Search results

  1. Vartan

    D&D 4E Your 4e Bucket List

    DMG3 and more themes would be extremely welcome. Domain management stuff would also be cool. The top of my bucket list? Temple of Elemental Evil boxed set.
  2. Vartan

    D&D 4E 4e's Equivalent to Pathfinder

    lol sorry, I think I tried to say too much in my XP comment. Fourth Party is proof that 4E gamers are passionate, and that gives me hope! I'm working on a standalone con game that showcases Masterplan's utility, once I get a working draft done (my goal is July 1st, with a first run at Dragon...
  3. Vartan

    D&D 4E 4e's Equivalent to Pathfinder

    We don't need a 4E Pathfinder, we need a good 5E We can parse out WotC's press releases and blog posts all day long, but there are a few facts worth considering: 1. WotC knows they can't throw 4E players under the bus. They see the sales numbers and the DDI subscriptions. The loss of market...
  4. Vartan

    D&D 4E 4e's Equivalent to Pathfinder

    I think there are a lot of jerks on the internet, and going through another edition war isn't going to make them any less jerky. To be fair, there was alot of mudslinging from all involved. It didn't help that some of the 4E preview products took an "in your face" tone when making the argument...
  5. Vartan

    Move and then charge, or *only* charge in a round?

    True: I think I misread what you stated. Thanks for verifying! In a common usage scenario one could move/minor/standard, then AP and charge. I've played for DMs in the past who labor under the assumption that the action point action creates a strange pocket of time in which you forfeit all...
  6. Vartan

    Move and then charge, or *only* charge in a round?

    I believe you can. From Rules Compendium, p. 198: After the start phase of your turn you can take the three main actions; take any number of free actions; and spend an action point. You can take these actions in any order, or can skip any one of them.
  7. Vartan

    Focusing on the Positive

    What about 2E kits? :p Seriously, good observation about 3E/4E.
  8. Vartan

    Focusing on the Positive

    4E boasts a clear and robust rules system. Every class is combat-effective in a variety of ways. PCs are highly customizable and their design opens up a multitude of role-playing interpretations. 4E boasts a clear and robust rules system. Monster powers provide an imaginative and functional...
  9. Vartan

    ? for all those that use a VTT program currently

    My buddies and I have been using Masterplan's built in combat encounter functions to run our game. The DM (using a laptop) sits behind a LCD monitor hooked to the laptop. The DM sees everything he needs to run the encounter (including the map) on his screen while the players see the combat map...
  10. Vartan

    Online CB yea or nay?

    I voted no. The online CB has a lot of potential but as of now it's a step backwards in terms of functionality. Good Stuff: 1. It's a web app. 2. It looks amazing and the UI is very user-friendly. I can't complement the WotC developers enough on this point: aside from some nagging performance...
  11. Vartan

    New Character Builder from WotC!

    That would be pretty sweet.
  12. Vartan

    D&D 4E I miss 4E

    Well gee, if an Australian said it then it must be true ;)
  13. Vartan

    Educational benefits of D&D

    D&D was the "gateway drug" that got me hooked on studyinghumanities: literature, composition, history and political science are all part of the D&D experience. For others D&D was part fo the reason they learned higher math (just post this in a character optimization forum and you'll see what I...
  14. Vartan

    D&D 4E [4E only] What kind of miniatures do you use, if any?

    I'm mini-free thanks to Masterplan.
  15. Vartan

    Why is the original red box so special

    Sounds accurate to me, except for the part about competing with the MMO crowd: D&D isn't competing with WoW. D&D borrowed from MMOs in the same way that MMOs borrowed from D&D. D&D's developers see MMOs as a source of potential customers--to pretend otherwise would be silly--but D&D is still...
  16. Vartan

    RPG Documentaries: The Dungeon Masters, etc..

    I'd also like to see a good documentary about roleplaying games, something resembling an actual work of journalism that features interviews with relevant figures in the RPG industry and gives some perspective on the hobby's history, the gamer subculture and the influence of RPGs on popular...
  17. Vartan

    Why is the original red box so special

    Why is the original red box so special? Nostalgia. I started playing in 1990 when I was 11/12 years old and the Basic Rules boxed set was my introduction to the hobby, as I suspect it was for a lot of players between the time of its release 1991 and the publication of the Rules Cyclopedia in...
  18. Vartan

    The Red Box Smells Weird...

    My first impression, which was shared by a friend who hasn't gamed in ears, is that it smelled like MtG card circa the Mirage expansion. This lead to a long, drunken conversation about how strongly we associate memories with the distinct smells of new NES cartridges, TSR-era books, and Marvel...
  19. Vartan

    Themes: What's the Catch?

    That is pretty strong. I like the RP potential for that theme and its power, so I can handle its relative power. I haven't played or run 4E Dark Sun, and I don't know the extent (if any) to which the designers tried to emulate the difficulty level of 2E Dark Sun, but based on the setting's...
  20. Vartan

    OMG Nightmare player Help advice pls

    I don't believe that playing with the DM's wife/girlfriend is always doomed to failure, but if the DM's significant other is such a disruptive force in the game then (as others have said above) there's really little reason to think that the situation will be resolved. Dealing with problem...