• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Search results

  1. DragonBelow

    WotC Shadow of the Dragon Queen Preorder Report

    This thread is to track preorders from the WotC store, and their eventual delivery.
  2. DragonBelow

    D&D 5E Rebalanced Tyranny of Dragons Coming In January

    According to Amazon a 'rebalanced' version of Tyranny of Dragons is being released by WotC in January. There's no indication if there's a new cover, but the "adventure has been rebalanced to be easier for a new Dungeon Master to run and a better play experience". 2019's Tyranny of Dragons...
  3. DragonBelow

    Dragonlance Building a Dragonlance character, according to DDB.

    From the Article, when talking about races: "The people of Krynn have faced unique—and let's face it, back-to-back—catastrophes that have shaped them and caused them to adopt different customs than brethren on other worlds. Let's take a walk through the most common folk you'll run into during...
  4. DragonBelow

    Spelljammer Spelljammer shipping woes or more sales than anticipated?

    A friend of mine placed her order for the Spelljammer books on Friday and she got an estimated delivery date in September. I placed mine almost a month ago also from amazon, and I'm getting it Tuesday. Are your books delayed? PS. I'm getting the alternate cover from my FLGS 😇
  5. DragonBelow

    Spelljammer Spelljammer Miniatures Coming!

    WizKids is producing miniatures for the upcoming Spelljammer campaign setting, including asteroids, nautiloids, space galleons, and more! These range from $62.99 for some of the smaller boxes, to $262.49 for the Astral Dreadnought.
  6. DragonBelow

    expired TLS certificate

    My browser is giving me warnings the cert is expired.
  7. DragonBelow

    A few new D&D products

    Found these browsing amazon: Book of Holding: a nice looking notebook or binder for D&D usage by WotC (Aug 2020) https://www.amazon.com/Book-Holding-Dungeons-Dragons-Journal/dp/1984824619 Volo's Guide to Monsters Cards (Sept 2019)...
  8. DragonBelow

    Selling HUGE minis collection (2 days left)

    Hi folks, I am selling my minis collection, over 800 figures, more than 100 rares and more than 100 large figures as well. check it out: http://www.ebay.com/itm/172116282743 Thanks, DB
  9. DragonBelow

    D&D 5E If WotC is outsourcing official 5E material to 3PP, What is WotC working on?

    Kobold Press did (the writing for) Hoard of the Dragon Queen and Rise of Tiamat. Sasquatch Game Studio is doing the Elemental Evil books; to me, this means WotC's writting staff must be busy with something else. What could that be? DB
  10. DragonBelow

    Pathfinder 1E Downsizing my RPG collections, Lots of Paizo stuff available including several APs

    I am downsizing my RPG Collection, I have several lots of books that I am selling, including complete Paizo Adventure paths, WotC lots, Necromancer Lots, Goodman Games Lots, check out my auctions on eBay
  11. DragonBelow

    TRADE Wanted: Empire of the Ghouls by Open Design

    Hi, I am interested in picking one of these, preferably hardcover. I have a lot of items I could trade it for: One of the following items or lots * Rappan Athuk 1, 2 and 3 (like new) * L5R d20 Lot (fair condition) * Rokugan * Way of the Warrior * Way of the Ninja * Magic of...
  12. DragonBelow

    Pathfinder 1E Paizo making a decision

    Check out Paizo home page... Those pesky goblins, I hope they also help make the right decision (IMHO support both 3.5 and 4e) http://www.paizo.com
  13. DragonBelow

    D&D 4E A couple of things that suck about the 4e SRD/OGL

    liked most of the announcement about the SRD/OGL, there were some things that were understandable, like the early access fee and phased release schedule, but there were others I really don't like. 1) All OGL products will require the PHB. Third party publishers have proven they can create...
  14. DragonBelow

    Interesting article about ebook business

    It's about e-books in general but mostly discusses the RPG section as a success story: http://www.biz-journal.com/articles/2007/12/10/national/doc475b7b15936be394548985.txt
  15. DragonBelow

    D&D 4E Unnecessary monster appearance changes in 4e

    It's a really pathetic attempt to make people buy the upcoming reboot of the minis line. Everybody always joked that WotC would change the scale or base shape of the miniatures, what we will get is just as bad, an unnecessary change made with the sole purpose of making you buy the new minis...
  16. DragonBelow

    Dragonlance and Midnight movie news from GenCon?

    Any news from GenCon about these 2 movies? how were the trailers? thanks
  17. DragonBelow

    One good thing about the new encounter format

    Personally I think the new WotC encounter format has both good and bad qualities. One of the good things I think it has is its "pluckability", since all the encounters are self contained, and everything you need is there, it makes them prime material if you're improvising, looking for...
  18. DragonBelow

    House rule: When do you need to train?

    Hi, I was talking to my friends about training below are my opinions, what does everyone think? Personally, I would like a system of training that makes sense and accommodates for lack of downtime, and role playing, without being boring. The following comments are my thoughts on the matter...
  19. DragonBelow

    Ruins of the Wild (DD Tiles)

    I am a bit disappointed by this set, it still has the great art on heavy card stock, however I think it's not modular enough, instead of giving us individual tiles with tents, trees and bushes, those elements are stuck in large tiles, this limits their ability to be reused immensely. I mean...
  20. DragonBelow

    is White Wolf's hype machine broken?

    They announced Monte Cook's WoD in GenCon SoCal, 6 months ago, it's June and we hardly have any more info. Part of the success of Monte Cook is he knows how to pimp his own stuff, why is WW letting it slip like this? I want to see before I decide to buy.