• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Search results

  1. Sarigar

    The ENWorld Movie Nominations!

    Don't know if this has ever been done before, but here goes. Make a list for the best Movie, Director, Actor, Actress, Supporting Actor, Supporting Actress, Cinematography, Music, Score, Special Effects, Sound, Animated Feature, Costume, Sets, Foreign Language Film, and Screenplay. Some topics...
  2. Sarigar

    The Fog sequel

    A new The Fog movie is setting up for production. See it here . Title, Foggier :lol:
  3. Sarigar

    Gamer's Lost Quiz

    As gamers, which would you choose if you were Lost?
  4. Sarigar

    Keifer only 24 regular returning

    E!Online reporting Keifer Sutherland is the only regular cast member returning for the new season of 24 . I will expect some of the others to pop in from time to time. Reiko Aylesworth will relieve the recently fired cast members on CSI .
  5. Sarigar

    Best scene in a movie

    What is the best movie sequence you have seen? This can be a scene that made a movie (pie scene in American Pie), or just one scene out of a really good movie that moved you. One from recent years for me (and one that opened up a whole new genre of film) was in Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon...
  6. Sarigar

    What are some good roleplaying related games?

    What are your favorite gaming related products in these categories: World Building not specific to D&D? Character building system not specific to D&D? World Building specific to D&D? Character building system for D&D?