• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

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  1. L

    Character Traits/Flaws/Points...........

    I had the chance to read Unearthed arcana very briefly but if you take a character flaw you get to take a bonus feat. You can take two flaws max and get two bonus feats. I kinda don't like that idea because I do see people abusing them. I think I might let it in my game if I get to roll...
  2. L

    Spell Tricks and Combos A to Z

    Need a mage and a cleric for this one. Cast blade barrier on one or more BBEGs. If they make the save and are on your side of the blade barrier cast bigbys forcefull had to bull rush them back into the blade barrier. Wash Rinse and Repeat as needed. :D
  3. L

    How do you handle forrested terrain in combat?

    I draw the trees and shrubs on the battle map. We have a lamanated one so it only takes a few seconds. I put no tought into it. I just draw them at random. But you wouldn't believe the effect on the battle with just randomly placed crap on the field. Player "I charge the baddie" DM...
  4. L

    Long Range Spells... do you use the extra range?

    Last game session I found my self kicking my self because I couldn't thing "outside the battle map" I did a buff spell for my cleric instead of blasting the group of approaching baddies because they where off the battle map and I didn't think to ask the dm on the Exact range. Won't forget...
  5. L

    BBEG turning divine spell casters

    Thanks pax. Thats what I though too. Another grip is that when we killed him and still had alot of his baddies left to fight the effect didn't wear off. :(
  6. L

    BBEG turning divine spell casters

    I recently started a new campain as a cleric. (normally I DM). Well we ran into a Big Bad Evil Guy who had some sort of Prestige class on him that gave him a check to turn divine spell casters so me and my druid companion could not cast spells. Has anyone heard of this, possibly in a magazine...
  7. L

    Question on Wall spells?

    This may have been done befor but i pry didn't read the thread. Can you shape a wall of Force? For example, say I have 80 feet to work with can I go 40 feet and then put a 90 degree bend in the wall to basically make a room to trap baddies in? What about wall of stone? The descriptions are...
  8. L

    Do you DM like this?

    can't say I game like that but I do throw things and often times have to yell out "ok children"
  9. L

    The best laid plans of mice and DMs

    I have actually had decent luck recently gaming a group with baddies that keep comming around. Actually they befrended a pair of half dragon fighter/barbarians and a mindflyer sorcerer that where spies for a red dragon planning on attacking the town. They actually fought on the same side in...
  10. L

    Help with a running battle/ seige

    Hello, I am gaming a group that has been stuck in the middle of a brewing war between a local town and a Red Dragon that is bent on taking the territory for his own. Long story short I am running the "climax" battle next gamming session (the PC's know its comming and have been helping the town...
  11. L

    Can someone send me this Feat?

    One of my players is going into a prestige class from the book of Exaulted Deeds. The class is posted on Wizards.com com as an excerpt. Its the Lion of Talisid but I need someone to post me the Feat that is required; Favored of the Companions. If anyone has this that'd be cool. Thanks.
  12. L

    TPK's - and the parties that liked them

    I was DMing a group in 2e that was really fond of killing dragons. They all had dragon armor of way too much AC bonus. Plus they where all loaded with magic so they where almost immune to the dragon breaths (like if they failed a save they would take 1/4 dammage, if they saved the took 1/8th)...
  13. L

    Enworlds Funniest Critical Hits and Fumbles!

    I was DM'ing a campain in 2E. The groups Dwarf fighter and Elf ranger always where going at it. (they where good friends and did this kind of stuff in every campain) So they get into it in a bar and the huge bouncers throw the Elf out of the tavern. Elf- I draw my bow and shoot through the...
  14. L

    Attacks of opportunity?

    I know this subject gets ran into the ground but I was wondering about something. I'm DM'ing a group that has a sorcerer in it. He has like 15 ranks in concentration. So he casts defensively and only fails on a 1. Is there anyway to actually make casting in combat dangerous for him again?
  15. L

    Sword of Sharpness?

    Thanks for the link for the sword. I was thinking that on a natural 20 you can roll for the crit. If you crit you roll what limb it takes off and then the creature must make a fortitude save VS the dammage delt or go into shock. Reguardless if the they go into shock or not they loose 5 Hp per...
  16. L

    Sword of Sharpness?

    I was converting the Ruins of Undermountain II to 3.5 and in the adventure there is a sword of sharpness. Now I might be wrong but I could not find Sword of Sharpness anywhere. Did I overlook it or did they do away with it? If they did do away with it what would be some good rules for using...
  17. L

    Best way to keep from being charmed?

    My DM likes to screw over the group with charm spells. We have a mixed group but for some reason when the gloves are off we can never save verses charm spells. What is the best way to prevent charm? Are their any items that will block it without having to activate it first? Thanks
  18. L


    My favorite name for a character was Void Vanhelsing. I always wanted to name a character void and the Vanhelsing part from Dracula seemed appropriate. Also had a character in Battlelords of the 23rd centruy named Coup De Grace. Thing is I would pronounce it the way is sounds foneticly.