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  1. sirwmholder

    A Question on Minions...

    I was wondering if this has been addressed yet... Minions don't die on a miss... so does that mean when a Wizard throws a ball of fire into a small room packed full of minions but rolls a two... the entire room escapes unscathe... or is it smoldering with unreconizable remains of countless dead...
  2. sirwmholder

    Limits of Transform...

    I know that you can target a creature or object with transform. However, would it be totally broken to allow a Transform Specialist to target spells? An idea came to me when looking over transform. Here is the set up for the next BBEG the party may face... Transform into a Fire Elemental for...
  3. sirwmholder

    Greatest Moment While DMing

    Everyone has a character that has had a really great story... though how many really great moments did you have DMing? Where something you prepared just clicked or flying by the seat of your pants you wove this amazing adventure... I know that is the goal of all DM's but sometimes we may even...
  4. sirwmholder

    Death to the Skill Monkey...

    When I began gaming... my DM at the time told our group that a well balanced party consisted of a Priest, a Thief, a Warrior, and a Wizard. In 3.x we were introduced to the generic classes Expert, Spellcaster, & Warrior... ( Priest and Wizard were combined but otherwise very similar ). Now in...
  5. sirwmholder

    Zee Planes Boss!

    Does anyone know if WotC has scraped the Ethereal Plane. I can't seem to find any mention of it. The Astral Plane is now a Sea... adrift with all kinds of Deity House Boats even the Feywild is hitched in there somewhere. The Elemental Planes are now part of the Primal Chaos that makes up...
  6. sirwmholder

    Generic Classes Redux

    I have been toying around with the three standard generic classes a bit and came to the realization that with spells like knock and detect traps, magic, poison, etc. expert is really not needed. That's when I noticed something very odd. The Warrior and the Spellcaster ( and like wise the...
  7. sirwmholder

    New to Eberron

    So I've just got around to picking up the Campaign Book and was curious what additional reading / source material would be most beneficial. I've really liking what I've seen so far and I am open to just about any suggestion. Thank you for your time, William Holder
  8. sirwmholder

    Shooting for LA+1...

    Without boring you with flavor text here are some of the things I'm considering for +1 LA races... ----------------------- Cat Race Medium +2 Dexterity Superior Low-light vision (x3) +1 Dodge Bonus +2 to Move Silently, Hide and Jump PHB2 - Leap of the Heavens Base speed 40ft Favored Class...
  9. sirwmholder

    One Spell... Many Questions...

    Help me those of EN World... you are my only hope... Using EoM-R how would you recreate Mirror Image with "a few" copies of one's self? Is there a limit to the number of copies? Let's say you add in an Illusion Force 5 to that spell. On the next round you cast an Evoke Fireball at the...
  10. sirwmholder

    Is Iron Will an Untyped Bonus?

    Does that mean you can take it multiple times and it stacks? Thank you for your time, William Holder
  11. sirwmholder

    What is Powerful Build worth?

    Half-Giants have the Powerful Build ability which treats them as being one size larger whenever it would be a benefit to them... in designing a new monster or PC race what value would you place on the Powerful Build ability? In advancing a Monster by size could you substitue the Powerful Build...
  12. sirwmholder

    Psionic Focus and YOU!

    Is there any other way to gain a Psionic Focus without spending a Full Round Action provoking attacks of opportunity?
  13. sirwmholder

    EoM-R: Spell List Question

    Has anyone encountered a problem with Evoke (Mist)? If I am reading this correctly Evoke (Mist) is one of the strongest spell list do to it's nature of snaking around barriers and seeping through cracks to deal damage. I have this visual of an evil caster blasting away at the party so they...
  14. sirwmholder


  15. sirwmholder

    What makes Undead, Undead? and are all Undead evil?

    I know this sounds like a very simple question but I am looking for a more in depth explanation. The common answer is anything once living that is now animated through the use of negative energy. That sounds pretty straight forward... until you look at golems. A Flesh Golem is created through...
  16. sirwmholder

    EoM-R House Rules

    I was just curious what house rules everyone was using with EoM: Revised. I have been delving into the back history of this forum but I couldn't come up with anything. Does everyone use the material as printed? Thank you for your time, Wm Holder
  17. sirwmholder

    EoM-R Questions Continued...

    I hope I can illustrate this query detailed enough to get my point across... I'm having trouble calculating damage for this spell... and would a save be for half or no damage? If I were to use *Move [Force] 4 / Gen [Area/Range] 1*... the effect could be eight squares ( using a battle mat ) of...
  18. sirwmholder

    A few questions on the basics...

    I recently bought the EoM bundle and think it's a wonderful product. However I still need some assistance to better understand parts of the system. Under the Mage it allows you to exchange your level 1 starting moderate boon for two minor boons... both of which could be bonus feats... bonus...