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  1. Croaker

    We have 99 Heroes of Neverwinter beta keys to give away

    Time Wasters Procrastination Sweet productivity loss Work time is for games
  2. Croaker

    Grappling questions in general...

    I have had a great deal of success with a grappling-oriented druid; a lot of wildshape options are great for grapplers, especially once you can go Large, and naturall weapons do a good bit of damage. One tactic I've been experimenting with lately is casting Airwalk, then using the "move...
  3. Croaker

    Pearls of Power and Spontaneous Casting

    Say a cleric gives up a Bless spell to spontaneously cast Cure Light Wounds, then uses a Pearl of Power I to recover the spell; what spell does she get back, Bless or Cure Light Wounds?
  4. Croaker

    Wildshape suggestions for a 5th level 7HD Druid?

    The best all-around combat shape at this level seems to be the panther: Medium size, decent stats, Pounce, Improved Grab, and Rake.
  5. Croaker

    Stat boost increasing poison DC?

    Would a temporary increase to Constitution (such as from Endurance or barbarian rage) increase the save DC of a creature's poison (according to the MM, poison DCs are 10+half racial HD+Con bonus)? Now that druids have access to both Endurance and the Ex special attacks of wild shape forms, I...
  6. Croaker

    general blueprint needed: a disarming mage

    Rather than wasting a feat on Snatch, just cast Unseen Servant and order it to follow you around, picking up any weapons that hit the floor and carrying them off to the limits of its range.
  7. Croaker

    Adamantine: What does it look like?

    To go waaaay back, in Gary Gygax's _Gord the Rogue_ books, adamantine was sky-blue in color.
  8. Croaker

    Wish spells

    Another way to deal with Wishes is to use the "Path of Least Resistance" school of thought: the Wish granter (or the powers of magic itself) apply the minimum amount of effort to achieve the result. Unless carefully worded, a demand for a greater intellect results in Fox's Cunning being...
  9. Croaker

    Trip and Stay down

    Since standing is only a Move action, they can always try to get up again once the AoO has been resolved, so all the Trip really does is deny them the opportunity to attack and/or move that round.
  10. Croaker

    [alignment] How long is the "step" for a Cleric?

    If anyone ever read the Maztica novels in the FR line (yeah, overall pretty cheesy books, but they support my point) they depict followers of Helm at their LE best: subjugating an entire people to enforce order, ruthlessly slaughtering thousands as vengeance for a single murder, and basically...
  11. Croaker

    D&D 3E/3.5 [3.5] scorching ray?

    In all the calculations for comparing Scorching Ray vs. Magic Missile vs. Melf's, were the possibilities of critical hits factored in? A 1/20 chance of 8d6 (compared to no chance for MM, or 4d4 for Melf's) has got to skew things in favor of SR, especially since at higher levels the caster gets...
  12. Croaker

    D&D 3E/3.5 [3.5] Noteworthy spell changes

    Identify now takes one hour to cast, affects only one item, and reveals all powers, activation requirements, and charges. Still costs a 100gp pearl for arcane casters, tho. All spells with the Teleportation descriptor have been moved from Transmutation to Conjuration. Eyebite is now a...
  13. Croaker

    D&D 3E/3.5 [3.5] Threat ranges no longer stack!

    quoted from Hong In the other d20 games crits are much more significant than in D&D, since they can mean instant incapacitation or death for any character, regardless of level. In Star Wars, crits do damage directly to WPs which go up very slowly, so a 20th level character is little better...
  14. Croaker

    D&D 3E/3.5 Does/should nondetection block detect magic? 3.5 update (kinda)

    I understand that in 3.5, specialists cannot choose Divination as a prohibited school, so maybe Detect Magic will be reclassified. That would solve the dilemma nicely.
  15. Croaker

    Urban Arcana Questions, Comments & Complaints

    Biofeedback=DR? What is the point of stating that Biofeedback changes some portion of damage dealt to nonlethal damage? Unless the victim has a strength modifier greater than their Constitution score, the net effect is identical to damage reduction. By dumping the concept of subdual damage in...
  16. Croaker

    Avoiding Being Disarmed.

    A tricky proposition Any thoughts about whether putting an Arcane Lock on a locking gauntlet would improve the bonus it grants against disarm attempts?
  17. Croaker

    Books to Game Plots

    American Gods by Neil Gaiman is an excellent book, and well suited to a story-oriented d20 Modern campaign--basically, gods and other supernatural creatures exist only as long as people believe in them (for instance, Eostre, the pagan fertility goddess, is going strong thanks to chocolate...
  18. Croaker

    Noticing a Scrying sensor

    Is only the target of a Scry spell entitled to notice the sensor, or does anyone in the area have a chance?
  19. Croaker

    Mistakenly Forgoing a Saving Throw

    Thanks for all the responses. As to the holy symbol issue, I would imagine that the Change Self would cover it with an appropriate image. Spellcraft can't be used untrained, however, so I would resist giving a fighter a chance to recognize a harmful spell that way--trying this trick on a...
  20. Croaker

    Mistakenly Forgoing a Saving Throw

    According to the PHB, creatures can voluntarily forgo a saving throw. What happens if the creature is tricked or coerced into giving up a save? Do they somehow realize that an effect is not desirable and instinctively resist it? Or do they have to suck it up? In most games I have run and...