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  1. B

    D&D 3E/3.5 [3.5] Help needed with magical items pricing

    Thank you for your replies. The thing is that there is a guy in a game I'm in that has an item with bonuses I mentioned above and the item costs 16k (or in other word just a sum of those enchantment costs, no penalties whatsoever for stacking them to the same item). If the DM rolls with it I'm...
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    D&D 3E/3.5 [3.5] Help needed with magical items pricing

    Hi, I haven't played 3.5 in quite a while and got a little rusty with rules interpretation. The problem I'm having is this: How would you price a magic item that gives +2 natural armor bonus, +2 wisdom bonus and +2 resistance bonus to saves? As far as I remember the rules you add the first...
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    What can you make of Psychic Warrior?

    So, decided to go with the battlefield control option. Stats as following: Str 17, Dex 14, Con 16, Int 13, Wis 16, Cha 12 Questions: 1) Elan for some extra survivability (quick boost to saves via (Enhanced) Elan Resistance) and the aberration type or human for the extra feat and skill points...
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    What can you make of Psychic Warrior?

    Hello everyone, I'm about to start playing as a PW and the only one I've been able to make myself is a tripmonkey Elan with some very nice defensive capabilities (Enhanced Elan Resilience & Resistance). I'm curious what other decent builds are possible with PW when you've got a narrow book...
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    Equipment for a lvl 10 cleric

    Depending on how important your domain granted powers are to you you could sacrifice one of them at level 3 and take Divine Restoration ACF from Dungeonscape. It grants you the ability to spontaneously cast Restoration spells by sacrificing a spell slot of appropriate level.
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    Damage sources for a melee cleric who isn't buffing a lot

    Or a quiver of +1 Impaling longspears ftw :D
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    Damage sources for a melee cleric who isn't buffing a lot

    A significant boost in damage would be the ability to make touch attacks with your weapon in conjunction with power attack. This is doable via two fairly cheap solutions: 1) Impaling weapon enchantment from MIC. Only a +1 bonus, can be bestowed on piercing weapons only and it allows you to make...
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    Template or race for unseen seer build?

    Arcane prestige class with full spellcasting that progresses sneak attack and gains bonus to caster level for divination spell. Can obtain 3 divination spells from other classes lists and ad them to your own list. This is largely used to get Ranger's (I think) spell Hunter's Eye. This spell...
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    Order of the Bow, Close Combat, and AOO's, oh my!

    If your player has ranger spellcasting he can use Arrow Mind spell. The benefits are that he doesn't provoke AoOs when shooting while in another's creature threatened square and he threatens the squares within his normal melee reach and can make AoOs with his bow.
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    Template or race for unseen seer build?

    Hi all, I'm joining a game soon and the DM is giving two free LA. Since I haven't had much experience with templates a question arise: which template or race would be good for unseen seer? Also if the DM allows feats instead of those LA which one would you prefer? Please name the source for...
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    Suggestions for a melee Cleric

    Another good ACF that you may consider is Divine Restoration (from Dungeonscape IIRC). You lose one of your domains granted power and gain the ability to spontaneously cast Restoration line of spells by expending the spell slot of the same level as Restoration spell you cast. The usefulness of...
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    Help needed with unseen seer build

    Hi all, I'm building a backup character for the campaign I'm in (I already sought advice for my current character and I'm gratefull for the help that was provided). For this backup character I decided to finally give it a try with arcane magic since I have never done it before. The combo I...
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    New player, new character: Looking for advice

    Hi Theroc, Reading through your posts I figure you could give it a try with Favored Soul class from Complete Divine. I know CD isn't one of the books you listed but this can easily be fixed :). Favored soul is divine caster with all good saves, medium BAB and d8 HD. He casts spells from the...
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    Feat and further build suggestion for 9th level cleric

    It is cheaper but I'm playing Cloistered Cleric from Unearthed Arcana which gets light armor proficiency only.
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    Feat and further build suggestion for 9th level cleric

    Would this apply even if you don't carry/use a shield? Thanks for that feat list, it really makes my day a lot easier when I can browse only one book instead of 50+ books :).
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    Anybody tried The Champion by Rich Burlew?

    I'm thinking about a backup character for the campaign I'm in (playing cleric currently) and I run into this. Champion form is quite attractive due to the possibility to get some insane stats before any item boost. So, any experiences with this? How did it do in a game?
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    Feat and further build suggestion for 9th level cleric

    Thanks for you help so far, you're great :) @ insanogeddon: I will be AFB for the day but will check those feats, especially Sacred Vitality. @ StreamOfTheSky: I agree that losing a CL with Marshal just to up the turn modifier is not worth it. Now, as I recall there were a number of spells in...
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    Knight PrCs?

    As the others said there are no many PrCs suitable for Knight, though he is pretty nice on his own and his 17th and 20th abilities rock. The thing that troubles me with Knight is that he doesn't have Diplomacy as class skill and his weak Fortitude save. You may talk about this with your DM and...
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    new campaign, build suggestions

    If you decide to go warhulk and can spare to put 14 in wisdom adding 7 levels of cleric for Divine Power could do good. Of course, the playability of a build like this depends on your starting level but full BAB with tons of strength and power attack looks very nice :)
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    Feat and further build suggestion for 9th level cleric

    I never thought that special armor enchantments can be attached to bracers of armor, thanks a ton for this :). Can you also use Augment Crystals with bracers of armor? Regarding the monk belt: with this DM it will give wis + 1 AC and considering monsters he throws at us (CR 13 dragon with 8th...