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  1. M

    Castles and Crusades Pre-order available

    Instead of going to all that work, why not just phone or email?
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    The Fantastic Adventure

    Hello, I'm the author of the module and one of the original owners of Troll Lord Games. Handtrembler, I'm truly sorry you there was nothing of interest or value to you in "The Fantastic Adventure." A couple of facts, however, do need to be cleared up. The copy reviewed is not a d20 system...
  3. M

    I got to playtest Castles and Crusades!

    In response to Prime Evil's questions: I admit that I have a purely selfish reason for asking about the degree of Open Game Content in the C&C rules -- I am interested in putting up a website devoted to a long-running D&D campaign and would consider converting it to the C&C ruleset rather than...
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    I got to playtest Castles and Crusades!

    page count Each of the 3 core books will be 128 pages, $19.95.
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    Advice Needed -- D20 or OGL

    OGL Phil, I think the market is primed for more OGL games and less baggage attaches. Mac Golden
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    2nd Free Preview World Builder

    free Free Winona!
  7. M

    old edition books & history of (A)D&D

    hope this helps Sellars, I don't have any links handy, but I remember reading a general FAQ on DnD on the usenet message boards that covered the history of the game. If I am not mistaken, GOOGLE has archived the entire usenet boards. Look around on GOOGLE for a subsite, and then go in and do...
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    free idea - d20 keychain

    d20 keychain/pen How about this? You know those little mini dice? What about a pen on a rope ( ), with the pen slightly oversized and hollow on end so that you can store a whole set of mini dice in it. That would be great for convention goers. Con gamers are always needing a pen and...
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    comments to reviews

    How do you post comments to a review in the d20 guide. Can't seem to figure it out... :( Mac
  10. M

    Dragon Magazine Covers -- Classic

    covers Just fyi for those interested, the issues I was looking for are 83, 86, 89, 92, and 118. Thorntangle, I like 126 and 133 too -- those are Daniel Horne covers, who is now doing covers for Troll Lord Games. Thanks for the heads up on 118, I wasn't aware of that. A recent cover I really...
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    Dragon Magazine Covers -- Classic

    thanks! Thanks smetzgar and all! We just started a new campaign loosely based on Sherri Tepper's the True Game and are going to sue the chessboard pics as inspiration. Mac
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    Dragon Magazine Covers -- Classic

    Hello all, I was wondering if anyone knew where I could find an online resource/gallery of old Dragon Magazine covers. I'm am looking for the "chessboard" series. There were probably 3-4 in all. Thanks in advance, Mac
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    WotC Seeking Your Setting Proposals (was "Big Wizard announcement")

    it's off Grand total of 289 words. Mac Golden
  14. M

    WotC Seeking Your Setting Proposals (was "Big Wizard announcement")

    it's off Grand total of 289 words. Mac Golden
  15. M

    Troll lord games' THE CANTING CREW

    street urchin adventures Bolen, I like the street urchin angle and have used it in the past. Here are a couple of adventure ideas for the beginning levels. As you can noted in mentioning Oliver Twist, other stories of that era also lend themselves to ideas: (1) All the characters begin...
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    Some Questions for the TrollLord Crew

    Trolls and Enemies John, The trolls found in the MM do exist, but I would confine them to caverns and dungeons. I haven't seen the Divine and the Defeated, but it sounds as if the upper limits of that setting are much, much higher than what is consistent in Erde. The Mogrl were intended to...
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    Creature Catalog to be Published

    Clark and Scott, Looking forward to getting my hands on the finished product. Will it be hardback? Best, Mac Golden