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Search results

  1. Abraxas

    OOTS 979 is up

    HERE I was wondering if/when that would happen.
  2. Abraxas

    D&D 5E Starting a new campaign and need some ideas for the BBEGs

    I will be starting a new campaign soon and want it to have a Far Realms/H.P.Lovecraft feel to it. I also want to try something new to get increased player buy in from the beginning. At the first session I plan to have the players run the BBEGs as they ransack the town the PCs all call home...
  3. Abraxas

    Starting a new campaign and looking for ideas

    I will be starting a new campaign soon and want to have a Far Realms/H.P.Lovecraft feel to it. Eventually I want to run The Gates of Firestorm Peak (converted to 5E). I'm wondering what others would suggest are good lower level adventures that would fit this style of campaign - and can be used...
  4. Abraxas

    OotS 957 is up

    Wheee! http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0957.html#
  5. Abraxas

    Turning off the Notification pop up

    Just got on the boards today and noticed a pop-up in the lower right hand corner that appears every 5 minutes or so with notifications of people posting in a thread I participated in. This wouldn't bother me except: 1) It's the same notification over and over, with no change, so why do I need...
  6. Abraxas

    Quote Notifications and Ignored Posters question

    Is there anyway to stop receiving notifications that I have been quoted by people who are on my ignore list (and just those people)? They are on my ignore list for a reason.
  7. Abraxas

    Chaos Scar, Pit of Delirium skill challenge question

    I would appreciate If anyone who has run the Chaos Scar Pit of Delirium adventure could help me. The opening skill challenge makes no sense to me. I understand that it is there to provide clues for the players to find the source of the problems in the keep - but the way it is written is giving...
  8. Abraxas

    Looking for an Illustration

    In one of the old D&D books there is an illustration of a wizard holding a wand with a mushroom cloud explosion in the background - does anyone else remember it and if so know what book it is in?
  9. Abraxas

    To anyone who can read & write in Finnish

    Howdy Short question - I am writing a thank you letter to someone who speaks Finnish. I would like to close with something in Finnish - and was wondering if there is a traditional closing for letters? Or perhaps a common saying thanking them for their hospitality. And if so, how would it be...
  10. Abraxas

    What would help my Rogue?

    I am currently playing an epic level rogue. As the result of a recent foray into Hell he has approximately 700,000 gp burning a hole in his pocket and an inferiority complex. The majority of the time I was unable to get combat advantage on any opponent after the first round. This was due to a...
  11. Abraxas

    Two Weapon Rangers

    Is a ranger allowed to use two bastard swords for Ranger powers requiring two weapons if the character has taken the proficiency feat for the bastard sword? I can't equip a bastard sword in the off-hand slot on a ranger character I was building using the online CB - and I was wondering if I...
  12. Abraxas

    Immediate Reactions

    Does anyone know if the designer's reasoning for not allowing Immediate Actions on a character's turn is discussed in an article somewhere that I could read? We had a couple issues come up related to the "no immediate action" on your turn rule that just seem strange. 1) All the PC powers /...
  13. Abraxas

    Why visit someone's profile?

    I was just updating my user profile when I noticed the public profile page had been viewed by several other posters. I was wondering why someone would look at my profile - I don't post that much, and I don't remember seeing most of the people who checked out the page in any of the threads I have...
  14. Abraxas

    Everything is too wide

    OK, something has changed around here - suddenly I have to scroll left-right to see an entire post. Everything used to wrap to the width of the window I was browsing in (to a certain extent - I could reduce the window to the point where I still had width issues) now, even with the window...
  15. Abraxas

    The dominated condition and sneak attack

    Simple question - if a PC rogue is dominated and made to use an at-will attack power on another PC (who he has combat advantage against) can he also be made to use sneak attack? I've tried perusing the WoTC boards for some official (or at least CS) answer but have yet to find one - or - maybe...
  16. Abraxas

    WoTC Customer Service - now I'm ticked

    I posted this on the WoTC boards but someone here might have had the same problem and be able to clue me in. I just received a notice that my DDI auto renew failed. I went to the WoTC web site, specifically the Customer Service page, and tried to select any of the tabs on the page (Email Us...
  17. Abraxas

    Is this a bug in the CB

    I was advancing my Rogue/Daggermaster/Prison of the Winds character from level 24 to level 25. When I did the level 23 encounter power became unselected (it was there with a line through it and it doesn't show up in the power cards). Is this a bug or is there a rule I am missing?
  18. Abraxas

    A Good Introductory Adventure for Young Players

    I'm going to be starting a new 4E campaign for 4 - 6 youngsters (ages 8 - 12). I'll also have the father of two of the children playing to help guide things along. He and his son have played 4E before, and I have played D&D with him for 20 years. Does anyone have a recommendation of one or two...
  19. Abraxas

    Controlling Pacing - How do you?

    In a few months I will begin DMing a new campaign. Currently, I've been DMing the Savage Tide adventure path. The problem I have been having is one of pacing. The PCs are leveling too fast in game time. I don't mind the characters leveling every 2-3 sessions - but I want those sessions to cover...
  20. Abraxas

    Help with Hide in Plain Sight

    I'm currently playing a human rogue with the Hide in Plain Sight utility power and am having trouble getting to use it in an effective manner. The character also has Fleeting Ghost and Chameleon. I'm looking for ways to get out in the middle of an area - while still being hidden - so I can use...