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  1. sirwmholder

    Suggest Your "Rule of Three" Questions for Next Week (4/17)

    All three of my questions revolve around classes... Will classes be different enough to warrant being their own class instead of a build? How do mechanics distinguish one class from the next? Will Hybrid/Gestalt/Multiclass rules be flexible enough I can create a working Hybrid class without...
  2. sirwmholder

    A Question on Minions...

    Aye that was what I was thinking as well... just making sure I read the rules right. ;)
  3. sirwmholder

    A Question on Minions...

    I was wondering if this has been addressed yet... Minions don't die on a miss... so does that mean when a Wizard throws a ball of fire into a small room packed full of minions but rolls a two... the entire room escapes unscathe... or is it smoldering with unreconizable remains of countless dead...
  4. sirwmholder

    8 power sources. so what are the other 4?

    Trying to determine the 8 powers sources I think WotC showed their hand in the latest preview... the first three we know... 1. Martial 2. Arcane 3. Divine The following three are all but confirmed... 4. Shadow 5. Primal 6. Psionic Now I'm not going to pretend to know the last two but I would...
  5. sirwmholder

    D&D 4E making a witch in 4e

    In order to say how would I create a witch in 4e I'd have to first determine the intent. If it is a class available to players then I might would take the time to do what most everyone has suggested. But if a witch solely exist as an NPC then I believe the 4e way of handling monsters is give...
  6. sirwmholder

    Help me out. PoL. Why don't small towns get overrun?

    I tend to think of PoL as being similiar to "The Village" movie that came out a few years ago. The communities are hidden away and the locals have their own superstitions and hiding areas in case the things that go bump in the night wander too close. At night all doors are barred and windows...
  7. sirwmholder

    Greatest Moment While DMing

    Amazing guys... please keep 'em coming.
  8. sirwmholder

    EOM - 4th Edition Compatibility?

    I'd be interested to see what comes from this discussion... one thing that I have noticed from the teaser powers is that each power has a linked ability. I suspect 4e EoM would allow you to decide not only the range, area, and duration of a spell but also what linked effect, if any, takes...
  9. sirwmholder

    Help with Mad Kings Banquet Act 1 Skill Challenge

    Wow, very cool idea... Though I'm not sold on the Players having the choice or an easy, normal or hard check... I seem to recall a 5 was the DC for an easy skill check in the DMG... even untrained. I would probably set the normal DC as 15. Success by 10 or more equals 2 successes and failure...
  10. sirwmholder

    Bad GM rulings? How would you rule?

    Up to this point I agree whole heartedly... but I see combat taking place a bit differently. For instance... it's the BBEG's turn... standard action cast Ethereal... player uses Spellcraft... BBEG then takes his movement through the floor. PC Caster's turn... cast See Invisible... BBEG is no...
  11. sirwmholder

    Bad GM rulings? How would you rule?

    This statement has a high degree of truth to it... though I have sucessfully ran campaigns were characters have to make the hard choices. Are they going to let the village be overrun while they chase down the BBEG to end it once and for all or do they stay and fight off the invading horde? It...
  12. sirwmholder

    What are your favorite RBDM tricks?

    Have the BBEG create a "Fun House" out of multiple Mirror of Oppositions... then cast Mirror Image just to add to the mayhem... yeah, I like completely insane combat... especially when running a Carnival. William Holder
  13. sirwmholder

    Advice-Non-Standard Rogue turning mage

    Both actually... though truth be known I've always been partial to Mage Hand and Telekinesis type spells for distraction, utility and combat. William Holder EDIT: Removed an example that used a different spell list ;).
  14. sirwmholder

    Greatest Moment While DMing

    ROFLMAO... I mean... bad... bad DM no cookies for you! William Holder
  15. sirwmholder

    Greatest Moment While DMing

    Excellent stories! Keep 'em comin'. William Holder
  16. sirwmholder

    Advice-Non-Standard Rogue turning mage

    Depends on flavor... personally, I take Move (Force) as my first list everytime. Kind of like my signature spell list ;). One of the things we have discussed on these boards is Extra Spell List should grant 2 additional Spell List instead of 1. Back on topic... I could see a Rogue taking...
  17. sirwmholder

    D&D 4E So, which class will end up being the -Zilla of 4e?

    You know I'm not sure which class will be the -zilla... though I'm pretty sure it will be a Gish. Call me old fashioned but having a Fighter who trains as a Fighter his whole life... then one day crosstrains with the party Wizard so he can now sling a Fireball as good as a Wizard his level just...
  18. sirwmholder

    Limits of Transform...

    That could work... I want to create a visual that the creature that is radiating heat... something similar to Firestarter... the Caster launches an Ice Shard attack ( Evoke Ice 4 / Gen 1 , Range)... the five shards quicly melt as they approach the BBEG... becoming steam before finally reaching...
  19. sirwmholder

    Limits of Transform...

    I know that you can target a creature or object with transform. However, would it be totally broken to allow a Transform Specialist to target spells? An idea came to me when looking over transform. Here is the set up for the next BBEG the party may face... Transform into a Fire Elemental for...
  20. sirwmholder

    Moronic Questions/Clarification

    Ah, I can see that now... please forgive my ramblings above :). And it has given me something to ponder... I'll start that in a new thread :). William Holder