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  1. S

    How do we know that is a sphere of annihilation?

    another one for the list of things Kender are useful for
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    Looking for tips on dragons in humanoid form

    right story, wrong character. Sturm was in love with the elf princess from Silvanost, it was one of the lesser main characters, an elf, who's name I can't recall at the moment from Qualinost, who IIRC, actually survived the whole war of the lance. Any more i couldn't tell ya, I stopped reading...
  3. S

    OotS #328 is up...

    definatley not the best. Still worthy of a chuckle
  4. S

    Favorite Dump Stat for Purely Roleplaying Reasons

    Depending on the character concept it's ussually charisma for fighter types. Gruff, grizzled veterans and all that. For spellcasters I generally drop strength. After all, all the wizards I play are ussually the bookish sort, though I try to keep them atleast around a 10. Booksih they may be, but...
  5. S

    When Players don't respect the DM's rules - Help!

    sounds to me like a few mistakes where made all the way 'round here. Pressureing Elephant to make peace so that everyone could get on with the game sounds like it might be what prompted Elephant to cave. Not that I'm saying that sort of thing was wrong. I mean, you guys came to play, to have...
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    what does your DM do with your character when your gone?

    normally, with the group I play in being spread out through three different cities, missing players are fairly common. Ussually the DM just plays them as if they where there. With full consequences and such. That said we do have a ranger (my brothers character) that has been stuffed in a bag of...
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    When Players don't respect the DM's rules - Help!

    You now what. I think this is hitting a point where it's time we all mutually agree to disagree and shut our metaphorical 'pie holes' and quit the argueing
  8. S

    OotS #323 is up

    Hmm, a sadistic halfling 'ranger' and a cunning and inventive elf wizard. I am seeing much pain and suffering in the next few updates. I hope that poor Roy doesn't end up haveing to use his booty amulet in order to get a lawyer in there to break things up
  9. S

    Top 10 odd D&D weapons

    beaten to it :]
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    When Players don't respect the DM's rules - Help!

    Okay Shadowslayer. I see where you're comeing from. Also I don't mean this as anything against you, for the most part I agree with what you're saying, however, in the sake of being as helpful as possible to the OP I'm gonna run with what you're saying. Hope ya don't mind, and if you do...well...
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    Wagon & cart overland speeds

    to increase your wagons speed, the first thing you need to do is atract the attention of a dragon. Once it picks it up and flies of, the cart should do about, oh 20 miles an hour, all the way to said dragons lair. Unfortunatley, the dragon in question is also liable to eat your horse(s) and...
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    When Players don't respect the DM's rules - Help!

    I agree with you, it is a co-operative sort of thing. The intent is to have fun for everyone. The problem here though is that the player in question was not cooperateing.
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    When Players don't respect the DM's rules - Help!

    My advice, talk, one on one, with some of the others in your group. Ask them "Am I being reasonible with my rules, trying to get the feel of things with as simple a game as possible?" Experienced players and especially DM's will most likely tell it to you straight, and with a great deal of...
  14. S

    You're the British military. Defend Avalon from my PCs.

    defend the Tor...an interesting plot device indeed. Now, unlike everyone here, I would not recomend the SAS or SBS. Elite and well equiped though they are, their orders come from way up in the chain of comand, and if the badguys don't have complete control over the military, getting them would...
  15. S

    Do You Consider Miniatures Painting And/Or Collecting Part Of Your RPG Hobby?

    for me, they are more a part of my gameing hobby then the gameing itself. I greatly enjoy painting them myself, though I am not yet as good as I want to be
  16. S

    Which DND God would you worship?

    Tamara from the draconomicon. Goddess of mercy and peaceful death at the end of a good life. Can't ask for much more then that really. That and killing the undead as a hobby sounds like fun
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    OOTS #322 up today (Sat June 10)

    go V, give him the same treatment as that chimera. Spiked tentacles of forced intrusion are definatley in order, followed by a baleful polymorph
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    OoTS #321

    Oh yes, In games I've played that would be the point when we would all throw dice at Elan's player. Too funny
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    allso check out 'Fuzzy Knights' a wonderful webcomic that shows some of the delights of Hackmaster, with cute fluffy critters
  20. S

    What are the biggest real-life hinderances to your gaming?

    My game group is scatered to the four winds. Since the end of highschool and real life began most of us have moved away, and though we try to get together, online and off, as much as we can, well, it takes weeks of planning to get one weekend of gameing in.