rebalancing)
  • New Weapons
  • New Armor
  • Hi-Tech Gadgets
  • Downtime Shenanigans
  • Investments, Trading and Retirement Rules (Contribute to your retirement fund, or wind up eating catfood!)
  • Spaceship Rules

Note that this is a work in progress, expect ongoing balance tweaks and new content.
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Reactions: kambei1599
Capn Charlie
First release
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5.00 star(s) 2 ratings

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  1. Fifth Age: A Hard(er) Science Fiction conversion for 5e DnD It is the dawn of the 24th century, and an...
  2. Fifth Age: A Hard(er) Science Fiction conversion for 5e DnD It is the dawn of the 24th century, and an...
  3. Fifth Age: A Hard(er) Science Fiction conversion for 5e DnD It is the dawn of the 24th century, and an...

Latest reviews

i have been using it and its alot fun. hope it one day gets a update
While not complete the work is phenomenal for what amounts to a close to finished for beta project.