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  1. Dark Mistress

    Pathfinder 1E Paizo's Ultimate Equipment book...

    I consider ...and a 10 foot pole. one of the must have gear books, it has it's short coming but for generic gear prices or generic trade goods, house hold items, clothes, etc, it is great.
  2. Dark Mistress

    Pathfinder 1E Paizo's Ultimate Equipment book...

    Could have been a great book, as it is it is good. It covers everything and then some when it comes to gear and breaks it up by time period. The one down side and it is kinda a big one. Is none of the gear is explained what it is, what it looked like. So you need to google any item you don't...
  3. Dark Mistress

    Pathfinder 1E Paizo's Ultimate Equipment book...

    To be fair there is not a lot of magic items books out there. I liked it though. I don't think it is a great book but I think it is a good book by paizo and very handy to have. I mostly use it to reference between games though.
  4. Dark Mistress

    Pathfinder 1E What is Paizo going to do when 5E comes out?

    Well what Paizo does depends a lot on what happens. There is three likely possibilities that will make a huge difference on what Paizo does or doesn't do. 1) DnD Next is a flop and Pathfinder grows. In this case I think you see no changes or very little. 2) DnD Next does ok and while some...
  5. Dark Mistress

    Pathfinder 1E Paizo's Ultimate Equipment book...

    As others have said it is a book of generic fantasy gear and magic items. They do that on purpose leaving Golarion campaign specific stuff out of their hardback books. I don't agree with their logic, I understand it but don't agree. Treebore - As far of should you get it. For the mundane gear...
  6. Dark Mistress

    Pathfinder 1E What is Paizo going to do when 5E comes out?

    I don't recall the exact quote but I believe it was James said any AP that uses Mythic rules can be run with out them the PC's will just need to be I think it was 2-3 levels higher per Mythic Tier they should have. So a AP that assumes level 1 Mythic Tier 1 could be run with normal PC's at level...
  7. Dark Mistress

    Pathfinder 1E What is Paizo going to do when 5E comes out?

    One thing you can do is do what I do. I go threw what ever adventure, AP etc i plan to run. I then copy and past the stat blocks onto a doc, make sure everything I need about that encounter is there. Put the T1 or what have you there so i know which location it is from the map. Then I print that...
  8. Dark Mistress

    Gamers Seeking Gamers Issues and Test

    Works for me with Firefox v15.0
  9. Dark Mistress

    GMing vs. Playing: Are Different Books a Double-Standard?

    To go along with what Umbran said. I think the problem is this. You are telling your players you want to limit their options to the books you know well because of time when you GM. Ok makes sense. But then as a player you are wanting to use this book and expect the other GM's to be ok with it...
  10. Dark Mistress

    Pathfinder 1E Speculation, it probably won't happen.. regarding the next edition of pathfinder.

    Paizo has said it will be awhile before they do any type of rules update. They have said their focus is on campaign material and adventures primarily. My personal speculation is we will see Pathfinder 2e at the 10 year mark or in 7 more years. Which means we should see the playtest in about 6...
  11. Dark Mistress

    Which Edition(s) do you regularly play?

    Actual I'm not to surprised by this. There is still plenty of 3.5 books around and the rules are up for free on the internet. Add in there is still some 3pp making new stuff for 3.5 and that Pathfinder stuff can be used with 3.5 especially adventures with little work and you get a game that...
  12. Dark Mistress

    What reasons do people in your groups give for not wanting to GM?

    Don't like it Don't have the time Don't want the responsibility. Those are the three main reasons I have heard.
  13. Dark Mistress

    Which Edition(s) do you regularly play?

    They announced Mythic Rules at Gencon, it will be their take on "epic" level play. The big difference is these are special add on "levels" instead of ones that continue on. For example by what has been said you could have a 3rd level fighter a 1st level mythic warrior(or what ever it will be called)
  14. Dark Mistress

    Warlocks: Goodbye Rogues, we hardly knew you

    I can, but I don't think you would hear me over the internet. :)
  15. Dark Mistress

    Future of D&D Keynote Speech [UPDATE - with video!]

    No worries. I just thought you meant it didn't need to be done till much later. just a misunderstanding. :)
  16. Dark Mistress

    Future of D&D Keynote Speech [UPDATE - with video!]

    I disagree with this part. I think a OGL/GSL or what ever they end up calling it. Needs to be completely 100% done including feedback implemented no later than 6 months before the release of 5E. 3pp need time to examine the document, decided if they want to take part in it. Then have time to...
  17. Dark Mistress

    D&D 5E New D&D Next Playtest Packet Is Here!

    I posted this in another thread talking about 5E but this one seems to be getting a lot more discussion so I will just repost it here. After reading the playtest doc and now some threads here. This is kinda my take(granted my memory is fuzzy on early editions of DnD i was young) 5E to me feels...
  18. Dark Mistress

    Oh My Goodness! That looks like D&D!

    After reading the playtest doc and now some threads here. This is kinda my take(granted my memory is fuzzy on early editions of DnD i was young) 5E to me feels like they took the skeleton of OD&D, put the nerves, muscles, tendons etc of 2E, put in several 3E organs, with a couple of 4E organs...
  19. Dark Mistress

    Pathfinder 1E New to Pathfinder

    A witches spells are stored in their familiar if that's what you are asking.
  20. Dark Mistress

    Pathfinder 1E New to Pathfinder

    Some of your questions might be answered in the FAQ on Paizo. Also you are likely to get better responses to rules questions there, since often the Paizo staff answers such questions eventually.