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Your character does WHAT?!!!



That's the worst "1" result I've ever heard!

The description of this incident really left me fuming. Every other mishap described in this thread is the result of player stupidity or bad judgement, but this one is all the DM's fault. What was the character guilty of? Tripping on a trapped tile. Ooooh, the sin! The transgression! Trying to use a grappling hook to get out of the pit sounds like a great idea. However, the lazy DM opted to have the dice determine the hapless characters fate. At worse, a 1 should have resulted in losing the grappling hook, perhaps, or having it bonk the character in the head on the way back down. It SHOULDN'T have resulted in the characters death and eternal damnation!

Grrrr...whoever DMed that session should be flogged!

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Just a lurker
High Level Fun

Okay. One of the characters in the group I DM is a lawful good cleric of Serra (long story - pretend I said Heironeous). Due to certain campaign events, the church of Serra, new to the world and trying to establish itself, found itself at odds with the church of Solarus (think Pelor). The cleric, told that Solarus and his church are corrupt, decides to start a holy war to wipe them out. The funny thing is, the character *knows* that Solarus is not corrupt at all and that his goddess is being manipulated by the god Apollo (trickster god who in the past thousand years has lost most of his worshippers to Solarus). But he decides to start his war anyway.

His principal foe is the paladin-realm of Gotheth, considered by most to be the greatest military power on the continent and indeed the next rising empire. So he travels to the east to the nation-state of Aminadab, a lawful evil militocracy with a standing professional army, whose patron god is Hextor. Aminadab is not very expansionistic, but is irked that Gotheth is considered greater than they and has been for some time looking for a chance to test its might against that of Gotheth. With a Diplomacy roll in the upper thirties, the cleric convinces Aminadab to march through the territory of its neighboring state Zephim to attack the Gotheth-controlled territory of Entau. Aminadab, in a year-long war, manages to drive Gotheth out of most of Entau.

Now, Entau has been the base of operations of our party for some time. It used to be an evil magocracy (think Thay), but was rent by civil war for several years, threatening to collapse into anarchy, before Gotheth came in and took over in a "peace action". The Entauns didn't like being ruled by Gotheth, and they don't like being ruled by Aminadab, nor do they wish to be ruled by the Serrans when Amindab leaves (Aminadab has granted rulership of that land to the Serran church). With his Leadership feat, our Fighter (True Neutral with Good tendencies) begins raising an army in the countryside, training them to fight against Aminadab and against the Serrans. (Yes, our party is pretty split up.) So when the Cleric visits the Fighter and sees this, he alerts the Aminadab forces to the existence of this treasonous band! He tells Aminadab to "go easy on him [the Fighter]". Needless to say, the Fighter is now a wanted criminal, to be killed on sight.

Over the course of the next year (game time), the Gothethian heavy cavalry proves no match for Aminadab efficiency (and pikes). Gotheth falls to Aminadab. The party spends some time in the Doppel plane (see MotP) and returns to find that 16 years have passed. The elven nation of Sylandrea is just north of what are now Amindab-controlled territories, and the party feels that it might soon be threatened by the might of this growing empire. So our Neutral Good elven ranger travels back to the Doppel plane, where the elves of Sylandrea are lawful-evil worshippers of Lolth. She requests soldiers from the doppel-elven-king to train the 'real' elves in case Aminadab should attack. In return, she agrees to provide reconnaissance, scouting out locations in Aminadab-controlled locations so that the doppel-elves can easily plane shift and make slave raids! She never thought that the evil elves might be just as happy to take peasants as slaves as Aminadab soldiers.

Yes, I am an Evil DM (tm).

Wild Karrde

First Post
This one took place a few months ago. The group had gotten into this nasty little habit of sipping various potions to see what kind of effect they would have on us. For instance we'd sip it and the DM would say something like "you feel a little better" so then we'd know it was a potion of healing.

Anyway my friend (playing the paladin) found four bottles stoppered and sealed with wax. Everyone in the group was leary since they were all sealed up. While we're discussing what to do with them he decides to pull the sealed stopper out using his teeth so then he can sip it...ummm...Can anyone say alchemists fire? haha


Two stories, both about characters from the same player.
  1. A chaotic good cleric (of the War God of my home-brew campaign) has traveled with the party to a section of the world that is a "lost world" type of place, with dinosaurs, volcanoes, etc. He decides that he is going to leave the safety of the local fort and try to charm and tame a Velociraptor (think straight from Jurassic Park.) He sneaks away from the party, and sets off into the Jungle. Simply put, one successful save and about 35 points of damage later, he sneaks back in, with tattered armor and outfit, and never says one word to the rest of party about his "interesting side venture."
  2. A Monk has scouted ahead from the rest of the party, and comes across a natural stone incline abutting a cavern wall, leading up to further into the dungeon. Below the incline is an underground river that eventually lets out the side of a mountain into some prairie land below.

    The Monk notices that the stone incline is COVERED in Green Slime. (I described it as "a patch of greenish slime, covering the incline at the halfway point") Not having caught on to what this could potentially be, she decides that she is going to take off her footwear to avoid slipping on the slime. The roll worked out such that she would only fail if the player rolled a 2 or less. Then I uttered those dreadful words, the words of doom:

    "You need to roll a 3 or better to succeed."

    The player rolled a 2. I ruled that the Monk had slipped, and was clinging to the ledge. The front of the character is now covered in Green Slime from neck to toe.

    I gave the player a chance to recover by rolling a DEX check (DC 15 to recover).

    The player rolled a 1.

    The monk plunged headlong into the icy waters. She needed a swimming check to succeed fighting the powerful current (still covered in Green slime, mind you) She had a DC 20 to succeed. She had a Swim of +10.

    The player rolled a 3.

    Fortunately, they found the body about a day later, after leaving the caverns. Had I been particularly cruel, they shouldn't have found the body at all - just a patch of green slime on the riverbanks outside the caverns. :)

    Of course, most of the disaster stories I have involve this one particular player going off on his own. Just this past weekend, his character in our Flat Earth Campaign died after seducing three nymphomaniacal female vampires into a sexual encounter. Fortunately, this gave us the 3 minutes and the diversion we needed to find an artifact in a temple overrun by vampires.

    Thanks, my friend, for "taking one for the team." :D


I've seen bars burned down, and one man suicide attempts... but this one was my favorite.

Jordan, a first level rouge, burned down half a town because he was angry with the bar. Then he ran off, and returned to find the local authorities rallying the town.

The authorities knew it was Jordan who led the inferno, but they were more interested in killing the Orcish hordes to the West. They would rally the town to exterminate them durring this speech.

Jordan snuck all the way up to the speakers position, pushed him out of the way and screemed "the orcs didn't do it!" The constable drew his sword and held it against Jordans face. Jordan wanted to influence this mob, which of course had a mob mentality to follow the first person to speak with them.

Before Jordan could continue ranting and get stabbed, Bobby (a 1st level half orc barbarian) ran to his aid and knocked him out of the way. Then bobby lobbed Jordans body over his shoulder and ran...

Thats all the authorities needed to influence the town that the orc's were responsible...


First Post
We've got a player who's a specialist.

He made so much mistakes at Ars Magica we're still laugh. Example: after a king of gnome-like faeries gave us 50 Terram virtus (a huge load of raw magical power), but adding that he wanted this debt to be repayed: "What a bitch !" ...

Another time, our mages were discussing about a problem with evil feys in a nearby forest, whose presence was making every plant less fertile -- to the point that a famine was threatening. He say "I'll meditate one quarter of hour outside". Rather than meditate, he go investigate the cave of the evil feys. Its is strongly inclined (something like 60°), and wet, thus slippery. It's also dark, so he tries to cast a light spell. He botches it, and is blinded by his spell. Nothing wrong with poor luck. However, despite being blinded, he choose to enter the cave nonetheless. After some hard encounters with stalactites and stalagmites, he crawl outside. The morning after, we see him crawling back to the covenant, clothes tattered, face burnt, and with small wounds everywhere.

With another mage, while we where before a labyrinth where a mage has been trapped in a stasis field, the gatekeeper explains: "only the bravest and most pious of the knights could deliver the wizard from the labyrinth [unfortunately, said knight died in our trip to the place -- precisely because of that character, who've failed a check and fall in an avalanch, and the knight hushed to rescue her, only to be taken also by the avalanch. We've been able to rescue the mage, but not the knight.]. Furthermore, if one of you enter this place, know that your magic won't help you, as all magic is stripped from those who enter." The frail mageress: "I'll try." Luckily for her, the first encounter of the labyrinth was a very slow skeleton, who did minimal damage on its attack. So, she could crawl back to safety, her belly half-open in two by an axe blow.

In our first D&D adventure, our level 1 characters were investigating a so-called haunted house (who was in fact haunted only by illusions and slavers who found in the house's cave a passage to an underdark caravan trail). While we're in the house, discussing of what we should do, his halfling rogue take a torch and say "you're boring with your endless talk, I'll check the cave alone". Luckily for him, the orcs below were slavers, not cannibal, so we found him alive but unconscious in a little cage latter.

Some quotes of that player:
"Yes, it's a trap, but since we know it's a trap, we can be cautious and we won't have any trouble"

He is also a specialist of confused explanations. In that same game, we were tasked with retrieving dwarves for a dwarvish organization. It turned out that this organization were the villain of the story, bent on killing all dwarves that have some individualistic mindset (in that setting, most dwarves are almost like robots, because of their origin as a slave race: they are made to work, and the only thing that please them is working; however some dwarves are free-willed; and this organization considered free-willed dwarves as an aberration, ironically they were all themselves free-willed dwarves...). So, we found one of these "renegade" dwarves in the guise of human, polymorphed by an evil wizard against nearly all his money. The dwarves thought to be well hidden this way, but the polymorphing had the side effect of making him age too fast. Like 1 year older each day.
Anyway, our character got arrested and put in jail, and to lessen his sentence, he want to reveal things to the authorities.
"I can talk to you about the Purifier"
"What's that"
"They're dwarves who've a blast at blasting dwarves. They kill dwarves."
"Huh... Well, can you be more explicit ? Give names ?"
"Yes, there's <someone> who have seen a wizard to make himself old, and..."

And he's like that everytime...

Celestial Weasel

First Post
Two stories, one of which actually worked.

The first: Our party was hired to find out who (or what) was killing trade caravans on the road into town. We come to find out that it is minions of the evil god "The Dark Earth Father" (think Gaia but considers all life to be parasites). In the process of finding this out, we capture a brain-washed minion. We interrogate, find out some information, and decide to let the guy go because the brainwashing seems to have worn off. Everything seems to be going well so far... As soon as he sets foot on the dirt road outside the inn where we were staying the evil god strikes him down. So the cleric in our group (for the god of chaos) decides to go through the body's pockets to get the gold that we had given the guy. In front of the inn. In front of some guards. Then the cleric decides to take the body back upstairs and starts to haul him up the steps of the inn by the ankles, head bouncing on the steps. "Hey, he's already dead!!" Halfway up he gets tired and lets go of the body, which promtly rolls down the stairs and out of the door to the feet of the guards which were there to investigate the "mugging" they had witnessed. Needless to say we all ended up in the jail for the night.

The second: Later in the game we come across an old school of magic which has been abandoned. At the top of the pyramidral school there is an extra-dimentional space in which the old head mage of the school was living, having been turned into a lich (something like 15th level) by his rival. Well, the DM wanted us to get some info from the lich so the lich was semi-good, in that he was trying to restrain himself from tearing us limb from limb. He also let it be known that he really didn't want to be a lich and just wanted to cease to exist. So we were supposed to talk to this guy, get the info, and then leave. Well, my character (a second level wild mage) was feeling sentimental (this was the guy who was supposed to have founded her University) and decides to cast a Reckless Dweomer based on Disrupt Undead (a zero level spell) to put the guy out of his misery. I basically needed to roll a wish, which at that time was a 99 or 100 on a percentile roll or else the entire party would be toast. I rolled a 99. Whew!:D


First Post
Well, here are a couple of really stupid instancs that have occurred over the years.

1. I once had a really dumb player try to steal a halberd out of a weaponsmith's shop with his GNOME character- said he would slip it under his cloak. I asked if he knew what a halberd was, and knew what his size was- he went ahead with it, and the shopkeep took it away and beat him over the head with the haft until the guard came. th rest of the PCs stood by and watched, either too stupified with what he did or laughing too hard to try and rescue him.

2. While running the original Ravenloft advnture with 10 :)confused: ) players, one of the characters came up with th bright plan of luring Strahd into a trap without telling the other PCs. His plan? Walk up to Strahd, slap him in the face, and take off running like a little girl, returning to the party so they could all "gank" him together when he wasn't expecting it. Funny, no one remembered vampires can go ethereal. :p

3. Ok, in this last one, the guy wasn't stupid, but his character was, and he was a pyro. He was playing a thief (2nd ed) and was trying to burglarize a house to retrieve a priceless art object for his guild. He climbed up to a window, only to find it locked. Examining the window closely, he found the glass was held in place by a wooden frame. Thinking quickly, "wood burns, so I will burn the supports out of the window", he lit the frame, followed by the curtains, the ceiling of the house, and in short order had a nice housefire going. He fell off the house, broke his leg, and barely made it away before the house collapsed and the guard came. The guild wasn't too happy about the loss of the art object either.


First Post

we are playing a all wizard and sorcerer campaign.

During one adventure we were fighting two mechanical storm giants with croquet mallets and derby hats. During the fight two of the party members went unconcious. One very young wizard thought to try and save the two allies, by casting otiluke's resiliant sphere around them all.

The giant hit the sphere about 450 feet with his mallet making it Boy Wonder's death ball. The spell is now called otilukes red sphere.

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