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  1. Celestial Weasel

    Fool's Unite !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I'm a fool too!! Well Doc, know that you are not alone. I too was born on April 1st (in 1972) and I'm celebrating "The Big Three-O" this year. For me, the teasing started the moment I was born. The story goes that when I was born the doctor said "It's a boy!" This being before most people...
  2. Celestial Weasel

    "Modern" science in D&D

    We just had a new player in our game try to explain a bunch of his traits/stats by saying his character had inherited this from his mother and that from his father. The player seemed kinda upset when the DM told him that genetics just didn't work the same way in the campaign world. He just...
  3. Celestial Weasel

    Comedy in D&D, good or bad?

    I think that if your group wants comedy, there is not going to be much you can do about it. I know that our group is always coming up with one liners and comments that sometimes make it into the game. Especially with names. For example, one shaman we were fighting was named "Shakas"...
  4. Celestial Weasel

    (OT) Wizards, Sorcerors, and Mages Oh MY!

    Well, if you are just looking for new names, you could try Roget's or your favorite thesarus. The thesarus in my (ancient) copy of Word has these for magician: conjurer sorcerer wizard shaman charmer diviner enchanter seer soothsayer Granted, some of these aren't strictly magic users, but...
  5. Celestial Weasel

    Your character does WHAT?!!!

    Two stories, one of which actually worked. The first: Our party was hired to find out who (or what) was killing trade caravans on the road into town. We come to find out that it is minions of the evil god "The Dark Earth Father" (think Gaia but considers all life to be parasites). In the...
  6. Celestial Weasel

    Need help killin a 18th level cleric or a 17th level monk.

    If you have a decent Use Magic Device score, take a look at all the scrolls. They are super cheap for what you can get. It all depends on how much of a risk you are willing to take, too. You could always get a 9th level scroll and hope against hope that you can make it work right.
  7. Celestial Weasel

    [OT] The Weasels are Here!

    Hey, what's this talk I hear about cookin' up weasels? Us weasels have to stick together!
  8. Celestial Weasel

    Most Powerful Phb Race!

    It's pretty easy to see why halflings rock. For AC, they get +1 for size, and a further +1 for dex. For thrown weapons, they get +1 for size, +1 racial bonus AND +1 for dex. That's +3 without any other modifiers! They make awesome rogues and superb wizards. No matter what anyone says, AC bonus...
  9. Celestial Weasel

    Do weapon proficiencies apply to all sizes of weapons?

    The weapon proficiencies are not based on blade-length to height ratio. They are based on reasonable skills a person of a profession gains. Halflings get weapon proficiencies of comparatively larger weapons because they live in a bigger persons world.
  10. Celestial Weasel

    Who had to change their username?

    I was Sylvia/Sylvester, but decided to give my familiar a go instead.