• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Search results

  1. S

    E6: The Game Inside D&D

    I am running a pathfinder game for E8. So far, we are only in the first module, so no different from any other game, except that some of the feat choices folks are making are different than I have noticed in past games. I prefer E8 (with blocking a few spell choices) than E6. We will see how...
  2. S

    Roleplaying? Yeah right!

    I am currently running what will eventually be an E8 Pathfinder game for my FLGS. Because all of the players basically chose +1 lvl adj races (or I modified a standard +0 by giving two Iron Heroes traits to make it the equivalent) [and I just simply ignored the lvl adj] and have 5 players...
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    The Aboleth!!

    First off, I make the aboleth masters of psionics, even more so than the mind-flayers. Since I run a VERY different homebrew, being a psuedo-post apocalyptic technomagic campaign, the aboleth of the current time are usually found in ruins in the deepest of the Taint Lands (think 1950's SF...
  4. S

    [Devil's Workshop] Race Creation Cookbook Updated and Revised

    That is ok, as far as I can tell, I did not get an update email either, and I know I purchased this product from rpgnow. skippy The GM of The Cursed Earth Campaign
  5. S

    Magic Item Compendium

    I am a gadgeteer at heart, and always played that sort in most kinds of games. Thus, while I am the GM in my current homebrew, and haven't had the chance to play in many years, my favorite regular party NPC is an artificer. This said, number one favorite thing is augment crystals. They are...
  6. S

    Magic Item Compendium

    I have it also, so I will answer a few quick questions. About psionics, there really aren't any NEW items. Mostly what they did was collect a number of the items from the XPH and list them, BUT they also listed the ARCANE/DIVINE spells and feats needed to make them as normal magic items...
  7. S

    It's An Ioun Bludger!

    Malhavoc's When the Sky Falls has a few meterite spells that basically do this. I have a number of magic items that my players use for the same effect (both offensive and defensive). skippy GM of The Cursed Earth Campaign
  8. S

    [Lion's Den/Ronin Arts] You won't see *this* assassin coming...

    Ari, When is your next class product coming out. EVERY single one of the recent ones have filled a need or a mechanic that I didn't even realize was a gaping hole in my homebrew. I think the assassin book mentioned a psychic knight or some such. I know WOTC has been keeping you busy, and...
  9. S

    How can we possibly get out of this one? (Updated with recent events)

    Your GM needs to be VERY glad that I am NOT playing in his game. Then again, my characters tend to think outside the box in morally questionable ways anyway, thus why one GM made me always play characters with relatively rigid codes of honor, so he could better control my more chaotic streak...
  10. S

    At what Cover Price do you Drop?

    This proves the fact that different people find different things useful in Dragon. ANY Greyhawk material is worse than useless to me. I would rather have those same pages filled with blatant video game ads, because the artwork might spark an idea or two with me. Forgotten Realms material is...
  11. S

    If You Give a Mouse a Cookie... Players and Power Creep

    I run a rather unique homebrew which allows most everything from Dragon and WOTC sources, as long as I have at least a photocopy of the relavent pages (if I don't already also own the book). That said, I do NOT allow everything in the core books, as there are NO CLERICS in my game, of any sort...
  12. S

    Previews for Dungeon 143 and Dragon 352

    Thanks for the quick response. I will be renewing my subscription tonight. I must admit that I really enjoy getting Dragon in the mail every month, especially weeks earlier than the bookstores! skippy The GM of the Cursed Earth Campaign
  13. S

    Previews for Dungeon 143 and Dragon 352

    Attention Dragon Magazine Editors Eric and company, Amazon.com is running a special on magazine subscriptions this month (september), and I am thinking about going ahead and renewing my Dragon subscription (I must admit I am even thinking about adding a Dungeon subscription for the Savage Tide...
  14. S

    Think Tank: Oddball Races...

    Gnomes are traders and bankers whose reach is found accross the entire world. But they are a dour and humorless race, who worship a singular god, dress in severe and dark styles, and basically act like Puritans. Naturally, they believe they are the chosen people, and, while they also believe...
  15. S

    Eric Noah's Info

    4th Edition cannot come soon enough for me! The absolutely best thing that could happen to me and my homebrew campaign (and even my players) would be the introduction of 4th edition D&D, especially if it is mini-centric as expected. And why would I be doing a snoopy dance of glee when the...
  16. S

    Background Skills - Good Idea?

    My homebrew is very different from standard D&D (being a psuedo post-apocalyptic technomagic campaign) where a characters background defines not only what races he is able to take, but also what classes are likewise available. After figuring out what 2 of the 4 backgraounds will give a...
  17. S

    Should I add Action Points to my game?

    I have been using action points in my game since they were introduced in ECS. While I use them pretty much as written in that book, I also found something on I think it was Malhavoc's forum about using APs "before" you roll as opposed to after. So the new house rule has been that if you use an...
  18. S

    Which D&D supplement do you most enjoy using?

    While it may not be my favorite as such, the book that started me back to gaming (and even more amazing, GMing) after a decade or so was Perpetrated Press's Arsenal book. It was the first gaming book that I had ever read (including Mage and Shadowrun) that treated Techno Magic properly, as...
  19. S

    Incarnum interest level?

    Thanks! I must admit though that there is a certain "neon energy" effect when the incarnites have to mainfest into an actual psuedo physical effect, such as a mist cloak or whatever they call the flaming cloak...but again these are insubstantial. Also, I did incorporate some of the ideas about...
  20. S

    Incarnum interest level?

    I found the Magic of Incarnum to be EXACTLY what I needed for a VERY important race in my Homebrew, humans. Mine is a psuedo post apocalyptic technomagic world where all of the base races either had to make some substantial changes or are extinct, most especially the humans. There are VERY few...