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Search results

  1. OchreJelly

    The worst of all editions? (humor)

    All this talk about 5e being made up of a "greatest hits" of each edition got me thinking. Surely if there's a best set of features there must be a worst set of features. Therefore I believe there exist on a plane of chaos, the anti-5e made up entirely of dark matter and badwrongfunonium...
  2. OchreJelly

    Penny Arcade on Gamma World

    Pretty amusing comic today about Gamma World: Penny Arcade! - More Things Than Are Dreamt Of Enjoy!
  3. OchreJelly

    Gabe's compilied DND site

    I just ran across this today: Penny Arcade - Gabe's D&D Corner Penny Arcade has spun-off a mini-site dedicated to DND. It looks like Gabe is going to keep all of his DND material here from now on. His "Twilight"-based parody adventure is available for download as well.
  4. OchreJelly

    P3 - Anyone run it?

    We just completed P2 and P1 before it. I was wondering if anyone can tell me much about P3, because frankly I know little of it. Specifically, how does it tie into P2, if at all? What other hooks does it offer? The little I have read about it tells me it's mostly a crawl. I'm not saying it...
  5. OchreJelly

    Penny Arcade - How the Illithid Stole Lolthmas

    Part one of what appears to be a pretty amusing series on Penny Arcade: Penny Arcade! - How The Illithid Stole Lolthmas, Part One Happy... er, drow... holidays :)
  6. OchreJelly

    Auras and condition denial

    If a creature has an active aura and is made helpless or unconscious, does the aura still work? Example: "start of creatures turn etc.... the eye of flame uses one random eye ray power". It doesn't say "makes an eye ray attack" which would have been more clear for me. Thoughts?
  7. OchreJelly

    Wizard of Spiral Tower question

    The Wizard of the Spiral Tower PP has a power called Shape the Dream. It's an immediate interrupt the wizard can use when an attack targets his will defense. How does this resolve is the attacker uses an AOE attack? Does that mean it "never ocurred" for all targets? If so, does the line "It...
  8. OchreJelly

    Penny Arcade posts interesting puzzle challenge

    Gabe at Penny Arcade has posted another interesting DND encounter setup here. He uses an actual laser pointer with Dwarven Forge tiles to create a "Beam of Light"-based puzzle for his players to solve. Very creative use of props (similar to their other entry)
  9. OchreJelly

    DND themed Jones Soda

    Not sure if anyone saw this / posted this: Dungeons & Dragons Limited Edition Spellcasting Soda The flavors include: Potion of Healing Sneak Attack Illithid Brain Juice Dwarven Draught Bigby's Crushing Thirst Destroyer Eldritch Blast Also comes with a mini
  10. OchreJelly

    Standard encounter budget - too easy?

    Our group has been playing 4E since release and we've mostly followed published adventures. I do like to tinker with encounters from time to time, but I typically stay within the recommended xp budget. The group is in low paragon now, and I've found that they often roll through most of the...
  11. OchreJelly

    How do you handle immediate actions?

    In general I find that 4E combat runs pretty smoothly. We have had a year of practice under our collective belts, yet something always seems to be somewhat problematic, and that's bookkeeping immediate actions. "You are allowed one per round rule" is often forgotten by player and DM (me)...
  12. OchreJelly

    MM2 sneak peak / new warforged art

    AICN has a small sneak peak on MM2 which you can find here. Not much is detailed really, but he hints that there aren't any dinosaurs and that the actual page count is smaller. There is an art piece for the new warforged entry. He also links to Elder Iron Dragon stats (here) and its illo can...
  13. OchreJelly

    Help with large-scale battle

    I'm starting to plan a session that involves the party defending an area against a massive orc attack. The players are 10th level and I plan to give them some npc defenders. They will have time to setup defenses as well (perhaps use some rituals like Earthen Ramparts, magic circles etc.)...
  14. OchreJelly

    Help with walls

    Some weird scenarios came up during a recent session with the players using wall spells and their interaction with larger monsters. In the first example a huge creature is attempting to move through a blade barrier. It needs to enter 3 of the barrier's squares. Here is part of the power's...
  15. OchreJelly

    2000 monsters

    I performed a wide-open search on the DDI creatures tab today and 1997 results were returned. This strikes me as quite a few creatures this early in the 4E life cycle! Granted many of these entries are leveled-up or leveled-down versions of existing monsters, and you can argue whether 12...
  16. OchreJelly

    Monster Knowledge: How much info?

    My players have enjoyed making use of the monster knowledge check. I think it's a nice built in feature and a good way to use "scholarly skills" in a combat encounter. The PHB says a DC 20 check reveals the creatures powers (for Heroic tier). Typically I won't just hand them the MM and say...
  17. OchreJelly

    An Unexpected Turn - KotS

    Players do the most unexpected things don’t they? This thread will have KotS spoilers so here’s the official spoiler warning: *********SPOILER ALERT************** So we had a KotS session last night and the PC’s are making their way through the goblin areas. They have only done the...
  18. OchreJelly

    Custom Challenges: Lets build some

    We have threads for creating custom monsters, why not have a thread dedicated to make skill challenge templates! I’ll start with this one: Parley with Giants Setup: The PCs have cause to get through a mountain pass without combat with the giants. They are stopped by a frost giant Jarl and...
  19. OchreJelly

    WoW honors Gary

    Hey guys, I have delurked recently and thought this was worth sharing. This is going up in WoW patch 2.4 going live as we speak: "In Memoriam: Gary Gygax Blizzard Entertainment would like to dedicate the patch in memory of Gary Gygax. His work on D&D was an inspiration to us in many ways and...