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  1. T

    Help with armor enchantments

    In my current game I'm playing a lv11 barbarian. The party killed a red dragon and I one the scales to make some medium armor. I have a 10k gp budget (I can go alittle over by selling my +1 chain mail) for the armor enchantments. What do you all suggest for a barbarian in a group with 2 clerics...
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    Time: Material Plane vs Others

    In my d&d game (3.5) we had a question come up . What is the time comparison with the planes? This came up because my parties cleric used plane shift to save himself and the parties bard when they became seperated from the rest of the group. However he only had one prepared and couldn't travel...
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    Soloing a Dragon

    Hello EN World, In the past you have helped me greatly as a player and now I come to you as a DM. I am running a 1 player party and I wanted to use a dragon. This is for a one shot campaign. The player is a Vow of Poverty lv10 Goliath Monk, as well as being an experienced player so I have...
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    Need help building a Bard

    I have a friend joining a 3.5 campaign and Im helping him build is character. He wants to be a bard which is the only base class that I have never played or played with, so I need help building him. I have heard that bards are not the best class I the world and I don't want him to feel useless...
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    3.0 Druid Help

    I am currently working on building a Druid for a 3.0 campaign. I decided to play a dwarf because it is something different (no one in my party has ever played a Druid or a dwarf) and think it would be fun to roleplay. The stats I rolled are Str-11 Con-19 (17+2) Dex-14 Wis-18 Int-12 Cha-10...
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    Factotum or Rogue/Swash Need help desiding

    I'm going to be in a new game and I was looking through some books that i have never read and saw the Factotum and I really like the class but I also like the idea Rogue/Swash build. So I was woundering what you guys thought about the 2 and which one would generally play better (I am in an...
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    3.0 Rogue Help

    My DM is going to be starting a new 3.0 game next week. I have not had much experience in 3.0 and would like some advice on a character build. The game is going to have around 10 people and we are not allowed to know the rest of the party untill the first game. Im looking at being a two-wep...
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    Need Help with a Barabarian PrC design

    Hello all. My DM has recently green lit homebrew so I am giving my first shot at making a PrC. I made this class for my trap finding Barbarian, the theme of this class is a Barbarian that has spent alot of time exploring and surviving in duengouns instead of the woods, and would like your...
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    New Character Help

    I'm going to start a new 3.5 campaign this Sat and was looking for some character ideas. I was thinking either a monk or a multiclass monk/rogue. I don't need an OP class just something competitive with the rest of the party. We will have 5 party members a cleric, a bard, a beffy melee class (he...
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    Looking for a feat

    I have a Goliath barbarian and my DM has said no racial sub levels. So I was wondering is there a feat in 3.5 that gives you a 10ft reach with a weapon that normally only gives a 5ft reach like that of a large size creature?
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    Barbarian Help.

    My d&d group has been recently graced with a new barbarian player and I'm helping get the character set up but don't have alot of experience with the class. So I'm looking here for advice from those more experienced in the ways of the wild man. He is looking at being a Goliath and using a...
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    Need Class Suggestions

    As many of you have read I have had my rogue bard from sneak attacks because the DM feels that rogues shouldn't be allowed to deal more damage then a fighter or paly. So now I'm looking for new ideas for a class to play and I have been having trouble thinking of something to play. I'm...
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    Need rogue help

    I'm currently a 5th lv rogue. I died in a recent game and the party stupidly used a wish spell to bring me back instead of paying someone. As a result of poor phrasing my character has been cursed so that he doesnt trust anyone. This includes: My character won't let anyone stand less then 40ft...
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    Need help with a fun rogue build.

    I have been playing a 2 wep fighting rogue and it has been going well, but recently we have nearly doubled the size of the party and the DM has offered up the chance to change our characters builds. I have decided that a want to play something other then a "pure" rogue. I don't a fully...
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    Scorpion heritor

    My question is in the scorpion heritor prestige class from the book sandstorm. In the section it describes the class ad being a rogue prestige class and grants sneak attacks. Most of its prereqs are for a 5th lv rogue, +3 bab, 8 ranks in hide but it says you need 4 ranks in survival an knowledge...
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    Helping a friend out.

    I have a friend that is just starting the game and she wants to play a dwarf fighter. I'm helping her make the fighter but not having alot of experience with them I would like some help with feats. Her stats are as follows. Str 16 Dex 15 Con 18 Int 15 Wis 11 Cha 12 She wants...
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    Class Help

    Im new here so sorry if this is the wrong place to post this. I currently have a lv3 rogue and was thinking about multiclassing monk. Im an elf, and my base stats without racial modifiers are: Str-13 Con-15 Wis-9 Dex-18 Int-15 Cha-14 For my feats I took two-weapon...