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Search results

  1. Andy Kitkowski

    Dark Sun Fans: Unite and Help a Homie out!

    Hey all- I need a little help with something. So I'm trying to sell off all of my Dark Sun stuff (cause I have most of it up here anyway *points to head*, and if I did it all over again I'd probably use FUDGE or the Exalted system), and I came to a dilemma: So, on the Revised Boxed Set (save...
  2. Andy Kitkowski

    Any Indie d20/OGL designers out there?

    Hey all, I'm trying to make a shout out for a new awards ceremony that's starting up this year, called the "2002 Indie RPG Awards". It's basically like an Origins or ENnie awards, but not for the "industry giants"- Instead, it's for the small-press publishers and indie designers who make all...
  3. Andy Kitkowski

    [PR] Indie d20/OGL Deisgners: The 2002 Indie RPG Awards have gone Live!

    The 2002 Indie RPG Awards have gone live! http://www.rpg-awards.com The RPG Industry has several major awards ceremonies: The Origins awards, which rewards industry professionals for their works, and recently the ENnie Awards for only d20 games and game publishers. Independent RPGs and their...
  4. Andy Kitkowski

    Women who Roleplay at Convetions: Stalking Incidents?

    Hey all- This is my first post here. I'm a regular at RPGNet but I wanted to pool as much of the online connunity as possible. I'm doing a little research for an article comparing Japanese RPG culture to American RPG culture. Anyway, one of the best sources of Japn gaming culture is this one...