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  1. luke_twigger

    Do you use D&D XP system as written?

    No. We level up as and when the DM feels it appropriate to the campaign, depending on pacing, reaching important in-game milestones, etc. Gets rid of the "wander round till we have a couple more random encounters and we're up a level". Generally means we level up just as a session ends so have a...
  2. luke_twigger

    The Most Powerful Item

    "Most powerful" in terms of relatively common items in the DMG not something campaign specific with custom powers, I'd have to say a Ring of Blinking in the hands of my halfling rogue.
  3. luke_twigger

    What are the 5 most powerful feats in the PHB?

    I'd suggest Skill Focus (Concentration) as better than Combat Casting, OK it's only +3 not +4 but it covers more situations.
  4. luke_twigger

    Intelligent Items at 1st level?

    My suggestion is to ensure it's clear that the intelligent items (i.e. you the DM) are in charge of how and when their abilties are used and they're not at the characters' beck and call i.e. the characters *request* something to happen. Of course at first the item does whatever the character...
  5. luke_twigger

    NPCs talking to NPCs - is the DM going crazy?

    I've found it useful to pick out specific miniatures for selected NPCs. When speaking as an NPC I place the appropriate miniature on the table in front of me, acts as a visual cue. My players like it, YMMV.
  6. luke_twigger

    Where PCs buy & sell magic items

    It depends from campaign to campaign. In my current campaign, I've deliberately gone for a straightforward, by the DMG approach, so have GP limits assigned to each town (typically <3000gp) and PCs can freely buy/sell anything below those values (but I only allow magic items from the DMG, not...
  7. luke_twigger

    Maths errors in RPGs

    I think the NPC stat related blunders I occasionally make as DM (forgetting Spell Resistance, not using Dodge feat, etc) are probably more frequent and more serious than most stat block errors I've noticed. Obviously I would prefer books to have correct stat blocks if offered a choice.
  8. luke_twigger

    Alternate Classes in UA

    No problem, hope it helps. If you have any feedback regarding power levels, errors, improvements it'd be much appreciated. Very little of it has been playtested so far, we just followed gut instincts. So feel free to post here (or PM me) with comments.
  9. luke_twigger

    Alternate Classes in UA

    My group have been using the Generic Class rules from UA (also available for free at d20srd.org). We quickly realised that very few class abilities had been converted into feats so spent time house-ruling most of the others. So far we have 2 PCs using these rules in our current campaign...
  10. luke_twigger

    looking for: intrigue at court

    Going back a few years, and away from d20 entirely, the Power Behind the Throne scenario for Warhammer Roleplay did a very good job of this kind of thing. It'd be worth a look if you saw a cheap secondhand copy.
  11. luke_twigger

    Fantastic Locations: Where are the levels?

    They did do a web enhancement for Hellspike Prison to scale it up from 9th to 12th level. http://www.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/we/20060113a
  12. luke_twigger

    Best Value for Money RPG Purchase

    Sorry, I saw the "no core rulebook" proviso, yet I still have to nominate my WFRP rulebook from 1986 as having *easily* seen the most use out of all my books.
  13. luke_twigger

    Designing a new campaign: Brainstorm stage, Focus wanted

    It's both print and pdf. http://www.montecook.com/cgi-bin/page.cgi?mpress_Sky 64-page softbound book Stock #WW16121 ISBN 1-58846-061-4
  14. luke_twigger

    Designing a new campaign: Brainstorm stage, Focus wanted

    A useful book to consider would be When the Sky Falls from Malhavoc Press. ENWorld Store http://shop.enworld.org/index.php?productsid=1560&source=Search%20for%20sky ENWord Reviews http://www.enworld.org/reviews.php?do=product&productid=118579 Homepage...
  15. luke_twigger

    The New Design Philosophy?

    A common language is not the *only* apparent connection between the two - there's the small fact that an Ogre Mage has the word Ogre in its name! I'm not being facetious. I've been playing since 2E days but it was only reading this thread that made me realise that the two monsters weren't...
  16. luke_twigger

    When should you use really high EL encounters?

    Huh? This sounds like a DM teaching players a morality lesson? Why would a dragon ruthlessly execute PCs just because earlier in the campaign those same PCs had butchered an entire band of orcs? (Unless of course the orcs were vassals to the dragon, and the dragon found out that it was the PCs...
  17. luke_twigger

    Looking for a random weather generator

    There's a weather generator built into DMGenie (http://www.dmgenie.com)
  18. luke_twigger

    New campaign, Core + ONE acessory

    On the question of "does allowing access to more spells to choose from increase the power level". My opinion is yes. As evidence I'd point to the Magic the Gathering game. Imagine a Cleric with access to PHB only to be like playing a "Standard" Magic deck (aka Type2) where you build a 60 card...
  19. luke_twigger

    Clerics - What do you LIKE and DISLIKE?

    Clerics are my favourite class and many of my 3.X PCs have been Clerics. But I dislike the fact that most Clerics end up very similar in terms of spells. A Cleric has a large number of generic spells with only a small selection of domain spells. I think it should be the other way round. I...
  20. luke_twigger

    New campaign, Core + ONE acessory

    One suggestion - don't allow Spell Compendium as a player's accessory. Also note that those who picked Spell Compendium won't get access to any special feats or PrCs. A different suggestion - see if the Cleric player would be happy to try the rules for Spontaneous Divine Casting instead.