• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Search results

  1. M

    GURPS Firefly: Sooners

    I'm glad you had a good time. It was one of the most fun sessions I've had as a GM, too. I don't have a lot of notes from the session. Firefly doesn't involve much that's beyond the scope of the basic GURPS rules, and what it does -- the blue men, River's abilities, etc. -- I didn't use. If...
  2. M

    Kobolds Ate My Baby

    I'm going to have to back out (i.e., FAIL), too, I'm afraid. ALL HAIL KING TORG!
  3. M

    GURPS Firefly: Sooners

    I've updated the even description with character bios. Don't feel as if you have to choose now, but having some sense which you might like to play could save us some time. Note also that there's one slot open, if anyone wants to reserve a seat at the table.
  4. M

    Kobolds Ate My Baby

    I'd love to make this my (Saturday) afternoon game, if possible.
  5. M

    GURPS Firefly: Sooners

    What do rich folks do when even a floating island on Bellerophon isn't exclusive or private enough? Terraform their own asteroid, of course. There's one being completed right now, and you've been tipped off that all that expensive equipment is hardly even guarded. This could be a *big*...
  6. M

    How Many More GMs?

    I'm thinking about running a game, but I can't decide whether I should go for a morning slot or an afternoon slot until I have a better sense of the other games being offered.