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I vaguely remember hearing something about a sidestory where Silvara and the elf noble who's fallen for her* go off on their own adventure and discover the egg situation, which leads into her telling the real party about it in the main modules so they can go on a better prepared rescue mission.

*A relationship which started out poorly and I cannot see working out without some serious development.

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That is a possibility, but there's some strong indications that Silvara knew at the time what was going on regarding the eggs.
Honestly, that's not really too much of a stretch. PCs know about draconians but not the eggs, the bulk of the metallic dragons are sequestered on their private island and know about the eggs but not the draconians. But Silvara knows about both, and it doesn't take a huge leap of intellectual genius to go from 'the Dragonarmies are holding our eggs hostage' and 'the dragonarmies suddenly have a new soldier race that resemble metallic dragons to a very suspicious degree' to working out the truth.
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I vaguely remember hearing something about a sidestory where Silvara and the elf noble who's fallen for her* go off on their own adventure and discover the egg situation, which leads into her telling the real party about it in the main modules so they can go on a better prepared rescue mission.

*A relationship which started out poorly and I cannot see working out without some serious development.
In novel canon, it's Gilthanas and Silvara who actually discover the eggs and alert the metallic dragons. It doesn't happen on screen, and the main characters only find out what happened when a bunch of angry dragons show up and offer to help Laurana, but they're basically the ones who run through Dragons of Deceit in novel continuity. Not sure what the module canon explanation to Silvara's knowledge is, to be honest.

And yeah, Silvara and Gilthanas do not get a happy ending. Pretty much no cross-species romances in Dragonlance do, in fact.

The simplest answer to that last one is that Paladine is testing Silvara and the PCs - they're supposed to shout him down, then get worked up enough to find evidence that the Deal was never being held in the first place.
Yeah, I suppose that's one explanation. I don't like it though, because it would require Paladine to completely ignore the woes of not just the dragons who've had their eggs stolen, but also of the hatchling dragons inside them. It would required the god of good dragons to largely stand by while an incredible atrocity being performed on good dragons, and the god of rulership to be playing silly mind games to taunt one of his subjects into rebelling against him. It's just all topsy-turvy.

The context of this, for me, is that I'm planning on running the early stages of SotDQ up until Kalaman, then branching off once the PCs find the bronze dragon egg (which I might relocate into Wheelwatch). The idea is to convince them to follow up the trail of eggs going to Sanction, probably visiting places like Wayreth on the way. Hopefully, if i have a Solamnic Knight PC, I'll be able to manipulate them into swearing an oath to Ness/Nezrah to 'save her children' before they realise what she really is. But once Nezrah (who has sworn the Oath) finds out what's going on, she's not going to be happy that she had to rely on a bunch of mortals to do this while her god bumbled about the countryside disguised as a silly wizard. What happens in Dragonlance to a metallic dragon who loses faith in Paladine, or actively forswears him? What happens to Paladine, if the metallic dragons forswear him or go extinct?

That could even be the big conflict of the campaign, I think. A plot secondary to the well-known War of the Lance plotline, in which Takhisis (or Hiddukel, or both) try to split the metallic dragons away from Paladine through letting them find out about his inaction. Hiddukel is the god of lies, maybe he was somehow able to blind Paladine to the truth. Or else, Paladine is the god of good dragons, maybe the Oath somehow binds him too, given all his children swore it?

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