• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

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  1. Gerald

    Ghostbusters: Who Ya Gonna Call?

    Not to be a pedant ;), but Michael Reaves wrote that episode. Have a look: http://www.mindspring.com/~michaelreaves/callpreface.htm To chime in with everyone else, this is just another feather in your cap! Good going!
  2. Gerald

    Gamers Rule! Universe Shaped Like a d12

    Well the scientists say a soccer ball, but we all know what a dodecahedron is... http://www.msnbc.com/news/977607.asp :cool:
  3. Gerald

    The Rundown

    This movie has d20 Modern written all over it! As I was watching, I kept playing out the game mechanics in my head ("Oops, looks like he botched that Fort save", "Hey, a melee smash! Cool!", etc.) This is one of those "check your brain at the door" movies; good thing I decided to bring mine...
  4. Gerald

    I should be flogged...

    I was in a Pirates and Plunder game, and while we were preparing to cast off on another voyager, the ref informs us that some well-dressed fellow is racing up the pier toward our ship. He shouts up to us, "Ahoy! I need to see your captain, quick!" Without missing a beat, one of the players...
  5. Gerald

    Avalanche Press stops using d20 license

    I have several Avalanche books, and while I must confess that the cheesecake did catch my eye (I'm a healthy male, so sue me! ;) ) it was the content that made me plunk my money down. I found it to be something of a house joke, actually. In fact, when Celtic Age came out, I (and my wife :eek...
  6. Gerald

    D&D: You never forget your first..

    Sherman, set the WABAC machine for 1979. I was 13 and in military school. A few of the upperclassmen were talking about Tolkien and playing this game with strange dice and little metal figures, and looking in hardback books with two columns of dense type. I was weened on AD&D, and discovered...
  7. Gerald

    [Newbie Here] Help!?

    Well, in my game, all I ask is that the players know how to read their character sheets (so I don't get blank stares when I ask "What's your Reflex save mod?" or the like...).
  8. Gerald

    [Newbie Here] Help!?

    First of all, welcome to the hobby! What would you like know?
  9. Gerald

    d20 CoC aliens

    I'm putting together a d20 science fiction homebrew, and I'm wanting to use the Mi-go, the Yithians and the Elder Things as some really oddball alien species. One small problem: my wallet can't take the strain of coughing out $40.00 just for stats on three monsters. As well, the proprietor of...