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  1. Jraynack

    Diseases for the Iconic Adventuring System

    Designed to affect characters when they overexert (forced to reshuffle their character deck due to fatigue loss), diseases lie in wait, striking when the body tires due to strain. If left untreated, their threat increases with each passing day. Here are the disease rules in the Iconic...
  2. Jraynack

    Kickstarter Last 24 Hours! Secret Stretch Goal for the Iconic Adventuring System

    With less than 24 hours to go in our Kickstarter campaign, we wanted to do something as interesting and innovative as our Iconic Adventuring System. We have a secret stretch goal. Click the image above or the following link and read our latest update for more details: Iconic Adventuring System
  3. Jraynack

    Kickstarter Last 48 Hours! Iconic Adventuring System

    Iconic Adventuring System has 48 hours left in its Kickstarter Campaign - at 99% funded, will you be the one to push our community to 100%? Click the the Image to Learn How to Make Your Game Iconic. Iconic Adventuring System is a deck building, tabletop role-playing game which emphasizes...
  4. Jraynack

    Kickstarter Download Free Magic & Miracles Preview

    Download Free Magic & Miracles Preview for the Iconic Adventuring System. Iconic is a deck building, tabletop role-playing game that emphasizes narrative play with cards. CLICK IMAGE or the LINK BELOW: Update 13: Magic & Miralces Preview · Iconic Adventuring System
  5. Jraynack

    Kickstarter Last Week for Iconic, the Deck Building RPG

    The Iconic Adventuring System is heading into its last week of its Kickstarter campaign. The latest update has free profile pics, while previous updates feature upcoming expansions, the math behind its development, monster previews, links to articles how to make your 5E combat Iconic, and...
  6. Jraynack

    Press How to Make 5E Dungeon & Dragons Iconic

    GeekNative published an article I wrote - it’s how some of the mechanics in the Iconic Adventuring System can speed up 5E Dungeons & Dragons combat encounters (aside from a TPK). Click HERE to check it out (or the link below), and HERE to take a look at the Iconic Adventuring System Kickstarter...
  7. Jraynack

    Iconic Adventuring System Brief Game Play Video

    We updated our Iconic Adventuring System Kickstarter Page to include a brief video giving an example of game play. In the video, we discuss the deck building mechanic, along with an attack against a dragon featuring the how action cards (or lack of) can facilitate narrative game play to build...
  8. Jraynack

    Iconic Adventuring System Weapons and Armor Chapter Preview on Geek Native

    Geek Native has an exclusive preview of the Weapons and Armor chapter for the Iconic Adventuring System. While it is still in the editing stages and a few things might change in the final product, this free download will give you a sneak peek what to expect from the system. Click HERE or the...
  9. Jraynack

    Kickstarter Iconic Adventuring System, Deck Building TRPG

    The Iconic Adventuring System is now live on Kickstarter. The Iconic System is a deck building, tabletop RPG that use cards instead of dice for task resolution to create a unique and immersive experience. Please help us bring this new, innovative addition to the TTRPG genre to life. Click...
  10. Jraynack

    Iconic Adventuring System Available on Kickstarter

    The Iconic Adventuring System is now live on Kickstarter. The Iconic System is a deck building, tabletop RPG that use cards instead of dice for task resolution to create a unique and immersive experience. Please help us bring this new, innovative addition to the TRPG genre to life. Click...
  11. Jraynack

    Kickstarter Download Iconic Adventuring System Fundamentals for Free: Coming to Kickstarter

    GET A SNEAK PEEK AT THE ICONIC ADVENTURING SYSTEM! COMING SOON TO KICKSTARTER! Welcome to a new addition to the tabletop role-playing genre. Although a role-playing game, the Iconic Adventuring System is vastly different than its predecessors. First, apart from being a role-playing game, it...
  12. Jraynack

    Download Iconic Adventuring System Fundamentals for FREE!

    GET A SNEAK PEEK AT THE ICONIC ADVENTURING SYSTEM! COMING SOON TO KICKSTARTER! Welcome to a new addition to the tabletop role-playing genre. Although a role-playing game, the Iconic Adventuring System is vastly different than its predecessors. First, apart from being a role-playing game, it...
  13. Jraynack

    COMING SOON TO KICKSTARTER: Iconic Adventuring System

    The Iconic Adventuring System Kickstarter Campaign starts soon. Click the image above or HERE to learn more and to get notified when it launches.
  14. Jraynack

    LEARN ICONIC | How Magic Works

    Since the beginning of time, many try to harness the supernatural energies to create mystical love potions, divine the future, thwart enemies, bring fortune, or consolidate power. Through arcane knowledge and faithful devotion, one cultivates a key to unlock the gateway into the unknown. For...
  15. Jraynack

    LEARN ICONIC | Stress and Wounds

    In the Iconic Adventuring System, both physical and mental trauma, take the form of either wound or stress cards. When you gain a wound card, oftentimes you place the card face-up in the discard pile of your character deck (known as the fatigue pile). While it remains in your character deck, it...
  16. Jraynack

    LEARN ICONIC | How Armor Works in Iconic

    How does Armor Work in the Iconic Adventuring System? First, thank you for taking the time and interest in our upcoming Kickstarter project, the Iconic Adventuring System. It is a true deck building, tabletop role-playing game that makes use of cards instead of dice. Like its medieval...
  17. Jraynack

    LEARN ICONIC | Basic Task Resolution

    Be on the lookout for our upcoming Kickstarter Project, but in the meantime, learn how to play the Iconic Adventuring System™ from Alea Publishing Group. Check out the following video link: Basic Task Resolution Iconic is a true deck building Tabletop Role-Playing Game designed by Joshua...
  18. Jraynack

    D&D 5E Paragon Races Available at the DMGuild!

    Paragon Races offers new rules to become the epitome of your chosen race. The first installment features the elf paragon, including a new bardic college, magic items, variant rules for inspiration, and more. As support grows, we will update the product with additional paragon races and further...
  19. Jraynack

    D&D 5E Blood Magic (5E) has a new update!

    Blood Magic has a update to include a new fighter archetype, the Blood Thrall. Born from vampire masters or demonic overlords, blood thralls have thrown off the yoke of servitude and now desire to control the dark gifts that still pump in their veins. Perfect for the new Curse of Strahd...
  20. Jraynack

    D&D 5E Journey into the Realms - Encounters and Exploits

    Dangerous encounters await those who journey into the Realms. THIS IS AN EXPANDING PRODUCT This product will continue to grow as we add more content and, depending on the amount of new material, the price will also increase with each new update. Those purchasing it at the current price will...