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  1. T

    Space 1889: shipbuilding calculations seem off

    On the off chance anyone still likes this world and has the books to refer to: The calculation for altitude for screwgalleys seems completely off in the Sky Galleons of Mars and the Cloudships and Gunboats supplements. Each turncrank position, equal to the number of turncrank men I figure, is...
  2. T

    Norse names for weapons

    We are playing a Viking campaign. My berserk obsessively collects spears and names them. I need a Norse name rescourse or some good words/names from you folks to name his spears. I'm running out of my own at this point.
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    Iron heroes? please read

    Iron Heroes, please live! If anyone from the now defunct old montecook.com Iron Heroes message boards happens by this, or anyone with any knowledge of it, please post if there's anywhere to go now. Anybody's blog or something where a lot of us frequent where one could still talk IH if need be...
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    Iron Heroes, please live!

    If anyone from the now defunct old montecook.com Iron Heroes message boards happens by this, or anyone with any knowledge of it, please post if there's anywhere to go now. Anybody's blog or something where a lot of us frequent where one could still talk IH if need be, hear from crow about 2E if...
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    "Hot Pursuit" supplement

    Wondering if anyone has ever used these chase rules, and the foot-chase expansion to it, and what your experiences were with it.
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    1890 ship speeds?

    Does anyone know of a good online rescourse for 1890's steam ship speeds? Or just know the answer to the following question: Our party travelled from England, I think Dover, to Alexandria, Egypt by steamship. How long would that trip have taken in 1890? Any good rescources for this sort of...
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    Assassin-wizards: The Broken Wands

    In the Tome and Blood splat book, there is an organization of wizards called the Broken Wands that operate as assassins. I always thought this was an intriguing idea and finally may have an opportunity to play this idea. My ? is, is this really a viable idea for a wizard and if so, how to...
  8. T

    d20 modern:1st timer-House rules?

    We are playing a victorian era d20Past (to be more specific) game with a heavy Cthulu and Mask of the Red Death influence. Are their any house rules wiki's or other fan compilations on the internet? Google gave me, well, a little but not much. Some specific early problems: -Making a kung fu...