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Search results

  1. W

    The Horned Rat: A Review

    One of the great joys of the Warhammer Fantasy RPG lies in its ability to blend grim darkness with wild, fantastical creativity, and this is on full display in The Horned Rat. Over the course of its tangled adventures you and your party of hard-bitten heroes go from hunting cat-killers in the...
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    Warhammer Fantasy RPG: Middenheim – City of the White Wolf

    Packed with fascinating places, dangerous people and enough story hooks to snag an entire ocean of adventurers, Middenheim – City of the White Wolf is a top-notch setting guide that never makes the mistake of forgetting its purpose of helping GMs to spice up their games. The positive...
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    Warhammer: Age of Sigmar - Soulbound Review

    None of the Warhammer games have ever bothered with much in the way of subtlety and Age of Sigmar - Soulbound follows this fine tradition with a fiery enthusiasm. This isn’t necessarily a bad thing. It’s a game that revels in having powerful characters performing mighty deeds, all set against...
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    Warhmamer 40K Wrath & Glory (Cubicle 7 Re-Release) Review

    While it has its quirks and complications, the simple fact that Wrath & Glory works at all is strangely impressive. For the first time, it allows you to play out almost any story you could imagine in the war-torn future of Warhammer 40K with just one rulebook and just one ruleset. That may...
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    Enemy Within Part One: Enemy in Shadows - A Review

    The latest edition of Warhammer Fantasy RPG is built on a charming blend of old-school rules and modern sensibilities, and while Enemy in Shadows certainly does a wonderful job of capturing everything great about the setting, it sometimes feels held back by its devotion to a decades-old script...
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    Robotech: The Macross Saga RPG Review

    It was hard to know what to expect when opening up a Robotech RPG. Would it be a game about giant robots punching each other through space or 80s pop-star drama? Would it be a campy slice of entertainment or a weirdly edited tangle of confusion? The answer, it turned out, was "yes". Formed...
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    Band of Blades: A Tightly-Woven Military Fantasy

    For all the swords, magic and monsters that run through the pages of Band of Blades it stands utterly distinct from traditional fantasy RPGs. Where others dream of shelf-spanning sagas, it instead captures the compact, carefully-plotted feel of a modern TV series – one soaked in all the...
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    Choose Your Hand: A Review of Cultzilla's Deck of Illusions & Deck of Many Things

    Rocking beautiful art and solid quality, Cultzilla’s duo of magical decks are worthwhile investments if you’re hungry for a little more atmosphere at the table, have a party willing to risk a little chaos and don’t mind dropping some extra cash on your game. Both the Deck of Illusions and...
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    Rough Nights & Hard Days: A Review

    Built with the aim of rejecting linear adventure writing, this slim collection of tales for Warhammer Fantasy RPG’s fourth edition blends the tangled storytelling of a Shakespearean farce with a generous helping of the blood, darkness and doom that are the setting’s calling-cards. To...
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    Things from the Flood: A Review

    Sequels can be a tricky thing to handle, especially when they promise a darker, edgier tone. Despite its much gloomier tone, however, Things from the Flood manages to avoid difficult-second-album syndrome with a game that neatly blends weird sci-fi mysteries and teenage drama, though sometimes...
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    Bree-Land Region Guide: A Review

    In the Lord of the Rings the quaint little town of Bree marked the place where a dangerous journey grew into a true adventure. Now, with the Bree-Land Region Guide it can easily play the same role for the Adventures in Middle-Earth, framing the party’s first few steps from humdrum civilisation...
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    WFRPG Starter Set Review: Nailing the Fundamentals

    There are a few fairly simple elements needed to make a solid RPG starter set, and while Warhammer Fantasy RPG 4E’s attempt won’t blow any minds it absolutely nails the fundamentals that new players need to get a game running. When you prise open the box – or possibly unzip the PDFs –...
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    What's the Best Holiday to Game? U.K. Edition

    Last week Mike Tresca took an American perspective on the best holidays for dropping fireballs on your friends and family, but how do things fare for those of us living beyond the reach of star-spangled banners and thanksgiving turkeys? Well, here’s the resident Brit to fill you in on how we do...
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    Unmasking Masks of Nyarlathotep

    The twisted horrors and blood-crazed cultists of Masks of Nyarlathotep helped define the feel of Lovecraftian roleplaying more than three decades ago, and while this sprawling update weighs heavily on both the wallet and the bookshelf it does an excellent job of adapting the classic campaign for...
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    "Exploding With Excitement": Judge Dredd & The Worlds of 2000AD Kickstarter

    “When we approached Darren Pearce to write on the core rulebook, he exploded with excitement,” says Russ Morrisey, designer of Judge Dredd & The Worlds of 2000AD and founder of EN World. “I mean literally. It was messy.” While he’s possibly exaggerating just a little bit, it’s fair to say...
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    Delving Beneath the Surface of Runequest: Glorantha

    At first glance it would be easy to dismiss Runequest: Glorantha as just another addition to the pile of fantasy RPGs clogging up the shelves of your local store, but if you delve beneath the surface you’ll find a fascinating blend of wild heroism and ruthless simulation that goes to create a...
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    Too Angry to Die: Building a Tanky Barbarian

    This article is the first in a series of guides to building characters in D&D 5E. The plan is to get into some wackier character concepts further down the line, but we’re going to start with something simple (and, conveniently, right at the front of the Player’s Handbook): creating the most...
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    Welcome to The Witcher RPG

    There are plenty of interesting ideas and novel approaches to adapting parts of the videogame to the tabletop, but The Witcher is tough as dragonhide and as intimidating as any wraith. But if you already love the series and are comfortable with simulationist RPGs, it’s a great way to forge your...
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    Open Up New Worlds Of Gaming With The Open Legend RPG

    Many RPGs promise to let us do exactly what we want, but few of them achieve this goal quite as well as Open Legend. With a bit of effort this setting-free system can allow you to build everything from a band of medieval knights to off-brand X-Men, though this comes at the cost of a little more...
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    Getting Dangerous With The Elite: Dangerous Role-Playing Game

    Some RPGs are suited to telling a tight story, and some work best in a sandbox where players can explore and adventure as they please. The Elite: Dangerous RPG definitely falls into the latter category. That makes sense, though, as the original Elite is arguably the granddaddy of open-world...