Talon Class VI Scout

Talon Class VI Scout 1

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The Talon class scout is a Spartan vessel. The scout designation is something of a misnomer - this ship is clearly conceived as an ambusher, and boasts a cloaking device along with a medium range missile attack.

The Talon class scout is a Spartan vessel. The scout designation is something of a misnomer - this ship is clearly conceived as an ambusher, and boasts a cloaking device along with a medium range missile attack.

The Talon class scout is a Spartan vessel. The scout designation is something of a misnomer - this ship is clearly conceived as an ambusher, and boasts a cloaking device along with a medium range missile attack.

The Talon class scout is a Spartan vessel. The scout designation is something of a misnomer - this ship is clearly conceived as an ambusher, and boasts a cloaking device along with a medium range missile attack.

The Talon class scout is a Spartan vessel. The scout designation is something of a misnomer - this ship is clearly conceived as an ambusher, and boasts a cloaking device along with a medium range missile attack.