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  1. L

    Staff master PrC

    Thanks, Bront. I think that 5th level for wizards is a bit low for the concept I have in mind. I suppose the easiest way to fix that is to require access to higher level arcane spells. If I bumped that requirement to 5th level spells, then sorcerers could qualify at 10th level and wizards at...
  2. L

    Staff master PrC

    Hiya All, Its been a little while since I have been here but I was hoping I could get some feedcack from you guys on a PrC I am working on for my Home Brew campaign... The idea is basically a wizard/sorcerer prestige class that focuses on the use of the staff. As such, it gets some...
  3. L

    What 9th-level spells should any Wizard prepare?

    Uhmm, I seldom play this high up as I prefer the game experience in the 5th - 15th level range, still.... Wish....the ultimate useful spell, of course the XP cost can be prohibitive. Shapechange...perhaps one of the most story breaking spells there is, when used by a clever caster...
  4. L

    No Range Increment for Ranged Touch Attacks?

    Actually, no, I don't see your point....Consider, the magic is doing the aiming and the target is doing the avoiding...Our diminutive creature is still rather small, regardless of the range. It needs must take considerabley fewer pains to avoid the incoming attack. The attacker's perception of...
  5. L

    DMG Treasure and Player Arguments

    Yeah, don't get too wrapped up about the character wealth levels. As someone else pointed out, that is a rough gauge of what a PC should have available to him or her at a given level. It is most useful when starting a new character at an advanced level. It is also useful when you want to...
  6. L

    Would you say the Dragon Wild Shape feat is a bit powerful?

    Bahhh...The entire epic concept is broken anyway and this feat just demonstrates one more aspect of what is broken about it. The entire epic level idea creates a break point at which characters achieve god-like powers. A character with even one epic level is so far superior than a character of...
  7. L

    Question concerning Mithril

    Yeah, I would have to go with that as well. While not specifically explained (nor does it really need to be for game purposes) the various armor proficiencies represent any number of things. One needs to know how to properly don armor, how to arrange it, and, believe it our not, one needs to...
  8. L

    Listen up you little dice monkies

    You guys have entirely too much time on your hands, as must I since I read through this entire thing....Next time I need a one off 1d13, I will use 1d20, reroll 14+. If I for some utterly unfathomable reason need multiple d13 numbers generated, I think I will go with either 1d4 and 1d10 divided...
  9. L

    Death Knell????

    Well, Duhhhh.... LOL. Actually, I was not quite sure that the Death descriptor would automatically make it a death effect in the same sense that a bodak gaze or a catelopeas would be. The whole save or die type thing since the DK spell just sort of hastens the dying process rather than...
  10. L

    Help with a new spell -- MY PLAYERS OUT!

    Humm, a lot depends on what you want to rust and on the circumstances I suppose.... RG starts at 4th level... Increase range from touch through short to medium....I would call that plus 2 levels, even three. The increased range is one thing, similar to the enlarge spell feat but the transition...
  11. L

    Death Knell????

    Is the death knell spell a death effect? The spell does not specifically say. The reason I ask is because in a session I am running, one of the bad guy's (a half-fiend human cleric) used death knell to kill one of the character's who was down for the count. Given that raise dead cannot...
  12. L

    Does using a whip to trip provoke an attack of opportunity?

    Indeed, LP, you hit what I was just looking up...The whip only provokes an AoO if used in melee, like a ranged weapon. This presupposes that the opponent trying to take the AoO is in melee with you. Given the whip has a range of 15' it becomes somewhat more difficult for that oppoent to...
  13. L

    Natural Attacks and Iterative Attacks

    Now that is just plain mean spirited...As if monks and trolls were not bad news enough without combining them. Still, it would be an odd troll with the discipline to become a monk...
  14. L

    Natural Attacks and Iterative Attacks

    Well, the troll in question eschews weapons for reasons of ego....It is a flavor thing that I want to keep so the idea of a weapon is out. Of course, I suppose I will just have to deal with the "loss" of an iterative attack. Anyway, I suppose the troll's rend ability more than makes up for the...
  15. L

    Energy Drain Question

    I suppose that there could be such an infinite loop but it is unlikely to happen...After all, the hit points gained by the draining unded are not new permanent hit points. They last at most for one hour. Perhaps an undead might buff itself this way but again, I doubt it. Moreover, the 5hp...
  16. L

    Animate Dead, but cooler?

    There are two things to consider here. You correctly identify the problem with the range. The other is how do the newly animated dead claw their way up from their graves? How long will it take? Will they need to make "attacks" against their coffins or the ground and cause "damage" to tunnel...
  17. L

    Natural Attacks and Iterative Attacks

    Okay, I am sure this has been done to death but I am hoping for some guidance here. Is there any reason why a creature with natural attacks plus sufficient character levels to gain iterative attacks should not get both when making a full attack? Specificly, consider the following. I am...
  18. L

    Spectral Hand & Invisibility & the Assassin's Death Attack...

    While that might be technically correct, I think this is one of those cases where common sense must step in and send the rules lawyers packing. The rational behind the sneak attack is that the attacker has the opportunity to study the target and place the blow in a telling area. This is the...
  19. L

    Energy Drain Question

    Lets address #2 first... Restoration makes the negative level go away. It is the negative level that caused the 5 hp loss. Therefore I would say the character gets those 5 hp's back. Yes, the undead could drain some more levels and gain more hit points. Now, for #1....This is more...
  20. L

    Spike Stones: help with the area of effect

    I would say no to the "plonk them down willy nilly" portion. You are right that the RAW do not specify. However, given that the area is not listed as "shapeable" (ref page 176 of the 3.5 PHB), I would not allow a random scattering of the 20ft squares. As a DM, I would likely allow some...