Dragonlance Building a Dragonlance character, according to DDB.


From the Article, when talking about races:

"The people of Krynn have faced unique—and let's face it, back-to-back—catastrophes that have shaped them and caused them to adopt different customs than brethren on other worlds. Let's take a walk through the most common folk you'll run into during your adventures on Krynn. Just keep in mind your DM has the final say on available player options. (So keep that harengon monk in your back pocket!)"

And then they go on to list the following options:

Kender, Dwarf, Elf (Silvanesti, Qualinesti, Kagonesti), Gnomes, and Human.

Link to full article: How to build a Dragonlance Character.
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From the Article, when talking about races:

"The people of Krynn have faced unique—and let's face it, back-to-back—catastrophes that have shaped them and caused them to adopt different customs than brethren on other worlds. Let's take a walk through the most common folk you'll run into during your adventures on Krynn. Just keep in mind your DM has the final say on available player options. (So keep that harengon monk in your back pocket!)"

And then they go on a list the following options:

Kender, Dwarf, Elf (Silvanesti, Qualinesti, Kagonesti), Gnomes, and Human.

Link to full article: How to build a Dragonlance Character.
This isn't just a cat set among the pigeons, but an outright lion. Oh, the feathers are going to fly!


No rule is inviolate
It's the setting + adventure + comradery that makes a campaign, not your "so cool it will turn heads" half-dragon half-drow dual-wielding paladin of Mask (er some DL gawd).

That said, that's a pretty traditional slate for DL campaigns, ignoring for now the more exotic minotaur, Irda, and sea elves.


From the Article, when talking about races:

"The people of Krynn have faced unique—and let's face it, back-to-back—catastrophes that have shaped them and caused them to adopt different customs than brethren on other worlds. Let's take a walk through the most common folk you'll run into during your adventures on Krynn. Just keep in mind your DM has the final say on available player options. (So keep that harengon monk in your back pocket!)"

And then they go on to list the following options:

Kender, Dwarf, Elf (Silvanesti, Qualinesti, Kagonesti), Gnomes, and Human.

Link to full article: How to build a Dragonlance Character.
And if you want to go further beyond that, there's also the race/kin option from the Races of Ansalon splatbook.

Goblinoids: Goblins, Bugbear, and Hobgoblins.
Ursoi (Bearfolk): Migard 3PP has the race write-up for Bearfolk pcs.
Ogres/Half-Ogres/Irdras (Well we have Orcs as a pc option and you can probably refluff Half-Orcs for something).
Trolls (Use the Trollkin from Iron Kingdom: Requiem).
Thanoi (Walrus Folk)


Hmmm...now I'm pondering making a Kender-turned-Haregon monk named Jaxx.

He accidentally offended a mage when he took the wizard's spell component pouch off the red robe to find out if it really contained a demon inside. When the rather now red-faced (who knew they could get their faces to match their robes?) wizard caught up with him and retrieved his pouch, he gave the Kender a "magic demonstration" and turned the Kender into a green-furred rabbitoid and left in a huff.

Amazed by this change, the transformed Kender left his homeland (after having his new race dubbed Haregon by misunderstanding travelers he met for "Hare today, gone tomorrow"), the Kender wandered into Solamnia where he was taken in by a monastic order who felt sorry for the little bugger. After partially completing his training, he's now back to wandering, taking the mystical skills he ...uh, learned... with him.

Voidrunner's Codex

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