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  1. J

    Superman Returns Question

    Its been said that this movie is going to be a direct sequal to the original '78 movie. It's pulling a Highlander and pretending the 2nd (and 3rd and 4th) movie never happened. Which I can agree with given that they were pretty bad. My question is this. The 1978 Supes was your pre-crisis supes...
  2. J

    Another N00b DC question - Alan Scott

    I've taken an interest in the JSA and i'm a little confused as to how the original Green Lantern Alan Scott related the the Green Latern Corp. Are they somehow related? is his ring the same as theirs that someone how got misplaced and into Alans hands? Since hes still around and was never...
  3. J

    Supergirl for Dummies

    I was hoping to get a run down of the current Super-girl , her background and how it falls into place with Pre-Crisis Super Girl, Matrix / Linda Davers and Powergirl. Do they replace each other, do they co-exisit? I've always been more of a Marvel Fan but lately i've favored DC (maybe its the...
  4. J

    Help me find an old post!

    A long time back there was a synopsis of Episode 3 posted on Enworld, It had to be close to a year ago. I went into pretty good detail. Can anyone help me find it. I want to print it and compare it after i watch the movie to see how close it was. Thanks :D
  5. J

    Which Caster would you suggest

    My group recently finished a campaign and is getting ready for a new one. I'm starting a new character and can’t make up my mind as to what I want to play. We start at level 6 with standard Gold. Standard rolls for scores. Initially I was thinking of a monk however all the characters I’ve played...
  6. J

    Justice League Unlimited: Epsiode 7 The Greatest Story never told

    Instead of adding yet another couple of pages to the other ever expanding thead i though we break it up and had a thread for each episode.
  7. J

    Is there a Monk version/variant of the Psyhic Warrior?

    I like the idea of a fighter that enhances his abilities with the power of the mind however i think i'd be more appropriate for a Monk as they are already all about focusing their inter power. Is there any class like that?
  8. J

    Who is more likely to survive...

    Taking the core classes at lvl 1, 5, 10, 15, and 20 which class do you think is more likely to survive a difficult adventure at each lvl. For example imho at lvl 1 a Barbarian would be most likely to survive, a Wizard the least. At level 20 a Wizard would probable to most likely to survive, a...
  9. J

    OK we know the Sorcerer is Broken, How would you fix him

    and keep him balanced with the Wizard and Psion?
  10. J

    Ever have that feeling your about to walk into a TPK..

    Last week we wraped up in a deep dark dungeon looking for a way out. The last thing we did was bust into a room full of people ready to kill us. We've been wondering this dungeon for a while now and are tired, hurt and out of spells. Things look grim. :\ Well wish me luck, I'll be back to let...
  11. J

    I want to collect the entire DC Animated Collection, What do i need

    That means i want the Original Batman Animated series, Batman and Robin, Batman Beyond, Superman, Superman/Batman, Justice League, Justice League Unlimited. Whats out now, whats not worth getting yet, whats on its way. Whats unlikely to be made. Thanks
  12. J

    I have a 2nd Level Wood Elf Ranger....

    I just leveled up. I'm debating if i should keep going to lvl 3 ranger. Or if i should spice things up and Make him a Lvl 2 ranger / lvl 1 Sorcerer. I like the idea of a fighter mage, however since my guy is a nature boy wood elf i figure that a Ranger/Sorcerer makes more sense. In either case...
  13. J

    Couple of General Druid Question

    1) When you wild shape into an animal do you get the Special qualities that they mention (Hold Breath for a Orca for example or low light vision) I know that polymorph says that you dont get extraorinary special qualities, not sure if these quality. If the above aren't Extraordinary which...
  14. J

    Most versatile single class

    No multiclass or Pre- Classes. He doesn't need to be the best at something but what class brings a little bit of everything to the table. Combat, Skills, etc. I'm thinking the Druid. Its got healing spells, decent HPs combat spells. If forced into Melee being a Dire Tiger isn't a bad thing...
  15. J

    Looking for a versatile Sorc Build

    At 1, 5 and 10th level. or general suggestions. I want to be a spellcaster but i simply want that flexibility with choosing spells. the Race would be human, 32 point buy. Core Books, complete series and the other main WotC books. Thanks in advance
  16. J

    Ranged Combat

    In the past my characters have alway been melee or spell oriented. This week i'm starting up in a new campaign with a Elven ranger and i'm going to make him Bow oriented. with that i have a question. Do Rapid shot and multi shot stack. In other word can you shot two times with two arrows each...
  17. J

    Suggestions for a Fighter/Rogue Build

    I'm starting up a new campaign. In it the majoirty of us are going to be rogues of one form or another. My rogues is going to be the assassin type, not so much interested in picking locks and finding traps as much as sneaking and stalking and stabing people in the back. We're starting at level 2...
  18. J

    Anyone have the NPC Stats to the Characters in the "War of the Spider Queen" Series?

    Not the d20 supplement, the novels
  19. J

    We know what the Title of Epsiode 3 is apparently

    USA Today reports: We caught George Lucas wandering around the grounds with his daughter, Katie. The director said the title of Star Wars: Episode III won't officially be announced until November, when the first trailer hits theaters. But he conceded that fans on Web sites already have...