• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Search results

  1. tylermalan

    Help me build a Ravenloft character

    How about a Cleric who has fallen out of favor with his god, but still get his powers somehow and doesn't know how or why? If I was the DM, I would love that character.
  2. tylermalan

    Pathfinder 1E Let's talk Magus!

    Arcane Mark is the spell that just marks an object with your sign, right? And I'm guessing Spell Combat activates every time you cast a spell? So you're trying to activate it with Shocking Grasp, which is a tougher spell to get off. What does Spell Combat do?
  3. tylermalan

    Pathfinder 1E Let's talk Magus!

    Yikes, that'll do it. Large size at level 1 is rough.
  4. tylermalan

    Pathfinder 1E Let's talk Magus!

    Well, he's large sized... is that constant? Is he a large race or something?
  5. tylermalan

    Pathfinder 1E Let's talk Magus!

    Sorry, I've no experience with the Magus. I don't even know what Spell Combat is! But I've heard the class is pretty OP.
  6. tylermalan

    Ask the Shadowrun line developer stuff

    Thanks! And I would agree - can't wait to play this!
  7. tylermalan

    Ask the Shadowrun line developer stuff

    Ahhh... I see. So, the skill is tied to the action. You say, "I want to gain access to a blocked system." You probably make a dice pool out of your character's Hacking skill combined with your deck's Attack attribute. And whichever program you choose to use for this will give you some kind...
  8. tylermalan

    Ask the Shadowrun line developer stuff

    Ah, so, are there multiple skills that fall under the general category of "hacking?" For instance, what skill would you use if you wanted to search for a node? And, as a bonus question, what would be an example of a good program that you might want to run alongside the usage of that skill...
  9. tylermalan

    Ask the Shadowrun line developer stuff

    So, when you run a program, say, Search... Or is that more of an action? So you want to search for a node, and your hacker decides to search in the matrix, what happens? You have a search program? Or you do the search action, and you use which stat? Nevermind, this has turned into a...
  10. tylermalan

    Ask the Shadowrun line developer stuff

    Man, wish I had the book so I knew what the hell you guys were talking about. And so, a more simple question(s). You mentioned that hackers in the matrix use the same mechanics as normal guys outside the matrix. Does this mean that programs got changed around? And you use a program tied with...
  11. tylermalan

    Shadowrun 5E - July 11th

    I, too, agree that the RPG spotlight thing is freakin great. As for my experience with Shadowrun, I've always been a huge fan of cyberpunk but don't like the idea of mixing magic with it. Nonetheless, Shadowrun has been my go-to game for cyberpunk gaming because it gets such good reviews...
  12. tylermalan

    Pathfinder 1E Post here if you're a PATHFINDER RPG fan!

    Definitely a fan! It's all I play right now, but the influx of games that are getting released this year will pull me away (CoC, Shadowrun, 13th Age)
  13. tylermalan

    Do You Read This News?

    I get the vast majority of my gaming news directly from this news page and website, and I rarely, if ever, get it anywhere else. I also read it every single day. The only thing that I would change about it is splitting the card games off from the boardgaming news section, as not only do I not...
  14. tylermalan

    UK Games Expo 2013

    Thanks a ton! It sounds like a blast. There are a bunch of new games that I've been wanting to try out but haven't had the people to play with yet (Netrunner among them). It really sounds easy to get into, so I'll be making an account on the site today!
  15. tylermalan

    UK Games Expo 2013

    Fairly easy to get in on games? Demo games for boardgames and card games?
  16. tylermalan

    UK Games Expo 2013

    That IS bizarre. So, is it going to be basically what I'm expecting?
  17. tylermalan

    UK Games Expo 2013

    Hey guys, I'm interested in going to UK Games Expo this year (my first year in the UK) but I'm a little tentative... I've never been to a gaming convention before and don't really know what to expect. I thoroughly checked out the site but I still don't know. I would most likely be going by...
  18. tylermalan

    Pathfinder 1E Instilling horror

    Yeah, totally. You gotta make sure they want what you want. That "serious talk" that I mentioned was basically just me making sure that they wanted a horror game, and then telling them what it will take to make it successful.
  19. tylermalan

    Pathfinder 1E Instilling horror

    The only way I've ever been able to curb the silliness is to make sure everyone is on the same page before the game starts. Even THAT didn't work for a long time, though, and I ended up having to have a fairly serious talk with my group about how atmosphere is EVERYTHING in horror, and that...
  20. tylermalan

    Pathfinder 1E Instilling horror

    Wow, deja vu. I actually did all of these things in the single most successful horror game I've ever run (which was Pathfinder). And successful it was. I've read a lot of posts in the past about how it's almost impossible to actually scare players/people in-game. Those posts were wrong...