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  1. B

    2nd printing of 3.5.

    Re: Re: Re: 2nd printing of 3.5. The fact that WotC are releasing all three corebooks in the same month tells me they're printing less of each book compared to 3e. They don't have Werehouses of Holding and infinite printer time. What I'm hoping is that the second printing (of at least the PH)...
  2. B

    3.5 Liches

    Coldfire(su): magical projecticles that do 3d10 negative energy damage. Full atk: 2 balls, standard action: 1 ball. 15 ft range. Despair(su): regular lich touch + emotion (despair). Doom Gaze(su): slay with a glance, 30 ft range. Fort save to negate. Dream Haunting(su): as name implies. Will...
  3. B

    3.5 Liches

    Hmm is anyone with both 3.0 and 3.5 MMs handy able to tell me if there are any major differences between the two or even if some of the powers from Monsters of Faerun were folded into the core. Finally, but most importantly to me, what is the CR, LA (if any) and ECL (if any) of the lich? Thanks...
  4. B

    [CotSQ] Sneaky way to beat the module!

    My sympathies, I hope you can find a proper DM soon. :p
  5. B

    Compiled 3.5 Revisions

    Re: Ranger favoured enemy It doesn't make FE any more powerful. Unless you think being evil is a mechanical disadvantage by itself that needed this bit to be balanced.
  6. B

    [CotSQ] Sneaky way to beat the module!

    Either your DM has Int 1 for revealing something like this to a player or he has 23 ranks in Bluff and you failed your Sense Motive check. No, sorry, he really has Int 1.
  7. B

    Resistance is futile... you will upgrade to 3.5!

    "Change is inevitable, except from a vending machine."
  8. B

    Have you been 3.5ed?

    That is very unfortunate, especially after some fans brought this issue to WotC's attention at the last GAMA. Oh well, thanks for the answer Eric.
  9. B

    Have you been 3.5ed?

    Can you please tell me if they the book's spines are stitched like the originals' 1st printing or glued like the FRCS, Manual of the Planes, etc.?
  10. B

    v3.5 Core Books on sale!

    Can you tell me if the books' spine is stitched (like the 1st printing of the core books 3.0) or glued like Manual of the Planes, Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting or even the 2nd (or 3rd not exactly sure) printing of the core books 3.0?
  11. B

    Worst 3.5 Change

    The term "worst" is relative thus even if a person liked ALL the changes there would still be some changes s/he liked less than others thus that person would choose that option in the above pool. (Sorry for being anal :) Oh yeah, Paladin Summon Mount ability all the way, imho it completely...
  12. B

    3.5 Books, stitched or glued?

    Does anyone know if the new books are stitched like the 1st printing of the Core Books or if they are glued like FRCS, MotP, MM II, etc.? Thx in advance.