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  1. Chiaroscuro23

    Recently moved to Allentown, PA. Looking for gamers

    Hi all, My wife (also a gamer) and I recently moved from Wisconsin to Allentown, Pennsylvania for work. We'd like to meet some people, and do some gaming. Drop me a line if you're in the area and at all interested!
  2. Chiaroscuro23

    Did the domains assigned to Greyhawk deities change in 3.5?

    Forgive me if this is a stupid question, but I can't remember if the domains available changed with the revision. Not having a PHB to hand, and being unable to find that info online (I don't think Greyhawk deities are SRD) I'm not sure. For example, it used to be that Olidammara granted Luck...
  3. Chiaroscuro23

    Is it rude to offer other players unsolicited optimization advice?

    Well, is it? I am intentionally cutting out ambiguity and many relevant factors in the poll. I know that. :cool:. Surely offering advice on any issue could be rude in certain situations. My question is more about gaming than social skills. Some folks are offended by questioning the GM, even...
  4. Chiaroscuro23

    [Age of Worms] So do you think a Skullclan Hunter would work in AoW?

    I'm starting up Age of Worms tomorrow. After asking around here what sort of character would work well the whole group sat down with the DM to make PCs. I decided I'd be the trapfinder, and I was thinking of a build along the lines of Rogue 3/Swashbuckler 3/Invisible Blade 5/I'll worry about...
  5. Chiaroscuro23

    What are some good character ideas for Age of Worms?

    I've been invited to play in an Age of Worms game, and am thinking about what type of PC to play. I don't play a lot of pre-written modules in general, so I'm not really used to fitting my PC into the plot instead of the other way 'round. But that's what I want to do here. What sort of character...
  6. Chiaroscuro23

    Buying single DDM online--whaddaya think?

    So I've just about decided to skip buying any boxes of Underdark and instead buy the commons and uncommons I want from that set (and older sets) online. It looks like this strategy could save me money and time (plus no trading online to get what I really want) but I'd like to hear opinions from...
  7. Chiaroscuro23

    Help me find some miniatures

    So I have a four person D&D group, and we use minis regularly. Two of the PCs are currently represented by minis which don't look much like they do, and I'm wondering if the collective brain of ENworld can help me track down more appropriate minis for them. Prepainted minis like Mage Knight or...
  8. Chiaroscuro23

    How do you determine hitpoints?

    I've started a new game, and I'm disatisfied with rolling HPs, mainly because it sucks to roll low and it can drastically alter game balance. I'm interested to know how others handle it. If your favorite option isn't represented in the poll, please post about it in more detail. Thanks! -C.
  9. Chiaroscuro23

    D&D 2E Help me design a Midnight 2e channeler

    So I played a Midnight 1e game the other year. My character was a wood elf dragon-blooded intelligence-based channeler. We went through Crown of Shadow. Now that M2E is out, the DM wants to start the game up again, converting to 3.5 and M2E. He's told us to take free reign in redesigning our...